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Thoughts on the new Kyber Crystal Canon

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"Kyber crystals were inherently attuned to the light side of the Force, and would attempt to resist any effort by dark side practitioners to use them in lightsabers. To this end, the only way a Sith, or other darksider could make use of a kyber crystal was to use the Force to dominate the crystal, bending it to their will. This process would cause the crystal to "bleed", as if it were a living organism, resulting in the distinctive crimson-bladed lightsabers synonymous with the Sith. It was possible to "heal" a corrupted kyber crystal, the only known instance of purifying a corrupted kyber crystal was when Ahsoka Tano purified the two crystals she retrieved from the Sixth Brother's lightsaber following his defeat. In this case, the crystals turned white." - Wookieepedia


Honestly, I despise the new explanation. I think it's stupid that Jedi can now color crystals themselves. It takes away the authenticity and beauty of crystals, at least for me. When I was a kid I thought Ilum was so cool, and I envied how the Jedi would meditate in the crystal caves and the crystal would essentially choose them. As far as I'm concerned, natural crystals start off in balance with the force and with the color that they grew with and red crystals are/were created synthetically by the Sith. What are your thoughts?

Edited by doohickeyexpress
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I always remember a story (may have been from the young Obi-Wan books) about how the Jedi would have to extremely heat the crystal, then use the force to make sure it was pure - no fractures or bubbles. This process was what gave the crystal it's colour, which would reflect the discipline of the force user - that's why guardians were traditionally blue, consular's green, etc. It also explains why Mace Windu's was purple, as he was the creator of Vaapad, which meant he grew very close to the darkside when fighting.
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I just see it as yet another iteration on the story of lightsaber crystals. It's not like it's the first change, or even the most radical


Some of the earlier material had the lightsaber crystals being nothing special at all, but rather the process of fabrication being all important ("I, Jedi" goes into a fair amount of detail). Young Jedi Knights had them even less special, where not only were the crystals not particularly special beyond sentimental reasons, the lightsabers themselves could be assembled relatively quickly and easily.


It wasn't until KOTOR that the mystical nature of the lightsaber crystals was really popularized. To the best of my knowledge this is also when the colours gained special significance (and has since spawned many discussions about the "special" significance of every other lightsaber colour, which once you factor in the NJO is an exercise in futility)


There has also been significant changes over the years even in the number of crystals that go in a lightsaber, from one to three (off the top of my head) for single bladed sabers.

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Personally I really do not like the bleed explanation.

The sith forged their own crystals in the works I have read and since it was really the same process every time that is why the crystals they make is always red. That is a good explanation in my book so I am going to stick with that one until stupid writers forces me not to (I a have always prefered the Legends niverse anyway).


The numer of crystals in a lightsaber as far as I know can be as many as three, at least I have not seen or read that their could be more. The earliest mention that I have seen is during the Jedi Academy thrilogy when Exar Kun's ghost teaches Gantoris how to make a lightsaber. The extra crystals gave the effect that you could lenghten the blade to almost twice the normal length in the middle of combat.

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I like how Sith crystals aren't "synthetic" anymore, that was, and sounded, so stupid. They're Force users, no? Why can't they use *real* crystals. Well, now they can. Even better, they corrupt the Light Side in them to use them. It's very Sithy and I love it.


Now, the part I don't like-- Sith crystals now are ALL inherently red. I loved how SWTOR handled it with the Force user lightsaber colors. You had: blue, yellow, and green for Jedi, and red, orange, and purple for Sith. I'd like it a whole lot if we could go back to this, make the Sith "bleeding" different per person. What emotion are you using to make the crystal bleed? Hatred? Then it'll come out red. Rage? Then it'll come out orange. Defiance? Then it'll come out purple. I HATE that they can ONLY be red now.


I feel pretty much the same for the Jedi crystals.


I also abhor the idea of white lightsabers, BUT it does make a lot of sense why they're white. White is pure, once a crystal is purged from corruption, they become pure as well. You know, at least it makes sense logically. You know what was extremely stupid, though, that I'm glad hasn't been addressed in canon? SWTOR's dumb "____ core" crystals. It literally looks as if that ****** Jedi is wielding a stick painted solid pink/blue/gold/orange. It is immersion breaking, so I'm glad these retarded colors haven't become canon (I pray they don't, no offense meant if you use one, but they're just so stupid looking).


But yeah, these are my thoughts about the bleeding and new kyber crystal canon. Keep in mind that a lot of the mysticism behind finding the crystals was kept pretty well intact, if you watch that Clone Wars episode with the kids being chosen by their crystals on Illum. Yes, Clone Wars is still canon, so chill-- not a whole lot has changed.

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I mean the original synthetic crystals of the Sith were them bending the Force itself to their will. This... differs only in semantics, really.


I don't like that this explanation is that the crystals are somehow inherently light, though. That's bad writing.

Edited by Diviciacus
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