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Returning Player Relearning the Game Looking for RP and Guilds


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Hello everyone! I have just recently picked up SWTOR after a very long break. My highest level character is level 55 from the Hutt Cartell if that says anything for how long I've been away.


It's practically a whole new game to me, I'm amazed at how fast it is to level up now, I'm looking forward to getting back in.


While I seriously enjoyed both End Game Operations, and PvP, first and foremost, RP is and always will be my focus. I enjoy going out into the world(s) and RPing out story lines and getting involved in character development. I'll RP casually in a cantina here and there occasionally, but cantina (bar) rp has never been my favorite thing, and imo it can get stale quite fast.


So I wanted to know where the RP hotspots were for both imperial and republic, I don't have a "main" anymore, but I did used to play a Sith Sorc pretty heavy back in the day.


I am also curious if there are any guilds out there recruiting. I'd like to be part of a guild that not only RPs but progresses content as well.


Feel free to add me on Discord, Caelinmarie#3616




P.S. I wrote this on my phone, and I'm very aware that the links in my signature no longer work. ^^

Edited by Evia
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Hello and Welcome Back!! |


Yesh indeed many things have changed, many many stories you can enjoy! :D


There are some fine RP guilds around here though the ones that I have seen on forums usually have an organized or set standard and placement for them. If you look at the academy guilds they often will hold some kind of lesson on Tython for republic side. As far as I know cantina RP like you would see on Jung Ma is a little different on TEH, and usually more planned meet ups than ad lib events.


My guild is mostly in the stages of story development in our enjin forums, while incorporating new stories to our RP-PvE efforts as we conquest.


If you want to check us out, you can here!

Edited by ChidoriOokami
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Hi! I recently found this Google doc that lists Ebon Hawk guilds and what each one's focus is.



Keep in mind that the above list is far from exhaustive.


I have a couple of suggestions for you, as you search for RP in game:


1) If you want to RP, the best way to do it is by RPing.


Almost all of my regular RP partners are people that I got involved with by chance. Most of my guildmates joined my guild after we RPed. We had a connection that went beyond /ginvite.




2) Think a little about the kind of RP you are interested when you are being recruited by guilds.


Whenever I see, "Are any RP guilds recruiting?" pop up in general chat, I ask people what they are looking for. It's surprising how often they don't understand the question. But what are you looking for? Longstanding plots? Kicking back in the cantina? (Barpee... Ugh! :p) Do you have a hard stance on ERP, for or against? Many of the Ebon Hawk guilds categorize themselves by character class: Jedi guild, military guild, lawbreaker guild. Do you find those frameworks useful or stifling? They can certainly be both!




3) Just barge in!

If you see people roleplaying, interact with them. Take some time before you start playing thinking about how your character would meet people. Good roleplayers want to meet other roleplayers. Except for rare occasions when they are at specific plot points where interruption would break flow or immersion, good RPers welcome action. But the onus is on you to be...well...interesting.


I see this happen a lot. There will be wallflowers hanging around the periphery of a public RP. They obviously want to get involved, but don't know how. Sometimes it is because "My character is shy!" or "Pingo is coolly aloof, and wouldn't talk to those beneath his notice." Okay. But that makes it hard for me to draw you into my conversation.


So...have a few "entry strategies" in mind. Clumsy characters who bump into people, foolish ones who mistake people for long-lost cousins, people who lose their pets, people who need help... Those are people it is easy to interact with.


And on a related note...




4) Pull people in.


This is the converse of the above. When you see those people hanging about the periphery of your conversation, make a point to interact with them. It's hard being an outsider approaching a group of people who are already roleplaying. Make it easy for them. "You there! In the gray hood! Have you seen a mirialan loitering about in the Temple? My padawan was supposed to meet me, but she's late!" Sometimes people just need permission to join the conversation.




5) Consider the tradeoffs when considering guild size.


Larger guilds mean that you will usually have other people to RP with. However, RP in groups larger than 3 or 4 tends to really degrade RP quality unless the group is exceptional.




6) Keep in mind that just because you are in one guild, it does not mean that you cannot RP with people in other guilds.

If you really like to roleplay, you might need to cross-pollinate to get good RP at different times.




7) Roleplay.


Did I say this already? Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay. This game is different than what I cut my RP teeth on, where all interaction was assumed to be OOC unless stated otherwise. In SWTOR, the opposite is true. If people don't want to RP, they will let you know pretty quickly, in which case you can just move on. But sometimes people who enjoy RPing will be pleasantly surprised by the chase for spontaneous RP, especially if you are good at it.

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