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Shae Vizla


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Selfishly, I would like to be able to sell the tokens on the GTN. I really like Shae, too, but I only use her on one toon as a primary companion, and nothing more than a crew skill mule on the others (just like 95% of the rest of the companions). I earned the token, I'd like to be able to do with it what I please.


I would also not be opposed to the comps coming onto the Cartel Market for ridiculous platinum-level pricing (north of 7,000 is just fine with me).


I completely and 100% understand why a lot of people want to shut the door on these rewards. But I would prefer we found more ways to make people happy and want to play and participate (but paying for it, of course) instead of finding more ways to restrict and anger and frustrate and potentially chase off over something so unimpactful to the overall scheme of things.


Hypothetically, if 2500 players could get Shae and would pay either through subs or a high amount of CC now when the game is supposedly starved for it, but if they didn't get her they would all leave and never return, would the latter be preferable?


I want a larger population of happy players. Not a lower population of curmudgeonly-sounding hoarders who largely aren't even using the thing they covet so much.

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Problem is Shae has a great AOE ability and one of the better companions. Thought they all had been reskinned, but the stat's are showing Shae Vizla is hands down the better to have and level 50 as well.


So either Bioware needs to make ALL the Companions equal (Like most are already) or open up another "Shae Vizla" type character for future new players to obtain. I suggest in a like fashion to obtain.


{1 companion is slightly more OP than all the other OP companions? By all means, let's balance the companions the way they balanced all the classes.}


You don't need that extra firepower for solo content, anyway.

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It's just a date. In 2017 was Hexid so what?


Darth Hexid wasn't "just a date".


She was one of two possible companions to get during Dark v Light and in no way was a "subscribe by <date>" thing to entice people to support the game with a specific <date> promotion. We all expected the "loser" of the two DvL companions to be available at some point, and that's fine, but people who actually did the event would be able to get both.


People who weren't around for DvL for <any woe-is-me reason> should *never* be able to get both, and that's ok. It's perfectly fine to not have everything in the game.

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Jesus Christ, no one reason for lieing here. How it could help.


Again. Show me. Otherwise I say it's a lie or that the CS rep that told you that was just trying not to piss off a customer by not reiterating what the requirements were to receive any promotional items. Probably a lie.

I agree — 90% that is a lie.

Edited by Damello
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So when you login, it tells us HK-55 is coming back and you have to be a subscriber during another specific timeframe.


I thought it some mistake. :D


So now that means EVERY single companion should now be given in a subscriber window.


I really want it, but, honestly, don't think so.

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So when you login, it tells us HK-55 is coming back and you have to be a subscriber during another specific timeframe. So now that means EVERY single companion should now be given in a subscriber window.


Don't get your hopes up. It links to the promotion from 2016. It's not "another specific time-frame." It's the original specific time-frame. Good luck subscribing for those months. Hope you have a time machine.

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I think ive had this happen a few times as of late. It is the previous promotion if you scroll around and look at the surrounding promotions. Question is why? Devs or some hack trolling people? I know the first time i saw it, i was excited. Maybe its a "feeler" cor the devs the gauge interest somehow or potential backlash. Or just a plain screw up....dunno.



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I think ive had this happen a few times as of late. It is the previous promotion if you scroll around and look at the surrounding promotions. Question is why? Devs or some hack trolling people? I know the first time i saw it, i was excited. Maybe its a "feeler" cor the devs the gauge interest somehow or potential backlash. Or just a plain screw up....dunno.




It's an early April Fools.

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So when you login, it tells us HK-55 is coming back and you have to be a subscriber during another specific timeframe. So now that means EVERY single companion should now be given in a subscriber window.


You mean on the launcher? Sometimes it shows old data and old patch number, instead of current one. I have no idea why it happens, but I saw this many times. It means nothing. It's just a glitch.

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From the linked thread:


Hey folks,


In this case there was a back-end issue that caused our launcher images to "break" and display some fairly old ones. The team has resolved the issue now and they are back to normal. Apologies for any confusion.




PS - Unrelated, your interest in being able to earn those rewards again has been noted.

The PS is very interesting. So this isn't the chance, but a chance might be there after all. Things have been noted.:)

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No, it's just sometimes happend, I saw patch 3.2.3 sometimes. So PorsaLindahl is right.

