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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which KOTFE chapter you send jorgan/kaliyo to capture gemini thing?


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is it possible to shot kaliyo as female agent? I'm not married with her, is this possible? Because that cutscene happens after you send major jorgan and kaliyo to get gemini thingy, where agent questions both of them why mission failed with loses and what exactly happened


all I want to shot kaliyo, that stupid selfish idiot deserves to die

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In order to kill or exile Kaliyo...


...at the beginning of chapter twelve, you must send Jorgan in to the relay station. Forbid Kaliyo from going after him. At the end of chapter twelve, again forbid Kaliyo to go after him. She won't listen. Then you can kill or exile her at the end of chapter thirteen.


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