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NOT unsubbing.


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I figured I'd offer another perspective on the game. I might get flamed for it, but I have seen so much negativity on the forums, so I will give my own perspective.


I've been a fan of the KOTOR games since they first came out in 2003. I played both of them on both PC and Xbox, and found them to be great. Like many others, I was disappointed when I found out that there would not be a KotOR 3, but when SWTOR was announced officially in 2008 I got excited.


Suffice to say that, after following the game ever since its announcement, and being a diehard kotor fan, the game is exactly what I was expecting, and met my expectations. They were high. For me, WoW was dull because it lacked genuine story. You could read the text on screen, but to me they seemed generic. My character was just someone who was trying to hit level cap. I left at around my twenties back in 2004.


I do agree with people when they say that the world is dead. While I would not go that far, it does seem underpopulated to me. I think they should do away with planetary instances; maybe that would help out with the low-population thing. The planets are huge, too, so this is another factor. When you think about it, 200 people per instance isn't that much considering the size of the planet. Hopefully, BioWare will figure out some way to help with this (and SWTOR will keep bringing in subscribers as well).


I really have had no problem with combat, but I wasn't a hardcore WoW player, so maybe I just don'trealize the impact of what people are talking about.


Anyway, coming from a diehard kotor fan and someone who has played most of the major MMOs, this is my favorite. I understand that people may not share my opinions, but I am one person whose expectations were met. And they were high. Perhaps I'm too easily pleased.



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It's also nice you like this game. I'm glad people like a boring, poorly made MMO.


I'm proud of our name. It's a good one. I also respect your opinion, though I disagree. If SWTOR is just standard WoW with story, as some people claim, that's fine--for me, story is the one element that MMOs have been missing.

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I agree with you SWjon this game rocks I know it's buggy but aren't most MMO's also buggy when they are initially released? If we just gave the Devs time they could fix the many issues haunting this game... I also hate the constant WoW comparison... WoW has been out for 7 years this has been out for less then a month so SWTOR is bound to be glitchy get over it folks! Edited by pimabread
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I haven't played KOTOR nor am i the biggest Star Wars fan in this world, but...


I won't be unsubbing because SWTOR (besides having some startup hickups) gives me something I am looking for in a game. That's called FUN.


If one is starting to compare this game to others or refelcting it to expectations it might be a dissapointment (or not), but if you take a good look to what Bioware did with this game you can't conclude anything else then : "Good job, so far"


I think this is a very good basis for beautifull things to come.

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