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Companions plus another question


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was there always companions ?


I started playing going on 8 weeks ago now, and been wondering about that since my first companion.


seems odd to me, since the game is grouped focused , but just adding the companion now you're in a group and can basically solo almost everything

There is always the option not to run with the companion, done that a couple times , makes missions too long, and have to grab the companion every now and, then, so gave up on truly running solo, because it was just better to have that companion.


the other question

is it hard , or difficult to play a healer role ? and which class is best suited for the healer role ?

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There have always been companions. However, until 4.0 they only had 1 role. Now you can set them to whatever role ya want.


As for healing, that's up to you. Some people enjoy it. Others hate it. Personally, I think sorc/sage is easiest to learn, then merc/mando, with op/scoundrel being hardest to learn.

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thanks for the reply


I've been thinking of doing healer character, and just wanted to get a quicker way to looking at which and just one class, rather then all classes that can be a healer, lessening my reading (and possible confusion) of reading all of them.


I've only been in a group size of 4, are groups larger then 4 players ? not talking about raid size,

but since I brought that up,

How many are in a full raid group ?


I started before the merger (basically Just before), there were Servers labeled PvP, but now I don't see that, is there still a dedicated server for mainly PvP. ?


I'm not into this type of PvP, not a fan since I have a large dislike to Click/Tab targeting,

but been wanting to give it a go any ways, I have not yet PvP, and not looking for Duels. So I have no idea yet what the PvP is like, I have sat in queue for PvP and never got into PvP (and this was after merge), . . Probably due to the time I play, and I won't wait long (around 15 minutes then I'm dropping myself out of queue)

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I've only been in a group size of 4, are groups larger then 4 players ? not talking about raid size,

but since I brought that up,

How many are in a full raid group ?

A raid (in SWTOR terminology, an "Operation") is set up for a group of either 8 or 16 players without companions. But Ops groups are more like a group of groups, and if you run one outside of Operations, there are some strange things about who gets credit for doing things.

I started before the merger (basically Just before), there were Servers labeled PvP, but now I don't see that, is there still a dedicated server for mainly PvP. ?

No. They eliminated the PvP/PvE distinction between servers a while back, and created PvP and PvE instances on all servers instead.

I'm not into this type of PvP, not a fan since I have a large dislike to Click/Tab targeting,

but been wanting to give it a go any ways, I have not yet PvP, and not looking for Duels. So I have no idea yet what the PvP is like, I have sat in queue for PvP and never got into PvP (and this was after merge), . . Probably due to the time I play, and I won't wait long (around 15 minutes then I'm dropping myself out of queue)

For PvP, you have options:

* Warzones (PvP queue) which are mostly classic objective-oriented 8v8 PvP, but include a 4v4 last-team-standing deathmatch mode, selected at random from the people queued.

* Galactic Starfighter (GSF) which is a separate game mode that's a subset of a PvP version of a game like X-Wing or similar. It's hard to get into because of a huge power gap between beginners and experienced players.

* Open-world PvP (battling people out in the world) which happens only in PvP instances. These instances are mostly dead, however.


There is no special PvP gear any more, and OWPvP tends to be a gank-fest, although Level Sync reduces the power gap between high-level characters and low-level ones. And it's apparent that a large fraction of SWTOR players don't want to participate, for whatever reason, so the PvP instances are basically deserted.


Queuing for Warzones or GSF will be a problem if you play at weird times of day, which is more or less what you should expect in any game.

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There is always the option not to run with the companion, done that a couple times , makes missions too long, and have to grab the companion every now and, then, so gave up on truly running solo, because it was just better to have that companion.

The difficulty level of content is based around having a companion, so naturally, it works best with one. :)


is it hard , or difficult to play a healer role ? and which class is best suited for the healer role ?

It can be hard - it depends a lot upon your own abilities. You need to always pay attention, and suffer a lot of grief from other players - especially if they die. :rolleyes:

I find a Sage (and possibly the Imp equivalent) to be the easiest to use, but I think the Scoundrel works best over all. But it comes down to what's best for you.

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It's not "hard" to play/level as a healer, at least not for me. Some people don't like it (or tank) for leveling because it's "too slow". Again, that's not a problem for me, as I've never been concerned with leveling, getting through the story, or otherwise "beating" the game as fast as possible.
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