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Easy to respec


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Hey im thinking of playing a Mercenary as i can play DPS and Healer. But how easy is it to respec. You have to pay a bit of money yes? but would i need new gear and weapons kinda like wow to increase healer ability.


I Wouldnt mind being a full time healer if the animations didnt look terrible/boring for healing. You kind of just tap at your wrist and someones healed. we just need a healer for group content.

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Stat wise, you should be ok. But the respec cost will get pricey real quick. We have people who were just playing around with their specs and they are already paying 60k credits per respec.


Depending on what you are doing, a hybrid build can be successful (PVP).

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First respec is free the second is just 450 so not too terribly expensive unless your a respec king who is never satisfied, then the game will begin to penalize you. Stat wise there is no real difference untill your min maxing at endgame. And thank god there is no pesky glyph system in here, which is just a whole nother talent tree.... Edited by Irishbrewed
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hmm is there any good hybrid specs for merc? healer/dps trees. enough healing power to do flashpoints but also do dmg in pvp or maybe dps.


I've not been able to make a hybrid spec work yet (PVP). But, I've seen some people excell with them. Maybe it's just play style, I assume.

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hmm is there any good hybrid specs for merc? healer/dps trees. enough healing power to do flashpoints but also do dmg in pvp or maybe dps.


Read the sticky Ask a Merc... For the record an Aresenal specced merc who is a decent player can heal most flash points as long as your party doesn't stand in the fire.... But yes a hybrid dps/heal spec is viable

Edited by Irishbrewed
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hmm is there any good hybrid specs for merc? healer/dps trees. enough healing power to do flashpoints but also do dmg in pvp or maybe dps.


I've healed all of the heroics and flashpoints up to Mando Raiders (lvl 27 atm). With a decent group and smart CC's and stuns/interrupts/etc it isn't a problem at all. You need a real tank and not DPS tanking. Also if there is no tank, you end up heal tanking a lot which isn't a ton of fun. I have a good time with good groups though. Getting to CC, stun, heal, dps etc is a blast. The better the group, the more DPS'ing you can do, as long as a squishy DPS doesn't keep pulling aggro and getting owned.


I'm fully Arsenal and there is no need to spec into Bodyguard so far (lvl 27). Just make sure you focus on Aim and Crit (power is fine if you can't get crit). If you focus on Endurance, your heals will suck and you'll have a lot of health so healing yourself will feel weak/useless.

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I'm currently level 25 and have been spec'ing purely Arsenal for now. I agree that you already get decent heals for groups without bodyguard. I'll probably pepper a few extra points into the vent heat reduction skill and some stat buffs.


I've been pretty stacked in Aim and have been trying to balance it out with some Cunning. I haven't seen anyone mention it. I thought that it was an essential stat for BH/Merc. Does it just help the Pyro skills?


Also, what does the Power stat effect? I can guess Critical.

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I'm currently level 25 and have been spec'ing purely Arsenal for now. I agree that you already get decent heals for groups without bodyguard. I'll probably pepper a few extra points into the vent heat reduction skill and some stat buffs.


I've been pretty stacked in Aim and have been trying to balance it out with some Cunning. I haven't seen anyone mention it. I thought that it was an essential stat for BH/Merc. Does it just help the Pyro skills?


Also, what does the Power stat effect? I can guess Critical.


Basically a generic stat that increases both damage and healing of all abilities regardless of type (force, tech etc). Don't know if someone has broken down how much 1 point of power affects each area though.

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Stat wise, you should be ok. But the respec cost will get pricey real quick. We have people who were just playing around with their specs and they are already paying 60k credits per respec.


Depending on what you are doing, a hybrid build can be successful (PVP).


60k ... that's ridiculous. There needs to be a cap on that. And if that's the cap, that's sad. People will start buying credits from farmers just to respec. As much as I hate WoW, duel spec is an awesome idea and something I miss.

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