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Why yall so obessed with romance-able characters?


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You forgot Jensen Ackles! But Theron beats even him, hands down!


Actually, this whole question baffles me. I felt my first romantic feelings when I was 5 years old. Since then I've had them, in one way or other. From my point of view, there seems to be some people who don't have romantic feelings at all. For them relationship is about sex, and they project this to other people. In their minds there can't be any other reason to have a romantic relationship than banging. Sex is part of it, I'm not asexual but sex has never been something that has worked in my relationship if romance isn't there. Romance is much, much more than banging, and I don't mind if the graphical banging-part is left out in my fantasy romances. I like reading M/M-romance novels, but they have too much sex to my liking. It gets tiring. Sex can get pretty tiring with time too, but romance never get's old. Me liking my romances in games has nothing to do with sex, or me being in relationship. I'm a romantic person, and there is very little romance in real life available. I'm perfectly aware that fantasy romance is just fantasy, though guy can hope it will someday happen in real life too (if not to me, then to someone else and I can read about it:p)


Haaha, I pretty much left out the whole cast of SPN :D I'm more of a Misha girl myself, Cas is my man on that show. Dean, Sam, Cas, everything a show could want. :D

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40 yo virgins sometime fell in love with pixel... that what happen when you never touched a girl in your enitre life


You mean 40 yo virgins use bitcoins, too ? They are just bits ...


And what about all of these TV shows, cinema movies etc. ? Essentially they are just pixels, too ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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40 yo virgins sometime fell in love with pixel... that what happen when you never touched a girl in your enitre life


Bwahahaha! Well, I guess you're right on the whole "never touched a girl in your entire life" thing as far as I'm concerned, if you're talking abut the naughty sort of touching....being that I'm a hetero female. But the virgin part...well, I guess that makes my daughter the second coming of Christ then. And, damn, but I wish I was 40 again....

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With all this threads and forum post about it, it makes me wonder if yall ever get any :eek:?
With all those threads about PvP and Ops, for example, why don't y'all go out and pick some real fights for a change? It makes me wonder if you're all cowards IRL :eek: .


Or could it be that games like SWTOR are about escapism, fantasy, roleplaying and so on? :)

Edited by Tisaren
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