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Sentinel PvP


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Mediocre damage?



First fight in, I drop a guy in about 15 seconds flat, and that is even with leaving to go interrupt someone capping a node.


I land my charge at 6:55, she's dead at about 7:10. And like I said, I run over to interrupt a cap in there. \


Probably would have been closer to 10 seconds otherwise.

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Mediocre damage?



First fight in, I drop a guy in about 15 seconds flat, and that is even with leaving to go interrupt someone capping a node.


I land my charge at 6:55, she's dead at about 7:10. And like I said, I run over to interrupt a cap in there. \


Probably would have been closer to 10 seconds otherwise.


You were level 50 with a pocket healer beating the crap out of a level 11, what does that prove?

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Sentinel works very well (at least Watchman) in PvP, but it is a late bloomer as I've found it really helps to have several key skills to be effective. I tried pvp sub 20 and found it to be horrible, but now that I am in my mid 30's it is quite enjoyable....well assuming your team has a clue about the objectives.



The big thing about Sentinel to me and I'm sure is bogging down many people is learning how to effectively use all the micro-cd's we have (stasis, rebuke, force cloak, pacify, etc).

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I am in my 30s in the combat tree and I also find the class is finally viable in PVP. Stealth really helps us pick our battles and the additional CC allows us to play those CC/resolve bar games like those other classes.


Quick example: force leap > force stasis > "target uses CC breaker" > crippling throw (3 sec root) > master strike > leg slash > zealous strike > cauterize > blade storm.

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Sentinel works very well (at least Watchman) in PvP, but it is a late bloomer as I've found it really helps to have several key skills to be effective. I tried pvp sub 20 and found it to be horrible, but now that I am in my mid 30's it is quite enjoyable....well assuming your team has a clue about the objectives.



The big thing about Sentinel to me and I'm sure is bogging down many people is learning how to effectively use all the micro-cd's we have (stasis, rebuke, force cloak, pacify, etc).


What's your rotation? As a combat spec I find my big hitter is my crippling throw > master strike combo with a bunch blade storms while cauterize burns the whole time.

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Just specced into Watchman and did 5 War Zones and out of that 5 I was either 1st in damage on both teams or 2nd! The burst and sustain damage is amazing!


You have alot more survivability due to the heal % tick.


Thank so much!


best match yet: 280k damage 22-0

Edited by Roastbeefandrice
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You were level 50 with a pocket healer beating the crap out of a level 11, what does that prove?


Well, being that we are a melee class that wears medium armor, we do our BEST with pocket healers. Sentinels can soak an INCREDIBLE amount of damage if you know how to play your class right. With all the awesome defensive CDs we get, why WOULDN'T you use a pocket healer?


Using a class that compliments your own isn't a "bad" thing to do. In fact, I'd suggest you start making friends and you can win a game with you and another person (granted not EVERY time) like me and Grodo do frequently.


And for the record, I melt 50s just as quick. Plenty of other fights in that video, as well as plenty of other videos on my channel of me destroying people in Combat spec, and I'm not level 50 then either.


I don't have the problems you seem to be having, is the long and short of it. And as I said, there are multiple videos of my channel of me proving extremely effective in a variety of warzones/specs/levels.

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Just specced into Watchman and did 5 War Zones and out of that 5 I was either 1st in damage on both teams or 2nd! The burst and sustain damage is amazing!


You have alot more survivability due to the heal % tick.


Thank so much!


best match yet: 280k damage 22-0


Glad I could help! :D

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What's your rotation? As a combat spec I find my big hitter is my crippling throw > master strike combo with a bunch blade storms while cauterize burns the whole time.


I myself haven't really found an exact rotation and since I've yet to reach the top of the tree I don have what I assume will be the 'big hitting' strike just yet. Honestly I've never had a 'go-to' rotation for PvP as each class and situation is going to require something different. The big thing I try do is keep my DoT's rolling on my target and pop Zen as soon as its ready and try to find a target with at least half health so I can get the most out of the heal.


Sure once 50 comes and I switch to a more PvP-centric build things will be different.

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Well, being that we are a melee class that wears medium armor, we do our BEST with pocket healers. Sentinels can soak an INCREDIBLE amount of damage if you know how to play your class right. With all the awesome defensive CDs we get, why WOULDN'T you use a pocket healer?


