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<Aftermath> / <Legend> -- Looking to officially expand!


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Hey there. I've done this a couple times, but I'm now working on actually taking charge and forming a real guild out of this. This guild started out as a couple real life friends and myself getting together and running group content. We've worked our way up all from lvl1 together, and we're still learning a couple things here and there. We're generally running HM FPs at this point and have been taking advantage of the server wide Allies chat do run Ops. We've done a bit of expanding by picking a couple people up here and there from PUGs and they've ended becoming some of the most trusted and active members in the guild.


So, cutting to the chase, we're a non-RP active casual social guild looking to finally expand and become a bigger guild. One that we can actually use the guild chat specifically to try and get more people joining us in the PvE and PvP runs we do. Depending on how big the guild gets, I'm looking for more officers to help run the guild. Those will be handpicked by the dedication we see.


We've got a maxed out Manaan SH and a flagship on <Aftermath> and a maxed out Yavin SH on <Legend>. Flagship should be coming soon on impside.



We're a group of nice friends looking to expand into the TOR Community, ready to teach the game, ready to learn the game together. Entirely social guild where we allow people to do whatever they want.

If you're looking for an invite, reply here, or preferably, hop in this Discord server. We don't require voice chat, but it's the easiest way to reach us. https://discord.gg/wDrNQxK


<Aftermath> is pubside.

<Legend> is impside.

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