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Getting absolute garbage frames while playing, help.


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Short version of it: it is not on your end; the game's engine is terrible, and no matter what you do, all that really matters is single threaded performance (and using a SSD). And even if you have the best CPU in the world, you will still drop to 30-40 FPS in 8v8 warzones or ops, depending on how many players are on screen.


Anyone who tells you anything different is wrong.


That's why they got rid of Ilum open world PvP, and that's why they had to get rid of 8v8 ranked and introduce arenas. The game should have never been designed to allow more than 8 players in combat at any given time, as it is what the engine can barely manage.


This. Every "Turn off shadows" "Name scaling" "Turn off AA" Turn all Your settings and resolution to lowest possible" "SSD" all this things is bull***. Maybe it will help for someone but mostly its engine fault. I can run much better graphical MMO's and games, or games that show more people at the same time on screen that swtor. 2-4 days ago someone on reddit said he got 1080 GTX + i7-7700k (or something smilar) with fps drops on Warzones or 16-man.


That's why Devs said they won't add "bubble chat" "better speeder piloting" (yes they added :rolleyes:) and other things becouse of engine.


Every these things can increase max fps you can have (got like 80 fps when got huge battle in middle of battle) with drops to 30 or sometimes lower in random situations than go back to 80. Temperatures ok, ssd disc, options no matter ultra/low still drop fps in crowd areas. After 5 years (upgraded PC after 3) i just pass and try to be happy with how that works becouse 30 is still playable...

Edited by tummiswtor
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Overclock your CPU, or at least a higher turbo setting in your bios. SWTOR only runs 2 threads simultaneously, so setting a higher turbo speed can help since most times it won't be using all cores on a CPU and they'll be parked enabling the remaining ones to run at turbo speed. With an FX-8350 set to 4.6GHz turbo and a Sapphire R9 280X, I have little issue getting 50-60 fps most times and 35-40 fps during heavy effect periods. Without the turbo and running at stock speed of 4.0 GHz, I was getting half that and only going to the fps cap of 60 when I was sitting on a guild ship.
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Short version of it: it is not on your end; the game's engine is terrible, and no matter what you do, all that really matters is single threaded performance (and using a SSD). And even if you have the best CPU in the world, you will still drop to 30-40 FPS in 8v8 warzones or ops, depending on how many players are on screen.

The server-side code does not affect client-side rendering frame rates nearly as much as client-side code and client-side hardware capabilities do.


SSD versus classic disk does not affect in-game frame rates. It does affect load times, but the only way it can affect frame rates is if you don't have enough physical memory, and then your frame rates are going to be far, far, far, far worse than 30-40.


Also, I don't see the relevance of "drop to 30-40 FPS" to a complaint about "absolute garbage frames".

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CPU: i5 6600k

GPU Nvidia GTX 770

You didn't clarify what you mean by "garbage" fps and you didn't say under what circumstances it happens. You also didn't state what game resolution you are using.

Your hardware should get you 60+ fps during normal PvE and drop to 30+ fps during PvP and OPs, at 1920x1080 rez. If you are getting less than that, then there is a problem. You can try some of the suggestions made here, like turning down Shadows, etc, but SWTOR is very CPU intensive, so turning down graphics settings only does so much.


Regardless what some people say about the "engine" there are still things you can do to improve your performance. It's like saying "Don't buy snow tires because it's the fault of the snowplows not doing a good job." - in which case, snow tires would help. :)

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