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Harbinger Achievement Hunters Channel: /cheevs


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My /friend list is getting too full of fellow achievement hunters and trying to keep track of everyone who wants to do these (as per my PvP cheevs thread) is getting difficult so I made a custom channel called "cheevs".


To join it, just type: /cjoin cheevs


Now people who want to get together and go after some of these can have a place to be and get organized more easily.


Hope to see you there!


I'm doing this cuz I'm just so bored with SWTOR right now and desperately looking for things to do and I'm sure there are others out there tired of the same old chat spam looking for Bestia farms (yes, I know that isn't a thing anymore) and LF 1T 1H 3D for <THING> and other same-old-same-old.

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