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Irrepareable Damage


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@ Frauzet

Who doesn't love more Nox? I am looking forward to her too.

As I mentioned to you earlier, I actually never considered how mad Kit would be with the two of them going out and getting themselves killed. It does take him awhile to mention anything, he's probably afraid of Nox launching another announced attempt and I honestly do not blame him.

As for him recalling bits and pieces as he is trying to move forward with his life, that made the most sense to me when I was writing it. The Force and his memory is pretty much linked together.




Evening everyone, I know I am way early in posting another chapter. I have a rather busy week this week and I do hate getting behind the eight ball, so all of you, my fine readers, get a chapter tonight :)


I do not believe there are any spoilers.







Year 3634 Month 3 few days later




He was nervous when he walked back onto the Interceptor. Heading to their room he stopped staring at the blinking light on the huge holocommunicator in the middle of the room. Someone had been trying to get a hold of them, someone who was not Imperial. All messages since they had landed had come through the estate's coms or by messenger from Kaas City.


Walking to the com, he stared at the blinking light, debating. Should he read the message, open it up see who it was from? Wait for Kit and the crew to get here first? He stared at the blinking light watching as it pulsed its slow steady reminder. Thoughts started running through his head of who it could possibly be. He knew that even though he had strengthened and built upon his abilities he was not nearly strong enough. It was naive and dangerous to think he was safe here sitting aboard her ship, housed in her estate's hanger on Dromund Kaas. Right now he didn’t feel entirely safe anywhere. His hand hovered over the button. No he ultimately decided, it's not his ship, if it was of any importance Kit would tell him. He turned away from the terminal and headed into the bedroom.


He was standing next to the bed when he heard a quiet voice calling his name. “In here,” he answered. Slowly Jaesa rounded the corner. She offered him a shy smile.


“I didn't expect you to be here already.”


He shrugged, “I wanted to get settled in. Make sure I have everything I need. I think I do,” he looked through the sparse contents of his pristine duffle.


“Nervous are you?” She stood next to him, glancing at the contents of his bag as he slowly set them out on the bed.


He nodded, “Yes very. I have no idea what to expect, this entire trip is well, it's intimidating. I know I have been told not to worry, but I can't help it. I am going to be walking through an Imperial city; I have to talk to a self-exiled Jedi Master. I am afraid it is going to come to blows, that he will try to take me away, return me to the Council.”


Jaesa laid a gentle hand on his arm, “That is understandable, we will be with you. Navigating Imperial territory can be a little nerve wracking at first, but you get used to it, it will be come as routine as walking down a street in Corusant or shopping on the Promenade.” She handed him a large plain box, its white exterior nondescript, but its weight surprisingly heavy. “I didn’t have time to wrap it.”


“What is this?” He looked at her brow furrowed as he looked from the box to her.


“Go ahead and open it, it should make it a bit easier for you to move through Mos Ila.”


He returned his attention to the box. Setting it on the mattress next to his duffle he lifted off the lid, within was a mass of neatly folded black fabric. Confused he glanced back at Jaesa; she was watching him smiling. She gestured towards the box. Cautiously he ran his fingers over the material, it was soft almost silky but it was thick. Gently he grabbed the fabric and lifted it out of the box, it tumbled to the bed unfolding itself.


She moved next to him, her delicate caramel-skinned hand ran over the fabric, “I hope you don't mind, I have seen you wear one of Kit's old black ones, so I didn't think you would find the colour offensive. If you really don't want black, if you want red or dark blue perhaps I can always make you another one when we return to the estate.”


“You made this?”


She smiled, her cheeks blushing slightly, “I did yes. I was told that this dark violet is the colour of your clan,” Jaesa ran her fingers along the fabric, tracing the riot of bright gold and dark violet lightning that ran through it, “lightning seemed very appropriate, especially for you,” she looked up at him.


“It's a robe?” Adrik looked at her.


“It is,” she reached out gently taking it out of his hands, “try it on, it should fit.”


Adrik stood there staring at the robe; he slipped his arm into the offered sleeve. He ran his hand along the embroidered cuff, it was incredibly detailed, jagged bolts running along the hem. Adrik traced a bolt that shot upwards along the sleeve terminating by his elbow.


“Here,” Jaesa gently touched his hand. He looked at her before slipping his arm into the other sleeve. She stepped in front of him, closing the robe. Her hands ran over his chest, deft fingers quickly adjusting the fabric as she straightened the hem. Adrik picked his arms up studying the embroidered bolts that seemingly ran along the sleeves and cuffs at random. They were so detailed; they looked real. He felt Jaesa move, dropping his eyes he watched her buckle a sturdy black leatheris belt around his waist over the robe.


Adrik lowered his hands to inspect the belt, it was relatively thin, holding only a few small storage containers. The one by his right hand was empty but very sturdy, presumably for credit chits and chips, when he tapped it he heard a slight clink, apparently it was full. The one next to it, held a holocomminicator. The standard datapad holder was at the small of his back but it was empty. Of course it was empty he didn’t have a datapad. He moved his hands around his back, by his left hip was a small medical kit containing kolto bandages, a waterproof tube of field medications, probably the typical antiseptic and painkillers, and a sturdy hook that curved back on itself. He stared at the hook. What was the hook for? Plus the belt seemed way to small, shouldn’t it have spare plasma clips, flash bangs and thermo detonators?


Jaesa answered all of his questions in one silent motion a moment later. He watched her clip the end of his purloined training saber to the belt. The small metal hoop at the end of the hilt, slid into place on the curved hook with a quiet click. The weight of the weapon against his hip was completely foreign. Adrik looked up at her, brow furrowed. She smiled as she stood on her tippy toes to reach behind him. He felt fabric move against his back as she adjusted the robe's hood. She gently pulled his loose mane placing it over his shoulders. “There,” she smiled, “It looks good, I kept the ornamentation to a minimum, I wasn’t really sure how much you would want.” She stepped back and gestured across the room to Kit's full-length mirror.


He looked at his reflection in the mirror; he didn’t recognize the person that looked back. The robe covered him, it's hem skimming the floor. Lightning licked along the bottom of the robe, one long bolt erratically jumped upwards running along his leg heading towards his waist, the gold threads reflecting the rooms lighting. Slowly he turned, watching the reflected robe, another bolt shot off his left shoulder running downward, ending abruptly mid back.


The robe itself was beautiful; he just could not look at his face. He couldn’t. Adrik didn’t recognize the long maned blue-eyed Cathar that stared back. The one with aurodium jewelry in his ears and the thick but neatly trimmed beard. The face that eerily fit the clothes. Was this what he was meant to be all along?


“You don’t like it.” Jaesa sighed frowning next to him.


“No, the... the robe it is beautiful. I just... didn’t expect to,” Adrik sighed. “I don’t recognize myself.”


Jaesa stepped next to him. “I am sorry I should have asked before I made it. I wanted to give you something nice since things have been so rough for you lately. I should have asked beforehand. I am very sorry.”


“No, Jaesa don’t be sorry, it's very nice. I just am not used to the idea of being... of being...” Adrik reached out running his hand down his chest, he watched his reflection tremble, he didn’t even realize he was shaking. “I am still having a hard time coming to grips with the fact I am Force sensitive,” he whispered, “I wasn’t prepared to see myself...” he trailed off his clawed fingertips running along the black leatheris belt. His hand came to a stop touching his saber hilt.


“Oh Adrik, I am sorry I didn’t realize...” Jaesa's voice trailed off, as she stood next to him uncertain.


He shook his head, “It's not your fault. It is a lovely gift. You are right it will make it easier to move around, plus it is what I am, isn’t it? I should start dressing the part.”


Adrik took a deep breath through his nose, he gathered the fear that was starting to spread through his belly, suppressing it. This is what he was now, what he agreed to be when he started receiving Kit's and later Jaesa's tutelage. He straightened, putting his shoulders back. Looking up he met his foreign reflection's gaze. It was just clothing, why did it unsettle him? He forced himself to stare at his face; he really didn’t recognize the Cathar standing before him. He canted his head to the side, his reflection dutifully copying his action. If he didn’t recognize his own reflection then it stood to reason that he would be unrecognizable to someone who hadn't been with him these past two months. He brought his hand up to his face running it though his mane, pushing part of it behind his shoulder.


The bubbling fear in his gut suddenly subsided at the thought. If no one could identify him it would make it so much easier to move around. He knew he would stick out in Imperial Space, he was a Force using alien. A small smile hovered in the corner of his mouth, the very thing that would cause him to draw unnecessary attention would also shield him, for who in their right mind would challenge a Force user in Imperial Space, what Imperial would be stupid enough to question a Sith regardless of their species?


A startled gasp echoed through the air, Adrik turned looking for it's source. Before him stood Kit. She was standing in the doorway intently watching him. Nervously he ran his fingers down the front of his robe, did it not look right?


“Master,” Jaesa's voice was warm, her smile apparent even though he was watching Kit. “I hope you don't mind, I also made him some slacks and a couple shirts.” Kit nodded, eyes still locked on him. She moved out of the doorway slowly walking across the room, stopping in front of him.


“I also found these boots,” Adrik heard a rustle originate from the bed behind him, his ear flicked focusing on the sound. “Did you know Cathar sweat through their feet? These boots actually have a cooling system. I'm not really sure how it works though, they look like ordinary boots.”


Kit stepped closer; he watched her hand slowly move towards his chest. “Yes Jaesa I was aware, they also sweat through their palms,” her fingers gently touched the black material. “When did you do this?”


Adrik watched her fingers slowly skim upward, tracing an embroidered bolt. Jaesa's voice seemed further away; he heard the smooth swing of a door. “Oh I started a few weeks ago, after you left for the Council meeting. I made him two robes they are similar. Why, do you dislike it?”


“No,” Kit murmured, “not at all. It looks great,” her hand skimmed along his shoulder slipping through his mane. His fingers twitched as he hesitated unsure what to do. He pulled his eyes away from her caressing fingers. Adrik looked into her face, swallowing a gasp, her brilliant green eyes were shot through with gold and were slowly being consumed by black. His hand twitched, he wanted to touch her. Inhaling gently he smelled the air between them, it was heavily laced with Human musk. His body shook, eyes half closed he inhaled again. Her scent hung heavy between them, his hand moved cautiously touching the porcelain skin of her neck. He was hit by a sudden surge of lust; it rolled off of her. “It looks very good,” Kit murmured.


“Yes I think it does too. Would you like to see the other one...” Jaesa's voice trailed off, “Oh yes, of course.” Adrik heard a rustle, a hurried movement emanated from the bed, “I uh, will show you, um, later.” Hasty footsteps fled from the room followed by the smooth swoosh of the doors closing.


Hand shaking he caressed the smooth skin before slightly tightening his grip. Her other hand slipped through the fur on his neck before becoming entangled in his mane. He tilted his head towards her, lips parted. He brought his other hand up, cupping her jaw, his thumb cautiously caressing her cheek. Adrik leaned in closer, his lips hovering near hers. Her breath was warm and inviting. He watched those emerald and gold eyes close. Shaking he closed the hairs breadth to her parted lips, his mouth gently brushing against hers.


Suddenly there was distance between them, her warm lips gone. Her hands disappeared from his mane. He looked at her confused, what happened? Her hand reached out hesitantly touching his chest before quickly returning to her side.


“You look really good,” her voice held a slight tremor. She straightened, adjusting her robe. The emotional cloud that swirled around her simply disappeared, in one breath she went from exuding a heavy flush of lust to nothing. He stared at her, his confusion building.


She quickly turned and hurried out of the room, the door sliding shut as soon as she crossed the threshold.


Adrik stared at the closed door. What had he done, why did she leave? She had desired him, it had rolled off of her, the scent still hung heavy in the air. Did she not want him anymore? Was it because he was still broken? He didn't understand, she had seemed so overprotective, so concerned about him. So why did she leave, why didn't she want him?


He looked over at his reflection, quietly begging it for some kind of answer. She had said he looked good, she had touched him and it had felt so good to be touched. So what had he done wrong, what was wrong with him?





I again took liberties with the Cathar species, felines sweat through their feet, so I decided Cathar did as well. I know lions pant to deal with overheating, I just decided having Cathar pant when hot would make them seem less humanoid.

Back in the day Jaesa had a bonus to Synthweaving. This was written back before they removed that skill.

And I totally forgot the prompt. It was Gifts.


Edited by Kitar
forgot something
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@ Frauzet

Poor Adrik needs a nerfburger and a hug right about now. I do agree with you. That might have been a lot easier if Kit had just told him what was going on. It's not that easy for her to do though, she's trying to keep her own sh.i.t. together.

Hopefully they will get it all sorted out soon:cool:




Good evening, since I have been posting roughly three times a week, I thought I would continue doing so for the time being. I might have to drop back to twice a week depending on how busy my schedule gets. As long as I have the material written and the new stuff keeps a flowing I should be able to maintain this schedule for at least a few weeks.


Oh you might want to get comfortable, get to a comphy spot, grab a nice cup o caf, this one is a long one over 6k words.


Spoilers. Yes

Npc's from the SW story line Act 2 and 3 I believe, Massive Spoilers for Jaesa's background and role in SW story..






Year 3634 Month 4 two days later




“Jaesa, what is Tattooine like?”


Her fingers paused in their work, “Well it is extremely hot, the nights are bone chilling cold. Sand will get everywhere, even places you did not know you had, but the sunrises and sunsets are spectacular.”


He chewed on his lip, “I have never been, of all the planets I have been sent to I have never seen Tattooine.” Adrik shifted in the chair, “Who is this Jedi. She hasn't been very forthcoming.” He fidgeted with the material draped across his lap.


“You have asked her?”


He tried to nod but his head was firmly in Jaesa's grasp. “Yes I have, she will just tell me he is a Jedi but nothing else. I am... concerned, I can't shake this feeling something bad is going to happen.”


Behind him Jaesa moved, he heard the rustle of her robe against the floor. “That is not to surprising, the last time they met things didn't exactly go to plan.”


He tugged at his lap, letting the silken material slip through his fingers before grabbing it again. That didn't sound very encouraging. This whole idea wasn't very encouraging. “What happened?”


Jaesa's fingers tightened, pulling against his scalp. He growled. “Oh sorry,” she muttered, her fingers relaxed resuming their work. “She is taking us to see an old teacher of mine. I was sent to him after my sensitivity was discovered, he helped me develop my gift.”


She sighed, her fingers again pausing. “He was a good teacher, but he...” she sighed, “he was determined that he knew the best course of action. Ultimately his stubbornness led to the death of his friend.”


“What does the death of his friend have to do with Kit?” He shifted trying to look behind him; he caught a glimpse of a deeply frowning mouth set beneath down cast eyes. Her fingers started moving through his mane finishing plaiting the thick braid. She slowly wrapped the end in a black leatheris thong. He felt the braid slip through her fingers. Adrik turned in the chair; Jaesa stood before him eyes down cast chewing on her bottom lip. “Jaesa?” He gently prodded.


She shook her head, “Sorry... I still feel responsible for what happened.”


“What happened?”


“Years ago before I became her apprentice I was a Padawan, my Master had his own ulterior motives for encouraging the development of my gifts and sent me to Tatooine to a Jedi Master who had the uncanny ability to bring out one's abilities. Kit's Master learned about me and demanded Kit'ar track me down. Kit did, she chased me all over the galaxy, she tracked me to Tattooine. They were so afraid of her they refused to listen to anything she said convinced she was lying. That inflexible refusal is what lead to the death of Master Yul-Li.” Jaesa brought her hand up to her eyes dabbling at the corners. “The entire time Kit had been telling the truth, she only wanted to speak with me. The death could have been prevented.”


“It was months later when we finally met face to face, a lot of things could have gone differently.”


Adrik stared at her. “What things? What did Kit do?” The sadness swirling around Jaesa was growing.


She shook her head, “It is not what you think. Kit did nothing wrong really, she acted like she normally does, but,” Jaesa sighed, “perhaps things could of turned out differently. It was an eye opening experience, I learned just what kind of man my Master was, that people like to cling to assumptions and stereotypes.”


She turned to move away from him, Adrik reached out gently grabbing her hand. “Jaesa.”


She looked at him frowning. “It wasn't easy, none of it was.”


“Tell me,” Adrik whispered. “What happened? You have never told me how you came to be her apprentice.”


Jaesa's gaze shifted to the ceiling. “I was being used as a pawn, my former Master was determined to undermine and bring down Darth Baras. They had a history... because of that history my Master refused to listen to Kit, convinced it was all some ploy.”


“In the beginning Kit had only wanted to speak with me, see what all the fuss was about.” Jaesa sighed, “She only wanted to talk and I was forced to run, to go into hiding.”


