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How about balancing this class a little huh BW ?


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I do agree with you that the look is broken...it has been since beta and it probably will be for awhile. The problem is the way they lock the camera on targets when you're attacking randomly.



Also, Newton is correct. Jedi in SWG were a metaclass. They weren't meant to directly be contended with...and it was obvious. Jedi in SWG (pre-CU and pre-NRG) could easily taken down 5 people at a time...that's not the case here. The trick is having to know *how* to deal with them. Shadows are tank/dps...which means the only way to kill them is to stun and keep them at range. We have no ability to attack while being kited...and I've been kited a number of times by Commandos and Gunslingers. You have to learn how to play your class.


Oh its not that i don't try to keep them at range, but as a merc you have 1 push back, 1 push back chance if putting skillpoints into the right skill tree, but when the whole look around your self while holding down your mouse buttons, trying to follow your target etc is broken , then getting it is not about being kited because i have been able to handle that perfectly well in other mmo's , then its just a game breaking bug.


and please to all the haters, i have not touched WoW the last what 3-4 years, i do not care about the game, but i see people here are so full of assumptions.

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i see people here are so full of assumptions.


Here's an assumption for you; You suck at PVP and wanted to whine about it, and now your cheeks are all chapped because the community put you in your place. Now how about you log back in to the game and L2P. :p



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So basicly this class and scoundrels are way to OP with their stealth ********, basicly with all the disables, stun, interrupts , it should undergo and genuine review because as it is right now , running into a class like this in the open world, even with my merc, i might as well not fight back, you just get pummeled into the ground by a wide variety of abilities and basicly you can just stand there because your character will not activate a single ability, won't even follow the character around as they try to dance around you with all their BS abilities they have.


hey bro, I heard you like to troll. So I put some troll in yoru troll, so you can troll while your trolling.

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