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Starship upgrades grade 7 unlocked for character in collections?


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  • 4 months later...

So I put a support ticket in for this and got a response.


Thank you for contacting us about the request for help with the Starship equipment in your collections. Apologies for the delay on my response and the confusion this issue has caused you. I understand why you would like to check these items in your collections and I was able to investigate on your case.


Upon checking on your characters Kasuni and Engee, I found that you have the grade 7 items equiped to your ship. I also found that it says on the item that you can check it on your collections in order for you to duplicate it for your other character. However, upon checking on the previous updates and community forums, this items are no longer available in the collections.


For more information about it, you can check this thread about the grade 7 starship:






You can submit a suggestion through our suggestion box and rest assured our team and developers will take note of it. Here's the link to our suggestion box:




If there is anything else that myself or one of my colleagues can help with aside from the starship items in collections please let us know and we will be more than happy to help. Please note our system automatically closes tickets we respond to but if you contact us again with this ticket number, I will see it and pick it back up and get back to you asap.


At this point it looks like all we can do is add this to the suggestion box. I plan to put it in. Feel free to add your name to it. Hopefully we can get it put back in.

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