“In the end I stopped running, I disobeyed everyone and came to meet her face to face. I learned, in the end, my Master was rotten, filled with a burning hatred, in the end he showed himself to be darker than the most foul-hearted Sith. At least a Sith is upfront about who they are, but my Master deceived me, deceived so many.”


“Kit was honest she encouraged me to look at her, to see her for who she was. She was, is, a Sith. But I saw something more; I saw a light within the darkness. It was intriguing. Kit offered to take me on to teach me, and I willing went with her.”


Adrik looked at her, Jaesa's shoulders were slumped hands tangled in her robe as her eyes scanned the ceiling. “Do you regret it?”


“No,” she shook her head, “not at all, going with her was the smartest thing I have ever done. She has helped me, helped my parents. She has never once used me or my ability, it's ironic really, the Sith has treated me better than my Jedi Master ever did.”


“You are worried about what is going to happen.” It wasn't really a question; Adrik could tell she was acting so uncharacteristically sad.


“Yes, I am.”


“What do you think is going to happen?”


“I don't really know,” she shook her head. “I have not seen Master Yonlach since I fled Tatooine all those years ago.”


“So why are we going to this Jedi, I thought there was a positive history between the three of you.”


Jaesa shook her head, giving him a small sad smile. “No I would not call the history positive. Kit decided to seek out Master Yonlach because of what happened after. After they met, Kit left him unconscious on the floor of his house next to the body of Yul-Li, she had tried to reason with both of them. Neither would listen; they attacked her, she defended herself. When Master Yonlach woke up he realized had he simply listened, had he just talked, his friend would still be alive. He actually contacted Kit, sent her a text communication, expressed his sorrow and how his encounter with her had shaken him, caused him to reflect upon what he knew of the Sith, the Order and afterward he withdrew to a life of solitude.”


“He is a Master, has trained or been part of the training of countless padawans. He would have been there, on Tython when you were there in training. You would have been among the first to be trained on the planet after its rediscovery. There is a good chance he might know how to break the Force block, tell us why they did something like that to a youngling.”


Adrik shook his head, “Why would he help us, help me, we are... not Jedi, Kit killed his friend. Why would he help us, he... he is not going to help.”


“No, Adrik, he might. We are going to talk to ask for his help.”


“But, what about Nox, she seems to think this Jedi is going to just offer up some great secret.”


Jaesa shook her head, “She is acting that way, but she knows to keep her distance. If he knows anything, if he is willing to help, then she might be allowed to speak with him.


“Do you really think Nox will, well, will behave?”


Jaesa snorted, “Not likely, but it is a risk we are going to take.”


Adrik let go of Jaesa's hand. “What do you think she will do?”


“Hopefully nothing, the Force could be with us and she could get distracted by something shiny in the sand.” Jaesa turned and walked out of the room.


Adrik watched her retreating form, listening as she walked into the common room, her footfall quietly fading as she moved down the hall. The muffled swoosh of a door closing reached his ears. He sighed, his bad feeling had ratcheted up to one of dread, if Jeasa was so conflicted about seeing this man again his hopes of an actual resolution to his problem evaporated. Now he just hoped this wasn't a set-up that he wasn't going to be forcibly returned to Tython.





“How much longer until we land?” He stared out in the vastness of space his eyes locked onto the amber hued orb below them.


“Not long, waiting for clearance from Mos Ila then we will be in cue, probably ten minutes or so.” Vette shrugged.


“Really that soon?”


“Yeap,” Vette chirped as she adjusted the ship's controls, “they tend to expedite our Lord's landings.”


The comm crackled, “This is Mos Ila Imperial Traffic Control. You have been cleared for landing Chimera, assigned to landing bay 12. Begin atmospheric entry procedures.”


Queuing up the com Vette answered, “Sure thing, Chimera out.”


“See what did I tell you? Have a seat, we will be planetside in a few minutes, and then you will wish we were still in orbit.” Vette flashed him a grin before turning her attention to the controls. Adrik felt the ship subtly shift as Vette directed her towards the awaiting planet.


Adrik left the bridge, heading back to their bedroom, well his bedroom; Kit had not slept there since they had departed from Dromand Kaas. He moved to the neatly made bed and the duffle that sat upon it. He opened the bag staring at the orderly packed contents, they looked so foreign to him, that had he not placed the items inside, he would of never believed they were his belongings. He reached out touching the black garments, fingers skimming over the embroidered robe. They slipped under the robe, touching the reassuring presence of durasteel. When he was packing Pierce had handed him the blaster, a snubnose compact piece. Adrik had taken it and slipped it into the bag with a thankful nod; he still wasn't comfortable with all of this Force sensitivity and having that weapon gave him an immeasurable sense of security.


He felt the ship decelerate, the engines quietly hummed before going silent. He stared at the contents of the bag, his eyes unseeing as he stared through the bag, hand touching the blaster, waiting. Eventually a quiet knock echoed through the room, slowly removing his hand he answered, “Come in.”


The door slid open with a quiet rushing of air, “You ready?” Kit's voice was quiet.


He zipped the duffle shut, “Yes,” he nodded. “I think I am.”


She walked to the bed stopping next to him; he reached out trying to determine what she was feeling. All he felt was nothing, simply nothing. He had not actually gleamed any emotions from her since Jaesa had given him the robes and Kit had hastily fled from the room, refusing his advance. Adrik kept his eyes trained on the bag, this would be so much easier if he knew what she was thinking, what she was feeling.


Her black-gloved hand entered his field of vision, he watched as it slowly came to rest on his wrist. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “Stick close to me,” her fingers slowly moved along the bare hide, “I will not let anything happen to you, regardless of what happens out there. I give you my word.”


He turned his head to look at her, her eyes were downcast, her lips set into a firm frown. “It should take us a day of travel to get there.” Her eyes flickered to his face, quickly scanning before dropping again. Her hand withdrew.


“Kit...” he whispered. She looked at him again, giving him a horrible attempt at a smile. It was tight and unfelt. What was bothering her, what had he done wrong? This entire flight she had been avoiding him. He reached out cautiously touching her cheek. She surprised him by leaning her head into his embrace. When he reached out to touch her other cheek she pulled backwards, shaking her head. He stared at her brow furrowed in confusion.


She took a small step backward. “We should get moving,” she murmured, “we will want to take advantage of the cool morning, once those suns rise we will have to stop for shelter.”


He dropped his hand, grabbing the duffle. He slung it over his shoulder. She moved heading out of the bedroom.


As Adrik crossed into the ship's common area, he spotted Vette and Pierce lounging on the couches. Pierce was reclining back feet propped up on the terminal drinking a beer. Vette sat next to him curled up on the couch playing with the remote; their attention was locked onto the projected image of a huttball match.


Kit barely slowed as she walked past the two, “The usual holo's every evening until our return, I expect it to take a few days. Probably four or five at the most.”


“Yeah yeah,” the Twi'lek waved at her, “I remember from last time, just try to not come back with a sunburn this time. I'll be here where it is nice and cool and comfortable.”


Kit'ar shook her head.


“We will notify you if anything important happens m' Lord.” Pierce rumbled.


“Right, try not to drink all the beer.”


The two looked at each other and grinned as the Sith turned and headed to the aft of the ship. Adrik looked at them and then towards the gangplank where he heard the muted voices of Jaesa and Kit'ar. Pierce took a swig off his bottle, “If anything happens, or if you think anything is going to happen holo us.”


Adrik nodded, “I will, hopefully this bad feeling I have is just nerves.”


“Could be,” Vette agreed, “but better to be safe than sorry. If it hits the fan, let us know, it is impressive how fast Pierce can mobilize troops.” Vette made a shooing motion with her hand, “Go on, be careful and hurry back.”


He nodded, adjusting the weight of his duffle across his shoulder before smoothing his robes. Giving them one last nod he moved to the aft of the Chimera.


Jaesa and Kit'ar were waiting for him at the base of the gangplank. As he moved to stand next to them a wave of heat hit him in the face. Gasping he stared at the two women.


Kit nodded, “It only gets better from here on out, let's get moving before it gets really hot.”


Adrik stared at her, it gets worse? He looked up at the darkened hanger, yes he realized it would get worse, he was in the shade in a building. They had to go out into the sun... Adrik nodded. “After you.”


Kit shook her head, “I do hope it is going to be a happy reunion.” She looked over at Jaesa. Her apprentice still wore a look of worry; it clung to her. “Come, no point in delaying any longer. Let's get this over with.” Kit pivoted on her foot, slowly making her way through the dimly lit hanger. Adrik fell in step beside Jaesa, they both walked behind Kit'ar. As they moved he reached up and raised the hood on his robe.


Slowly they made their way through the hanger, none of them overly eager to start this journey, when something tickled the back of his neck, the darkness seemed to deepen. He looked around them as they walked through the bay, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, stacked crates, numerous droids moving about performing whatever tasks they had been assigned, when it occurred to him he hadn’t seen another breathing being. That wasn’t right, since when was a Spaceport only manned by droids? He stopped moving, slowly reaching out. Up ahead he felt something, it was off and menacing. He reached out grabbing Kit by the arm pulling her to him. She and Jaesa froze.


Again he reached out trying to pinpoint what was wrong. He couldn't see anything, it was to dark, it was as if someone had cut all lighting to this part of the building. He looked above their heads, he could see the lights were still functioning but the light seemed to be absorbed by the rolling darkness. Something was out there.


“What is it?” Kit'ar whispered, “I don’t feel anything. Wait...” She closed her eyes, moments later she opened them, she looked to Jaesa, the younger brunette shook her head.


“I feel it too,” Jaesa whispered, “something is off.”


An almost obscured flicker of anticipation, a shifting sense of bloodlust, rolled through the air. It caused the fur on the back of his neck to stand straight up. Reaching out Adrik focused on it, cautiously he touched it, the darkness of it almost burning. Something was up ahead, waiting, and it was definitely unfriendly, and it was looking forward to killing them.


Quietly he growled, “Ahead, something it's waiting for us.” He let go of Kit's arm and took a small step next to her, waiting. He reached up slowly sliding his duffle off his shoulder and setting it at his feet. He inwardly cursed, wishing he had his training saber, but the damned thing had decided to malfunction yesterday. Considering its age it was worthless to try to repair. Kit and Jaesa followed his action of sliding their small bags off their shoulders quietly setting them on the floor by their feet as the two women grabbed their sabers in anticipation. It was not a long wait.


“Too long you have been eluding us Wrath.” The voice echoed from the shadows.


“Hard to find.” A second voice intoned.


Adrik growled, lightning gathering on his shoulders.


Out of the shadows they advanced, the source of the darkness. Two lanky Purebloods emerged, enrobed in black and red, the smaller of the two's face obscured by a hood, slowly stalking across the darkened hanger bay to meet them.


Next to him Kit shifted her weight. “Jaesa,” she whispered, “be ready.”


“He is not happy with you.” The first Pureblood spoke again. He was the taller of the two, seemed to be the leader of the duo.


“Not happy with me,” Kit'ar growled, “he has not contacted me in months. He has been silent; if I had displeased him he would have summoned me, told me of his displeasure. I think you are the ones who are not happy.”


“Not happy,” the smaller Pureblood echoed. “To long have you been hiding, the truth we see. His displeasure you have drawn.”


The two Purebloods pulled sabers from their belts. The crimson blades igniting the darkness.


Kit snorted. “I have done nothing but his bidding. During this time of silence I have assisted in ensuring the Empire operates smoothly, that his will is not forgotten while he is gathering his strength.”


“We are a manifestation of his will,” the first responded, lightning coursing over his hands. “We know his intentions, and his anger.”


The second Pureblood eerily echoed, “His anger, not happy.”


“You might be his will but I am his wrath,” Kit snarled her blue blade snapping to life as she leapt to engage them.


Sparks flew as the battle erupted. Time seemed to slow to an agonizing crawl and spiral out of control with amazing speed; it was a jarring disorienting feeling. Adrik watched as she ducked under the taller Pureblood's violent burst of lightning, deflecting it back towards its owner as she danced towards the smaller of the two. Kit'ar spun backwards, bringing her saber up. Deflecting his downward strike she changed her momentum, twisting into his reach, bringing her saber upward with a rapid thrust towards his face. The Pureblood snarled something unintelligible as he parried her blow. Kit'ar smiled as she ducked, hand out held as she caught and diverted another round of lightning from the taller Pureblood.


Then Jaesa was standing beside her Master, her golden double blades slicing through the blackness. He watched as the two women danced with the Purebloods exchanging blow after blow. He tried to keep track of them, but the fighting was a dizzying blur. Crimson plasma clashed with cyan and gold, accented with erratic bursts of lightning. Sparks erupted flashing through the nearly blackened hanger. He heard a howling yell; it pulled his attention away from Jaesa. His eyes locked onto the sound, it originated from the smaller Pureblood, a bright, still smoldering slash was burning on his shoulder. Kit'ar smiled at the scowling Sith, she swung her cyan saber before her body beckoning him with her right hand.


The smaller Pureblood muttered something unintelligible. He hurled a bolt of lightning at Kit. She deflected it as she charged towards him. He hurled another bolt of lightning, Kit leapt over the flying bolt landing in front of the Purelood, her saber swinging downward. Adrik heard the humming clash of their sabers when strangled cry cut through the air.


Adrik's head snapped to Jaesa. Horrified he watched her body fly through the hanger, slamming into a stack of stacked shipping crates. Durasteel protested creaking as it was bent. Kit'ar screamed as she watched her body collide with the containers and crumple unmoving to the hanger floor. She turned back to the smaller Pureblood widely swinging.


Adrik started running as fast as he could towards Jaesa's prone body. He skidded to an abrupt stop dropping to his knees. Clawed fingertips brushed her brown hair out of her face. Jaesa didn't move. Adrik leaned over her, fingers pressed against her neck, her breath barely registering against his fur, her pulse was faint but it was present. He glanced over at Kit'ar, his heart started beating faster, she was now fighting both the strange Purebloods. Her movements were becoming more erratic, her swings becoming sloppy.


A gnawing sensation worked it's way through the back of his mind; he watched one of her swings go wide, watched as she rushed to block the incoming saber strike. A blurry memory clawed its way to the surface; a massive towering beast, two figures, one robed in black, the other blue armored. It ate at him, what did that fight have to do with this one? He tried to concentrate on the fractured memory, tried to block out the ringing sounds of combat. He needed to focus on this, this was important. The image of the blue armored figure flying through the air, crashing into sheer grey rock face before falling colliding into the soft earth, came to him. Adrik let go of Jaesa, “Oh no,” he murmured, “the fight with the Terentatek.” Adrik's eyes widened as he slowly rose from his knees. Kit had nearly died, her grief over believing her son had been killed had caused her to lose focus; she had stopped thinking, just fighting with a singular rage.


A bright pain exploded in the back of his head, causing him to stagger sideways. Clutching his head he growled; now is not the time for this nonsense. He closed his eyes, the ringing sound of saber strikes echoing through his head. No, no, shaking he swallowed a roar, not now. The pain built, he fought to stay on his feet. The pressure in his head returned, growling he tightened his grip, sinking to his knees beside Jaesa. Gritting his teeth he tried to suppress the throbbing pain in his head. He didn't have time for this now, why was this happening? He had been able to suppress the pain, why was it returning now of all times? He needed to get to Kit, she needed help and he needed to get to her. He had managed to kill that towering beast. Another wave of pain coursed through his head, causing him to forget about the terentatek; the significance of the remembrance of Belsavis and Kit's oldest son torn away. Suddenly everything went black, it felt as if someone slugged him in the back of the head. Hard. He sucked in a ragged breath as he collapsed to the floor, one hand managing to stop his fall.


His forehead pushed against the cool floor, giving him a much needed if momentary respite. It felt so good he wanted to stay there, head resting on the floor, but he couldn't. He needed to help, she needed help. He had to help her before those strange speaking Sith realized they had an advantage, before they realized that Kit would lose focus in her rage to hurt the people who hurt her beloved apprentice.


He opened his eyes and the world swam. Confused he stared at the floor; it looked as if a faint swirling mist was covering everything. He blinked focusing on his bracing hand, staring at the claws that were scratching the durasteel. The slight mist flowed over his fur, there was no visible disturbance as it moved but he could feel it. Unclenching his other hand he removed it from his head, bringing it in front of his eyes. The mist flowed over and through his fingers. “It can't be,” he murmured.


Looking up he glanced at Jaesa's still body; it covered her. Flowing gently around her barely breathing form, was a muted barely discernible bright golden mist. He reached his hand out trying to touch it, but it shifted away from his outstretched claws. Swallowing an annoyed growl he tried again, and again if flowed away from him. He stared at it trying to remember; this meant something, but what?


