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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for barricade rifle guy . <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You girls are terrible, and should be ashamed, you don't see men acting this lol.:eek:

When they let us dress men in bikinis in game then we might think about stopping :p


As for Barricade Rifle Guy (and some Girls I believe are also tirelessly defending us) he/she needs a memorial statue. It's long overdue.

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Not quite. There's yet to be a thread for... Thanks for Vowrawn, Thanks for Ravage, Thanks for Overseer Harkun/Arkous/Cythy (think those are all the same VA anyhows, purr), Thanks for any-medic-who-isn't-Doc, Thanks for ... uhm what else?


Don't Encourage them lol. You know they will make 1or a dozen lol. Some of the ladies here almost derailed this terrible, errr, ummm, i mean peaceful barricade Trooper thread. Which we owe our sorry lives to:p


We should be mourning these pitiful, i mean wise Meatshield warriors:p

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Not quite. There's yet to be a thread for... Thanks for Vowrawn, Thanks for Ravage, Thanks for Overseer Harkun/Arkous/Cythy (think those are all the same VA anyhows, purr), Thanks for any-medic-who-isn't-Doc, Thanks for ... uhm what else?


Scourge, we need another Scourge thread. Only I don't dare make another one, I'll get shot. :eek::p

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I had the guts... :cool:


Damm, you girls are......... cruel, lol.


I want to know what happened with Scourge myself, but if i were in-charge of writting, my Character would sure want to know what happened with all of his divine psychic nature, where we were gonna just put some holes in the Emperor and instead we had to lead a whole Galactic army.


I'd wonder if Scourge was doing some recreational drugs at the time lol, and if i should ever give him the time of day

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I had the guts... :cool:


I saw. And I love it! :o:cool:



Damm, you girls are......... cruel, lol.


I want to know what happened with Scourge myself, but if i were in-charge of writting, my Character would sure want to know what happened with all of his divine psychic nature, where we were gonna just put some holes in the Emperor and instead we had to lead a whole Galactic army.


I'd wonder if Scourge was doing some recreational drugs at the time lol, and if i should ever give him the time of day


Eh, we do want we can lol. I suppose you knew that if you talk to Master Ranos, the chiss Jedi, that she has a few tidbits of info when you click on her at the Alliance base with different classes. What she says to JK leaves quite a lot open to the imagination...and so much could be made out of that info. I was always hoping to get more insight about his visions too, I didn't really feel like I got the answers I wanted from Drew's Revan book. I imagine his reaction would have been quite interesting, if he'd returned while the Outlander was still possessed, but they've dropped the ball so many times in this game where Scourge interactions are concerned that I don't hold out much hope. But I await the day... :)

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I didn't do the DvL event, but if i can get her through the Alliance Allert, then i've got to know what she has to say heheh


I think Karpshan through out the Disney take-over and what was George Lucas's. I found out that a lot of the stories had been altered in some areas because canon was being changed. Drew didn't get all the information he needed, or wanted to do a better book. Also, i'm surprised there was going to be a Revan book even though Lucas at the time said they were going to even with Disney just taking over. Wasn't it out in 2012?


Don't remember but Disney wanted a more thorough look over before it came out and didn't i think. That's the reason, 1 of the reasons why Revan and a lot of the Old Republic canon is no more, because Disney doesn't know what to do with it.


I still use George Lucas's canon, even if i hate some of it, out of respect.

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I didn't do the DvL event, but if i can get her through the Alliance Allert, then i've got to know what she has to say heheh


I think Karpshan through out the Disney take-over and what was George Lucas's. I found out that a lot of the stories had been altered in some areas because canon was being changed. Drew didn't get all the information he needed, or wanted to do a better book. Also, i'm surprised there was going to be a Revan book even though Lucas at the time said they were going to even with Disney just taking over. Wasn't it out in 2012?


Don't remember but Disney wanted a more thorough look over before it came out and didn't i think. That's the reason, 1 of the reasons why Revan and a lot of the Old Republic canon is no more, because Disney doesn't know what to do with it.


I still use George Lucas's canon, even if i hate some of it, out of respect.


I almost didn't bother with DvL but I'm glad I did, just for the info. I don't really care about Ranos or Hexid personally, for anything other than what they might tell me. As I understand some of the canon did change, particularly about the crystals was one thing I'd heard. As for the book, well you were close, it was actually 2011 the hardcover was released.


It's a shame Disney is being picky about that. The beauty of the Old Republic is that it was so long ago...you could do anything it's like a clean slate really, it doesn't have to connect to the existing movies at all. I did hear they were keeping a few things, like Thrawn, but I don't know for sure. I have no issues with George...except the midichlorean thing, I could've done without that lol.

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I almost didn't bother with DvL but I'm glad I did, just for the info. I don't really care about Ranos or Hexid personally, for anything other than what they might tell me. As I understand some of the canon did change, particularly about the crystals was one thing I'd heard. As for the book, well you were close, it was actually 2011 the hardcover was released.


It's a shame Disney is being picky about that. The beauty of the Old Republic is that it was so long ago...you could do anything it's like a clean slate really, it doesn't have to connect to the existing movies at all. I did hear they were keeping a few things, like Thrawn, but I don't know for sure. I have no issues with George...except the midichlorean thing, I could've done without that lol.


I think they took away from some of the Star Wars 'magic' when Lucas tried to get scientific, of course the more scientific only minded people were glad to have the force explained for them, but eh. :/


I know Filoni(spelling) who is also in charge along with Kathleen at Lucasfilm of making new canon, that Filoni who's in charge of the Cartoon series was going to have Revan canonized in Rebels, which i don't watch, but Revan was taken out at the last minute due to time and story time constraints they had. Filoni even had all the CGI done and artwork done. All they had to do was insert his image for him to be a part of the new Old Republic canon.


I honestly loved the Old Republic comics and stories as well as most of the Legacy comics, but didn't like leia's heirs not knowing the other Skywalkers, i think George Lucas was going to fix that problem. But he sold out to Disney before he got into the 120+ years after Episode 4 legacy comics.


Kathleen, who is in-charge of everything to be canon along with Filoni, said that as of this year they wanted to leave the Old Republic in a "Fantasy land" kind of place where Bioware writers could have more free reign to do what they want to.


EDIT: Can i get Ragnos without doing DvL? and did you get the PM

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I think they took away from some of the Star Wars 'magic' when Lucas tried to get scientific, of course the more scientific only minded people were glad to have the force explained for them, but eh. :/


Not only Lucas. A lot of novel authors, too. I've read a lot of novels until the Vong Saga, at that point I just stopped. Even before that, Star Wars had become too much SciFoi and completely lost its Fairy Tale soul. I prefer to read Tolkien because of that rather these days.

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