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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server merges and Legacy Storage


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I'm not sure if this has been asked before, so if it has I apologize, but with the upcoming server merge how exactly will Legacy Storage be handled?


Anything merged that goes beyond the capacity of the storage will be placed in a temporary overflow section that will disappear once the items are removed. You will not be able to place anything more in that vault until the temp storage is emptied.

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So I won't have to deal with the overflow, I have gone to all 17 servers, removed all non-stackable items like legacy gear and such, and transferred all such items over to just one server in each cluster of servers to be merged. All stackable items, such as crafting materials, I mostly left alone. I know now exactly how much space I'll have left for non-stackable items.


I also removed all decorations from all strongholds except for 1 set of strongholds on 1 server in each cluster of server to be merged. That way, I know I won't have to worry about empty slots in the strongholds I like on the one surviving configuration to suddenly have items show up on empty slots that I don't want.


And finally, I moved all toons out of strongholds and onto planets so that no one will get "trapped" in a stronghold or prevent a stronghold from being merged, just to avoid any inane issues that might come up over the merge.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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And finally, I moved all toons out of strongholds and onto planets so that no one will get "trapped" in a stronghold or prevent a stronghold from being merged, just to avoid any inane issues that might come up over the merge.

Words to live by, although I think this affects transfers to "clean" servers more than merges.


In effect, if you transfer to a "clean" server (where you have NO legacy), that SHed character will end up in a zone that, for you, does not exist. There are two reasons it doesn't exist, and EITHER of them suffices to cause the problem:

* Strongholds unlocked by the transfer are not activated until you go to the relevant stronghold terminal and reactivate them.

* Your legacy is in an extremely weird state, a bit like Heisenberg's cat, where it simultaneously exists and does not exist. Character perks are active, and you *can* go to strongholds if you activate them at a stronghold terminal, but your legacy-wide perks are NOT active. If you open the legacy panel ("Y"), you will be asked to name the legacy.


In any event, that SH-dwelling character is in a zone whose very existence is, at that moment, not in doubt: it does not exist, and that means bad things when you try to log on to that character.


So yeah, get all your characters onto actual planets or the Fleet or their class ship before the merge happens.

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