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Consequence of frustration


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I would like to believe that ultimately most of us load this game to relax and have fun. But from time to time and by no means on a rare occurance, a frusrated players starts into name calling either a single player or the whole team. Not only is it demoralizing the ops group but also humiliates the target.


After thousands of warzones, I do understand how irritating it is to see someone or a group of players ignoring objectives, starting into deathmatch or not calling for help or worse, ignoring call for help or running around like headless chickens, camping at turret or simply afking (the latter is a serious issue and as such, should be addressed BTW).


In my eyes, the worst part of the story is that this unpleasant experience does not seem to come to an end as time passes by. Are there really this many new players to join endgame PVP with 90-100 valor rank? I don't think so. If I have a guess, the consequence of a harassment/inappropriate player report does not result any change in the behaviour of the reported player.


Please let me know if you or your guild mate/friend has ever been warned or suspended/banned for innappropriate behaviour/harassement, for no one gets feedback when they report someone and it would be good to know if there is any point in wasting our time reporting these players.

Edited by varietasplus
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I would like to believe that ultimately most of us load this game to relax and have fun. But from time to time and by no means on a rare occurance, a frusrated players starts into name calling either a single player or the whole team. Not only is it demoralizing the ops group but also humiliates the target.


After thousands of warzones, I do understand how irritating it is to see someone or a group of players ignoring objectives, starting into deathmatch or not calling for help or worse, ignoring call for help or running around like headless chickens, camping at turret or simply afking (the latter is a serious issue and as such, should be addressed BTW).


In my eyes, the worst part of the story is that this unpleasant experience does not seem to come to an end as time passes by. Are there really this many new players to join endgame PVP with 90-100 valor rank? I don't think so. If I have a guess, the consequence of a harassment/inappropriate player report does not result any change in the behaviour of the reported player.


Please let me know if you or your guild mate/friend has ever been warned or suspended/banned for innappropriate behaviour/harassement, for no one gets feedback when they report someone and it would be good to know if there is any point in wasting our time reporting these players.


This thread reeks of sadness.


I death match a lot in regs b/c why not? 248 gear rating, 100 valor, max comms, no other incentives to win. I enjoy 1v1 and dueling and there isn't a queue for people who like to duel.


I'll play to win if I recognize players I know that normally do well are on the same team as me but, if I see a bunch of Empire's Mercs or Revan's Legacy or some other crap guilds on TSL I just give up and go about my Bounty Hunting business.


As for the name calling.....its almost like you've never played Huttball before. Even Baron Deathmark encourages cheating and name calling.


You're pvping so you're getting shot at and hacked and slashed at constantly so if you're going to let some words in pvp/gen chat bother you I'd suggest either getting acquainted with your ignore feature or find a new game.

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I death match a lot in regs b/c why not?


Because it's a group game and it's disrespectful of everyone else there.


I get it, I guess. The game, "as it's advertised", is boring for you. And to make it interesting for you, you play your way. You pay your subscription, can't tell you how to play, etc. etc. But in theory, everyone else there signed up for a specific group activity with a stated-by-the-game goal. For someone to sign up for that same activity, with no intention of actually playing that way, in my opinion of course, is dis'ing everyone else.


Think of ranked. Players scream bloody murder that people throw matches, queue sync, queue dodge, whatever. But it's EXACTLY the same thing. You get no real-world tangible gain from ranked, it all just boils down to enjoyment of the game. So someone who's throwing a ranked match is just playing it in a way that is not intended, and ruining your enjoyment of the game. How is that any different than someone deathmatching in a huttball game, blatantly ignore the ball at all times, and ruining my enjoyment of the game?


I think the correct response, if you are bored with the game, is to not play the game. Not to sign up, and then play some other game.


But so many people believe in the "I can play whatever way I want" mentality that I realize it's not really worth it to fight it. My response to people who are ruining my enjoyment of the game is not to call them names or rant, it's to log out and quit playing for a while.


So at the end of the day, yeah, I'm not really going to argue this much. But you did ask, "why not", so that's my answer. :D

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I'm an OBJ Tryhardmaximus Aurelius and I'll rage at the TDMers and srettihs but in the end I don't pay their sub so they are welcome to TDM and suck as much as they want.


Its internet PVP, its not going to be "your way" every game.


Whats really cute to me are these "damage farmers" who can't seem to farm as much damage or heals as my team doing/carrying objectives.


In the end, it comes down to how competitive you are as a team or as an individual. Alot of the people who say "I'm maxed out I don't want to do OBJs", in my opinion are just afraid to put themselves out there and try. They think they'll be made fun of if they fail AND have bad numbers. And in HB, they simply aren't able to control their character movement at the level required to excel at HB. But then again, I'm biassed.