His gaze shifted to his outstretched hand, the realization came that the mist that flowed over his fur and through his fingers was darker, it wasn’t the bright nearly white that flowed over Jaesa, it was darker. He brought his hand back to his face, watching the ebb and flow of the dark honey coloured mist, red and lighter gold streaks ran through it. As he watched, he wracked his aching head trying to think of what this meant; curious he brought his hands closer trying to touch a swirling band of red. It surged towards him, growing as it flew into his outstretched finger. It burned when it hit his flesh, but it was oh so warm, coursing down his arm, flooding his body with an achingly seductive heat. He growled, eyes momentarily closing as he tried to draw more of it to him, he felt it surge stronger and then nothing. It was as if it had been walled off. He opened his eyes, he could still see the light sparking mist, he could feel it had grown but he could not touch more than the barest drop. That damned Force block, now he understood. His vision grew red as his rage grew, “How dare they!” he snarled.


A snarling yell echoed across the hanger, ripping his attention away from his hands. Adrik looked to the yell's source, his eyes going wide. The fighting had taken on an entirely new dimension. Before him a huge black cloud moved, punctuated with swirling maelstroms and eddies of sparking red. An overwhelming feeling of rage and hatred flowed outward from the cloud; it was threatening to consume the bright flaming fire that fought it. He shook his head trying to make sense of what he saw. Slowly the realization dawned on him, he was actually seeing the combatants for the first time through the Force.


Slowly he moved off his knees, standing on shaky legs as he watched. Focusing on the combatants and not the swirling cloud that surrounded them. It was too hard to watch both. Another yell echoed through the hanger. Adrik shook his head, taking a measured step towards them, unsure how to help but knowing he had too.


Before him Kit was fighting the two Purebloods, the taller one keeping her engaged with the saber while the smaller of the two continuously hurled lightning at her. They were wearing her down, waiting for her to become tired. Adrik knew if that happened they were going to … he wasn’t going to let that happen.


He reached out touching the malice that hung heavy in the air, oppressive and dark. He pulled on it, commanding it to do his bidding, a slight smile in the corner of his lips. If they were so intent on hurting them, he was going to use their own emotions against them. He felt his fur flinch as the sparks grew along his shoulders. He walked towards the fighting trying to keep to the shadows to stay hidden and out of their minds as they fought. The last thing he intended was to be hurt and become another unneeded distraction as Kit tried to fight those things.


He silently circled around the fighting, listening to the warbling and clashing of sabers. Low voiced insults were hurled. He felt a huge swelling of confidence roll off the strange murderous Sith, they were so secure in their pending victory they didn't think anything could stop them. He was going to prove them wrong. He wasn’t that strong but he could provide enough of a distraction to level this damn playing field.


Adrik brought his hands up, loosing a huge wave of lightning at the Purebloods. Both howled as they were struck; their rage was deafening. Adrik smiled. Reaching out he drew off their rage and funneled it into his next burst of lightning. He focused his strike and managed to strike the larger Pureblood in the arm, causing his arm to jerk and spasm as he lost his hold on his saber. Pulling his saber away from him Adrik ignited it and ran to Kit's side.


“What is this,” the disarmed Pureblood hissed.


“A new apprentice,” the second answered.


“Something more,” the first snorted.


“Lover,” the second hissed.


“Won't matter.”


Adrik felt himself being thrown backwards, away from Kit. He managed to land crouched on his feet bracing himself on his hand, saber still ignited. He ran as fast as he could back towards Kit, while watching the two Purebloods; the second had blocked her saber, locking the blade against his saber's hilt, the larger one was gathering a huge bolt of lightning in his hands. Adrik screamed as the bolt was loosed.


Kit staggered against the force of the blast struggling to free her saber. More lightning slammed into her; she fell to her knees. Adrik roared, loosing another golden wave of lightning at the Purebloods. It was deflected back towards him, bouncing off the crimson blade, forcing him to change direction. Adrik rolled to the side, roaring, as he dodged his reflected bolt. He was so close now; his legs burned as he forced them to move faster, as he neared, the smaller Pureblood pulled back and plunged the saber into Kit's chest.


He heard her gasp of pain; he felt it rip though the air as her eyes widened, as they locked onto him. He heard himself yelling as he jumped to her side, he brought the saber down, severing the strange-speaking smaller Pureblood's hand. The saber deactivated in a hiss of crimson smoke as the hand and hilt clattered to the floor.


“No no, Kit no,” he looked her over where the saber had ran her through; her breathing was haggard, shallow. Grabbing her he crouched over her growling. His body vibrated with rage, seething he pulled upon it to loose another round of lightning at the Purebloods.


“We finish this.” The wounded one gasped, clutching his mangled arm to his chest.


“So close,” the larger one echoed.


They sent another round of lightning at the pair; Adrik hunched over Kit, the blast hit him square on the shoulder blade. The force of the hit stole his breath. He felt the lightning lick his back, arching burning as it ran over his hide, searing into his flesh. “No,” he growled, they were not going to win; he reached out collecting the blast. He gathered it, fed it, he poured all of his anger, his frustration into it. Then he reached out and ripped the overflowing emotions away from the Purebloods, the pain, their rage, their smug satisfaction, he ripped it away and fed off of it. He growled as it fled from his fingertips. As it collided with the Purebloods, the pain Adrik felt intensified then suddenly disappeared. Adrik looked up, they were gone. He reached out feeling; he only felt himself and a dim pulse where Jaesa lay. No, that's not right... he searched again; he did not feel Kit.


Closing his eyes he made himself calm down, taking a deep breath he opened his eyes, touching her face. Her gold eyes stared through him unseeing. Touching her neck he leaned in closer, to her slightly parted lips, he didn't feel anything, not the barest bit of breath blew against his fur. “Kit,” he gently tapped her pale cheek, “Kit! Come on Kit!” he urgently whispered. Tapping her cheek he desperately watched her face for any reaction. “Oh karking hell, Babe, come on.” He curled his head to her chest, resting his head against her cool armor. Only silence reached his ear, he didn't hear anything, he didn't hear a heartbeat.


“Kit, Babe?” He picked his head up staring at her face. A slow realization started to crawl through his mind, she wasn't going to answer him. “No,” he growled shaking his head, “no.” This wasn't going to happen. He could fix this, he had to fix this. Once he was able to fix things, he had just fixed Pierce's leg, he could do this too. He had to do this.


Swallowing, he dropped his gaze to her chest, to where the damn Pureblood had struck her. Steeling his nerves he made himself scan the damage she had taken. Shaking he forced himself to focus, it was horrible, the saber had struck her almost in the center of her chest, it had missed her heart but it pierced her lung, fractured the surrounding ribs and nicked her spine. He could do this, the air around him still sparking filled with lightning, he pushed the residual energy into her body pouring himself into it as it sought out her punctured body; he felt it knit together the skewered lung, mend her shattered ribs and repair the small nick in her spine.


He reached out slowly trying to feel for her, he had to find her, had to. She couldn't be gone, not now, not like this. The sparking cloud of lightning continued to flow over them, growing as he reached out trying to find her in the fog, he was alone, there was something wrong, everything felt… flat. Panicking he reached out farther, the lightning flickered and sparked over the two of them. He searched the blue darkening fog that enveloped him, there in the distance fading he found her. Stretching he reached for her, grasping at her disappearing form, it was so faint, a bare outline, pulling from his very being he forced her back to him, wrapping her in the sparking cloud that enveloped him, into the safety of his arms.


Beneath him her lungs took a haggard shallow breath, she coughed violently. Blood appeared on her lips, dripping down her incredibly pale cheek. Her eyes were glazed, staring vacantly ahead. He wrapped his arms around her holding her to his chest. “I have you, Babe. I have you.”


Her eyes skipped, flickering and then they closed. Her breath barely registered against the fur of his cheek, but he could feel it. It was there. He had her. Adrik brought her closer wiping the blood off her lips. “I have you, I have you.”


He slid his arm under her; amazed he still had the Larger Pureblood's doublebladed hilt in his hand. He slowly stood on shaky feet; everything shifted violently, his body humming under the strain. The walk back to the ship seemed unending. Forcing one foot in front of the over he continued up the ramp and into the ship. As he entered the common room he was greeted with gasps and shouting, and questions, rapidly fired questions. He was unable to answer, the world violently shifted to the side. He felt Kit being taken from his arms, he heard foot steps running down the ramp, the ground rushed at him, as he collapsed he sank into darkness.





Prompt: Paying the Piper


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Yuck, what a week I have had, hopefully everyone else had a good week.



Mentions a pub sided quest on Nar Shaddaa involving club Ufora







Year 3634 Month 3: Two months after Jorgan goes missing...




She sighed brushing a wayward gold lock behind her ear. Again she looked over the acquisition form, it still seemed so wrong not to be entering supplies for Aric. She wondered again about his whereabouts, honestly he dominated her spare moments. Elara could not stop wondering what happened to him, if he was okay, if anyone had contacted his wife. His wife, why had he never told anyone he was married? She would have kept his secret, part of her still hurt that her friend had withheld something so major.


She set the datapad down eyes scanning the open medical cabinet, her eyes settled on the section reserved for species specific medicine, the sleeping pills she had prescribed to him months ago were starting to gather dust. She reached out hesitating to touch them. Afraid if she did, if she cleaned the dust off the bottles she was somehow admitting he was not returning.


Closing the cabinet she turned back to the datapad. It had been two months, there was still hope, there was. Yuun had been searching, reading every sign he could get his hands on. So far everything he had found, every convoluted hint was shrouded in shadow, it was perplexing and beyond frustrating.


All Yuun had been able to say for sure was that Aric was alive. It gave her some small measure of comfort. He was still out there somewhere... but why hadn't he contacted them? Perhaps he was being held captive, locked in some cell somewhere. Maybe that is what prevented Aric from contacting them. He had disappeared off Nar Shaddaa, things... happened there. She shivered, her skin p.rick.ling, she had heard what happened at Club Ufora, knew her commanding officer had agreed to make use of the twisted doctor's services instead of jailing him. Elara shuddered; desperately hoping nothing like that had befallen her friend.


Locking the cabinet she moved down the hall to the crew's quarters. Moving to her bunk she set her datapad down on her neatly made bed. Her eyes moved to Aric's empty bunk. It was the last thing he had touched on the ship, making it the morning he had slipped away to meet her. To meet his wife. Elara stared at the bed; again she wondered if his wife, the mysterious redhead she had briefly laid eyes upon before she vanished into the depths of the Starport, knew where he was.


That nagged at her, that fleeting glimpse of the purple shrouded woman. Elara had a gut feeling that redhead was the same woman he had snuck off to meet; her cheeks still burned with embarrassment when she thought of the night she had trailed him on Belsavis. A night that happened nearly two years ago. Elara was almost certain the woman she watched him with that night was the same one he was kissing in the Starport. What Elara didn't understand is why no one had contacted the ship looking for him, if they were supposed to have dinner on the last night of their shore leave why hadn't she tried to contact the ship? Elara shook her head, she just knew this unknown redheaded woman knew where he was, but why hadn't he called?


Elara's head swam; it was the same circular argument. She had no answers, just endless questions. She stared at Aric's footlocker, contemplating, once again, if she should slice it open. There might be some clue buried inside but she shouldn't, it was an invasion of his privacy. She wasn't ready to break into his locker just yet, not yet. She needed some kind of duracrete reason to do that.


A slight sc.r.a.p.ing outside the room caught her attention. Elara turned looking out of the crew's quarters into the dimly lit common area beyond. There quietly approaching the room was Yuun. Elara grinned broadly walking to meet him when the Gand held up his hand quietly asking her to wait a moment, while he moved through the ship heading towards the engine room.


She ran her fingers behind her ears, tucking nonexistent flyaway locks. Why did he want her to wait? The ship was empty; everyone was off enjoying their leave. Since Aric had disappeared they had been taking their breaks on Coruscant. Perhaps Yuun had found something; maybe he wanted to make sure there were no listening devices in the engine room.


Elara still didn't like to admit that shortly after returning from her rather unexpected meeting with Shan and Saresh, Yuun had located multiple devices installed around the ship, in the common room, in the crew's barracks the galley, engine room and bridge. The only room that seemed free from surveillance was the cargo hold. That device had been crushed and left sitting in its obscured corner. Who had destroyed it was very apparent too; the wall and device were clawed.


Fidgeting, twisting her fingers, she waited praying that whomever had installed those devices hadn't decided to put them back. They had never found any recordings; the system seemed to never have been activated. But she had hoped they would have found something, anything, there could have been some sort of clue buried in countless hours of surveillance holos. Stars she needed to stop it, actually wishing they had been recorded.


She dropped her hands, forcing them and her mind to still. She tried to give him time, tried to stop thinking. The seconds slowly ticked by. When she couldn't take it anymore she slipped out of the crew's barracks and slowly moved through the dimly lit ship. She really should have activated the ship's lighting, moving through the dim auxiliary illuminated ship made her feel like she was sneaking.


Yuun was standing by the engine; she slowly approached him. “Did you find something?” When the words left her mouth she cringed, they seemed too loud.


He turned to face her nodding; in his hands he held a datapad.


“Really?” A large smile spread across her lips. “What is it? What did you find?”


Yuun shook his head.


What was going on? Why wasn't Yuun talking, what exactly did he find? She stared at the Gand. Her smile faltered, “What is it?” she whispered.


“This one believes we should stop looking.”


“What... we can't stop, we can't we don't know what happened to him...”


Yuun shook his head, “He... is safe, but should not be found.”


“No,” Elara shook her head, “we can't stop. We can't. We have to find him, he has a wife...”


“This one knows,” the Gand shook his head. His metallic reverberating voice lowered. “This one knows.”


“Then why, why do you want to stop? I don't understand.”


Yuun handed her the datapad in his hand.


“What is this?” She dropped her eyes to its screen, before her she saw an official Republic military form, confused she looked back up at him. He gestured to the datapad. Her gaze returned to the screen, she started reading the form. It was a request for early retirement, it had been submitted nearly three months ago. Her brow furrowed as her confusion grew. She stopped reading, eyes wide. She stared at the datapad, the name on the form was Aric Jorgan.


She looked up, “What is this?” Yuun shook his head, silently he gestured to the datapad. “But I... He never said a word.” Elara shook her head, “I don't understand.”


Yuun walked up to her resting a hand on her shoulder. “Continue.”


She dropped her eyes back to the report in her hand, she resumed reading, the reasons listed for requesting an early retirement included, injuries sustained on duty, both physical and psychological and a long and decorated career within multiple Special Force divisions. She noticed the form asked his early retirement to coincide with the end of his current tour, which ended roughly two weeks after he disappeared.


“So he was planning on leaving...” It hurt to say it out loud, why had he not told her, why had he kept her in the dark about so much of his life? She had thought they were so close. “But,” she looked up at Yuun, “if he had planned on leaving why did he allow those recorded messages to go out.”


“This one thinks that was unexpected. An event not foreseen.”


“What do you mean?” her whispered voice seemed to echo.


Yuun shook his head, gesturing again to the datapad.


What was on the blasted thing that Yuun didn't want to say out loud? Her finger was shaking when it touched the screen; slowly she continued to read. There were holos after the report, they were slightly grainy but they were in colour. She stared at the first one, her eyes scanning the image. It was of the Promenade, countless species wandering around tightly packed at the base of Kragga's statue. Her eyes locked onto a very familiar form kneeling, he appeared to be messing with his boot. “It's Aric,” she whispered, “that is what he was wearing when he left.”


Yuun never answered her, she was afraid to look at the Findsmen. Swallowing she moved on to the next holo. It was grainy; it appeared to be a close up lifted off of a surveillance camera. Before her she saw Aric speaking with another man, he was Human appeared to be clean cut. They were standing really close. Who was this man? He looked to well put together to be some common street criminal. “Who is he talking too?” When Yuun didn't answer she just hit the button opening the next holo.


She gasped; the clean-cut man was hitting Aric. “Noo...” she whispered. “Yuun what happened? Who attacked him?”


Yuun finally spoke, “That is unclear, what was found, was not encouraging.”


“What do you mean? What did you find?” Her questions went unanswered. She looked up Yuun was just looking at her his eyes sympathetic. “Talk to me what did you find?” Her crewmate just stood there shaking his head refusing to speak. Closing her green eyes she took a deep breath trying to calm the tremor running through her.


Opening her eyes she moved her trembling finger, bringing up the next holo. She stared at it brow furrowed. It was another still, lifted from a camera in a Starport and it was a face she knew. She stared at the close-up captured image, she recognized the pale-skinned green-eyed woman looking back at her.


