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Do we lose the romance if we refuse to get married?


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As I say in the title:

Do we lose the romance in KOTFE or KOTET if we refuse to get married with our LI at the end of the class story?


It might depend on what dialogue options you take during the proposal conversation, but I can confirm that you don't necessarily lose the romance with Andronikos, Quinn, Doc, and Vector. I've gotten each of their romanced letters at the beginning of Fallen Empire.


My girls are all so not into marriage. :p

Edited by Dracofish
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I didn't marry Torian -- didn't really romance him either --- but when he came back, there was an option to "go back" with him .... so I seem to have gotten one even though I did NOT marry him or particularly flirt with him ( he was just too young for my BH)

don't know if it is this way with others --- only one left is Vector to find out; the others I married (in fact when Vector asked me to marry him, I turned him down ... poor Vector )

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It's amazing how we impose Earthly values upon alien species.

Who is to say that alien beings have only 2 genders? And that they pair-bond with only 1 other?

And Sith being who they are (in terms of passion, etc) , I would think - especially after the genocide committed upon them after the Galactic War - that they would be a society that would want to procreate as many baby Sithlings as possible. After all, we are not yet in Bane's era of the Rule of Two.

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It's amazing how we impose Earthly values upon alien species.

Who is to say that alien beings have only 2 genders?


Actually Hutts (as gastropodes) have only one biological gender and can change their social \ mental gender several times during their lifetime :)

Edited by juliushorst
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