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Class Missions


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I have been playing SWTOR for about 6 years now and I have been through all the Class Mission Story Lines. I create new characters within the same story line to have a variety of toons and was thinking, "Hmm, there should be a Legacy Travel Perk that will teleport you to your next phase in your Class Mission." Similar to using the Heroic's Quick Travel mission item. The constant running around from area to area within one planet gets a little tiring after seeing it completely the first few times you've done it. I would greatly appreciate this add-on to the game and I know many others who would feel the same. Thank you!
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IDK, to me wouldn't that just make the game do a mission, click a button to go to the next one, then do a mission, lather, rinse, repeat? Kind of like the whole story is a series of heroics with some interspersed cut scenes. I wouldn't begrudge anyone who wanted that, but it's not something I would want and would certainly turn me off to the game.
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Yeah, I'm with the "what would the point of that be?" crowd.


I recently created a character, before it was well-known, to see what the Master's Datacron gives in terms of gear. This character was able to race through the class story much faster because she didn't have to do anything else along the way. No heroics, no Story Arc, no side or exploration missions, no flashpoints, nothing. It goes pretty damned fast even with running around all over, because it isn't *all* over, just some of it.


And I enjoy tooling around looking at the world on my new PC, where I can turn *everything* in the graphics settings all the way up to the max of the max on 1920x1080, and it *still* doesn't manage 100% utilisation of the GPU.

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While some people might think it'd be good, i don't think that way, because you just miss a lot of the game, the scenario, the bonus quests, etc.

Besides, it doesn't even take that long to get from one place to another, at least not enough to justify that imo.

Edited by Tipernambuco
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While some people might think it'd be good, i don't think that way, because you just miss a lot of the game, the scenario, the bonus quests, etc.

Besides, it doesn't even take that long to get from one place to another, at least not enough to justify that imo.


Yeah, especially when you can unlock the cooldown for porting for pretty much nothing on the legacy panel.

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I think you all are missing the point that this is an option, not mandatory. You can still look at all of your beautiful graphics on your own time, if that's what you like to do in your free time. If you want to spend 15 minutes traveling from one location to another, you still have that option. Do not click the teleportation button. This is a post mostly for players that have reached a point in the game were raiding and/or ranked pvp is the main objective. To me and many others I know, the thrill comes from the challenging Operations and Flashpoints this game has to offer, working as a group to accomplish one goal.
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I think you all are missing the point that this is an option, not mandatory. You can still look at all of your beautiful graphics on your own time, if that's what you like to do in your free time. If you want to spend 15 minutes traveling from one location to another, you still have that option. Do not click the teleportation button. This is a post mostly for players that have reached a point in the game were raiding and/or ranked pvp is the main objective. To me and many others I know, the thrill comes from the challenging Operations and Flashpoints this game has to offer, working as a group to accomplish one goal.


But you can already jump around. With the addition of the galaxy map, and unlocking the teleport button cooldown, you can jump indefinitely.

Edited by Dracofish
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