Using a class that compliments your own isn't a "bad" thing to do. In fact, I'd suggest you start making friends and you can win a game with you and another person (granted not EVERY time) like me and Grodo do frequently.


And for the record, I melt 50s just as quick. Plenty of other fights in that video, as well as plenty of other videos on my channel of me destroying people in Combat spec, and I'm not level 50 then either.


I don't have the problems you seem to be having, is the long and short of it. And as I said, there are multiple videos of my channel of me proving extremely effective in a variety of warzones/specs/levels.


Everyone does their best with pocket healers. Guardians have even more burst, and party armor pen. And can shield their pocket healer.


Gunslingers, shadows, etc. everyone is better with a healer. That is not some magically exclusive sentinel thing.

In fact, if you were to ask, who is BEST with a pocket healer. that is probably, gaurdian, dps sage, dps commando. In that order.


But mixed level warzones with duos/group queing vs solo pugs is not remotely a reasonable metric. The gear/stat and coop variance is so high, that class balance is irrelevant.




As for the overall statement. Yes, sentinels get better. They really need all their defensive CD's to compete. This is of course terrible design, and having to make use of 6 1-5min CD moves that last 6s each in every fight paced out is both annoying, and lame. A more even distribution of power at 50 would be nice. So we arent defenseless with CD's down, and gods when CD's up. As well as distributing the power from 10-50 better, so that we are more functional earlier.


Example of godmode. Huttball yesterday. on top of the ramp, with ball. 3 Imps at finish line, 2 on ramp with me. Rebuke+transcendence. With focus spec 7% talented mit, I now have 60% damage reduc, while rebuke and tranc are up. moving forward, now with 5 people beating on me. AWE. 2 more add in while I inch forward. Sabre ward. Biochem reusable healing pot. Inch forward. Resolute. +10% heal. Guarded by the force. score. Popping all my CD's I made myself unkillable for a good 30s.

Yet other times, leap. KB. rooted. stunned. rooted. stunned. dead.



Which spec? at 50, each offers a bit different playstyle and has good pvp talents unique to it.



huge burst(and its aoe). Shorter CD on stasis. NASTY slow/huge damage in force crush. I play focus. and you can not fathom how much you can mess people up with 5000 aoe damage sweeps. (guardians can do even more). Resolute heal is nice.

45s CD on guarded by the force with pvp set. 7% damage reduc.



Roots. MS root is ok. Very nice after a prec strike. Crippling throw root is very very nice. second CC break on force camo is amazing. (not so good in hutball.. haha)

The value of these roots is in team play. Any root is locking down a target for your team as well. You need to get up on, and stay on your targets to deal damage. As combat is more sustained damage, less burst. Hence CC breaks, and roots.



Burns that avoid armor. Dots, that only require on hit, then dont need to stay on top of your target. nice burst in merc slash. heals, heals, and more heals. faster centering building for that zen. 0 range leap interrupt/focus. as well as shorter leap CD. Can't get kited/cc'd with that shorter CD leap. force camo invul.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Would you rather fight a team of 10 sorcerors/sages, 10 scoundrels/operatives or 10 sentinel/marauders.


Personally, I'd take on 10 sentinels anyday. Minimal threat. Even if you have 5 Sents and 5 sages, I'd rather face them than 10 sages or 10 scoundrels.


It's a good class, but the fact is, it's lacking. It has a lot of problems mainly due to the way this game is made. The awkward time it takes to queue your skills, usually sometimes your skills don't even go off when you press it 5-6 times.


Also, our offhand is complete crap as it doesn't scale. You can just go in a game with a level 1 offhand saber, and it'll really make little difference.


For a melee, it's extremely crucial that your skills go off when you press them, especially a melee with 0 stuns. Our CC is limited to an AoE blind, some hit percentage reducing skill, a choke that requires to be channeled, a 2-3 immobolizing leap and a 3 second immobilzing vicious throw (Combat talented).


This class needs an actual stun like all the other classes already have. Other classes already do more damage, they also have great survivability, although Sentinels survivability is amazing, It's sort of pointless if you're getting CC'ed all day when you pop those cooldowns. I'd just CC a sent, whenever they pop up their cooldowns, because the animation is so obvious.


Seriously, if anyone thinks they're amazing as a sentinel even as Watchman spec, I admit it's good at late level, but even so. The other classes outshine it in Endgame PvP just because it lacks the proper OFFENSIVE utility.

Edited by Calviny
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