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Walmart PreOrders


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Okay so I just got of the phone with Chris S. from EA concerning Collectors Edition pre-orders, etc...


Here's the breakdown:

  • All retailers should have their copies by the 15th and be shipping "expeditiously"
  • All people who registered their CE PreOrder codes with SWTOR are in the EA system
  • THEREFORE All people who pre ordered the CE SHOULD GET IT, according to EA's system

So it looks like EA has actually been in touch with their retailers (he specifically mentioned GameStop as already having theirs and Best Buy with WalMart, etc...) and that as far as EA is concerned, they had the stock and if you got a CE preorder code, you have a CE waiting for you that should be with the retailer on the 15th AND SHIPPED AFTER IT ARRIVES.


Here's hoping that's all true.


I observed in game that your second bullet point is correct. They have me flagged for a CE. I figure we'll get them, but I really dont want to be locked out next week. It's Christmas week, for cryin out loud!

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Okay so I just got of the phone with Chris S. from EA concerning Collectors Edition pre-orders, etc...


Here's the breakdown:

  • All retailers should have their copies by the 15th and be shipping "expeditiously"
  • All people who registered their CE PreOrder codes with SWTOR are in the EA system
  • THEREFORE All people who pre ordered the CE SHOULD GET IT, according to EA's system

So it looks like EA has actually been in touch with their retailers (he specifically mentioned GameStop as already having theirs and Best Buy with WalMart, etc...) and that as far as EA is concerned, they had the stock and if you got a CE preorder code, you have a CE waiting for you that should be with the retailer on the 15th AND SHIPPED AFTER IT ARRIVES.


Here's hoping that's all true.


Any idea if people who entered their pre-order codes with a standard/DDE and still ordered a CE will falling under #3? I pre-ordered a CE with Wal-Mart back in early October but someone was nice enough to donate their standard edition pre-order code to me so I could input the code earlier. Then I just donated my CE pre-order code to a friend just so it wouldn't go to waste. Hope I'm not screwed here.

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Any idea if people who entered their pre-order codes with a standard/DDE and still ordered a CE will falling under #3? I pre-ordered a CE with Wal-Mart back in early October but someone was nice enough to donate their standard edition pre-order code to me so I could input the code earlier. Then I just donated my CE pre-order code to a friend just so it wouldn't go to waste. Hope I'm not screwed here.


I don't think you are. :) Basically what they were saying was that if you received a CE PreOrder (which you did) there is a CE waiting for you somewhere. It just needs to get to you.


Hopefully everything works out this way.

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With the hassle getting even the preorder code, ordered aug 1, rec'd code dec 2nd, and the hassle trying to get a sgip date from Best Buy I finally cancelled my CE order as their track record didn't leave me with any hope of recieving it within a week after launch even. Ordered the digital download instead. I will miss out on the bonus stuff of CE but it'll be a logn time before I stop stewing about missing out on day 1 access anyways, I don't start a new game to sit and watch others get ahead.

If I wanted a spectater sport I'd have gone to espn not swtor.

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Given what I’ve been told by walmart on #1 I’m not holding my breath.


If I get shipping status tomorrow, sweet. But they’re still saying EA won’t let them ship until 12/20


This matches what I saw on Walmart's page when I first ordered the CE edition back in October. Ships the 20th arriving 27 - 29th.


I had thought the Pre-order key would keep working after the 20th but apparently not doh. As long as I get my CE I am sure I will catch up just fine.

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This matches what I saw on Walmart's page when I first ordered the CE edition back in October. Ships the 20th arriving 27 - 29th.


I had thought the Pre-order key would keep working after the 20th but apparently not doh. As long as I get my CE I am sure I will catch up just fine.


Well back when most of us preordered we were told and assured there was a grace period after early access when we could wait on shipping to input our game codes.


I ordered from walmart with the security to KNOW it wouldnt matter if I didnt get my box till a few days after, even with the fastest shipping speed.


Of course grace period got tossed and we got left to deal with it however we can.

Edited by Ezren
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I just tried calling Walmart again and the person I spoke to told me that I had an incorrect order number. Then she asked me what item I was calling about and she then told me that they do not carry Star Wars games in a snippy voice. I asked her to transfer me to her supervisor and she hung up on me. I have no clue what that was even about. Maybe she's been getting calls about this all day, or maybe she didn't know what she was doing. I don't even think it's worth calling Walmart anymore.


And it seems like anyone who tries to get answers from BioWare on Twitter gets snapped at or ignored. We're NOT trying to be a nuisance. I just hope the information BioWare gave Ruei is accurate and they just didn't say that to get off the phone. Fingers crossed.

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This matches what I saw on Walmart's page when I first ordered the CE edition back in October. Ships the 20th arriving 27 - 29th.


I had thought the Pre-order key would keep working after the 20th but apparently not doh. As long as I get my CE I am sure I will catch up just fine.

Yeah, for a while, though (and still, for some people) we weren't even sure we'd be getting the CE at all, so this confirmation from an EA rep is actually somewhat helpful. As for whether or not WalMart ships once they have the product... well, I guess we'll see soon enough. At this point, I'll believe it when I have it in my hands... but the fact that this glitch happened and how ungracefully they handled it in combination with EA's sudden announcement of a lack of grace period...