“This woman you know.” It wasn't a question, but a pointed statement.


Elara nodded, “I do. I think this is his wife. I... I have seen them together before.”


“Never told did you?”


She shook her head, “No... I saw them together. They looked so happy, he needed some happiness.”




Elara hit the screen pulling up the next holo and with a sharp intake of breath nearly dropped the datapad. It was Aric, he was being carried by a massive man. She could only see the man's arm and part of his chest. The image was a gruesome close-up, Aric's face was a bloody swollen mess, what she could see of his clothing was ripped and blood stained. “Aric,” she gasped, “oh Aric... How old is this? We have to go help him. Who is carrying him, where did you get these holo's? Yuun we have to do something, tell someone. We have to help him, rescue him.”


“It has been done.” He suddenly appeared at her side. He touched the screen; the next image was a full shot of Aric being carried. Her breath lodged in her throat. The massive man carrying Aric was wearing red and black durasteel, she recognized the logo on his shoulder, the man was Imperial and a member of Black Ops.


“What do you mean 'It has been done'? Yuun we have to tell someone, we need to get him out o8758-f there. He is in Imperial custody.” She felt her heart trying to pound through her chest, why is Yuun acting like this?


“Do you believe their intent is pure, the women who contacted you?”


“What?” Elara looked up at him.


“The Master Jedi and Former Governor, do you think they have his best interest at heart?”


The question took her by surprise; she hesitated before she answered. She had thought they had initially, but since that meeting the two women had only contacted them a handful of times. Each, during their brief holocalls, only stressed how important it was that he be found; they never answered any questions, simply danced around them as if they were not asked. All attempts to gather any information from the women was unsuccessful, whatever leads they had about his whereabouts they refused to divulge.


In retrospect they way they talked about her missing squadmate made him sound like a possession, that they were more interested in possessing him than helping him. It still bothered her immensely when she had inquired after his wife's welfare, how she had reacted to the news of Aric's disappearance. The two women had just looked at each other, and it was Saresh who answered not the Jedi Master. Saresh had quickly glazed over the question, saying that she was upset, but they were taking care of her. Elara had never brought it up again, the cold flippant way in which the two women answered the question struck a nerve; it seemed best to drop that line of questioning.


She looked at Yuun and shook her head. “No I don't know if they do, they seem more interested in having him in their possession. His presence is not necessary for charges to be brought against the Major. After what I read on that datapad, I don't think he wants to speak about it, much less in a courtroom.”


“This one agrees. What has been found, stays here. No others shall know. They will be told we are searching, that the signs are crossed. We now wait, we wait for him to make contact.”


She looked at him nodding, her stomach twisted into a turbulent knot. He reached out touching the datapad, the image on the screen shifted. The image panned back, encompassing not only the huge durasteel clad man carrying a bloody and beaten Aric but also a redheaded woman wearing black robes and blackened armor. She walked next to the massive Human, saber hilt in hand. Elara stared at the woman, shaking her head. “It's not possible,” she whispered.


Yuun hit the screen again. The next holo was a close-up of the woman, her full lips were turned down, locked in a frown, her eyes were not quite green, but Elara recognized her. It was the woman from the Starport.


“How... I don't understand.” Her brain just refused to admit the truth before her.


“It is clear now, why he is shrouded in shadow, why his path is obscured. He is safe now, rescued.”


Elara forced herself to swallow, her mouth felt so dry. “He was rescued, who had him? Who rescued him?”


Yuun shook his head, “That is disturbing, this one found hints, small whispers, the ones who hurt him they were with the S.I.S.”


“What... how... Why did they...” Elara trailed off.


“That is unclear, those answers are still being searched for.” Yuun reached out placing his hand on her shoulder. “He has been rescued, he is safe now.”


“How do you know? How do you know he is safe? Look at him.”


“The signs have all pointed to his safety. The darkness protects him. He is now safe in the arms of his mate.”






Prompt: Behind the scenes, some Discover too

On a totally unrelated note, I realized as I was getting ready to post this, that Chapter 30 in the first part was also an Elara chapter.


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The last chapter was a nice counterpoint to the one before.

I still like the friendship you describe between Elara and Aric, and how Yuun helps Elara with finding clues about Aric's whereabouts.

Recalling Aric's rescue, and seeing his recovery gives hope Kit will be okay, too. I don't like the outcome so far, yet I like that you had the hand interfere. Especially since Kit is the Wrath and a Council member, they are even more bound to keep an eye on her.

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@ Frauzet

:) I always thought the Findsmen would probably be pretty good at finding out information and things, though what he found, I highly doubt it has made Elara feel any better or less concerned.

It took Aric awhile to recover and I am still not sure if I would call him okay.

It made sense for the Hand to stick there nose in; they have also done a wonderful job of mucking up their trip to Tat. I have always found the Hand to be really creepy



Alrighty gang, I have a rather busy week... again, I will try to post on Wend but no promises. I will be taking my daughter to see Taylor Swift tomorrow night. Saying I am going to be tired is going to be an understatement. If I am to crabby/tired I will update on Thursday. So I hope there are no glaring typos; I need to head to bed and don't have time for my usual final read through.



features an NPC from the Czerka story arc on Tatooine, the Imperial side. Its a small NPC, not really a spoiler but mentionable. And mild Trooper spoilers.






Year 3634 Month 4 Morning after preceding prompt.






A low soft beeping filled the air. He groaned, slowly blinking open his eyes. He quickly shut them, the overhead light blinding. Resting his right hand over his eyes he listened. The beeping was quiet and constant; it was joined by a softer noise, reminding him of flowing water. He rubbed his face and stopped, something hard hit his nose. Squinting he cracked open an eye and stared at his hand attached to the tip of his ring finger was a small monitor. His cracked eye widened. A monitor, why would he have a monitor.... Kit!


He sat up in the bed, the movement causing his head to ache. Where was she? And why did he itch so damn bad? He reached over to scratch his left arm, he felt material wrapped around his arm. He looked down; his arm, from shoulder to wrist and part of his chest was covered in thin white gauze, he brought it to his nose and inhaled. He was assaulted by the saline scent of kolto, as well as a thick medicinal slightly metallic odor, wrinkling up his nose he snorted the scent from his sinuses.


He pulled his eyes off his arm. Blinking he looked around the room. It was a medical center of some sort. The hum of a respirator filled the air followed by a chilling burst of air. He saw a blanket covered lump in a bed close to him. He swung his feet over the edge of the bed, as his bare feet dangled he realized he was only wearing his black pants. Cautiously he slipped off the bed, his feet silent.


He padded over to the bed hopeful; dark hair fanned across the pillow. It was Jaesa, she looked to be sleeping, the screen by her head dutifully displaying her vitals. He glanced at the screen; everything seemed to be happily bouncing along. He did wish he knew how to read the darn things better, he wished Dorne was there to interpret. Dorne... maybe there was some way to get word to her; she was probably worried sick. He hadn't risked any communication before, not because he didn't want to or because he thought anyone would care, he hadn't wanted to send anything to her from Imperial Space. She had finally gotten out of the accusatory shadow of her background; he didn't want to do anything that would shove her back under it.


He sighed. There had to be a few neutral outposts, hopefully he would be able to find one. He really wanted to contact her; he had no idea what he was going to say. The truth was out of the question. He would think of something, he wasn't going to just leave her in the dark. But before he could even think of trying to get in contact with her he had to find Kit. She had to be in here somewhere.


He reached out, gently touching Jaesa's hair. She didn't move, but she did look peaceful, he ran his fingers over her hand as he watched her chest slowly rise and fall. He would have to wait for her to wake up. He withdrew his hand as he turned, scanning the beds in the room, aside from his and Jaesa's the beds were unoccupied. He frowned, where was she? He turned looking again around the room, where were the tanks?


He spotted them spaced intermittently along the outer edge of the room. His stomach dropped as he saw one contained a patient. Slowly he padded over to the tank, there gently floating inside the tank was Kit'ar. “Noo...” He reached out placing a shaking hand on the cool transpristeel. “Oh Kit...” He stepped closer, resting his forehead against the tank. He watched her long red hair float, framing her face as her body gently bobbed. Slowly he looked her over, her porcelain skin eerily blue, her body was barely covered by her red underwear. They had been in such a hurry to get her in the tank; the medics had not even bothered to put her in more modest, tank-appropriate apparel. Finally his eyes moved to her chest, to the angry circular scar. It was healed; you couldn't tell there had been a horrible hole there. He shuddered; he could still see the molten edges of her armor glowing burning brightly, a horrible stark contrast to the darkness of the cauterized wound.


He closed his eyes, bringing his other hand to the tank. He heard the monitor next to the tank slowly beeping; he wished again he knew how to read it. The beeps were steady, which he knew was a good sign. He continued to grip the tank, listening to the steady but slow beeping, when a voice disturbed the quiet.


“Oh my Lord, you are awake.” A quiet Imperial male voice spoke from his left.


My Lord? Who was this man talking too? He wasn't a Lord, he didn't even think he was a Sith, not really, he didn't know what to call himself. He cracked open his eye, rolling his head along the tank to look at him. The speaker was Human, wearing a white medical jacket and holding a datapad. The Human medic was looking right at him. Apparently he thought Adrik was a lord, then again in Imperial territory it was probably wise to just assume anyone who carried a saber was.


The Human gave him a brisk nod of his head. “Sorry I was not here when you woke my Lord.” When Adrik didn't answer he continued. “I am Hael with Imperial Reclamation Service, and I am in charge of the medical center here in Mos Ila.”


Adrik looked at him brow raised, “Imperial Reclamation Service?” What exactly was the Reclamation Service, yet another thing to file away and ask Jaesa when she woke.


“Yes my Lord, I was the personal medic for Darth Silthar, when he passed on I was given the opportunity to remain here.”


“How did your Darth pass?” He was expecting the typical Sith killing Sith for power or Jedi and Sith conflict. What he said surprised Adrik.


“Darth Silthar was a good man very supportive, encouraging. He was seeking out this thing in the desert, following the signs. Sadly while trying to solve the latest step of the mystery, he was overwhelmed by the enemy. A bunch of filthy sandpeople. Lord Tyche,” he gestured to Kit floating in the tank, “had been assisting him in his search. She managed to track him down, she found him in the cave where he had been attacked. She was unable to save him, but she talked to him, sat with him while he passed on.” The medic paused, Adrik could tell he was upset, he watched as the medic stoically composed himself. “She arranged for his remains to be returned to town, even arranged for the pyre. I still have his lightsaber hilt, I keep it in my office.”


He gave the medic a small smile, “That sounds like something she would do. She is a Darth now.”


The Human visibly straightened, “I am sorry I meant no disrespect, my Lord.”


Adrik lifted his head off the tank. “No offense taken.”


The medic gestured towards him, “Is she your master?”


“No.” Adrik sighed, “My mate.”


“Really?” The Human breathed. A wave of surprise rolled off the man. Surprise and sympathy.


Adrik quietly studied the medic, “Is there something wrong with that?” he growled.


“Oh no, not at all my Lord, I had thought the big guy was her husband. He is really quite the mess, he carried her in barking orders. You and Jaesa were carried in by Spaceport workers, he kept telling her she had to pull through for the kids. I ended up giving the Twi'lek, Vette, some sedatives for him and sent him back to the ship.”


“Yeah,” Adrik muttered, “they have kits, they are six. But they haven't been,” Adrik gestured at the air, “for years.”


“Oh, my. She has allowed him to remain in her service even though they are no longer intimately involved. How many years has he been in her service?”


Adrik looked at him, perplexed. Why would she have sent him away? “Nearly nine I believe.”


“Lucky bastard,” the medic breathed it was barely audible. “To have such a long time of service under a Sith, and to be retained and allowed to remain after her interest dies, to be around the children. Are the children Force sensitive?”


“They are,” Adrik just stared at the man as a look of adoration crossed Hael's features. He was so confused; he would have to ask Jaesa when she woke up, why was Pierce still being around so unusual?


The man's gaze shifted from Kit to him, Adrik just watched and was hit by an image. One of a willowy Zabrak woman. She had dark brown hair, a pale complexion and seemed very familiar.


“Well I assure you my Lord she is receiving the best care possible, it's been a slow recovery, but it is a recovery.” The man sounded awfully upbeat. “All of you were unconscious when you were brought in, no one was able to say what happened in the Starport.” Hael stepped closer looking to the tank's monitor, his eyes scanning the display. “Each day she has been making progress.”


“Day?” Adrik echoed.


“Yes my Lord, you have been here nearly three days. I took Jaesa out of a tank this morning, when she wakes she should be as good as new, she had a nasty concussion.” The medic motioned to the tank, “Your wife's vitals were really slow, sluggish even. It was as if everything was trying to sort out how to function again.”


Adrik sighed returning his attention to Kit floating in the tank. “It was.”


“What do you mean, what exactly happened in there?” Hael whispered.


He heard the man step closer. Adrik shook his head, “I don't know the reason why, but we were attacked by two red-skinned Purebloods. They managed to push Jaesa out of the fight, tried to stop me. Before I could get to them they hurt Kit.. Darth Tyche. He, he ran her through.”


“Oh no,” Hael murmured. A silence descended across the room, one that grew as the medic contemplated that fact. The stillness was popped with a gasp. “But if she was run through with a saber... wouldn't that have killed her? Her only injury was the angry wound on her chest and back...” the medic trailed off. “But how could she have survived that, that wound was center mass, it appeared to have hit her...”


“It pierced her lung, shattered ribs and nicked her spine,” Adrik interrupted.


“But how? I...” Hael whispered. “You healed her, didn't you.”


Adrik nodded, resting his head against the cool edge of the transpristeel. He closed his eyes, listening to the slow steady beeping of the monitor, to Hael shifting fidgeting next to him.


“You're a Jedi,” Hael breathed, “I have never heard of a Sith being able to do something like that.”


Adrik shook his head, “Once maybe, but not anymore.”


Adrik felt a weight settle on his bandaged shoulder. “I understand the choices you make for those you care for.” Hale's voice was quiet, “She is making progress, she should be out in a few days, four at the most.” He felt a slight pressure against his shoulder, “Come my Lord you need your medication.”


He allowed his body to be moved away from the tank. He walked back to his bed the Human medic trailing closely behind. Adrik sat on the edge gripping the thin edge with his fingers. Hael produced a medical stim; Adrik's lips drew back from his teeth, “Get that thing away from me.”


Hael hesitated, “My Lord? It's a medical stim, your painkiller for you injuries.”


“No needles,” Adrik growled, “give me pills.”


“Oh, I am sorry my Lord...I don't have any pills,” Hael stammered. “I don't. I need to administer these medications, there is a risk for infection.”


“Infection? What infection?”


“Yes my Lord, your arm and back, the burning there is extensive. It is contained to your left arm and the upper left portion if your back. The fur there has been burned away.”


“Show me.” Adrik growled. He remembered the arcing licking pain of the Purelood's attack, he didn't remember actually being injured.


“Of course,” Hael's fingers began to nimbly unravel the white gauze, as he worked he neatly rolled the fabric.


Adrik hissed when the cool air hit his exposed hide. Growling he watched as his arm was liberated from the gauze. Precious few patches of fur remained on his arm, most of it was burned away, leaving irritated angry skin behind. Even the colour of it was off. Instead of the usual dark vermilion, his skin was lighter almost washed out looking. Running down the length of his arm were long jagged streaks, the streaking feathering lines looked like lightning. “Why does it look like this?”


Hael moved next to him the medic quietly opened up a jar; the heavy medicinal scent filled the air. “It is an electrical burn of sorts, honestly I have not seen a burn like that one before.”


“No?” Adrik questioned, slowly moving his arm.


“No.” Hale confirmed, as he began to apply the foul smelling salve on Adrik's arm. “This burn salve contains nanites, it encourages skin regrowth and has been shown to restimulate the growth of damaged hair follicles.”


“Really? So there is a chance the fur will grow back?”


“Yes, most should, the skin doesn't seem to be to traumatized. No guarantee it will all grow back, the discoloured skin, these yellowed feathering lines, the burns here are deeper,” the medic's hand gestured with the white plastic stick he was using to apply the salve. “I would have ordered a skin graph, but I didn't have anything on hand that was comparable with a Cathar's physiology.”


Hael's hand disappeared, to return moments later and begun wrapping new gauze around his arm. “Would you mind moving your hair? I need to attend to your back now.”


Adrik nodded moving his mane over his right shoulder with a smooth push of his hand. “How bad is my back?”


“It is worse my Lord. Your left shoulder blade appears to have born the brunt of the strike, the skin there is almost white.”


Adrik nodded his head, “Is there anyway I could possibly keep the bottle?”