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Name-calling is childish and I avoid it, but I've vented my frustration in Ops chat. If someone isn't responding to calls they deserve to be called out for it.


Gather around for my tale of Pugging woe.


An Alderaan match a few days ago where the other team captured mid in addition to their own node very early. The scrum attempting to capture mid seemed like a stalemate that it wasn't going to produce any result so I peeled off and decided to have a go at their node. To my surprise, they had left it completely unguarded. So now we have both Grass and Snow and it is still very early in the match. People start calling out "Defend Snow and Grass" and some peel off to one or the other except for three with tunnel vision or greed for a three cap who remain locked on Mid.


Predictably the other team then comes heavy at Snow (their original node) while we only have three people trying to defend it. Multiple calls go out for INC, HELP SNOW, Heavy Snow, ect, ect. The two people at Grass join the chorus and start shouting "LEAVE MID" and "GO HELP SNOW." What was the result of all that? All three remained at Mid. The three defending Snow do their best to prevent caps and hold out for a couple minutes but with no help its only a matter of time. I die once and start making my way back to Snow, notice the three still fighting a healer/tank combo at Mid, and make it all the way back to prevent one cap (but not a second), yet none of those three at Mid could make it. One was a healer as well, who could have done more at Snow which was without healing and outnumbered.


Mid of course, is never taken.


So yeah, I called all three out in Ops chat and blamed them for the loss that not surprisingly followed. I usually don't post anything in Ops chat besides calls or GG but that match was beyond frustrating and there is no excuse for ignoring multiple calls. If the rest of the team is telling you to leave mid there is probably a reason for it.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I just don't get why winning huttball is such a big deal. If you can win it, great, if not, who cares? My care meter for regs sunk along time ago (5.0 mostly, when mercs became god mode, and sort of still are in regs)


Everyone's definition of fun for PvP is different. Sometimes you need the damage farmers to free up objective players to do objectives. Its hard to hold or take points or clear the door for voidstar if you have no damage farmers. Ancient lolgate is mostly about getting kills and defending a gate. Need good damage and heals to make these objectives worthwhile.


Havent we all been there? Where the team is so bad at healing and damage that you can't even do objectives even if you wanted too, because you cant stay alive long enough to do anything.


And huttball is a total throw away map IMO. If you can win it great, sure its fun, if you have sorcs doing pulls, people healing the person with the ball, people going after the person with the ball. - but if no one is doing these things, meh, no skin of my nose, I death match in the middle and take my 3 UC's in peace - because its regs, why get mad? If you have anything to prove and need to show off trophies, isn't that what ranked is for.... ?

Edited by DenariusJay
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I would like to believe that ultimately most of us load this game to relax and have fun. But from time to time and by no means on a rare occurance, a frusrated players starts into name calling either a single player or the whole team. Not only is it demoralizing the ops group but also humiliates the target.


After thousands of warzones, I do understand how irritating it is to see someone or a group of players ignoring objectives, starting into deathmatch or not calling for help or worse, ignoring call for help or running around like headless chickens, camping at turret or simply afking (the latter is a serious issue and as such, should be addressed BTW).


In my eyes, the worst part of the story is that this unpleasant experience does not seem to come to an end as time passes by. Are there really this many new players to join endgame PVP with 90-100 valor rank? I don't think so. If I have a guess, the consequence of a harassment/inappropriate player report does not result any change in the behaviour of the reported player.


Please let me know if you or your guild mate/friend has ever been warned or suspended/banned for innappropriate behaviour/harassement, for no one gets feedback when they report someone and it would be good to know if there is any point in wasting our time reporting these players.


Every PVP game on the market (even group play) has name calling, ganking, and plenty of players doing their own thing. It just happens. To get upset over it is a waste of time. If a player is bothering you that much either put them on ignore.. or log one of your alts on the opposing team and kick his ***.


God I miss my KOS list from the old days of WOW. I wish this game supported OWPVP more. I'd love to have another KOS list.

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I can see how this is frustrating. But, sometimes for the person doing the calling out, it just reaches a boiling point. Where you are constantly being put on teams that don't PTFO or are just plain bad. So, I can somewhat understand the frustrations of both parties.


Teams that don't PTFO just about sums up two Huttball matches I was in yesterday.


In the first I was the only one going for the ball as far as I can tell and only one of two are consistently focusing enemy ball carriers. When I had the ball the typical experience was being mobbed by a swarm of red with not a green in sight to either take a pass, peel or stun some DPS, or throw me a heal or three. They were too busy deathmatching the two or three deathmakers on the other team out in the middle of nowhere.


