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[HEROIC 4] The Shroud Revealed objective didn't update after final boss battle.

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I just finished the final boss battle and saw the following cutscene for [HEROIC 4] The Shroud Revealed with a group but the objective didn't update for where I was supposed to go to Coruscant to finish the quest, it just remains on "Infiltrate the Shroud's Lair", but for some strange reason it did update for the group leader. Is there any help I can get for this issue? I already submitted a ticket for it.


Please don't tell me I need to reset the quest and do it all over again, because as difficult as the multiplayer puzzles were the most difficult part of the quest was actually FINDING a group for the quest, and I don't think I can do that again...


Sorry if I appear cross, but this game has been really glitching out on me today. First I shell out 5,320 cartel coins for the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber, only to get error message saying "PURCHASE FAILED! An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later. Error code: 16" and I still get charged the 5,320 cartel coins (I submitted a ticket for that as well, yet if I do get my coins back I don't think I'll be able to get the lightsaber since I think it's only available for today) and now this. Again, sorry for being so cross.


Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

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I think I figured out what caused the issue, a member of the group was slightly ahead in the quest, so he became group leader so the quest only updated for him and not the rest of the group, so the group was slightly out of sync in the quest. Is there nothing that can be done at this point now? As I mentioned before, I don't think I can find another group for this quest. Again, any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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Finally heard back from CS and their response was the standard template for mission-related tickets:




Thank you for contacting Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Support.


We wanted to let you know that we identified the problem you ran into as a bug. We’ll fix it in a future game update.


Keep an eye on http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for details on bug fixes included in each game update.


Galactic Support is our specialty….


Thank you,


The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support Team.


Oh well, at least I was lucky enough to find another group for the quest and was able to finish it this time (I think one of the members went through what I did with the quest last night at some point). Now I just need to wait on that ticket for the lost cartel coins (I hope I didn't essentially just put $40 to a match by purchasing them). I'm not giving up hope though, I once tried to buy an extra cargo bay, and the same thing happened; I issued a ticket and got my coins back. Too bad about that Unstable Arbiter Lightsaber though. Anyway, sorry about getting a bit off topic here.

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