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Question about Nok Drayen


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So I recently played through my smuggler as well as my imperial agent and I'm curious about the Nok Drayen appearances.


In the smuggler storyline, Nok Drayen is

revived from carbonite by the Smuggler and Risha

at the end of the 1st act during which he

tells the Smuggler (and Risha) that he only has a few hours (day?

I forgot exactly) to live

and then at the end of it

ends up apparently dying from his illness



Then in act 3 of the agent storyline, you see Nok Drayen

in the holorecordings of the Star Cabal meeting with Hunter

that the Agent procures for Imperial Intelligence after Belsavis. And at the end of the class story Nok Drayen

is at the Star Cabal meeting that the Agent crashes.



So what gives? Did he not


at the end of the Smuggler's Act i?

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From what I remember of the IA story, that's an old recording (at least a decade, as established by the Smuggler story).


The real question you have to ask yourself is... did you SEE Nok Drayen on that station? Or did you imagine it because he was in the holorecording?


Taking a still from Wookieepedia of the IA finale, you can see here That Nok isn't there. The few non-alien/droid/female NPCs that are there look nothing like Nok Drayen. Of the physically present male NPCs, one is fat, one is Hunter, and two are wearing diplomatic robes. Of the ones on the holocom, two are again wearing long robes/cloaks and the other is plainly in Imperial Military dress.


No one there matches Nok Drayen. I think you imagined him being there.

Edited by Diviciacus
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