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READ!!! It's to your advantage, promise, me. it's a quick post.


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In the 60-70 range. the 70's are maxed gear.

What are the move useful characters that are OP or more importantly op soon so I can level to that.

The only reason I ask is that I need the extra power to relearn the game and to help uvershadow my lack of knowing the ops until I do.

I plsy on Beregen, Jedi, Ebon, Prophesy, and the Red Eclypse ( I have a 950MB/s connection, 500ish wifi - like day raids)

This is very I.portant to my and I have wht might be considered "artifacts?: form 2011/12 to trade for good information.

we, can talk on vocie chat about particulars. Please respond here. I will make it woth your while if your information is soud.



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I'd say most OP dps class at the moment is Fury Marauder - really, top DPS class when it comes to damage.

Virulence Sniper is also getting nice buff to energy regeneration, it'll be easier to manage after 5.6 patch (you'll get 1 energy regen per poison tick). With sniper's defenses it's really going to be one of most viable classes for operations.


Here are average numbers done by all classes: http://parsely.io/parser/stats so you can actually see for yourself what is best atm.


Tanking wise - assassin is the best class in majority if not all fights. Defenses like Shroud, Cloak, Force Speed let you cheeze plenty of mechanics and give you much better survival chances than other tanks, especially PT.


When it comes to heals - all classes are getting kind of balanced now, but I'd say Merc healer is the best - crazy defensives and easy to learn.

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