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Commanding Legacy and mirror classes


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Lol I'm working on mine, before they announced the mirror class thing I had 4 guardians st 300, a scoundrel around 200, a sage arouund 150, and my other toons like 5 lol.


Now I have both the scoundrel and the sage at 300 as well, working on my vanguard who's at about 100 now. So it's not too terrible but still would've been nice to know before I got 3 of my alt toons to 300.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Guys!


I've just returned from a 4 or 5 month break. I stumble upon this thread and I'm completely releived, baffled, and outraged.


I'm releived for taking a break, because I would have been one of those chumps grinding 4+ Sins/Shadows to 300, just to discover that all that work was for absolutely nothing.


I'm baffled, because I assumed there would be some change, but after reading the following patch-notes, have to discover: nope.


And I'm outraged, because after clicking through almost 40 pages in this thread, I have to discover that barring his "explanation" Eric has once again been muzzled by the powers that be and the issue and the utterly understandable customers frustration is once again simply being ignored.


In my opinion, if you say you're gonna do something, then you do it. And if you can't do it, you own it (and come up with a way to make up for it). A simple "oops" doesn't cut it. This isn't on Eric, he's just the messenger and I'd never in a million years want his job, but someone has to properly own this f*ckup and have the poor messenger deliver something of worth.


But then again, it's neither the first nor the worst way they've screwed up. I haven't played the Gunslinger since they secretly broke him somewhere in the 1.4s... Wow, it's been more that five years already, krass.

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Can someone explain this please because I still do not get it. What is this guy saying?

As simple as you can please what is with commanding legacy and mirror classes.


You get 25% bonus for


SW or JK

SI or Cons

IA or Smug

BH or Trooper




If you have SW and JK at 300, you get only 25%. They are mirrors and count as one.

If you have SI and Smug at 300, you get 50%. They are 2 different classes, and not mirrors. They count at 2.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

How can you tell if you're getting the buff?


Under the Legacy-->Advancement-->Galactic Command tab I have Commanding Trooper and Smuggler on Republic side and all 4 on the Empire side; working on last 2 for Pub side. Under Global Unlocks there is 1 badge under Galactic Command, I assume there is more than 1 badge since this one mentions 25% Is there a buff icon supposed to be in our buff tray or what?


Worst communication to date.

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