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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The dark side to the Toxic Community in SWTOR


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He is entitled to his opinion, but he certainly shouldn't go into a 3rd party's Twitch and smear someone. Isn't bringing drama to an innocent person's stream Toxic??


All that I said is " some swtor influencers shouldn't be one " now how can this be bringing drama in no names were said to protect those people but I see it's ok for you to smear me in the forums and get away with it but when I reply because of your friends I get dealt with also when a player is getting so much harassment in game and even this morning the guy didn't want to stream because of this those people get unpunished and don't tell me they do because it's still going on as of a few hours ago.

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All that I said is " some swtor influencers shouldn't be one " now how can this be bringing drama in no names were said to protect those people but I see it's ok for you to smear me in the forums and get away with it but when I reply because of your friends I get dealt with also when a player is getting so much harassment in game and even this morning the guy didn't want to stream because of this those people get unpunished and don't tell me they do because it's still going on as of a few hours ago.


Thank you for your kind words :)

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All that I said is " some swtor influencers shouldn't be one " now how can this be bringing drama in no names were said to protect those people but I see it's ok for you to smear me in the forums and get away with it but when I reply because of your friends I get dealt with also when a player is getting so much harassment in game and even this morning the guy didn't want to stream because of this those people get unpunished and don't tell me they do because it's still going on as of a few hours ago.


Punctuation please?

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So many snowflakes of all ages who are quick to claim harassment and become offended as soon as someone says anything negative.... I have, and I know of quite a few others who on a regular basis both dish out and receive a lot of trolling, sometimes it crosses the line and mostly when it is reported, and once when I have been reported, have there been consequences such as warnings or temporary suspensions.


If the person who you were interviewing actually received harassment and simply didn't just make it up or became offended by nothing, there would have been consequences, in particular, if the person is relevant such as part of the influencer program like Atki is. Additionally, in many cases, admins simply ignore a situation where both parties are acting just as despicable, perhaps that is the case here, coming from someone who has worked with CS before in MMO, that is the very common. Blaming everything on Snave here, despite the attitude and jargon that Atki uses in his stream which is more or less on the same level, becomes kinda childish.


Being the target of harassment can be a tough situation, but if you have reported it and there is no result, perhaps you should take a step back and consider how you are contributing to the situation yourself.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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