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Dumb Combat Moves


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I dropped a sticky grenade in the middle of a group during a flashpoint. I then proceeded to AOE said group only to get quite peeved when the group scattered out of the AOE circle because some idiot dropped a sticky grenade in the middle of them. :eek:

Edited by Zerileth
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Um, learn to play.


The moves are only as dumb as the one making them.


Yes, um trying to make a light thread amongst all the negative threads. You stomped it into the ground. Thank you. :confused:


It's usually fun to make fun of oneself.... you didn't catch it. ah well. Must be nice to be perfect. I hope I never am.



Happy New Year.

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I put my "annoying to other people" moves too close to my normal rotation. Extricate, Force Push, Overload, Raid Buffs, etc. Hitting them at stupid times when unneeded, knowing full well why they shouldn't be used at the time. It's like locking your keys in the car and watching yourself do it but not stopping yourself in time.
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I have done too many dumb moves while playing that it would extremely difficult to nail it down. Most notably, though, i consistently tab+attack. everyone needs to break from that last group...no, sir, no you dont...i invited guests. a pat is heading our way while we are fighting? no problem...he's invited...along with all of his friends along the way.


not so much here, but in WoW i would also forget to dismiss my pet (hunter or warlock) before jumping down a level or two....oh..where did they all come from...ARGH.


part of it is because i get finger twitches and it causes me to click when i dont want to actually attack...but..it happens.


edit: and lighten up there, Francis...its a light hearted thread.

Edited by Qouivandes
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I have done too many dumb moves while playing that it would extremely difficult to nail it down. Most notably, though, i consistently tab+attack. everyone needs to break from that last group...no, sir, no you dont...i invited guests. a pat is heading our way while we are fighting? no problem...he's invited...along with all of his friends along the way.


Oh gosh, this. I do this all the time. >_< Which has led to me accidentally attacking CC'ed targets and/or other groups of enemies...and that in turn has led to my repeated death and a lot of flustered apologies in chat. :p

Edited by Jagaimee
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I think Forrest Gump said it best...


"Stupid is as Stupid Does"


So yes it was stupid to drop a sticky grenade in the middle of a group. But then again refer to the previous statement...


He's not asking to be insulted for the dumb move he admitted to already :rak_04:

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Let's see. Some dumb things that I've seen:


  • DPS AoE'ing just as soon as a tank jumps a group.
  • Shadows/Sins pulling mobs around a corner for line of sight, then hitting overload/force wave, or sorcs/sages hitting overload after a line of sight pull.
  • Inq's/Cons using overload/force wave on cooldown because they took the utility that heals them.
  • Mara's/Sents jumping cc'd targets at the beginning of a fight.
  • Force pushing a mob off a ledge/cliff and force jumping after them.
  • People hitting <enter> before going into a fight and then hitting <enter> instead of <esc> to clear their text box and putting 12132452621712114263 in chat.

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Hm, the time I got a Vanguard DD in my group who spammed Explosive Round (back during 3.0) and Hammer Shot and nothing else from 30 meters, just staying above 60 cells. When asked what he was thinking, he said "ranged DPS is better, so I'm doing ranged DPS." :rolleyes:


Every time I run up to a group of mobs in a FP or raid like I'm in stealth, only as a non-stealth class because I'd been playing my Shadow or Scoundrel earlier and got used to it.

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I think I loaded it with too much sarcasm for some to get. Hard to spot in text. :o


I will admit I had to read it twice because I went wat... after the first time.. But then I got the self deprecating humor that you were trying to imply. and uh no.. no I've never done that.. :p

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One of the funniest things I've done, though not necessarily dumb, was the time my Sentinel leap-ed to an enemy just as someone else pushed it over the edge. Weeee! :D

The whole group had to pause for a few minutes to stop laughing. :o

Edited by JediQuaker
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Yours, or someone you've seen....



I dropped a sticky grenade in the middle of a group during a flashpoint. I then proceeded to AOE said group only to get quite peeved when the group scattered out of the AOE circle because some idiot dropped a sticky grenade in the middle of them. :eek:


I hate when I blow a stun/whirlwind on someone white barred or an entrenched player.

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Let's see. Some dumb things that I've seen:


  • DPS AoE'ing just as soon as a tank jumps a group.
  • Shadows/Sins pulling mobs around a corner for line of sight, then hitting overload/force wave, or sorcs/sages hitting overload after a line of sight pull.
  • Inq's/Cons using overload/force wave on cooldown because they took the utility that heals them.
  • Mara's/Sents jumping cc'd targets at the beginning of a fight.
  • Force pushing a mob off a ledge/cliff and force jumping after them.
  • People hitting <enter> before going into a fight and then hitting <enter> instead of <esc> to clear their text box and putting 12132452621712114263 in chat.


Wait, wait! These are all dumb things???? Who knew! :p

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