“Of course,” Hael muttered from behind him. “It is rather easy for me to get more. That bottle was actually stocked on a whim.”


Adrik turned his head to look over his shoulder at the medic standing behind him. “How did you come by it?”


“It is a bit of a story my Lord but the long of the short of it is, an individual my lady friend knew had the misfortune of losing a bet... the man had to shave a Wookiee. Needless to say, the man ended up with an arm broken in three places and the Wookiee well he was missing quite the bit of hair on an arm and his chest. This salve was used by the Wookiee to quickly grow back his hair.” Hael began wrapping gauze around his upper back and shoulder. “My friend still has a couple bottles of it on board her ship she was happy to give me a bottle. I still can't believe the man was dumb enough to make that bet.”


“No kidding,” Adrik muttered, “that was rather stupid of him.” He watched as Hael moved to the front of his bed, wrapping the remainder of his arm. Once again he caught the flickering flash of the young Zabrak woman. “So this lady friend of yours does she happen to be a Zabrak?”


Hael's hands stopped immediately. He looked up, “How did you know that?”


Adrik gave him a small smile, “When you think of her I get a flash of a pale-skinned, dark-haired woman, hair touches her shoulders, hazel eyes, a couple small horns,” Adrik gestured to his forehead. “She's cute but normally the sort of Zabrak you see in Republic space, with the fine facial tattoos.”


Hael slowly nodded, “Yes my Lord, that is my lady friend. She actually followed her kid brother when he and his squad changed sides a few years ago. She is quite the little tinderbox, doesn’t let anyone push her around.”


Adrik smiled larger, “Doesn't take flack from anyone huh, got to love the spunky ones. So what's her name?”


Hael actually smiled, “Vani Bazren, she has actually started operating out of Mos Ila. I get to see her more often.”


Adrik's brow arched, Bazren what were the odds?


“So what is it that she does? Your lovely Vani?” Adrik shifted on the bed.


“Well she is a um, self employed, self-reliant businesswoman.” Hael stammered as he focused on the wall across the room.


Adrik chuckled, “She has a way of navigating all manner of situations does she? Nothing wrong with that.” He smiled to himself; the good medic was in love with a smuggler. A smuggler with a very familiar surname. The Cathar wondered if there was a way he could actually speak with her see if his little gut feeling was right. Maybe he could solve a little mystery, not that he was going to share his findings.




Prompt Morning After/Health

Okay changed a couple slight things from the game. One. Hael wasn't reassigned to Korriban, or transferred back. Two, I made him a medic :)Hael Phrice

Fuze as far as I know does not have a sibling, he does now.

For the burn, it is a thing. They are called Lichtenber figures Lichtenber figure and another.

Fuse is Vanto Bazren


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Quick crawl by posting on my way to bed. It has been a week. It's not very long. Hope everyone has a good night.


Spoilers, I don't think there are any





Year 3634 Couple of days later




He sighed, resisting yet again the urge to scratch. His arm was killing him. Knuckle-rubbing the white gauze he scowled. He wanted to scratch it so badly, but he knew his claws would shred the sensitive healing skin. He was already very unhappy with how it was healing, the fur seemed to be growing back, soft fuzz covered his arm and part of his back, it just refused to grow wherever his hide was discoloured. He shook as his head as he pushed off the bed, his latest perch within the medical room.


Walking up to the tank he wondered once again how exactly his life had ended up like this. All he had wanted was to make a career out of the military; retire with a nice pension. Maybe find a good girl have a couple of kits. Well he had found the girl, she had a few kits of her own, but he highly doubted many would call her good. She is though, he rested his hand on the cool surface of the kolto tank, in her own way. Walking away from his past to start a new life with her had been an easy decision.


He rested his forehead against the transparisteel, things were supposed to be easier now. Such a cruel twist of fate, he was finally with her and the entire time he had been fighting injuries. Now that he had almost recovered, most of his wounds healed she was the one now fighting. He placed his other hand on the tank. As if dealing with recovering from his parting gift from the Republic was not hard enough, now he had to cope with his past not really being his past, he had to deal with what had been done to him when he was a small kit.


It was getting easier to sort through it all. Slowly getting easier, and the person he had come to rely on was now fighting to remember how to live. The medic would wander in and study the readout by the tank, he kept assuring Adrik that she was doing better, getting stronger. If she was doing better why was she still in the tank? He was so frustrated, it was his fault she was in there, if he hadn’t stood there like a fool and actually started fighting it would of never been two on one.


It was his fault. He closed his eyes, leaning into the tank. This was his fault; he didn’t understand this Force aspect of his life. He didn’t. He understood blasters, cannons and grav rounds. He understood sighting a rifle to adjust for wind and distance, to insure the plasma bolt's trajectory went exactly where it needed to go. He understood how to be a soldier. His first real test, where he was supposed to actually fight, how she and Jaesa fought... he had failed it, miserably. The knowledge of its existence in him had been repressed for decades, decades. He still didn’t quite understand how she was even here floating in the tank. He had no idea what he had done; he had just acted.


He had attempted once to try to heal her, to help her. He knew it could be done. He was just too exhausted to even muster up a flicker. As upset and confused as he was, he was unable to generate even a spark of lightning, he was just too tired, completely and totally drained. He was so tired and sore. At times it hurt to breathe, he didn’t understand why, seemed pointless to bring it up to the medic.


Hael had his hands full anyway. Between Jaesa and Kit, Hael didn't need to be bothered by the worthless Sith. His claws slid along the tank's smooth surface, Adrik didn't even know if he should call himself that, if he was even allowed. How about the washed up soldier or the discarded Jedi? The one person who had wanted him, he had utterly failed. If he had moved faster, been in full possession of his senses he could of stopped what happened to her.


He opened his eyes, looking at his mate's floating body. Her eerily blued porcelain skin seemed to be *****led. He had asked on more that one occasion if she was cold, Hael had told him that she wasn’t that the tank was kept at a very comfortable temperature, but somehow Adrik just knew she was cold. He couldn’t even keep her comfortable in a tank, he sighed. Why was he here? He couldn’t help anything, anyone, he was just in the way. He had thought sitting by Dorne when she was in the tank was horrible, this was much worse; he didn’t put Dorne into the tank.


He had to do something, anything productive. He wasn’t able to help Kit; he was too drained to try to heal her. He couldn't help Hael he had no medical training, all he could do was sit around and get in the way. Hell the entire reason behind coming to this planet was now pointless, it's not like he could go out and talk to this elusive Jedi Master turned hermit. Wait... he lifted his head, why couldn’t he? He was the reason this mess happened, why they were here. Why couldn’t he go and try to find this Human, at least then he would be doing something productive.


Adrik looked over his shoulder at his bed, his few belongings were still packed in the duffle. The new robe he had been wearing was ruined. The back and left sleeve were a tattered burned mess, barely anything remained. He had another robe in his bag, another black shirt, couple undershirts... it was more than enough clothing. Even if things went well and this Jedi agreed to help him, he wouldn’t need much more. He still had that blaster in the bottom of his duffle and the saber... His eyes drifted to the table by his bed, there was the doublebladed saber he had taken from the Larger Pureblood. It was still clutched in his hand when he had been carried into the medical center. After it had been pried from his fingers it had been placed there and no one had touched it since.


He could go, he had clothes, a few credits... he was armed. Adrik doubted anyone would question him inside the town. He didn't actually know where the old hermit was though, the women had never told him. They were confident he still lived in the same home. Perhaps he did, but Adrik thought asking about a Jedi in an Imperial town might not be the brightest idea. But outside the town maybe, and he did pack a pair of his old grey fatigues out of habit. Maybe it might be easier to find a Jedi in a Republic friendly town, he would just have to be very careful. The S.I.S. might still be looking for him.


Adrik looked back at Kit'ar floating in the tank. The medic still didn't have an eta for her removal. Last time Adrik asked he was given the vague answer of 'a few more days'. Perhaps he could go find this man and learn something useful before she was hauled out. He relished the idea of having something to do that would actually be beneficial to the situation, the thought of actually having good news when Kit was finally removed from that damn tank brought a small smile to his lips.


He dropped his hands, his feet moving quickly to his bed. If he hurried he could be gone before anyone noticed. His hands unzipped the duffle and pulled out the neatly packed robe. He would tell Hael on the way out that he was looking for their contact and would be back in a couple days. He doubted the Human would care, he would probably prefer Adrik left, especially considering every time the man entered the room Adrik would not stop asking him questions. Actually should he tell anyone? If he told then people might come after him... He stopped, his hands clutching a neatly folded black shirt. Nox might come after him... He shook his head as shook out the shirt and pulled it on over his head. There was no way he could possibly control Nox, she was a loose cannon. Tucking his shirt into his pants he slipped his arms into his robe, quickly grabbing his belt. He needed to get out of here, before Nox showed up. Slipping his feet into his boots he grabbed the saber hilt. He turned the weapon over in his hands before clipping it to his hip.


Slinging the duffle over his shoulder he quickly moved to Kit's tank. He placed his hand against the transparisteel. “I will be back. Couple days I promise, I will be careful,” he whispered. Leaning forward he kissed the side of the tank, “I love you babe, I promise only a couple days.” He slowly pulled away from the tank, his hands moving to raise the cowl on his robe. Giving the tank one last lingering look, he pulled his eyes away and walked down the Medical Ward's hallway.




Prompt my notes say changes/ new paths or turning point.

He's gonna venture out on his own, what could possibly go wrong?


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Hey everyone, been a long week. Let's hope next week is nowhere near as hectic.



Spoilers: Mentions events from SW Act1







Year 3634 immediately after previous prompt




The sand crunched beneath his boots. The heat from the overhead twin suns was oppressive, thankfully a small breeze stirred the oven like air offering some small measure of relief, he wondered at the wisdom of wearing black. Thankfully the boots Jaesa had found for him were working, the cool air between his toes welcome. Though he now understood why they were in such a hurry to leave before dawn, he doubted how well he would be able to stay cool during the height of the day. Tilting his head back he briefly enjoyed the feel of the suns on his face, it felt good after all those weeks of being cooped up on starships and inside the stone walls of the estate. The cold chill that had settled in his chest dissipated, he soaked up the brilliant sunlight for a few more moments before dropping his head. He did need to get moving, get some distance before anyone realized he had gone. Besides the sooner he left the sooner he could return.


Scanning the horizon he took in his surroundings. He was standing near a large formidable wall, a huge war droid silently passing by as it patrolled the city. In the distance he saw large rock formations, their earthy edges slightly blurred from the heat rising off the sun-baked sands. Overhead the sky was incredibly blue with the barest wisps of white clouds. Adrik shook his head; he was going to have to find this man in that desert, daunting didn’t even begin to describe it.


At the base of the hill on the other side of the wall he noticed the travel droid. Well that was one thing to cross off his list; he knew where the speeders were. Now to find some water and if possible directions to other settlements. He needed to find a cantina; the bulk of the city seemed to be to his right. As Adrik walked he realized the city was nestled inside steep protective rock walls on three sides, they towered above the beige sun baked buildings. It was rather surreal to be walking freely through the town, he had never actually left the Estate's grounds, to move through Mos Ila unquestioned, it was surprising. Passing Imperial personal would give a slight bow in greeting as they went about their business, but no one even questioned his purpose.


Perhaps he should take the small blessing for what it was, he had a feeling it would be harder to move within a Republic aligned town, even if he was dressed in fatigues with a blaster on his hip, the minute he opened his mouth people's hackles would raise. He no longer sounded like he was from the Core Worlds and he hadn’t been able to shake it.


He passed a small petite brunette with her hair pulled back into a perfectly coiffed coil, her uniform impeccable, she was studying a datapad as she walked. His stomach flipped; she reminded him of Dorne. “Ma’am,” he spoke to her quietly.


She stopped suddenly and looked up at him. “Oh excuse me my Lord, terribly sorry I did not see you.” She even sounded like Dorne; she had the same Kaas City accent.


He smiled at her, “Which way to the cantina?”


She smiled back, “Oh of course my Lord, you are very close, head up the hill and it’s on your left, it’s a bit hidden behind a natural rock outcropping. It even has a basement; it’s so nice and cool down there. I can show you if you wish, I’m headed in that direction,” she smiled up at him.


He bent down closer to her; he could smell her. Clinging to her body was a fragrance of a musky, earthy, delicious perfume, sun and sweat; she was starting to perspire under the hot twin suns as she helped him. She smelled absolutely irresistible. He reached out touching her, his red furred hand resting on her arm, he leaned in close to her and smiled, “That is a very generous offer, one I wish I could take you up on, but sadly I’m in a hurry and it would be a shame to rush through an opportunity to get better acquainted.”


She looked up at him and smiled, “You have the most beautiful eyes.”


“Thank you,” he leaned in closer. “Perhaps another time?”


“Oh y.. yes,” she stuttered, “that would be lovely.”


Slowly he slid his hand down her arm, gently grabbing her hand he brought it up to his lips and kissed her fingers. Her breathing quickened and a furious blush spread across her cheeks. Gently letting go of her hand he smiled at her, “Have a good day ma’am.” She just stood there, blushing, staring at him.


Giving her a slight bow he briskly started back up the hill seeking the cantina’s entrance, when he realized what he just did. He had never been that blatant of a flirt in all his days. Stars what was he doing? He was a mated man, even when he was single he had never been so forward. Shaking his head he spotted the building set back from the sandy road partially hidden by a small rock wall.


Cautiously he crossed the threshold into the stone building, the drop in temperature was noticeable. The interior was dimly lit most of the patrons were sitting in darkened corners keeping to themselves. Walking into the main room, people glanced at him and quickly dropped their heads, unconcerned. Moving to the back of the room to the bar he spotted the bartender, a rather robust balding Human man. Adrik waited for the bartender to finish helping a young Zabrak boy load drinks onto a tray. As the youth moved off to serve the order, the bartender turned to help Adrik.


“Can I help you m’ Lord,” the plump Human asked.


“Your Rodian ale cold?” The barkeep nodded and reached down into the conservator, pulling out an icy bottle and placing it on the table. “I also need a couple canteens with clean water.”


“Of course m’ Lord, be right with you.” Adrik twisted the cap off the bottle and took a healthy drink. Taking another pull off the frosty bottle he watched the barkeep. The plump Human was busy cleaning a couple of canteens and filling them with bottled water. Wiping the last of the water drops off he walked back to Adrik. “How much,” Adrik asked when he set the silver bottles down.


The bartender gestured with his hands, “Twenty and we are even.” Adrik nodded and handed him the credit stick between his ring and middle fingers with his right hand. The barkeep took it and whistled a quiet tune as he made change. He dropped his change in Adrik's hand. Adrik dropped a five-credit chip on the counter, killed the beer, grabbed his water and left the cantina.


He slid down the opening in the rock wall and walked past the large pen containing dewbacks, the giant beasts were lounging around in the shade of a very large pavilion strung up over the holding pen. The hot wind blew at him as he walked. A low roaring reached his ears, looking up he saw a sleek black fighter fly overhead on patrol, he stood watching the ship as it dipped over the Spaceport and continued north as it patrolled Imperial territory. He watched it admiring the sleek machine until it vanished into the blue horizon. Resuming his pace he headed down into the cities market place.


Quickly he moved through the market passing by the various vendors operating out of open air stalls, haggling with customers, people hawking food from carts, a Jawa and a large man with cybernetics arguing over droid pieces. He froze when he felt the presence of other Force users… no Sith, the Force around them was dark and turbulent. They were busy with their own business and never noticed he was there. Pushing northward he continued to the outskirts of the city, to the droid taxi pad.


Walking up to the droid he was greeted with a tinny voice, “Greetings my Lord how can I be of service?”


“I need to rent a speeder.”


“Of course my Lord,” the droid shuffled off to the back of the taxi pad stopping in front of the available bikes.


He spotted a black Lancer, sleek and low to the ground, “Does this have a navicomputer?


“Yes, it is programmed with the location, latitude and longitude of every known settlement on the planet.” The droids tinny voice responded.


“How much?” he gestured to the speeder.


“Twenty credits a day. Optional coverage in case of any unforeseen incidents is an additional five credits a day.”


Adrik looked at the droid, “I will take it for twenty with the coverage.”


The droid processed the demand, “Very good my Lord.” He pulled out a datapad and punched up the rental agreement. “Very good Lord…?” The droid paused waiting for him to give his name.




“Very good Lord Adrik.”


Adrik handed him forty credits. The droid handed him the keys for the speeder bike along with his copy of the rental agreement on a small datapad. “It is recommended my Lord to keep com channel twenty-eight Mern open, for local weather advisories.”


“Weather Advisories?”


