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New characters after merge


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A request for clarification. My understanding is that if I 16 chars on server A, and 10 on server B, and they are merged together, I will still be able to play all 26 characters even though my current character limit is 16 per server. Is that correct so far?


Post merge, will I be unable to make *new* characters until after I purchase 11 new char slots on the merged server?

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Correct. If you have a lot characters, you lose the ability to start any new story based characters until you delete enough to drop below the level cap. Effectively, the server merge takes content away from anyone who has a lot of characters. Best to create a bunch of first level characters in all the classes you want to play in the future. Names on them will be unimportant so you can just used the randomly generated ones.
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The others answered your first question but about your second the devs have not been clear despite several players asking them in the stream and in the forum. This is what it says in the blog post:

Following the United Forces update, accounts with more than 52 characters on a server will be accommodated. You will still be able to access and play each of those characters. However, if you wish to make any new characters after that point, you will need to delete characters until you are back at or below the cap of 50.


For Free-to-Play accounts, this process will work a little differently. Following the United Forces update, if your account has characters beyond the Free-to-Play limit of 2, then all your characters will be set to ‘deactivated’. This allows you to log in and choose which characters you would like to activate and play.

It is not clear if they mean the unlocked slots that you currently have per server or if they mean the maximum character cap per server. So if you have 16 character slots unlocked at the moment and 16 characters on each of 3 servers being merged together (48 slots) whether after the merge you will be unable to create more characters until you drop to 15 or if you will then own 48 slots so you just have to drop to 47 to make a new character.


Lots of people have chimed in making out they know for sure but all they are basing it on is the first paragraph I quoted and their own opinions. The paragraph doesn't say anything about what happens if your combined character count after the merge is below the 52 cap.


There seem to be two main camps:


(a) Bioware wouldn't give something away for free so you will have to delete 33 characters to drop all the way down to 15 characters to make a new one (if 16 was your original slot limit pre-merge)

(b) Bioware could not be so cruel as to force people to delete 33 characters or buy so many character slots when they had no choice about the merge


There are also some people hoping to come out ahead in case of (b) by creating lots of level 1 characters on the other servers on the off-chance they will end up with lots of free character slots after the merge. I'm giving that a go as well since "why not?".


To be fair to those that have characters they genuinely played I think the best thing would be a hybrid approach so they go "OK your current slot limit is 16, you have 16 level 50+ on server A, 10 level 50+ on server B and 5 level 50+ on server C so you will have 31 character slots on the merged server and you only have to delete 1 character to make room to create a new one HOWEVER any characters which are below level 50 only get temp slots and will all have to be deleted to make a new character".


Personally, I am not directly affected by this but I have guild members and officers that are. They are hoping for (b) but expecting (a) :mon_trap::)

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What if prefered player buys 60 account wide character slots/unlocks, will he/she still be able to "activate" inactive characters ?

Since players will BUY unlocks for cartel coins (real money). ?

I really hope bioware increases the cap of characters allowed for prefered and subbed players because some people will have more than 50 chars, even if they're prefered, that's why people will need to buy character slots from cartel market which cost cartel coins "real money"..





They will also need to increase allowed guild max numbers, because for example 3 servers will be transferred to 1 server and this will increase population by 30 times, or maybe more, we'll see.

Edited by -Spc
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I believe you have it right OP. That was my interpretation of the dev paragraph as well. No way BW is going to hand out 52 free character slots to every subscriber after the merge.


I would caution against going nuts filling up all your server slots though. I have 28 slots on each server, so I could easily end up with well over 100 by the time of the server merge. But what if the DvL event comes back? What if there's a new reward you reeealy want in it? Now you are looking at deleting dozens of characters in order to free up a slot, AND possibly buying an empty slot to boot.


I'm considering transferring some alts now from other servers who I don't want to delete but don't want cluttering up my "main" server after the merge either. I'll be on Star Forge after the merge, so I can dump any alts I want to save onto Hot P...er..Satele Shan instead if I act within the next 24 hours.

Edited by CloudCastle
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The available character slots per server are as per this link it remains unchanged.


After the update you will be able to access and login into all of your characters, even if the update puts you above your maximum character limit on that server. You won't be able to create a new one until you go under the cap, but we won't stop you from accessing anything you can play prior to it.




Eric did say they may review this moving forward.


Nope! Does it say 50 somewhere? That would be in error if that is the case. In fact we are looking at raising those caps post-update, just nothing concrete to announce just yet on that front.




They may also offer discounts on new character slots

You don't need to worry as you'll have access to all of your characters even if you were over the Max count. If we need to offer a substantial discount for additional character slots, we'll make that happen.



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Character limit is already 52 per server , eric did a typo saying 50 :)


Subscribers can purchase up to 38 additional slots on a server, with 52 characters maximum on any server.

Yea but with brand new server hardware, more than 52 chars per server should not be a problem.

Also prefered players should not be limited to how much chars they can play, as they can buy unlocks for cartel coins which cost real money.

Edited by -Spc
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