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COTP will host a +10 Datacron event on Republic Fleet


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Everyone is invited!


We really have Fun with these Datacron events on the Fleet!


<Covenant of the Phoenix> will be hosting a run-through of the +10 Datacron on the Republic Fleet this Monday night, as part of our weekly Guild Night schedule. We typically gather together and get all of our Sage pullers into position before we announce the group open to ALL.


Anyone who's interested should try to stick around the Fleet starting at 8pm EST. We have a pretty good routine down-pat, so that once we have toons moving through it's a literal line that's pulled up to the Datacron in quick and amusing succession. Like I said, we have FUN with this event!


WHO: Anyone on the Fleet is welcome to attend, there's no minimum level to get the datacron.

WHAT: You do NOT need a red crystal from Corellia but you DO need a blue crystal from inside the museum. We can guide you to the thing, no worries.

WHEN: We start placing our Sages at 8pm EST on Monday Nov 13. It takes us about 15-20 minutes to get the line set up. We will open invites at that time.

WHERE: The Datacron is located in the museum section of the Bridge deck on the Gav Daragon.

is a video guide for those who are interested in how to obtain the Datacron, normally.

WHY: Yes, we know it's possible to do it solo but we think this is totally FUN. We might even joke around in Gen Chat as we're going, shrug.


We will be in Mumble if you'd like to join us, btw.


Thanks much and hope to see you this coming Monday!

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Thanks, Star Forge!


We only wanted to thank everyone on Fleet, who put up with our endless spam in general chat as we organized and managed the motions through to the +10 Datacron last night. You were all amazing, and the chat enlivened the event so much! We had an absolute blast!


I put a shout-out to Twitter: HERE

But we did great last night -- we managed to get 62 characters through to the Datacron and also welcomed 21 new members to the Guild! We had so much fun!


Our Guild Night events are scheduled for each Monday night at 8pm EST, and we do put shout-outs into general chat when we're playing at our little games. Feel free to join us whenever we're enjoying some interesting game or puzzle ... we hunt world bosses, play hide-and-seek, race to datacrons, jump over ledges to our deaths over and over again, play 'musical chairs', do sage-relay races around the fleet, race 'nekked' through flashpoints, and so much more! We try to make the game as hilariously fun as we can, and we love taking along new friends!


To everyone we met last night -- thanks for making it great, guys! And sorry for everyone who fell through the girders at least once (or twice lol).

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