“Yes my Lord, a precaution to prevent being caught out in a sandstorm.”


Adrik nodded, “Understood.” The droid turned shuffling off. Adrik sat back on the bike, after strapping the canteens to his person, he queued up the computer. Quickly he searched through the database, stifling a smile. He had to hand it to the Imperial programmer, whomever they were they were rather thorough, there was a large list of known Republic held towns which came with the warning to avoid or injury to ones person could result. He punched in the coordinates for the largest one; a city large enough to support its own Spaceport called Anchorhead and sped off to the north.


He drove for hours the landscape was nothing but endless sand and rock formations. It felt like he was not making any headway, the sun-distorted path before him dancing. His eyes ached, the cowl of his hood only cut so much of the desert's glare. He needed to find better eye protection. Adrik brought his hand up to his face when a stabbing pain in his chest almost caused him to lose control of the speeder, shaking he regained his balance and brought the bike to a stop, deactivating it.


Clutching his chest he bent over the side of the bike waiting for it to pass. Gradually the pain disappeared. Sitting up on the bike he looked around the suns were were finally dipping low on the horizon, it was going to be dark soon. He needed to find shelter for the night.


“A credit for your thoughts,” the smooth voice jarred him back to the present. He whipped around to face the speaker. Standing about a meter away was an old weather-beaten Human man dressed in beige and brown robes. His brown almond shaped eyes peered out from under greying brows, partially obscured by his drawn hood. “Good evening young man, do you feel well?” Adrik just stared at the man. “Well I saw you clutch your chest and you have not moved since, so I thought I would see if you needed help son.”


Adrik studied the man, he allowed himself to actually see the flowing mist that covered everything, it flowed around this unknown man bright and clear, nearly blinding in its purity. He knew without a doubt that this old Human in front of him was a Jedi but the Human had yet to acknowledge this fact or demand to know what Adrik was. What did this old man want? “I,” his voice dry and scratchy, “I have been better.”


“Well,” the old man said, “if you need a place to rest you can spend the night here, don’t want to be caught out in the open when night falls.”


Adrik just watched the old man, there didn't seem to be any malice behind his words. He was leery though, Adrik knew the man before him was a Jedi, why would he want to help?


“Can you drive or should I move the speeder for you?” The old man pressed.


Adrik nodded, “I can drive.”


“Oh good,” the man replied, “here my home is just over the dune, follow me.” He moved off down the dune retracing the steps he took to greet Adrik.


Adrik watched the Human move off. The shadows continued to stretch across the sand, night was falling and he did need a place to stay, it had taken much longer than he anticipated to reach Anchorhead. Adrik started the speeder, slowly catching up with the old Jedi, pacing the Human as he walked back to the small house whistling.


The house itself looked to be carved into a rock outcropping; it was the only structure to mar the deserts dunes for kilometers. When they approached the shelters door the old man motioned to an alcove in the natural rock, “There is enough room in there for your speeder as well, it will keep it protected from the weather.” Adrik nodded and guided his speeder under the outcropping; he had to double over to keep from hitting his head against the low natural ceiling. Parking the bike next to the old man’s old blue landspeeder he sighed, he really didn't like this but he didn’t seem to have a choice. Removing the keys he pocketed them and crept out of the alcove.


Walking to the shelter's door, he contemplated leaving, but twilight was upon them, the shadows stretched long and low across the sand covering everything they touched in darkness, heralding in nightfall. Gently he pushed on the door; it silently swung into the dwelling.


“Make yourself comfortable,” the man called; his back to Adrik as he stood over a stove stirring a pot of something warm, it smelled of bantha, broth, herbs and root vegetables. Adrik's stomach growled. “Go on,” a hand waved over the old man’s shoulder, “take a seat, it will be ready soon.”


Adrik looked around the modest dwelling, clean but well-worn rugs covered the natural stone floor, a couple old but cushiony couches sat at angles to each other, a short-legged table crouched between them. Behind the couches a doorway lead into another part of the home; the opening was covered with a curtain of beads and within, the old Jedi's bedroom, perhaps.


Walking to one of the couches he sat down, his back was to the bedroom and he had a clear view of the door and room. The smell of warm stew reached his nose as the old man carried two bowls to the couches. He handed one to Adrik and took his seat on the empty couch. Adrik leaned over inhaling, the aroma made his stomach growl, he had not eaten since... his stomach lurched and he pushed the memory away. Adrik glanced up at the old man; he was reclining on the opposite couch feet crossed on the floor as he contentedly munched away casually watching him. Adrik set the bowl down balancing it on his knee and lowered the robe’s hood so he could eat. He took a small bite of the stew waiting for a comment. When none came he glanced up at the old man, he had not changed position, nor had his expression changed he just continued to watch his house guest as he ate.


Adrik relaxed slightly he picked up the bowl and began eating. The stew was good, the meat was falling apart tender, the broth was thick and savory, and the vegetables were soft but not mushy. The old man was a good cook. As he ate Adrik wondered if there was some bread, that would be perfect to mop up those juices. “Oh you are right,” the old man leaned forward, “I forgot it.” He leaned over setting the bowl on the table and pushed himself off the couch, walking over to the stove. Adrik detected a slight limp in the old Jedi's gait. Retrieving the loaf he cracked it in half, handing Adrik the larger portion before he dumped himself back on the couch and resumed eating.


Adrik focused on his bowl, eating. He was still not sure why he was here, why he agreed to come back with the old Jedi. When he ran out of stew he started ripping chunks off the bread loaf dipping it into the remaining broth. It really was good, he stomach growled again. With a disappointed sigh he wiped the bottom of the bowl clean with a hunk of bread. A hand appeared in his vision. “Want seconds?”


Adrik jumped, he had not even heard the man move, nodding he handed the bowl to the old man. He took it and walked to the stove. Adrik studied the man as he moved, slow careful deliberate movements, and when he walked the limp was slight, like he had recovered from a massive injury, one that had left its lingering mark. The old Jedi walked back to Adrik and smiled down at him as he handed him the bowl. “Glad someone appreciates my cooking it’s been a while since I have had any guests.”


“It’s really good,” Adrik rumbled. The man beamed as headed back toward the stove to a small conservator unit and grabbed two bottles. Walking back the old Jedi offered one to Adrik, he reached out grabbing the bottle, examining it, it was a bottle of Alderaanian lager. Twisting the top off he took a drink. “Thank you,” he murmured.


The old man dropped back down on his couch and reclined in the deep cushions waiting for Adrik to finish eating. He took a bite of his stew and watched him, the man seemed perfectly content to just wait and watch. Adrik turned his attention back to his dinner, his stomach growling and pulling at him. In silence he ate thinking only of the bowl in his hand. When he finished the second bowl and all of the bread was gone another wrenching stabbing pain exploded in his chest. With a strangled cry he dropped the bowl. The pain struck him again he doubled over laying his head on the couch choking back his screams. Hands shaking he tried to untie his robe, but his fingers would not comply, he gripped his chest fingers knotted in the material as another wave of pain crashed against him. He slumped against the couch.


The pain was overwhelming, his breath locked in his chest. His fingers twisted in the black cloth; why did his chest hurt? His head he understood but why his chest? Gritting his teeth he managed to open his eyes, he needed to get out of here, he didn’t trust the Jedi sitting across from him. He was vulnerable and he knew it. Out of the corner of his eye he watched the bowl move, it had been floating near the floor, now it moved the table and rested with a quiet thunk. Eyes rolling he watched the old Jedi; he was slowly approaching him on the couch. Adrik tensed, he tried pulling on the meager emotional reserve he had but another wracking pain overtook him. Swallowing the cry he convulsed on the couch, the pain was getting worse.


The hands on him were soft, comforting, they grabbed his spasming arms and untangled them from his robes. They gently placed his hands above his head on the couch. Adrik’s breathing was shallow; he could not draw a deep breath. He felt hands untying his robe, he tried to protest but his voice was stolen by another shooting pain. The hands were on his chest gently pushing and feeling, parting the tawny fur, “Son,” the old man whispered, “there is no wound.” His voice was tinged with confusion.


Adrik shook his head, he didn’t know this man, he was not about to answer questions. Certainly not now; he tried to move away from the old man.


“What happened? Tell me. Why are you hurting?”


He shook his head, speaking through gritted teeth. “Why do you want to help me?”


“Because you looked lost, and hurt.” The old Human responded.


There was something else, there, behind his words Adrik could feel it. “No,” he shook his head, “there is more. Why do you care?” Adrik watched the old Human through narrowed eyes.


The old Human took a deep breath, Adrik felt air spike around them. The old Jedi was concerned, conflicted. Adrik continued to stare at him, waiting. Refusing to speak as another wave of pain shot through his chest.


“I felt something I had not sensed in years.”


The Human fell silent. Great he's going to make me pull it out of him, Adrik ground his gritted teeth, would it kill people to just be upfront? “What did you sense?” Adrik growled.


The Human looked at him, his hands left Adrik's chest. “I felt the presence of Force users I never thought I would encounter again, one of them... its been decades. I had thought them lost.”


There was more hanging there unspoken; Adrik could sense it. It was infuriating. “And...” he growled.


“And I felt a great disturbance, to the south.” His hazel eyes locked onto Adrik's. “A huge influx followed by a great calm.”


“And you thought I would tell what happened?”


“I had been hopeful yes.” The Jedi moved, kneeling next to the worn couch. “What happened?”


Adrik growled, he didn’t like the way this old man was looking at him. It was as if the old Jedi recognized him. He didn’t want to tell this unknown Jedi the truth, even if he was the one that Kit and Jaesa were looking for. Adrik knew he was way to weak to fight; if this Jedi decided to forcefully return him to Tython, no one would know. No one knew where he was. A cold chill slithered down Adrik's spine, no he wasn’t about to tell this old man the complete truth.


“Please,” the old man's tone was pleading. “What happened to the South?”


The pain in his chest subsided. Slowly Adrik righted himself, pushing his back against the couch. The Jedi didn’t move, he just watched his hazel eyes pleading with him. Awww crud, he thought. Adrik softly growled under his breath, this old man knew. He knew something major happened, but Adrik didn't want to volunteer anything, he still wasn't sure who this Jedi was. He thought he was the one Kit and Jaesa were looking for but there hadn't actually been any introductions. Adrik sat up, pushing his back against the couch. Clutching his robe shut, he watched the old man.


The Jedi hadn't moved. He continued to kneel beside the couch, his hands resting on his lap, those hazel eyes locked onto Adrik.


Oh stars, how could he not tell him something? He looked so worried. Adrik sighed, “What did you feel? Who exactly did you sense?”


The Jedi stared at him. Adrik's fur flinched; he didn't like the way the old Human was looking at him. Unconsciously he pressed his back further into the couch.


The old Human took a deep breath, “I felt an old student, one I cared for deeply. Please, tell me what happened. I know your family left Tython, that the decision was fueled by anger. I understood the reasoning behind it, I never agreed with how they handled your training.” The Jedi shifted, his hands rubbed the course brown material. “I had offered to take you on, to teach you to control and utilize your rare gift. It was denied, I ended up leaving shortly afterward. I don't know if you even remember me Adrik, I never actually expected to see you again, but please tell me what happened.”


Adrik tightened his grip on his robe as his mind raced. This Jedi knew him, knew him as a young kit on Tython. How much did he know? Did this Human know what they did to him? Would he even be able or want to help? Adrik forced his hand to relax. He needed to stay calm; the only way to find out was to talk to him. He could answer the old Jedi's question, just how thorough the answer was going to be, Adrik had yet to determine.


Adrik swallowed he could do this, so far the old man had acted concerned, for the moment there was no reason not to trust him, but he needed to know more before he offered up any information. “Your old student, what was their name?”


“Her name was Jaesa,” the old Jedi's voice softened. “Years ago she came to train with me, for her safety I had to send her away. I lost contact with her; only rumors surround her true fate. I never learned what truly happened to her, and then I felt her. It was sudden and unexpected. I was hopeful I would be able to seek her out, and then I felt the presence of a Sith.” The old Jedi finally broke his eye contact, his eyes falling to his lap. “It was the Sith that was pursuing Jeasa, and then there was a huge tremor in the Force. I can still feel them but they are clouded, I can't see what happened.”


Adrik took a deep breath, “There was a fight, Sith attacked us.”


“Sith...” The Human murmured.


Adrik nodded, “As we disembarked, Jeasa was hurt fighting along side her Master.”


“Is she alright?” His eyes locked back on Adrik's face.


“She is, she is currently recovering in the medical ward.” Adrik studied the old Jedi's face waiting to see if his words had any impact. The only city large enough to house a medical ward, in the south, was in Imperial hands. If the Jedi realized this he gave no indication.


“Thank you for telling me. Perhaps I will seek her out.”


“I do believe, Master Yonlach, she intended to speak to you.”


“Oh,” the Jedi smiled, “that is good news.” The smile grew, “I had thought you didn't remember me. Glad to know that is not the case.” The old Master shifted before him rising to his feet.


“Actually I remember you by name only,” Adrik lied.


“Oh,” the man's smile didn't waver. “I still thank you for telling me. If you don't mind I will retire for the evening.”


Adrik shook his head, “Sleep well Master.”


“You too,” the old Jedi moved past him heading into the unknown room, the beads gently climbing as he parted the curtain.


Adrik watched the beads slowly sway shut; shaking his head he leaned forward grabbing the heavily perspiring bottle. Taking a long drink he replayed the unusual conversation in his head. The old man didn’t even seem the least bit concerned that Adrik had been in pain. After hearing there had been a fight the old man seemed at be at peace. He stared at the bottle in his hand, wondering if it was normal for him to experience pain after he healed someone. From the Jedi's nonchalant reaction it seemed to be. Perhaps there was someway to actually question him without it being apparent.


Maybe, but the last thing Adrik wanted was to draw undue attention to himself. That old Jedi didn’t seem to realize that Jaesa was now Sith, apprenticed years ago to his Mate. Adrik looked over his shoulder, he was not about to be the one that told him either. Let the old man think they were all still Jedi. He leaned back into the cushions, staring at the wall while he finished the bottle. He didn’t think the old man knew anything about what the Council did to him; he seemed to have left Tython at the same time his Mother brought him home. Adrik sighed; he wasn’t going to mention anything. He would say his goodbyes in the morning and move on to Anchorhead, he had to be close and if he was lucky he would be able to find someone to get word to Dorne.




Prompt New Paths Part 2 and Changes


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I loved this one.. though you are so cruel to adrik.. he's with the Jedi he's supposed to be seeing and he wants to leave? I want to reach through the screen and tell him to stay put lol. Buy as always I love your story and how you capture jorgan. I always felt there was so much more to his character than the game let on and you've done a wonderful job exploring that so far.. keep up the good work
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@ Taxidermis

Made my day to hear you enjoyed it. I am honestly not trying to be cruel to him I swear!

I am really quite pleased that you are enjoying where I am taking the story. Jorgan is one of my favorite companions and I thought it would be fun to explore/plan around with him and his backstory. His backstory and, well, his waaaayy off cannon love interest. I could have probably done it faster and taken out some chapters in the story, but for me personally it was a lot more fun to take my time and enjoy the process.

I hope I don't disappoint and you continue to enjoy it. And Thanks for the comment :)



Evening everyone. Trying to get this one edited and posted before midnight!


Spoilers not really





Spoilers: use of aforementioned NPC

Year 3634 the next morning



The aroma of frying bacon, sizzling steaks and frying eggs teased him out of his slumber; quickly he closed his eyes trying to cling to the dissipating remnants of his dream. She was lying next to him complaining of pain and the cold, he held her wrapped in his arms kissing her forehead, the scent of her hair still lingered on the air. He sighed, opened his eyes and propped himself up on his arm. The old Jedi was standing with his back to the room cooking away. “Good morning son,” he called out cheerfully, “breakfast will be ready shortly.”


Adrik nodded and stretched. Slowly standing he rolled his neck and shoulders, “The 'fresher, it’s through here?” he asked voice rough and husky as he gestured past the small kitchen towards a darkened hallway.


The old Jedi looked up at him, “you okay son?”


“Yeah,” Adrik growled.


“Your voice?” he looked concerned.


Adrik smiled, “I'm okay,” he said his voice raspy.


“You're sure?” the old Jedi gently pressed, intently watching Adrik.


“Absolutely,” Adrik nodded his head as he walked behind the old man and headed into the refresher to clean up. Turning on the basin he let the cold water flow over his hands. Closing his eyes he washed his face. Wetting down his mane, he attempted to comb it with his wet fingers, managing to pull the damp locks into a tail at the base of his neck. After voiding his bladder he looked at himself one last time in the mirror, he looked presentable.