To much nuances here, so 95% it's never comback.


And if to be honest PetFish right too with "It's perfectly fine to not have everything in the game."


It's really cool and interesting,..but really upset.:D

That's only our problem anyway we don't quit the game just because of this.


Exemple early people wanted Nico Okarr to came back or would be added to CM, but it's not happend. I think was post about Master Runos here too.

Even if read this post, we are not in good position and old players sounds more convincingly.

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The PS is very interesting. So this isn't the chance, but a chance might be there after all. Things have been noted.:)


Yes, they have noted the fact that people who KNOW they did NOT meet the requirements for some of the past rewards want those rewards anyway.


I must have missed the part where they said there might be a chance after all. Or are you Jim Carrey in disguise? "So, you're saying there's a chance"

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I think sub rewards was one of BW's biggest mistakes with the way they reward players. They should've gone with a vetted system instead of a "Subscribe on, or between" system to reward subscribers. Then there wouldn't be all of these "Gimme" or "Put it back" threads. No one would have to play forum lawyer. There'd be no pissing contests over which side is right or wrong.


Here's an old suggestion: Make Nico Okarr, HK-55, Darth Hexid and Shae Vizla vet rewards.

  • 12 months of subscription time for Nico Okarr.
  • 18 months of subscription time for HK-55 + the bonus chapter (and Z0-0M)
  • 24 months of subscription time for Shae Vizla
  • 30 months of subscription time for Darth Hexid


Times can be cumulative, instead of consecutive, to appease all those that feel entitled to have things others have, but weren't around to get them.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Yes, they have noted the fact that people who KNOW they did NOT meet the requirements for some of the past rewards want those rewards anyway.


I must have missed the part where they said there might be a chance after all. Or are you Jim Carrey in disguise? "So, you're saying there's a chance"

Ah my good buddy Ratajack. I'd say I missed your all caps elitist sophism except... I didn't miss it.


Acknowledgement is the first step to solving any problem, even you must know this. They have noted the demand. We'll have to see if they act on it. There is no information to speculate one way or the other.


What will you do if they do act on it though? I wonder.

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Ah my good buddy Ratajack. I'd say I missed your all caps elitist sophism except... I didn't miss it.


Acknowledgement is the first step to solving any problem, even you must know this. They have noted the demand. We'll have to see if they act on it. There is no information to speculate one way or the other.


What will you do if they do act on it though? I wonder.


I'm sure that BW has "noted" the desires of those that KNOW they did NOT meet the requirements for past rewards but want them anyway at some point in the life of the game, even if they never stated that those desires had been "noted".



How has that worked out for those desiring rewards that they KNOW they did NOT meet the requirements to receive so far?

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How has that worked out for those desiring rewards that they KNOW they did NOT meet the requirements to receive so far?


We got the celebration jawa that works to get the achievements for the old party jawa, various yellow/black color crystals on the Cartel Market, green/black color crystals from the Rak event, and various speeders from old cantina codes given away with new codes, and we are working on the rest. Thanks for asking that was sweet.

Edited by Monumenta
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We got the celebration jawa that works to get the achievements for the old party jawa, various yellow/black color crystals on the Cartel Market, green/black color crystals from the Rak event, and various speeders from old cantina codes given away with new codes, and we are working on the rest. Thanks for asking that was sweet.


Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't those all different things than the actual rewards?


The Celebration Jawa is not the same as the Party Jawa, even if it counts for the achievement.


The various black/yellow crystals on the Cm are all different than the pre-order color.


The green black crystal from the Rakh event are different than the Razor promotion crystals.



Now, if you want to advocate making a reskin of Shae Vizla named Fay Zivla available with a new set of requirements or from the CM, I would support that 100%.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't those all different things than the actual rewards?


The Celebration Jawa is not the same as the Party Jawa, even if it counts for the achievement.


The various black/yellow crystals on the Cm are all different than the pre-order color.


The green black crystal from the Rakh event are different than the Razor promotion crystals.



Now, if you want to advocate making a reskin of Shae Vizla named Fay Zivla available with a new set of requirements or from the CM, I would support that 100%.


whatever it takes

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