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Wanted to Share Character Arts


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While I am not a professional, and definitely not very fast at art, I wanted to share a couple pieces of art I've done digitally of my characters; and how they look to me, rather than just in the game (seriously need better hairstyles for male characters....)


This first one is my Darkness Assassin, Ia'nnis. I am strange, I personally love tanking, so I just had to make him. I've managed to get most of the armor he's shown in too... except the gloves. RNG is hating on me when it comes to them. The background of this one is actually an in game screen shot on Dromund Kaas. I personally rather like how it turned out




And this second on is still a WiP of my Sith Marauder, Mahe'svara. I am seriously dreading the color work for the background...



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