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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Show me the way please?


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I've been dabbling in and out of this game since pre order days back in 2011. I can't even remember the last time I was subscribed to it since my payment history doesn't date back that far:rolleyes: What keeps bringing me back are the storys Since 2011 i've only completed 4/8 and I plan to see all of them before i'm completely done.


This time around I feel so lost. I think my highest level character is a 55 Sith sorcerer and I think i may of boosted them? I am not sure. I really can't remember. I got on her lastnight and had no idea how to advance in the story at all. Or even how to begin the new story. I think now the level cap is 70? And the most sad part is I don't remember what all happened in the story before hand haha.


I'm almost tempted to start a new toon at level one. Do anyone have any suggestions for me? I'd perfer to expereince the new story and levels but just need a little direction please.

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Welcome back! :D Indeed, A LOT has changed since 2011. Starting a new character would likely be helpful. :) That way you can get used to the all the changes the game's gone through, and you can refresh your memory on the stories you've completed and have yet to see.


Levelling nowadays is super fast and easy - even if you start a new character, you'll be max level pretty quickly, so take your time with the story. As for the story itself, the order it chronologically goes in is

- your individual class story (Jedi consular, Sith inquisitor, smuggler, agent, etc. etc.)

- Ilum (unlocks at level 47)

- Makeb (unlocks at level 51)

- Forged Alliances (a prelude to Shadow of Revan; unlocks at level 55)

- Shadow of Revan (also unlocks at level 55)

- Rise of the Emperor (epilogue of Shadow of Revan)

- Knights of the Fallen Empire (unlocks at level 60)

- Knights of the Eternal Throne (unlocks at level 65)

Note: If you are at level 60 or 65, and you accept the starter quest for KOTFE or KOTET, you will be locked out of previous story content that you have not completed yet. This includes your class story, all companion conversations/missions, Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan, and Rise of the Emperor (and Knights of the Fallen Empire if you start KOTET first). If you haven't completed those stories before starting KOTFE/KOTET, you will not be able to start or finish them. This is due to the way the KOTFE and KOTET expansions and story are structured. Also, if it's your first time through, the story will make zero sense if you haven't finished the previous stories beforehand.

(Yikes, sorry for the giant bold letters. :p There've been quite a few people asking "Hey, I started KOTFE/KOTET, now I can't go back to Act II of my class story / Shadow of Revan / can't get a companion to talk with me, what's going on?" There are multiple warnings that pop up on your screen before you actually start KOTFE/KOTET, informing you that some content will become inaccessible once you start these new stories, but...some people tend to ignore those warnings. :/)


You *can* "boost" a new character to level 60 or 65, but...

a) this character will not be a previously created character (e.g. you can't have a Jedi Knight at level 46 and then boost them to level 65) - this will be a completely new character

b) they will be locked out of the aforementioned story content

c) they will not be given titles or achievements for their skipped-over story content (titles you earn through your original class stories, for example, or achievements for getting various classes to level 50/55/60/65/70 naturally)

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Wow! Thank you soo much for responding! Yes goodness a lot has changed haha. I think the last time i stopped played they were just hyping up the stories and were saying subscribers would get them freely or something. I have a level 50 that's working on Illum right now. The quest was purple but I couldn't for the life of me remember if that was the main story quest or not!


I have a level 11 Sith warrior perhaps I will work on that or a smuggler just to refreshen my memory of the game. Again big thank you for breaking it down like that. I have a few characters in the level 50ish range So that helps a lot!

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Wow! Thank you soo much for responding! Yes goodness a lot has changed haha. I think the last time i stopped played they were just hyping up the stories and were saying subscribers would get them freely or something. I have a level 50 that's working on Illum right now. The quest was purple but I couldn't for the life of me remember if that was the main story quest or not!


I have a level 11 Sith warrior perhaps I will work on that or a smuggler just to refreshen my memory of the game. Again big thank you for breaking it down like that. I have a few characters in the level 50ish range So that helps a lot!


Glad to be able to help! :D I hope you enjoy the stories.


Oh - one more thing you might need to be aware of. Server merges are coming up on November 8th (server transfers are currently unavailable, and will remain so until some undefinable time after the merge).

On the US side of things, The Harbinger, Bastion, and Begeren Colony will be merged into the server Satele Shan. The Ebon Hawk, Shadowlands, Jedi Covenant, Jung Ma, and Prophecy of the Five will be merged into the server Star Forge.

Here's an article detailing the changes - http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002

Hopefully it won't be anything too disruptive (to subscribers, at least), but time will tell.

Edited by Jagaimee
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I'm also a returning player to some extent. I left August of 2015 but have logged in a couple times since to see my old characters. Amazing what two years has done to my memory. Taking your advice to heart and thank you for helping my friend. Good to know we'll both be merged onto the same server soon(I really hope i keep my names).
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