Walking out he walked up to the old man, “You need help with anything?” He asked.


The old Jedi looked up at him, and shook his head no, “Just have a seat.” Adrik complied and went back to his couch, watching him cook. Whistling the old Jedi piled food onto two plates and carried them steaming over to the small table.


Adrik reached up and grabbed a heavily laden plate; it was piled high with bacon slices, four eggs, a generous bantha steak and a pile of panfried potatoes. The old man set his plate on the table and headed back to the small fridge to gather up a couple of cups and a jug of blue milk. “Sorry I am out of caf and I have not been able to make it out for more supplies,” he said as walked back to the couches. He poured two cups of milk setting one by Adrik.


“This is an awful lot of food, if you are running low I can’t eat all of this.” Adrik said looking at the Jedi.


“Nonsense you are too skinny as it is, I just need to fix that old landspeeder, and I can get more.”


“To skinny?” Adrik just stared at him.


The Jedi just nodded and kept eating.


Adrik shook his head, “It’s not that bad, I eat.”


The Jedi stopped his fork halfway to his mouth, “When was your last meal.”


Adrik looked at the ceiling, “Your stew.”


The Jedi sighed, “Before that when?”


Adrik chewed on his lip, “Four days, I think.”


“Eat it, all of it,” the Jedi scolded.


Adrik sat the plate on the table. Easing himself to the floor he folded his legs under the short table, careful not to bump it. Biting into a crisp piece of bacon he growled, he ate the piece in three bites. Digging into the potatoes he ate in happy silence, the eggs were cooked how he liked them slightly runny, the bacon nice and crispy, he looked for a knife to cut the steak and frowned. He was getting ready to ask where they were when a hand appeared in his field of vision holding a knife. Looking over at the old Jedi he smiled, taking the offered utensil. He cut into the steak with gusto it was warm and pink. He really wanted to pick up the bone, crack it and suck the marrow out but he was a guest in someone’s home.


The Jedi spoke up, “Go ahead, it does not bother me.”


Adrik picked up the bone and bit, the crack as it split echoed through the room. He drug a claw through the marrow and remembered his manners after he licked the claw off. Picking up his fork he scooped the rest of it out. “So,” Adrik asked as he worked to liberate the marrow, “am I just really easy to read or are you just that gifted.”


The Jedi laughed, “A little bit of both, I can stop if you wish.”


Adrik just shrugged his shoulders.


“So,” the couch creaked as the old man shifted his weight, “did you sleep well?”


“Yes,” Adrik nodded. “I did,” he sighed, “Very well.” I slept so well, he thought, I didn't want to wake, I was in bed talking to my mate, telling her everything would be fine. I could smell her, still taste her skin on my lips when I woke up.


Adrik took a drink of his blue milk. “You said your landspeeder is broken?”


“Yeah it’s making a funny noise when I try to start it.”


Adrik placed the cleaned bone on his plate as he carefully picked himself up off the floor; bending over he extended his hand to take the Jedi’s empty plate. Walking over to the sink he washed the plates and set them on the drying rack. Returning to the couch he slipped on his boots. “You want to show it to me, maybe I can get it working.”


The old Jedi nodded, “Sure wouldn’t hurt. After you,” he said gesturing to the door.


Adrik, with a small amount of cursing, was able to get the landspeeder out from the rocky alcove and into the light. Crawling under it he examined the undercarriage, aside from dust, dirt and sand he didn’t see anything out of place. Extracting himself he opened the top examining the engine. The fuel intake was clogged; he stuck out his lip as he frowned, something so simple. He disconnected the hose, removed the small filter, and blew on it. Using a claw to remove the rest of the grime he reconnected it. He looked around and reconnected a few lose wires; unless he was slipping there was nothing else out of place. He jumped into the old speeder, turned the key and the engine sputtered to life. Turning to look at the old Jedi he shot him a look eyebrow raised. If the Human noticed he did not acknowledge it.


“Thank you so much, I’m so bad with machines.”


“No problem, thanks for the lodging,” Adrik said as he vaulted out of the landspeeder after he turned it off.


“Are you in a hurry?” the old Jedi queried.


Adrik shook his head, “No, not really.”


“Would you be interested in helping an old man gather his supplies, they should all fit on the landspeeder and it will be a lot easier with a strong set of arms to help.” The old man looked at him, his eyes smiling.


Adrik nodded, “I could help you, sure.”


“Oh good,” the old man's face lit up. He climbed into the passenger seat of the landspeeder, and patted the empty driver seat. Adrik rolled his eyes and vaulted into the seat. Starting the engine he looked at the old Jedi, “Which way?”


“North,” the man replied pointing in the specified direction.


Adrik, nodded pulling up the hood on his robe. Between the edge of the cowl and the blessedly tinted windshield the suns' nearly blinding glare was almost nonexistent. Gently he throttled the accelerator and steered the landspeeder across the sand.


They drove on in silence for a while, it had to be at least a couple hours before the skyline of a large city came into view, it had to be Anchorhead. Adrik slowed the landspeeder and looked at the Jedi next to him, “What city is that?”


“That is Anchorhead, it's where I pick up my supplies. We need to head to the cantina, the bulk of them are stored there by a friend.”


Adrik nodded and accelerated into the city. When they passed the city limits and arrived near the Spaceport he slowed down, and looked to the old Jedi. The man gestured north up the main drag, “Cantina is that way.” Adrik nodded eyeing the Republic troopers who were patrolling the Spaceport and streets. It seemed that security was rather extensive or he was painfully aware of how much he did not belong. He decided it was a combination of the two and drove to the cantina.


Parking the landspeeder he placed his hands on the door and jumped out, his boots crunching on the sand as he landed. The old Jedi opened the door and slowly eased himself out. Adrik walked quickly around the landspeeder and offered his arm to the old Jedi. He looked up at the Cathar and smiled. Accepting his arm Yonlach allowed Adrik to lead him into the cantina.


It was dimly lit, hot, small and cramped. He leaned over and whispered, “Where to?” The Jedi motioned with his head to the lanky, balding, Mirialan bartender. Adrik slowly walked across the room to the bar; ignoring all the pointed stares he was receiving.


The bartender looked up and smiled as he approached, “Old Master,” he called, “good to see you.” When they stopped in front of him, he looked up at Adrik and made a face, “Just what are you associating with these days old friend?”


The Jedi smiled and patted Adrik on the arm, “An old friend who is staying with me for a while.”


Adrik nodded to the bartender and continued to watch him.


“Well,” the bartender said, “if he says you are a friend who am I to argue. So, old Master, four cases of your usual?” the bartender asked.


“Yes please,” he answered, “you also have any brandy or wine? Stuff that is actually worth drinking?” the old Jedi grinned.


“Sure do,” the bartender grinned, “for you, have a couple nice Corellian reds, an Alderaanian red and a dry Naboo white, what do you have in mind.”


He nudged Adrik. Adrik looked at the barkeep, “Alderaanian red.”


“Red it is, I’ll get it loaded up for ya,” the bartender gave Adrik a good hard look.


“Life saver as always.” The old Jedi smiled.


“Here, I have a few other vintages you might be interested in.” The bartender and the old Jedi walked off into the back of the cantina.


Adrik stood there staring at their retreating backs. Looking around the bar he wished he had ordered a drink before the man had left. Oh well, rotating his back to the bar he leaned back surveying the room. People were watching him, some were very good at hiding it, others blatantly stared. He frowned and growled. The clientele here was a bit more diverse that what he had grown used to, a group of multi-hued Twi’leks were in the corner whispering, giggling and drinking, a Rodian was staring at him from a darkened booth, a tall lean Human woman was talking to a dark brown massive Wookie across the room in another shadow shrouded corner and a huge pale skinned Zabrak with light facial tattoos was watching from the door.


He kept watching at the patrons inside the cantina, he was still the only Cathar. He noticed a woman move in the shadows, she was staring at him intently. Slowly she stood up and sauntered over to where he was reclining. “Like some company while you wait for the bartender? He and that old man have a tendency to get carried away and forget about the rest of us,” she pouted.


He looked at her and grinned, “Are you going to cause trouble?”


She brought her delicate hand up to her décolleté and raised her eyebrows, “Me? I’d never dream of it.”


He laughed, “Oh no of course not.” The woman was walking trouble, he could tell even without the Force, and she was gorgeous. She was tall almost waif like; she moved with such grace, he could not help but to watch her. He took his time drinking her in. She was a Mirialan, her skin a dark vibrant emerald green, long black hair fell in a thick curtain to her waist, dark green eyes were accented by thick, long lashes. A flirtatious smile played on her lips. Her high cheekbones were tattooed with trio of small diamonds. A dark brown duster hung open revealing, a small midrift bearing cream-colored shirt that showed off a ridiculously toned stomach. Her brown slacks were practical but tight, tucked into brown, nearly black, boots; twin blasters hung low on her hips, not only was she trouble but he’d bet his saber she had a ship.


“Are you thirsty?” she purred.


“Actually yes I am,” he smiled at her, “it's hard work waiting for those two.”


She smiled, clenched her hand into a fist and hit the counter near the till. The drawer chimed and slid open, he watched her amused, as she dropped some credit chips in the drawer and slammed it shut. She pulled herself up onto the counter and bent over sideways to grab two cold bottles of beer. She grinned, and held one out to him.


He smiled amused, “Very smooth.”


She laughed, “You like that?”


“Yes I do.” He reached to take the bottle with his left hand and she would not let go, instead she gently ran her hand up his exposed wrist. “Careful there or you will be causing trouble.”


She looked at him through those thick lashes, “Oh where is your sense of adventure, I think you would enjoy this kind of trouble.” She rubbed the burn mark gently trying to move the sleeve back.


He leaned down close to her, “Careful,” he whispered, “you might find the unwanted kind of trouble.”


Her eyes locked onto his, “Don’t tease,” she whispered and kissed him. He growled in the back of his throat. He broke it off and leaned back against the bar, he raised an eyebrow at her and motioned down to his restrained arm. “Nope,” she grinned, “I want to keep looking.”


He licked his lip, he could still taste her, the sweet hint of dentabean carried on the woody back of whisky; Whyren's reserve. Yeah this woman was definitely trouble. “I really wouldn't do that. Now that will cause a painful kind of trouble. Do you really want the entire cantina over here?”


She looked at him and her grin widened. “So you are.”


He leaned into her ear, “Don’t do anything rash, everyone here is already staring. And,” he said, a low laugh on his lips, “just what do you think I am?”


She leaned in, caressing his cheek careful not to disturb the hood, “The fun kind of Force user.”


He snorted, “What makes you say that?”


She leaned in closer, “Let’s see, the dark robes, cowl still up while in the cantina, the saber on your left hip and the tattoo on your arm.”


He looked at her, “So you’re saying I should lower the hood?”


“Only if you are going to take it all off,” she smirked.


“I knew you were going to be trouble.” Adrik whispered.


“You say that as if it's a bad thing.” She shifted closer to him, her hand still maintaining its grip on his wrist.


“It's not a bad thing, I’m simply no longer on the market I’m afraid.”


She brought his hand up, “I don't see a ring.” She looked up at him her eyebrow spiked.


“It's not on my hand.”


Her free hand darted out, grabbing the edge of the black cowl pulling it backwards. As the hood fell to his back and his mane settled over his shoulder she gasped. Her surprise was quickly masked but he still noticed it. “Is something the matter?”


“No,” she shook her head, as she studied his face. “Nothing is wrong, I just never thought I would run into you here.”


Adrik stared at her confused; he was getting a lot of that lately. Who was this woman and how did she know him? “Why is that?”


“After I snuck away from that uptight planet, I never thought I would run into anyone I knew from my time there. Though I’m not surprised that you ended up on the other side of the fence, their philosophy always seemed to be more up your alley.”


“Yeah,” he agreed, “Tython was pretty horrible. So why didn’t you go the same route?”


She shook her head, “To many rules, on either side. I am not one for rules, can't stand them really. My favorite thing to do with them is break them. Since pretty much every Mirialan is sensitive, no one really bats an eye at me being able to sense the Force. Most just assume I wasn’t strong enough in it to gain further training.”


“And you are content to let them think that, huh?” And then it clicked who she was, he barely recalled her. She was a rather... feisty Padawan a few years his senior, the antics she pulled were legendary. Her name was Myrum, he could not recall her surname.


“Yeap, to many rules. I still have my old saber packed away, but I prefer my blasters.” She leaned back against the countertop, still holding onto his hand. Myrum studied his face as she took another pull off her bottle. Reaching up she touched his jaw; gently she turned his head to the right. Her hand moved, touching the rings in his ear. Sighing she took another drink off her bottle. “Don't know why I doubted you, you never were a liar.”


“So let me guess, a palatial estate high up in a tree, the little lady at home with a couple litters?” She took another drink off her bottle as she finally let go of his arm.


He shook his head, “No actually. No kits for me I’m afraid, my mate is Human.”


“Really? I would of never guessed that one. Thought because of the whole bloodline thing you had to marry another Cathar.”


He shook his head no, “Didn't work out that way. Fell in love with a Human.”


Her head snapped around, her emerald eyes wide. She leaned in closer, her excited whisper threatening to explode. “By the Force, she's a Sith isn't she? I bet she is even a redhead; you always had a thing for red hair. That's why you left the Order isn’t it! Oh,” she sighed, “how romantic. Dangerous and romantic.” She leaned in even closer her eyes scanning his face. Somehow her eyes managed to widen even further, “You, that disturbance to the South, you caused it didn't you? Something happened and you did that emotion thing you can do. I knew I had felt that before. It had just been so long ago that you healed my ankle.”


She was almost vibrating she was so excited; it swirled around her in a chaotic cloud. “Oh it was your wife wasn't it, you healed her after a huge fight.” She sighed as she slumped against the bar, her hand, still holding her beer, against her forehead, “The brave Prince rushing to his wife's side, vanquishing her enemy before he healed her injuries. Does she know how lucky she is to have you? Do you even know how many Padawans had inappropriate thoughts about you? It was so amusing listening to them, I never had the heart to tell them how old you really were, that Cathar mature faster then most humanoids.”


She took another drink, before she set the empty bottle on the counter behind her and grabbed his out of his hand. “So where is she? Is she here with you?”


Adrik shook his head no, “Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately she is not.”


“Oh,” her voice took a softer tone, “She is still recovering isn't she?”


He nodded. “She is.”


“So why are you here then? Why are you not with her?”


“She is currently in the tank, I wanted to complete her reason for being on this planet before she was brought out.”


“Oh, what might that be?”


“Well, she wanted to speak with the Old Master, and I have a bit of personal business to attend to.”


“How personal?” The low purr to her voice returned.


“I need to have a message delivered to a friend of mine.”


“And it requires someone who can freely travel through the galaxy huh?”


Adrik nodded. “It does, I’m afraid I don't... blend in a well as I used to. Payment will not be an issue, I just need discrete, very discrete.”


She looked at him, a crooked smile growing on her lips. “Is the payment negotiable?”


“Within reason, I am not made of credits.” He reached over taking back his bottle, giving her a toothy frown. He took a drink off the bottle. “How much do you want? I would need it ran to Coruscant and if possible, hand delivered to the recipient.”


She smiled at him, the fur stood up on the base of his neck. “You can keep your credits, all I want is a kiss.”


“What?” he choked on his beer, nearly spitting it across the bar. “I'm mated! It's bad enough you stole one already.”


“It's just a little kiss, I want you to kiss me like you would kiss her. So much passion, so much love, I just want to see what if feels like.”


Her emerald eyes were locked onto him, she meant every word. To kiss another woman like that, especially for something like a message delivery. It seemed so over-the-top and excessive. He stared at her completely at a loss for words. “Please,” her voice was so soft and pleading, it was like it was out of one of the stupid romance holo-vids. “I will hand deliver the message and bring to you their response.”


He opened his mouth to respond. When she saw his lips part she leaned in, her hand cupping his jaw. Her dark green lips hovered near his as her eyes fluttered shut and she kissed him. He didn't know what to do; he closed his eyes. His hand slid down her emerald skin, claws digging into a waist that was too slender. Slowly he peppered her lips with gentle kisses, pulling her closer as his tongue darted through her parted lips teasing. She groaned leaning into him, her fingers tightening in his beard.


He felt the warmth of coppery blood trickle onto his tongue as she *****ed her tongue on one of his fangs. Growling he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss and pressing her body up against his. It was surprisingly easy to imagine the skin beneath his clawtips was a creamy porcelain. The lips against his were incredibly soft, but they lacked the fullness he was used to, they tasted of dentabean instead of berries. But he kissed them just the same, kissed them the way he had wanted to kiss Kit countless times over since he woke up on the Chimera, but he had been to shy, ashamed or scared to act.


