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More companions like Hexxid? i.e. available to all characters


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I love that I can summon Hexxid on any character on my account. Are there others like this? Any of the GTN sold companions or Treek or HK?


On some classes I'm not crazy about the companion and I'd love to have a change just for fun. I leveled a Sage from 1-50 light side using Hexid and it was hilarious. She was in the cutscenes as the Jedi said they cannot sense a sith presence - i nerd laughed :)


Thanks all.

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Darth Hexid is a subscriber reward. There have been other subscriber rewards such as Master Ranos, NIco Okarr, and Shae Visla.

Once you get to KoFE and beyond, you have Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Koth, and Senya, plus a bunch others you can get through the story and through Alliance Alerts, some of which, like Kaliyo, were companions to a particular class.

Plus, there are companions that are available through Cartel packs, which can be sold on the GTN.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Darth Hexid is a subscriber reward. There have been other subscriber rewards such as Master Ranos, NIco Okarr, and Shae Visla.

Both Hexid and Ranos are *gameplay* rewards. For Hexid, three qualifying group PvE activities OR three Warzones during a particular time, and for Ranos a whole bunch more stuff a longer time ago. While both of them were effectively limited to subscribers because of the nature of the things you had to do, neither of them was a reward for *being* a subscriber.


Nico and Shae are both subscriber rewards, but are no longer available for new accounts.


The "all-characters" pseudo-gift companions are:

* Nico Okarr

* Master Ranos

* Shae Vizla (?sp)

* Darth Hexid


All four can be applied to a character by an in-game activity OR by using a token.


Separately, there is a spoilerish droid companion from KotFE, also not available for new accounts, that required a subscription on a particular date in 2016, and a second spoilerish droid companion that required a continuous subscription over a period of about seven months in 2016. Both of these require in-game activities to access, but can be accessed on any character that does those activities.


And there are:

* Treek, granted by buying a mission token for CCs or a large sum of credits, then running the small mission.

* A big long list of beast and droid companions acquired in much the same way as Treek, except that the tokens drop from Cartel Market packs so acquiring them is subject to the caprices of the Mistress of Pain.

* HK-51, an assassin droid that can be aquired the first time by running a long and somewhat tedious mission sequence, and on subsequent characters by rerunning the mission sequence OR by paying a million credits.


There are also many, many in-story companions that can be acquired by any character who runs the story or its associated secondary missions.

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Thank you all. It seems that if i want a companion besides Hexxid then I need to buy one of the Pack companions off the GTN. Or run the HK missions with my higher level characters.


Those are great options - thank you.


The easier way, although not cheaper, is to buy Treek's contract. It will initially cost you 1 million credits. Then you can unlock her for each character on the same faction for 300,000 through your legacy. That does mean that you'll have to spend 1 million per faction then 300k per character. Another option is to buy her contract then unlock her in your collections. This will allow you to claim her on any character, either faction, level 10 or over.

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Thank you all. It seems that if i want a companion besides Hexxid then I need to buy one of the Pack companions off the GTN. Or run the HK missions with my higher level characters.


Those are great options - thank you.

The HK mission is long and tedious, but it isn't *hard*. It requires two characters, one on each faction. The one who does the bulk of the work must be at least level 50, but the other needs merely to be high enough in level to be able to reach and survive in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant or the zone in front of the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. The general advice is "at least level 15".


There are plenty of guides on how to do it available on-line.

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