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warzones suck... heres why


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Im sure this could happen to other people too, Maybe you could create a blog or a guide to give some info on what your doing and pass it along in your server community. Keep up the good work, If your looking for personal recognition as well as a victory match people will PM you to create groups to go into warzones.


I get allot of invites on my server from random people wanting to do warzones because the performance i give is noted, even if the pug team is lacking at the time.

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the people on my server completely blow... i top dps heals team points... almost every game, except ive won 1 and lost like 10... happening to any 1 else?


While I must admit, you seem to pwn at this game, you appear to fail at grammar, punctuation, and spelling...


Which is the larger victory?

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