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Punishing players for respecing!


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The simple reason why a dual spec is needed is because of the Trinity system.

To successfully complete heroics and flashpoints from level 20 onwards, you need people fulfilling certain roles.

Most people are specced as dps for questing and leveling, so groups are not happening or people have to spend an increasing amount of cash to respec.

Either way because of the trinity system, the game is not as good as it can be without a dual spec.

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Hey numbskulls!


Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).






I win! :D


People will continue on in the thread without even realizing this.

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Is it so hard to believe that some people... lets use myself as an example... Like to heal in PvE but hate healing in PvP. based on what some people have said in this thread you have to choose to either PvP with a gimped spec or PvE with a gimped spec. Sorry we are not playing Diablo 2 anymore.


I agree with Duel speccing I don't feel it would hurt the game in the least and yes respeccing costs are crazy.

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Such a retarded thread... Choose 1 class, 1 path and play, simple as that. Otherwise why even have different classes? I think the price for respeccing should be higher in that way crybabies may leave.


I'm sure Bioware is happy to lose money so you can feel superior for reasons which are, at best, dubious.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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Hey numbskulls!


Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).






I win! :D


Pretty much^


They wouldnt have designed the classes with off spes if they didnt want us to off spec you tards.


People are so dumb it blows my mind. I literally wish the entire south would have succeeded. The entire midwest and south of this country are full of dumb people.


I would bet my kidney that most the players against dual speccing are from a RED or conservative state.

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Pretty much^


They wouldnt have designed the classes with off spes if they didnt want us to off spec you tards.


People are so dumb it blows my mind. I literally wish the entire south would have succeeded. The entire midwest and south of this country are full of dumb people.


I would bet my kidney that most the players against dual speccing are from a RED or conservative state.


So like, this is a troll right?


Exhibit A) You said "People are dumb" and said you wish the south would have "succeeded" when you meant seceded.


Exhibit B) After doing this you said that the dissenters were from a red state. Clearly insulting everyone from the south while making a basic mistake, as in Exhibit A, opens up an obvious and emotional response.


Nice trollin'! Now, watch a bunch of people get trolled by this very obvious troll.


In 3... 2... 1...

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expensive respecs = cookie cutter builds = builds have no meaning cause they are cookie cutter= also equals harder to find what you need for groups, also when everyone has cookie cutter builds it is boring.


very cheap or even free respec at towns or just at fleet = varying builds, people can be creative with their builds, easier time to find what you need for groups since people can change their build to suit what is needed= more fun for everyone


Expensive respecs are anti social, it puts in road blocks to get people to group up with each other because they have the wrong build that is needed.


And to anybody who says "Well then, you might as well have all talents all the time", well that is just stupid. If you seriously don't know the difference between having all talents all the time, and having some talents some of the time, you are beyond help.

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