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Mr. Keith Kanneg where the hell is Bioware going with these Story Lines?


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Hello Keith/Mr. Producer. My logon game name is TOMPARM and my original player name is the Jon-revaand Legacy. I have been a subscrber since December 2011 and a Star Wars fan since 1977 and have read many of the novels about the Star Wars Galaxy/Universe. With all the great ideas/content out there, where are you leading us with SWTOR? In my humble opinion you went off track about a year and half ago, i think you know what i mean. I play PVE only and have 19 active characters on the server at present, i would like to see something more strategically oriented for the PVE environment more centered along the lines of the Star Wars stories but with a Old Republic twist and i know there are plenty of ideas out there and i am sure the staff at Bioware can come up with some! Lets get away from Iokath style stories and a uninteresting character like Theron Shan (there are plenty of others), i do not know about the rest of the players, but speaking for myself i do not get off fighting Robots or Droids. So Keith i hope you take this to heart and at least think about what i have said.
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I like the current story for the most part. And Theron Shan is one of the best characters.


I wouldn't mind moving away from the Eternal Alliance though. I don't usually find stories where your character is the biggest baddest hero ruler whatever super interesting, I like smaller scale stuff more.

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While overall I like theron and want to see how his arc plays out (because what we're getting is just like... seriously?), I am not particularly fond of kotfe/kotet as a whole.


I have only done it on my main (a 100% LS never made a dark decision ever Jedi guardian), he feels out of character constantly. There is a good way to make him question his morals and even the Jedi. But everything after marr is just.. weird. It doesn't feel star wars to me.


They can do a one story for all arc and pull it off. I enjoyed SoR, in fact, I still do SoR on my toons. But kotfe/kotet? Just no desire too, from the out of character feel to the constant droids from nowhere, to the sudden theron haircut dilemma.

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I dunno but i think the general themes have gone about in circles post lvl 50. Atleast for the Empire side of things.


Post 50 - Illum - Malgus wants a reformed Empire that does away with the excusivity and infighting. We kill him.

Lvl 50-55 - Makeeb - A third faction emerges and a weakened Empire seeks to reform in exactly the same way with Darth Marr. But i guess since the Emperors absence is general knowladge(why did it take this long to get out) so no one objects.

55-60 - Shadow of Revan - An alliance of Republic and Empire join a thrid faction lead by Revan to destroy the Emperor and save the galaxy. Again, they aparently "go about things" the wrong way and are the enemy.

60-70 - Kotfe-Kotet - An alliance of Republic and Empire join a third factiong lead by YOU to destroy the empire and free the galaxy

70- a third faction emerges that threatens the galaxy


I really have no idea where we're going from here. I mean the player is the Emperor/Empress. That would be a good place to end things, but i imagine it would be hard to create something meaningfull from that point with limited rescources. Confident it will still be fun going forward but im not setting the bar very high.

What i think is that the main story idea they had milling about the office since they started development and talked about how SWTOR was Kotor 3,4,5,6,7 and 8 has been told. THey might have planned to drag it out longer if the game was more succefull but here we are.

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