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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What are the things in swtor that you have literally never done before?


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Yes, we are aware of the companions thing and that it's really a story written for force rather than tech classes, with the JK and SW working best from what I remember reading. Can't hang around on the forums here without spoilering a few things. ;)


In all likelihood we will play it, but I guess it will be more like both playing a single-player game and chatting about it rather than playing together, at least that's the feeling we are getting from the increasingly instance heavy SOR so far.


Ive just played an agent through Kotfe/Kotet snd found a lot of places where an agent fits well. There is also a lot of agent specific dialogue.


My trooper goes pretty well as an alliance commander also. Really the only 2 classes it doesnt fit as well is the smuggler and the BH. They arent really a smuggler or a BH anymore.. its more of a thing they used to do.

People complain about Visions in the Dark and force jumping over logs but you never have to do that -- i dont on non force users, there is another log right there you can just walk across.

Edited by Suzsi
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