Yeah, it has a bad aftertaste, if you know what I mean.


We've just been jerked around a lot... for no real reason.

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I'm glad to see we are keeping this issue visible, but I think we can hold off until Friday to really panic. If they receive the inventory tomorrow, all our copies should be able to ship by Friday. If they sit on them until the 20th, that will be messed up.
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I'm glad to see we are keeping this issue visible, but I think we can hold off until Friday to really panic. If they receive the inventory tomorrow, all our copies should be able to ship by Friday. If they sit on them until the 20th, that will be messed up.
If they ship on Friday a majority of America wouldn’t see them until the 21st-23rd. Better than waiting until after Christmas, however still not the type of resolution I’d like to see.
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Okay so I just got of the phone with Chris S. from EA concerning Collectors Edition pre-orders, etc...


Here's the breakdown:

[*]All people who registered their CE PreOrder codes with SWTOR are in the EA system



I wonder what the significance of that might be. Personally, I have a printed card with a CE Preorder Code on it, but never associated it with my account, as I had originally done an Origin DDE pre-order and was told that it wasn't needed.


For what it's worth, I also have a pre-order placed through Newegg.com. I just chatted with a CSR over there, as follows:


Libby: Hi, my name is Libby. How may I help you?


<me>: hi Libby

<me>: Pre Order #xxxxxx

Manufacturer states that the product should ship in time to arrive by 12/20. Can you please let me know when this item will be shipped?


Libby: Hello <me>. I'd be happy to help you with that. May I please have a moment to look into this for you?


<me>: certainly


Libby: Thank you for holding <me>. I see the release date of the item is 12/20/2011. There is a high chance that we will be shipping the order out on the release day. However, an item's ETA is subject to change without notice. Please keep in mind that this is only an estimated date of arrival given to us by the manufacturer. There may be delays due to inventory error or other reasons but we will not process, charge or ship your pre-order until the item on the pre-order is in stock. Currently, this item is not in stock and your pre-order has not been processed. We're receiving inventory daily and will process the remaining pre-orders as soon as more inventory is received. Once it is processed into a normal order, a confirmation email will be sent to your login email address. Thank you for your patience.


<me>: All right, thank you Libby.


Libby: It was my pleasure. Is there anything else you still need assistance with? :)


<me>: Not today. Have a great one.

Libby: Thank you for contacting us. I hope you have an Eggcellent day!

You have disconnected.


So, in the very least, Newegg is claiming that they'll ship on 12/20, or once the inventory is received. Fortunatetly they offer free 3-day shipping, which should blow Walmart out of the water (assuming they both ship on 12/20).

Edited by IlexGlabra
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I wonder what the significance of that might be.


The significance, I think, stems to the amount of CEs and the code to CE ratio which, from the information I was given, means it's 1:1 and that just receiving/having the CE preorder code means there is an associated CE that should arrive. Again, many of us WalMart folk were wondering if we'd even receive the box at all.


Newegg is usually pretty good, so I imagine you'll have the CE fairly quickly from them, even if they do ship on the 20th. I want to know why EA marked it for the 20th with retailers to begin with! It's not like we can do anything with the boxes until the 20th... they should have just left them undated and shipped them out appropriately especially given the lack of a grace period.

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I want to know why EA marked it for the 20th with retailers to begin with! It's not like we can do anything with the boxes until the 20th... they should have just left them undated and shipped them out appropriately especially given the lack of a grace period.



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The significance, I think, stems to the amount of CEs and the code to CE ratio which, from the information I was given, means it's 1:1 and that just receiving/having the CE preorder code means there is an associated CE that should arrive. Again, many of us WalMart folk were wondering if we'd even receive the box at all.


Newegg is usually pretty good, so I imagine you'll have the CE fairly quickly from them, even if they do ship on the 20th. I want to know why EA marked it for the 20th with retailers to begin with! It's not like we can do anything with the boxes until the 20th... they should have just left them undated and shipped them out appropriately especially given the lack of a grace period.


Well, Newegg is still taking orders for the CE, so feel free to head on over there. ;) Fortunately, both Newegg and Walmart are good about returns, so I figure that if I do end up getting two boxes, I can just return one of them (or sell it on eBay, in the very least).

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With New Egg not being included in their preorder program I don’t know if they’d have any left.


Also, when the walmart glitches started everyone said they were going there to order. They’ve done fantastic shipping me computer parts when they’re in stock. I don’t know how they handle preorders though, and I have no clue if EA actually told them how many they were getting.

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I for one am betting that Walmart will start shipping out in the next few days. They kinda built their company's success on very efficient operations.


We'll see.

The last I heard from Walmart, note yesterday, was that the manufacturer had a release hold date on the product.


Unless EA/BW has removed said hold them having stock means nothing.

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The last I heard from Walmart, note yesterday, was that the manufacturer had a release hold date on the product.


Unless EA/BW has removed said hold them having stock means nothing.


and Bioware says its all up to walmart.


I just hate the he said/she said game so much. You never know who exactly is to blame for it

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Well, Newegg is still taking orders for the CE, so feel free to head on over there. ;) Fortunately, both Newegg and Walmart are good about returns, so I figure that if I do end up getting two boxes, I can just return one of them (or sell it on eBay, in the very least).




I think they're out of stock. >.<

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