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REally i did try it. - too complex. [not going back]


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I honestly gave it my best thought to do this , I tried it and its far too complex for me (an occasional gamer).


OK here is my best foot forward. I was playing on a laptop with a normal keyboard (numeric keypad included).


Then I thought , maybe i need a PVP type macro mouse... yeah got one of those as well. Trying to throw toys at something that requires strategy and not so much ease of use. So hey i tried right?


Well i went through the tutorials online (which really totally helped, cause there alot -- ALOT of stuff and special keycommands in the game tutorial they dont tell ya) - really they should hire these YOUTUBE dudes /and gals who make videos to help out players... cause DUDE there is ALOT TO REMEMBER.. ITS OWN GAME.


But yeha i did it to have a better guess or opinion of the whole thing.. (totally spacebattles are not my thing in PVP space wars). Glad they made it.. glad people are playing and getting rewards. But sorry, its just not for me!

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It's never too late to try again sometime. :)

- Remember that you can keybind your keys and mouse buttons for any setup that suits you - and if you have a gaming mouse, shifting some of the controls to that can help.


- Try mirroring some of your ground PVE/PVP keys for a start, so defensive CDs for example can be on the same key as you use on the ground. the 123 and f1 f2 f3 aren't ideal for some people, so they might be the best ones to shift over to the mouse.


If you use the tutorial mode to learn to manoeuvre around objects and line stuff up in the sights, you're halfway there already.


If you tell people that you're new, most players will give you tips and advice, and devise a strategy that means they'll stick by your ship and act as your wingman, keeping an eye out for marauding enemies, and telling you what parts of the map are relatively safe.


GL if you decide to try it again.

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You call for YouTube videos. Well, here they are.


GSF can be complicated, and the in-game tutorials actually don't explain even close to half of the game mechanics, but once you have a basic grasp of what's going on (for which those videos are really, really great), you'll be able to understand much better what's happening in a match, and why it's happening.


If you do decide to give it one more chance after watching the videos, you can always join the the GSF Discord, with a large player base to answer any question you might still have.

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Unfortunate, but threads like this show the real issue of GSF - lack of PVE component. NO ONE steps into first Warzone without learing at least the very basics, while in the GSF - you're literally thrown out in the open storm without training or a life jacket.


Without some mandatory PVE space missions serving as boot camp and tutorial for the majority of the playerbase along with PVE dailies/weeklies with good rewards, GSF will never be as popular as it could've been.

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