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Hello Community - New Player Questions


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Hello everyone!


I played SWTOR years and years ago - and I just started back up again. It has been so long that its essentially starting over for me so I have a few new player related questions.


1) I started playing the Jedi Shadow but I was not enjoying the story so I made a Sith Assassin. I am enjoying the storyline much more but I have a few questions regarding pvp and pve. While enjoying the story is extremely important to me I want to be sure I will be viable in end game pvp and pve content. I was playing with my friend who is a sorcerer and he puts out way more damage than I do - is this going to be an issue with pvp or pve later in the game?


2) I picked artifice, archeology, and treasure hunting for my crew skills for this character. Is there something I should change or is this okay?


3) What is the most fun story in your opinion? I would like to try a non-light-saber class after I finish up with the Sith Assassin, but i would also like to hear a general consensus on what light-saber class people enjoy.


4) Are there any guilds on The Ebon Hawk that would like to recruit me? I dabble in RP and I plan to have a character on both factions.


4) Any other tips you can give a new player?


Thank you very much and I am looking forward to seeing the responses!

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1) That's likely an L2P thing. Depending which discipline you picked you should end up doing a little more damage than him as a sorc by level 70, you won't have the AOE ability he does though.


2) Artifice is a solid choice for a first toon. You can make a decent bit of cash from making crystals.


3)The most fun story IMO is probably Sith Warrior. The agent is pretty cool too with a lot of choice in it as to where it goes. I have trouble getting into the Pub side stories.


4) Pass, I'm on EU servers


5) Just play and enjoy, all the story stuff is pretty straightforward.

Edited by orangenee
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Hello everyone!


I played SWTOR years and years ago - and I just started back up again. It has been so long that its essentially starting over for me so I have a few new player related questions.


1) I started playing the Jedi Shadow but I was not enjoying the story so I made a Sith Assassin. I am enjoying the storyline much more but I have a few questions regarding pvp and pve. While enjoying the story is extremely important to me I want to be sure I will be viable in end game pvp and pve content. I was playing with my friend who is a sorcerer and he puts out way more damage than I do - is this going to be an issue with pvp or pve later in the game?


2) I picked artifice, archeology, and treasure hunting for my crew skills for this character. Is there something I should change or is this okay?


3) What is the most fun story in your opinion? I would like to try a non-light-saber class after I finish up with the Sith Assassin, but i would also like to hear a general consensus on what light-saber class people enjoy.


4) Are there any guilds on The Ebon Hawk that would like to recruit me? I dabble in RP and I plan to have a character on both factions.


4) Any other tips you can give a new player?


Thank you very much and I am looking forward to seeing the responses!


1) The sorc's AOE is the probable culprit. Against a single target you should out DPS a sorc.

2) You may find it difficult to craft anything useful while leveling. For new players/players with limited characters I recommend not taking a crafting skill right away. Take two gathering and slicing if you are looking to make money from crew skills. If you are only interested in the more cosmetic aspects of artifice (dyes and color crystals) it will be slow but you will be able to craft that stuff.

3) The consensus favorite is the Imperial Agent. IMO all the stories are good in their own way. Some of the stories are not well received because they are atypical.

4) pass


other tips: enjoy the journey. Do not feel rushed to get to end game. The stories are the best part of this game.

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Hello and Welcome,


You already got some answers but just to confirm/add stuff:


1) Lightning Sorc is currently one of the weakest DPS specs, so its probably due to you being low level, where you still dont have all your abilites and procs. The Lightining Sorc gets his AoE procs quite soon in the leveling proccess.


2) Crafting depends vastly on if you wanna do it. You can earn enough credits to buy everything you need to craft, so its pretty much up to you. I personally never crafted anything and did fine in the game. You can go off making crystals, relics etc, but it really depends on if you wanna bother.


3) Most people will say the Imperial Agent was the best, there are many jokes, funny situations and in the end you actually get to chose how it ends, which is very uncommon in the game. As for KOTFE and KOTE using a lightsaber class is more "going with the story" so its up to you.


4) If you wait 1 month the severs will be merging so the situation will change greatly.


5) Gather credits, there were several credit exploits which drove the prices up. Enjoy the game, try all of its parts (PVP, PVE, GSF etc) and have fun!

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4) Are there any guilds on The Ebon Hawk that would like to recruit me? I dabble in RP and I plan to have a character on both factions.

Check the Ebon Hawk forum in the Server Forums, and in particular the Guild Recruitment sub-forum for that server. It will probably be easier to get hooked up with a good RP Guild on EH now, and move with them when the servers merge, than to try to sort one out from all the non-RP guilds post-merger.
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4) Any other tips you can give a new player?


Run Heroic2 missions on each planet, for better gear, experience, credits. The missions reset each morning. If you run these, you won't need to pay for gear until you reach level 70. :)

Edited by ModaanOfTarq
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Most fun story? KOTOR.


LOL, you got that right!


But back on SWTOR...

There have been hundreds of "what is best class story" threads, and many interwebz polls. Reading a bunch, the general consensus is:

1) Imperial Agent

2 & 3) Sith Warrior & Jedi Knight

4) then mostly Sith Inquisitor

5,6,7) battle between Smuggler, Trooper, Bounty Hunter

8) Consular


Now, your mileage will vary. The above are just my reading of previous discussion. Personally, I think the much-vaunted IA story is a bit overrated. I probably would go with Knight & Warrior, then IA. And I don't hate the Consular story, but I certainly don't put it in top tier.


Oh ... and KOTOR first definitely ;)


Last, I'll mention that while the stories don't really interact, they all occur in the same universe, and the events of one may be referenced in another. Given that, I think for someone who plans to play all, and is really into lore, I might suggest a certain order. Specifically:

I'd do Knight early. Maybe after Consular though. And I'd leave the Imperial Agent for last.


Just mho.

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