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Thank you for Face Merchants respawn timer improvement--now, for the other two...


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From the Patch Notes


Lowered the respawn time for the Black Sun Forces needed for The Face Merchants Heroic Mission on Coruscant.


This is great, people have been asking for this for a loooong time. Can we please get some similar help with Possessed Hunter (DK) and the Rakghoul one on Pub Taris (blanking on the name currently...Mutations I think, the one with the purple Raks)?


Would love: Possessed Hunter be instanced

Would like: Respawn timer significantly reduced


Would love: Rakghoul have more mobs available (maybe have some available outside of that building)

Would like: Respawn timer significantly reduced

Edited by aerockyul
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Face Merchants respawn timer needs to be reduced some more.

It went from like 5 minutes to 4?

Whatever it was, it was not enough of an improvement.


The way these things are farmed, it needs to be 2 minutes max or the kill bonus needs to be changed to 6 so people don't need to wipe out more than 2 of the groups to get it and then move on.


Or even better... extend the bonus mission to include the MOBs inside the instanced area for guaranteed kills.

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Face Merchants respawn timer needs to be reduced some more.

It went from like 5 minutes to 4?

Whatever it was, it was not enough of an improvement.


The way these things are farmed, it needs to be 2 minutes max or the kill bonus needs to be changed to 6 so people don't need to wipe out more than 2 of the groups to get it and then move on.


Or even better... extend the bonus mission to include the MOBs inside the instanced area for guaranteed kills.


Excellent ideas, thank you


I hope they see them

Edited by aerockyul
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From the Patch Notes


Lowered the respawn time for the Black Sun Forces needed for The Face Merchants Heroic Mission on Coruscant.


This is great, people have been asking for this for a loooong time. Can we please get some similar help with Possessed Hunter (DK) and the Rakghoul one on Pub Taris (blanking on the name currently...Mutations I think, the one with the purple Raks)?


Would love: Possessed Hunter be instanced

Would like: Respawn timer significantly reduced


Would love: Rakghoul have more mobs available (maybe have some available outside of that building)

Would like: Respawn timer significantly reduced


Thank you for saving me some time. I was going to write this as well.

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I second this request as well. The wait times especially on the Possessed Hunter and even still somewhat the Face Merchants are too long. I'd even add the Mandalorians for the Personal Challenge (2+) Heroic on Dromund Kaas respawning faster as well since you have to kill a bit more than half of them just to fight the final boss and its not instanced.


Plus, if we are going to get multiple servers of people jammed into each megaserver the Heroics really have to be adjusted to remain accessible.

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Face Merchants respawn timer needs to be reduced some more.

It went from like 5 minutes to 4?

Whatever it was, it was not enough of an improvement.


The way these things are farmed, it needs to be 2 minutes max or the kill bonus needs to be changed to 6 so people don't need to wipe out more than 2 of the groups to get it and then move on.


Or even better... extend the bonus mission to include the MOBs inside the instanced area for guaranteed kills.


Nope. I think it went from 5 minutes to 4 minutes 59 seconds. I tried to do this quest in the middle of the night on a weeknight and it was still impossible to do the bonus.

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Nope. I think it went from 5 minutes to 4 minutes 59 seconds. I tried to do this quest in the middle of the night on a weeknight and it was still impossible to do the bonus.



Yep, I timed it...no different than before. I honestly don't see the respawn timer decrease. I can play at off hours but it is usually of little help.


These open world quest are generally full of people running everywhere on speeders, trying to aggro every and any mob that is spawned ( is somewhat amusing to see them die at times..the latest spectacle was a sniper on CZ-198 running around and aggroing everything... I did not feel like rezzing him when he died).


Many mobs/objectives seem to have 5 minute timers on them. Like "Pound of Flesh" on Imperial Nar, etc. I ignore the bonus always on that but, the needed clickable objectives for it aside from the bonus and number of kills, is going to be brutal come the merges. It's likely to be another one I skip.


At least CZ-198 has a relatively low timer, so you can eventually get things done.


But as merges are coming, I'll likely adjust what I do and simply forgo the daily bonus for doing all heroics ( for example) on a planet, and just pick and choose what is less tedious.


Anyway, I'll still have fun, my progress will be even slower than it is now, but that seems to be how it will go.

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