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Message for développer! PLZ READ IT!!!


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Playing ur game since 6 year

Sorry for my bad English but I have to speak u English becuz I think have a omerta about Rava and Mara profession in ur FORUM, u have to nerf it immediately!

About 45% of player is Rava or Mara, pose u 1 question, why???

PVP is impossible, I have 7 professions stuffed at 246 and all Mara or Rava 220 kill me on 5 sec, is not normal!

All Mara or Rava can root me and bring me 75% of my life!!!!


I repeat, I think have omerta on ur forum and many Rava or Mara don’t want u nerf that profession, but plz, play ur game and u will se what I try to tell u!!!

This game is dean if u don’t equilibrate PVP playing!!!

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Is this another nerf mara thread?


Lol honestly I'd normally say that maras have historically been among the most balanced classes. There's just a wide gap right now between survivability between classes.


Sniper/merc > mara (and maybe operative idk) > shadow/guardian/sorc/pt


Dps wise, well duh a mara is going to have the highest dps and they really should since that's all they can do. Damage is literally a maras only purpose.

Edited by KendraP
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Playing ur game since 6 year

Sorry for my bad English but I have to speak u English becuz I think have a omerta about Rava and Mara profession in ur FORUM, u have to nerf it immediately!

About 45% of player is Rava or Mara, pose u 1 question, why???

PVP is impossible, I have 7 professions stuffed at 246 and all Mara or Rava 220 kill me on 5 sec, is not normal!

All Mara or Rava can root me and bring me 75% of my life!!!!


I repeat, I think have omerta on ur forum and many Rava or Mara don’t want u nerf that profession, but plz, play ur game and u will se what I try to tell u!!!

This game is dean if u don’t equilibrate PVP playing!!!


i'd imagine a stroke would manifest in a similar fashion.

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Playing ur game since 6 year

Sorry for my bad English but I have to speak u English becuz I think have a omerta about Rava and Mara profession in ur FORUM, u have to nerf it immediately!

About 45% of player is Rava or Mara, pose u 1 question, why???

PVP is impossible, I have 7 professions stuffed at 246 and all Mara or Rava 220 kill me on 5 sec, is not normal!

All Mara or Rava can root me and bring me 75% of my life!!!!


I repeat, I think have omerta on ur forum and many Rava or Mara don’t want u nerf that profession, but plz, play ur game and u will se what I try to tell u!!!

This game is dean if u don’t equilibrate PVP playing!!!


do you need us to call 911? you sound ill


Anyway, in my mind, pvp balance should follow something like this;


Insane stable/burst dmg - very weak DCD's

Below avg dmg - very good DCD's

average dmg - average DCD's


That way one class has an advantage and a disadvantage over another class.


Merc - high dmg - high survivability is not correct imo, but hey, they suffered for years so now is there time to shine

Mara - is exactly where it should me IMO

PT - due to pathetic DCD's i feel their dmg should be buffed slightly, but not too much as they are already good burst

Sniper - meh, they fine, not to bad although the self heal should be removed IMO. People who whine about it's cd's should have tried to play it in solo pre-5.0. The exceptional players were good, the rest were globalled.

Operative - the king of 1v1's. Stealth class that can heal always will be generally. More or less fine where it is.

Jug - the QQ'ers don't really understand how to use the DCD's properly. Does good DMG so is more or less fine

Sin - Not quite the same in arena's as it used to be, which is a joy to see. used to enter area as jugg and have 3 sins on my team and 4 sins on the other team. wasn't fun

Sorc - healer was stupidly OP for a long time, so much so I stopped playing it so i'm happy to see them nerfed to roughly where they should be. Sorc dps is still there or thereabouts for top dmg when played properly. When it's not, the player immediately comes to the forums to whine.


Anyway, I digress...

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Is this another nerf mara thread?


Lol honestly I'd normally say that maras have historically been among the most balanced classes.

Sniper/merc > mara (and maybe operative idk) > shadow/guardian/sorc/pt




Marauder is better than Merc.

Edited by brishae
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Marauder is better than Merc.


In terms of damage yes, and as well they should. They should have the highest DPS in the game.


That said, stop me if you've heard this one before.....


You can't DPS if you're dead. Mercs have three lives [a slight exaggeration, slight] and can heal and DPS at the same time. Marauders can't heal one point of damage on their own. Do the math.


Not every class has the luxurary of 'fighting' from 5 blocks away, and some classes are actually in the most dangerous places you can be. Those places, a merc never has to be because he can attack inside from well outside of melee range. Ergo, they can hit you [melee] but you can't hit them back. The maps and objectives often force players to have to stay close to where they are [ by the doors to stop people from planting bombs, holding a square for the team in OPG,] guarding a node [which really they should never be doing because they suck at guarding, but sometimes you get stuck doing it]. Mercs and snipers roll up and light their asses up from they nice safe place well outside of melee range. I believe the most often term uses to describe such circumstances is "Firing Squad". The only people ranged fight are other ranged. Ranged don't fight melee [least if they are competant] they shoot melee. It isn't a fight if your enemy can't hit you back or if they are already fighting another player and the opportunity is taken to shoot them while they are already locked in combat.


There's a word for that. It's called Bytch. Pus*y works too tho.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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You do all realise this is a classic Jeezee troll don't you? Anyone who knows that much English knows that there are no accented letters. The spelling of certain words, the phrases, all used by Jeezee. And so many people taking such ridiculous statements seriously.




on a serious note. I love jeezee and he is my friend. This is not jeezee. I wish it was though

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You do all realise this is a classic Jeezee troll don't you? Anyone who knows that much English knows that there are no accented letters. The spelling of certain words, the phrases, all used by Jeezee. And so many people taking such ridiculous statements seriously.


It's not Jayzee, not enough colors.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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