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Marauder seriously needs some buffs....


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so i clearly dont understand carnage


i do fine with rage, average 250k, almost always top damage (not 50 yet, no expertise)


but when i went carnage i was barely breaking 140k


how the hell are you gettin 450k?


ps. wtb video

Edited by CrazyAl
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so i clearly dont understand carnage


i do fine with rage, average 250k, almost always top damage (not 50 yet, no expertise)


but when i went carnage i was barely breaking 140k


how the hell are you gettin 450k?


ps. wtb video


Im thinking about making a recording of a warzone, with maybe some commenting over the top? Im not sure, maybe it will help as i see alot of people complaining about balance.

Ill see what i can do bro (probably need a hardware upgrade tho).

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Im thinking about making a recording of a warzone, with maybe some commenting over the top? Im not sure, maybe it will help as i see alot of people complaining about balance.

Ill see what i can do bro (probably need a hardware upgrade tho).



Might be a good idea.



You should name it "See, it isn't Marauders, it's YOU that sucks".

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Its not that impressive when you have heal/guard stick on your *** and only focus to do damage. As you can see on the screenshots he gots no points for objectives. In a team every supported DD can reach those numbers of damage
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Its not that impressive when you have heal/guard stick on your *** and only focus to do damage. As you can see on the screenshots he gots no points for objectives. In a team every supported DD can reach those numbers of damage


perhaps, but my point is that im seriously underperforming with carnage compared to rage, and i have no clue why


maybe its as simple as lack of practice, but maybe im missing something, if hes getting 450k with heal/guard im sure he can get at least 300+ without, and im getting less than half that

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I'm not fully leveled yet, so I can't say i'm fully qualified to comment. I can say, however, that I can break 100K if I do well enough and that's at level 38. Once I hit 40 and get Massacre i'm expecting that to skyrocket. Ataru strike at my beck and call? Tasty.
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I don't find any Hutball screenshots impressive

Hutball is NOT for dps, it's for scoring. Most of the time you can find yourself running around like mad cow doing dps while enemy is just running to your line with the ball and winning the game.

Post your screens on other WZ or don't post at all.

Edited by Precurso
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Marauders/Sentinels are a class that is 100% dependent on player skill for performance.



If you are a good player they are a great class, if you are not then you will not be able to make them work. The catch is after wow 99% of the MMO gamer player base has less skill at gaming then a pet rock. You do the math.

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Gunslingers/BHs are a class that is 100% dependent on player skill for performance.



If you are a good player they are a great class, if you are not then you will not be able to make them work. The catch is after wow 99% of the MMO gamer player base has less skill at gaming then a pet rock. You do the math.



Assassins/Shadows are a class that is 100% dependent on player skill for performance.



If you are a good player they are a great class, if you are not then you will not be able to make them work. The catch is after wow 99% of the MMO gamer player base has less skill at gaming then a pet rock. You do the math.



Snipers/Commandos are a class that is 100% dependent on player skill for performance.



If you are a good player they are a great class, if you are not then you will not be able to make them work. The catch is after wow 99% of the MMO gamer player base has less skill at gaming then a pet rock. You do the math.

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Its much easier to get 400k+ dmg with AoE Smash Crits than just doing single target damage.


no its not, if you were serious about pvp then you would not go a aoe spec and rely on people being grouped up or focusing you to be able to hit multiple targets.

play carnage, learn how to play, and stop trying to do aoe dmg in pvp, leave that crap for BHs



I don't find any Hutball screenshots impressive

Hutball is NOT for dps, it's for scoring. Most of the time you can find yourself running around like mad cow doing dps while enemy is just running to your line with the ball and winning the game.

Post your screens on other WZ or don't post at all.


Hah, you do realise how hard it is to reach an impressive amount of damage in civil war? most of the games i play republic are too scared to jump off their safe area, same with voidstar. I also find it harder to persuade people to stop going for objectives and farm them for medals... the games just end far too fast if you aim for objectives.


dont worry, ill find one, i love to impress people like you...

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Hah, you do realise how hard it is to reach an impressive amount of damage in civil war? most of the games i play republic are too scared to jump off their safe area, same with voidstar. I also find it harder to persuade people to stop going for objectives and farm them for medals... the games just end far too fast if you aim for objectives.


dont worry, ill find one, i love to impress people like you...


ya PLEASE do


PLEASE post a screenshot of your progress 2 weeks from now when WZs are full of every class in Centurion gear.

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ya PLEASE do


PLEASE post a screenshot of your progress 2 weeks from now when WZs are full of every class in Centurion gear.


+1 I have yet to see a marauder do all of these crazy numbers in ANY WZ I have played on my server...(just got 50 and I am Valor Rank 45 or so...so I have seen alot to say the least) there is something happening behind the scenes some trick or something someone is doing to top the scale like this. Me and my buddy are always top 3 or 4 and he normally hits about 200k in a GOOD game. The highest I have ever seen in any wz was normally the SI or some range spammy class.


/wtb video proof, something fishy is going on


<--anni Marauder

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ya PLEASE do


PLEASE post a screenshot of your progress 2 weeks from now when WZs are full of every class in Centurion gear.


ill be in full champion or battlemaster gear..



/wtb video proof, something fishy is going on


<--anni Marauder


your answer .burst>dots.

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http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/6...1122903181.jpg <- Hutball against lowbies

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/1...1122902381.jpg <- Hutball against lowbies


you know nuffen mayn



ya very impressive mayn durrrr


Hutball is NOT for dps, it's for scoring. Most of the time you can find yourself running around like mad cow doing dps while enemy is just running to your line with the ball and winning the game.


PLEASE post a screenshot of your progress 2 weeks from now when WZs are full of every class in Centurion gear.
Edited by Precurso
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I don't find any Hutball screenshots impressive

Hutball is NOT for dps, it's for scoring. Most of the time you can find yourself running around like mad cow doing dps while enemy is just running to your line with the ball and winning the game.

Post your screens on other WZ or don't post at all.





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