The second was as a backfill of a match where we were already down 2-0. I quickly learned why someone had quit that match to open up a spot for me to backfill when I was the only DPS supporting the brave soul actually trying in vain to run the ball for our team. When he predictably quit over the lack of support I decided not to bother stepping into his shoes, thought to myself "When in Rome...," and joined the deathmatchers in their thrilling march to a 0-6 finish. I did however crush the DPS leaderboard and got 3 MVP votes...in a match where I had given up and quit playing objectives. :rolleyes:

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Guess I should have been more accurate: I did not mean rare outbursts like calling your team mates "noobs" when you realize they don't give a **** helping you achieve objectives or fail to call for help, but when an immature person does not resent from more and more serious vulgarity towards a team mate for not playing the game their way or making a mistake, keep on calling them "retarded", "*****", "idiot", etc.


I still believe such frustration should be vented elsewhere and is against moral standards/ingame policies and should not be everyday part of the gameplay. There are less offensive ways to express your unfavourable oppinion on your team mates that might ultimately end up as constructive criticism.

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Guess I should have been more accurate: I did not mean rare outbursts like calling your team mates "noobs" when you realize they don't give a **** helping you achieve objectives or fail to call for help, but when an immature person does not resent from more and more serious vulgarity towards a team mate for not playing the game their way or making a mistake, keep on calling them "retarded", "*****", "idiot", etc.


I still believe such frustration should be vented elsewhere and is against moral standards/ingame policies and should not be everyday part of the gameplay. There are less offensive ways to express your unfavourable oppinion on your team mates that might ultimately end up as constructive criticism.


The thing about offering criticism is that some people wear their heart on their sleeve so criticism no matter how well meaning will offend some people.


Keep that in mind.

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Because it's a group game and it's disrespectful of everyone else there.

Whats truly disrespectful is forcing your will and ideations on other people so that your experience is better than theirs.


Everyone pays the same for a sub, so each persons goal for the game carries the same weight, whether its to beat end game content, rule in pvp, or afk in group events. If you want a game with exclusivity, look elsewhere.

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Whats truly disrespectful is forcing your will and ideations on other people so that your experience is better than theirs.


Everyone pays the same for a sub, so each persons goal for the game carries the same weight, whether its to beat end game content, rule in pvp, or afk in group events. If you want a game with exclusivity, look elsewhere.




You're wrong. Feel free to read the RoC, specifically the part about harassment. You may pay for the game, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.

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Whats truly disrespectful is forcing your will and ideations on other people so that your experience is better than theirs.


Everyone pays the same for a sub, so each persons goal for the game carries the same weight, whether its to beat end game content, rule in pvp, or afk in group events. If you want a game with exclusivity, look elsewhere.


I wasn't talking about *MY* will. I was talking about how bioware created the game, and what they say the rules are. If I had my will, then orbs wouldn't matter in AHG and no one would run them. But bioware made them count, so I pay attention to them. If I had my way, opers would not be able to roll through acid. But I don't demand they stop doing it. My way would be that slows are affected by resolve, but I don't tell people they can't use slows on anyone that has a whitebar. Etc. Etc.


But you know, your well thought out argument has convinced me. I'm going to expand this to real life too. That next basketball tournament I sign up for. When I get on my team I'm just going to stand there and shoot free throws. I paid my fee, nothing anyone else can say about it.


Next baseball game I'm in, I'm going to run round and round the bases and that's all, because I've decided I want my "passed home base 10 times" achievement. Anyone who thinks I'm wrong is being completely disrespectful of me.


My next chess game I'm going to play checkers. I don't really want to play chess, but no one is offering checkers games right now, and the chess players have all the boards. So it's perfectly OK to sign up for chess, and then set my checkers pieces down and go at it.


In fact, why draw the line at games? When I get out on the roads today, I'm going to drive on the left. Everyone else here drives on the right. But I paid my taxes the same as they did, so I can use the road any way I want.


Thank you for making me realize how silly it was to think of following any community agreement or stated-by-the-creators intent for the common use of group thing. I feel so much freer now knowing that I can do all those things above and more, and if anyone thinks I can't do it my way, they are being totally disrespectful of me!

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I wasn't talking about *MY* will. I was talking about how bioware created the game, and what they say the rules are. If I had my will, then orbs wouldn't matter in AHG and no one would run them. But bioware made them count, so I pay attention to them. If I had my way, opers would not be able to roll through acid. But I don't demand they stop doing it. My way would be that slows are affected by resolve, but I don't tell people they can't use slows on anyone that has a whitebar. Etc. Etc.


But you know, your well thought out argument has convinced me. I'm going to expand this to real life too. That next basketball tournament I sign up for. When I get on my team I'm just going to stand there and shoot free throws. I paid my fee, nothing anyone else can say about it.


Next baseball game I'm in, I'm going to run round and round the bases and that's all, because I've decided I want my "passed home base 10 times" achievement. Anyone who thinks I'm wrong is being completely disrespectful of me.


My next chess game I'm going to play checkers. I don't really want to play chess, but no one is offering checkers games right now, and the chess players have all the boards. So it's perfectly OK to sign up for chess, and then set my checkers pieces down and go at it.


In fact, why draw the line at games? When I get out on the roads today, I'm going to drive on the left. Everyone else here drives on the right. But I paid my taxes the same as they did, so I can use the road any way I want.


Thank you for making me realize how silly it was to think of following any community agreement or stated-by-the-creators intent for the common use of group thing. I feel so much freer now knowing that I can do all those things above and more, and if anyone thinks I can't do it my way, they are being totally disrespectful of me!


Are you comparing real life with a video games ...

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Are you comparing real life with a video games ...


I think you approach Banderal's point of view (which is valid BTW) from an irrelevant angle. It does not matter if it is real life or a gaming community. Grouping or teaming up has an implicit meaning: putting your selfish motivations aside, respect others and work towards a common goal the best way you can which includes being motivational, inspire others or even taking the role of a leader. If someone feels rules or moral standards are only unnecessary restrictions that violate their free will, maybe they should be looking for single player games/content.

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I think you approach Banderal's point of view (which is valid BTW) from an irrelevant angle. It does not matter if it is real life or a gaming community. Grouping or teaming up has an implicit meaning: putting your selfish motivations aside, respect others and work towards a common goal the best way you can which includes being motivational, inspire others or even taking the role of a leader. If someone feels rules or moral standards are only unnecessary restrictions that violate their free will, maybe they should be looking for single player games/content.

You think i'm retarder. ...

How many online game have you played ?

what i have seen across many games you can't force ppl to think like you, even if you think you are right cause we are talking about something made to be fun and fun soun ds différents for everybody.

The game offer you the possibility to q alone or with teamates.

i have many exemples when ppl where total ******* and throwéd games but what can i say.


go try hard in group ranked more suit able for your state of mind

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I wasn't talking about *MY* will. I was talking about how bioware created the game, and what they say the rules are. If I had my will, then orbs wouldn't matter in AHG and no one would run them. But bioware made them count, so I pay attention to them. If I had my way, opers would not be able to roll through acid. But I don't demand they stop doing it. My way would be that slows are affected by resolve, but I don't tell people they can't use slows on anyone that has a whitebar. Etc. Etc.


But you know, your well thought out argument has convinced me. I'm going to expand this to real life too. That next basketball tournament I sign up for. When I get on my team I'm just going to stand there and shoot free throws. I paid my fee, nothing anyone else can say about it.


Next baseball game I'm in, I'm going to run round and round the bases and that's all, because I've decided I want my "passed home base 10 times" achievement. Anyone who thinks I'm wrong is being completely disrespectful of me.


My next chess game I'm going to play checkers. I don't really want to play chess, but no one is offering checkers games right now, and the chess players have all the boards. So it's perfectly OK to sign up for chess, and then set my checkers pieces down and go at it.


In fact, why draw the line at games? When I get out on the roads today, I'm going to drive on the left. Everyone else here drives on the right. But I paid my taxes the same as they did, so I can use the road any way I want.


Thank you for making me realize how silly it was to think of following any community agreement or stated-by-the-creators intent for the common use of group thing. I feel so much freer now knowing that I can do all those things above and more, and if anyone thinks I can't do it my way, they are being totally disrespectful of me!

My argument wasnt to be accusatory towards any specific person.


That said, If you pay your tournament entry fee, you have the right to do whatever you want. Who are others to judge how you spend your money if they sign up willingly to play with random participants? Can you get yelled at? Yes. Will people disapprove? Yes. Guess what....that sounds like other aspects of real life - where people disagree about things.

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I have seen a lot in this game for the past years.


I never seen or heard of any punishment at all. I have been on both sides. Back on Progenitor there were guilds that went into PVP with a premade and always focused one player in the match. They made his life miserable by killing him right away on sight after respawn. The idea was for that person to quit the match. This seemed fun for them but not for the team as when 4 ppl focus 1 player the team loses.


Another thing was ranked in the past. When you went into it and got these nerve ppl and lost they kept on whispering you and telling you all kinds of bad stuff. If you ignored them, they relogged to troll even more etc. I guess some people just have it bad in RL so they vent stuff in game.

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If you have played enough MMO or online game you Will always face this Kind of stuff the only to counter balance it, q with your friands or just ignore the bullshirt from others.


it s worKing for me cause i only try hard on ranked were it's really relevant.

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