He heard a throat clear in front of him. He hastily broke off the kiss. Before him stood the bartender and the old Jedi. Myrum let go of Adrik; when she saw Yonlach she blushed, her emerald cheeks blooming.


The old Jedi looked at her and raised his eyebrow, “If you two are quite finished, I do need him to help me load supplies.”


She nodded, taking a step backwards. Adrik watched the bartender and the old Jedi exchange a look before the Human turned to walk out of the cantina. Myrum quickly laid a hand on Adrik's arm. “Are you staying at the Jedi Master's place?”


Adrik nodded. “For a day or so.”


She flashed him a smile, her cheeks still flushed. “I will be along this evening, late. I know where his place is, have the message ready.”


“I will, thank you Myrum.” Adrik raised the hood of his robe, he nodded goodbye as turned and quickened his step to catch up with the old Jedi.






Prompt New Paths Part 3

In my head the old Jedi has a speeder very much like Luke's a X-34


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So far I am enjoying this trip to Tatooine, maybe more than I should, given Kit's condition.

Your description of Mos Isla is great, the ingame location recognizable.

I always liked Master Yonlach, and I'm glad he is doing well.

Is the Mirialan your Smuggler? I assume seeing her again will be interesting :D

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@ Frauzet

Poor Kit, still floating away in a tank...

:) I love that you recognized the location ingame.

Yonlach is doing well, I have always liked him as well.

Myrum is a smuggler of mine, totally non cannon who lives in my head, one of these days I will roll her ingame, sadly none of the body types fit her, which is one of the main reasons why I haven't rolled her yet. She will show up again though.



I am so sorry this is late. Not only has it been a very busy week for me. I was able to go see the Game of Thrones Live Concert, which was pretty stinking cool. And I'm celebrating a birthday today, but I was still unhappy with the chapter. I think I have futzed with it enough over the past week and a half to be okay with it. Still not pleased with this chapter. :/ But the show must go on ...

This one is kinda long.

No spoilers that I can remember.





Year 3634 Month 4 immediately following previous prompt




The oppressive heat of the midday suns hit him like a wall when they left the cantina. Yonlach pointed to the speeder as he shook his head. “The rest of the supplies are around the corner, you can move the landspeeder if you wish, please don’t make any more friends while I’m gone.” Adrik chewed on his lip and walked over to the landspeeder to move it.


The rest of the supplies consisted of a lot of heavy crates; he didn’t bother to read he just lifted. As he was working he heard footsteps approach crunching in the sand. “What do we have here?” he heard a voice high-pitched and wormy. Adrik ignored him and kept working, stacking crates and securing them.


“I’m not sure, but it sure does not look like a Jedi to me,” a second voice answered.


“Nope me neither, but the scum is carrying a lightsaber.”


“You there, Sith scum what are you doing?” The third voice was deep rumbling and authoritative, he must be the ranking officer.


He kept his voice even, “Working.”


“Working, heh, he even sounds like a Sith. I think you are stealing that speeder, Imp.” The deep voice taunted.


He ignored them trying to keep his anger in check.


“Hey you,” he heard a blaster being unholstered. “You hard of hearing, stop what you are doing we are taking you in on attempted theft.”


Adrik’s temper flared. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself.


“Hey,” he heard the weaselly one chime in, and the familiar click and whir as an assault cannon was activated.


“I told you I’m working, I’m loading up this landspeeder for the old Master.”


“And I told you, you are under arrest, now turn around.” The deep rumble snapped. Adrik tensed, his anger flowed around him he harnessed it ready to electrocute these fools to a crisp.


Slowly he turned around to face the three, they were Republic soldiers, in full durasteel, the Republic bird emblazoned on their shoulders. All three of them had weapons lowered and charging, two had blasters and the third was toting the assault cannon. Growling he pulled his saber to him. His anger was growing. “Do you normally arrest people who are loading up supplies for an old man?” Adrik growled.


“We do when they look suspicious,” the weasel chimed, “and how in the frack did you get inside the city?”


“I’m warning you to back down now,” he held the doublebladed hilt in his right hand and glowered at them under the lip of his hood.


“Oh look the Imperial scum is getting upset,” the large man with the cannon laughed.


Adrik growled, frack the Republic. He tilted his head to the side and ignited the saber. The three men backed up when the crimson light bathed the sand. Adrik twirled the saber and brought it up behind himself ready and waiting.


Down the street, in an awkward limping run, the old Jedi approached. Adrik watched him advance; a cloud concern swirled around him. Adrik continued to draw upon his rage and anger; he was not going to put up with one more word out of these guys. The old Jedi closed the distance and walked to stand next to Adrik, he stared at the three soldiers and he had pulled his own saber from somewhere within his robe. “What seems to be the problem here?” he asked.


Adrik spit at them, “They were going to arrest me for loading up your landspeeder.”


“Really?” He looked at the men and gave them a disapproving look. “You seriously had nothing better to do than to harass a person helping an old man?”


“But Master, he looks like a Sith.”


“Yeah,” the weaselly one chimed in, “a dirty Imp, thought he was pretending and casing the place.”


Adrik stood staring the men down, growling, the air around him sparking with malice the Force blind fools clueless, “I would like to finish so we can leave, do something or I will.”


He heard a sigh next to him and the old man say, “You did not see anything out of place today, just a man helping load a speeder, he did not raise any suspicions.”


The three men nodded in unison, “Nothing suspicious,” they said.


“You can go about your business,” the old Jedi continued.


“About our business,” they repeated. They powered down their weapons, holstered them and walked off.


Adrik growled extinguishing the saber. Standing up straight he put it back on his belt and resumed securing the last couple crates. Fuming Adrik vaulted into the speeder and waited for the old man to climb aboard. Gunning the speeder, he tore out of Anchorhead and flew south. They drove in silence all the way back to the old Jedi's dwelling. When they arrived Adrik parked the landspeeder and jabbed his arm towards the crated up supplies. The old man gestured, “Inside across from the refresher is the storage.” Adrik nodded and started unloading the crates, putting them in the storage room. He stacked them carefully in the middle of the room so the old man would have an easy time locating and putting the supplies away. When the last of the crates was unloaded Adrik put the landspeeder away in the rock alcove.


He looked at the sky; the twin suns were sinking low. Gracefully the twin orbs sank below the horizon and the sky was bathed in scarlets, oranges, blues and violets, painted across an incredible cyan canvas. The breathtaking display of color deepened into a dark indigo spreading across the heavens, he watched, the wind blowing, caressing him, as the stars erupted in the inky blackness of the nighttime sky. Stalking back to the house he stripped off his boots, shirt and robe and tossed them next to the house. He was still angry; he couldn't go inside, not yet, he just couldn't.


Stalking away from the rock dwelling, he stopped atop a sandy dune. Staring out across the shifting sands he grasped his saber in his right hand, rolling the unfamiliar weapon in his hand. The damn Pureblood's weapon, he still didn't understand why they attacked Kit in that hanger. He should have stayed at the med center, he wasn't doing anything useful out here either. Adrik sighed, looking at the weapon, he shouldn't have left, he didn't even have a holocommunicator so people could get a hold of him. He didn't know if Kit was still in the tank. He didn't know if Yonlach actually knew anything. He scowled at the deactivated saber hilt. He didn't know anything, Adrik sighed, his shoulders dropping. He wasn't even doing this trip right. He was starting to wonder if he could do anything right. It was so damn infuriating.


He dug his toes into the shifting sand; closing his eyes he let the wind caress him. He couldn't continue on this tram of thought, it would get him nowhere. Kit would be disappointed in him, if he let himself get so worked up. He could just see Jaesa, frowning at him, her unspoken displeasure written across her face worse than any reprimand. He knew what both would tell him, that he was letting his emotions get the better of him.


Adrik knew what he should do, and as foolish as he felt doing it alone, on the dunes, he knew that he should do it, he just didn't have the patience for forms right now. He swung the saber, bringing it up behind him, as his left arm rose. He dropped to one knee, twisting as he brought the hilt upward, following the momentum he stood. Bringing the swinging blade up over his head, he twisted it; he brought the hilt close to his body and rolled it around himself bringing it up behind his back. As it crossed over his back he jumped, keeping his back straight he kicked his foot up behind himself flipping himself over, spinning a complete rotation he set his right foot under himself. He moved the saber back to the right reversing his direction, he brought it up in front of his chest, igniting the weapon and began twirling the blades as he parried, flipped, parried again fighting an imaginary opponent.


He spoke his voice rough, the wind pulling the words away as he spoke them, “Nwûl tash, dzwol shâsotkun.” And anger, he thought as he moved with the saber, working out his frustration. “Fracking Republic,” he muttered, “I should of known better.” He dropped down to his knees bringing his saber across his back, he jumped up and did a rolling back flip. “I mean nothing to them.” His anger festered. He roared out of frustration, “Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.” He jumped straight up in the air, bringing the saber down into the sand, sending a tremor though the dunes, melting the sand around his saber into glass. Jerking the saber free he spun to the left kicking out his leading leg, he brought the saber down and around his body as he shifted his weight to his other leg and stood.


He roared again, “WHY!” Why did this happen to him? He flipped again landing on the balls of his feet; as soon as he landed he flipped forward. By the Ancestors why? He felt tears drip down his cheeks. He woke up broken; his mind fractured, his body beaten and no memory of his life. Then he discovered his life was a fabricated lie, that he had spent the last quarter of a century living that lie. He roared, “What was your reason! Why!” he bellowed, he took in a huge lungful of air and roared, it was powered by the emotional storm flowing around and through him, it moved the dune in front of him and echoed off the evening sky. “Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan,” he yelled at the night sky. He flipped forward; as he landed he brought the saber out to his side.


He growled, swinging his saber behind him he leapt up and vaulted himself across the dune, he landed on all three with his saber extended up behind his back. He swung the hilt up and gripped it in both hands, rapidly swinging the saber, double crimson blades deflecting imaginary blows. Twisting his body backwards he pulled the saber across his chest and kicked out, he landed on his right foot, saber held aloft. “Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.” He let the rage-fueled emotional storm, that swirled around him, build. He reached for the fiery smoky pulsing Dark Force that hung so heavy around him he could almost taste it. It rushed to him, it's burning seductive warmth caressing him. Tentatively he reached out trying to touch it, nothing, it was still untouchable, firmly behind a wall he could not break. Adrik growled shaking, his rage building, the sharp snap of ozone flooded his sinuses, vibrant gold lightning manifested running down his arms into the saber. He brought the glowing, sparking saber down in front of his body, he leapt forward landing near a small rock, he swung his charged saber at the stone, the lightning shot out consuming the rock shattering and disintegrating it, a deep resonating roar escaped his throat as he yelled, “Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.”


“Wonoksh Qyâsik nun,” he yelled into the wind. He felt warm tears drop onto his bare chest, it was so stupid to think he could just walk into a Republic controlled city, the Republic was no longer home. He was no longer a soldier in their army, how could he be? Not after what he had been through, it was not possible, not anymore. He had discovered too much of the truth, how could he possibly live within and serve the government that had lied to him his whole life? They imprisoned his family; he still had no idea what happened to his Mother and older siblings. They had stolen his future. He was a prince of Cathar and he wasn't going to let his world languish in the grip of the Republic any longer, he and his Uncle were going to finalize the plans that had been started decades ago.


He roared and threw the saber away from him into the night, the crimson blades cutting a long illuminating oval as it spun through the inky blackness, calling the blade back to his hand it gracefully circled as it returned. He grabbed it, brought it behind his back and extinguished it. Dropping to his knees he dropped the hilt into the sand. He clenched his eyes shut, placing his hands on his legs. He let the tears flow as he allowed his emotions to run unchecked. He took a large cold swallow of the nighttime air. He just wanted one answer; he wanted to know why.


He opened his eyes and stared into the infinite night sky, the three moons, in various stages of waxing and waning, the sprinkle of stars and the faint blinking lights of a space station in orbit. He relaxed letting the pent up emotional storm materialize as lightning and watched as it dissipated and sparked returning to the flow of the Force around him.


Rising to his feet he called the saber to him, brushing the sand off his pants he took one long last look at the night sky. Turning he headed back towards the stone dwelling and saw a silhouette waiting for him. The old Jedi was standing there, hands folded in front of him. Adrik closed the distance, stopping a healthy meter or so away from the man. He waited, watching the old Jedi. The door opened behind him and Yonlach gestured inside the building, “Dinner is ready.”


“I’m still welcome in your home?” Adrik could not keep the surprise out of his voice. The Jedi looked so sad, it caught Adrik off guard.


“Of course,” he said, “you had a bad day son, that’s all.”


“A bad day?” Adrik snorted, it was more than a bad day. He studied the Master Jedi, he had no idea how long he had been watching.


“Yes, a bad day, some revelations are never easy.” The Human turned sorrow-filled hazel eyes towards him, the excited glimmer had vanished.


“Your day hold some unwanted revelations as well?”


Yonlach nodded, “I realized as I watched, that Jaesa was traveling with you. I feared you might have fallen away from the Light, but your presence was as I remembered. But you have fallen, and so has Jaesa.” Yonlach's voice dropped to a whisper.


Adrik stepped closer, “She has a great Master, one who encourages her, yet keeps her on an even path. She is flourishing under her guidance, but,” Adrik shook his head, “fallen is not really a word I would use to describe her. You will see when you speak with her. I know she will seek you out before we depart from this planet.”


“Who is this Master? I thought she might still be with Master Karr.”


Adrik shook his head, refusing to embellish.


The old Human sighed then nodded, turning to walk through the open door.


Adrik followed him into the house, there were two plates resting on the low table, the aroma of pan seared meat and roasted veggies hanging thick in the air. The odor made his stomach growl; he noticed his robe and boots by the couches.


“I took the liberty of bringing your things inside,” Yonlach gestured to the couch, “Have a seat before it gets any colder.”


Adrik moved to the couch, grabbing his robe. He shook it out slipping his arms into the soft black material, taking care to smooth it over the fabric-catching gauze on his left arm. Easing himself on the floor he crossed his legs under the table, picking up his fork he picked at the food.


“Eat,” Yonlach scolded, from across the room. Adrik frowned. “Eat you do need to eat, especially after that workout.” Adrik looked up, a thousand rebuttals on his lips, but the old Jedi’s face was neutral, he held in his outstretched hand a glass of wine. He took the glass, searching the old man’s face. “Everyone has a bad day,” the old man muttered as he sat across from him on the couch. Picking up his plate Adrik started eating.


He turned his attention to his dinner, it smelled great, stabbing a roasted squash of some kind he popped it into his mouth.


“I am sorry about those soldiers back there,” the old man muttered.


“Why,” Adrik shrugged, “you are not responsible for their actions.”


“True, but it still pained me.”


Adrik shrugged again shoving more vegetables in his mouth.


“I am impressed though son.”


Adrik looked up, his next bite hovering over his plate.


“You showed a lot of restraint.”


“Yeah,” he muttered around his mouthful, “didn’t want to.”


“I know,” the old man took a drink of his wine. “If you ever want to talk to someone I would be more than willing to listen.”


Adrik cut a piece off his steak and chewed it in silence. Looking down at his plate he replied. “Aren’t you supposed to call that Council of yours and tell them you found me wandering the desert?”


“No,” the old man replied. “I have not spoken to them in years, what I see on these dunes is for me alone. If I was in the habit of reporting wayward Jedi, Myrum would have been in trouble years ago.”


“Why didn't you?” Adrik murmured.


“Contact them about Myrum?” The old Jedi questioned.


Adrik silently nodded his head as he cut another piece of steak.


“I didn't see a reason to.” He set his glass down, “She disappeared two maybe three months after you left, a message had come about her family. Her mother had passed due to complications during childbirth, she also lost her infant brother. After the Council finally decided to tell her, well,” he sighed, “she was gone within the month. I think she hitched a ride on a transport. Few years ago, when I moved out of the Dune Sea, I ran across her in Anchorhead, her father, Nykk is the owner of the cantina there. She had been there for years, helping him run the place and obtaining supplies. She's the reason we have decent wine to drink tonight.”


“So she hung up her saber to be an independent contractor?” Adrik asked the uneaten bit of steak still stuck on the end of his fork.


“That is a rather nice way to put it. Yes she is. Rather good one too, manages to get her hands on all manner of things. She doesn't bother anyone, just helps her father.”


“And you don't tell anyone where she is?” Adrik nearly whispered, intently watching the old Jedi as his fork hovered halfway to his mouth.


The old Jedi sighed, “No son, I don't tell anyone. She is happy and I learned the hard way, it is not wise to always meddle in other peoples' affairs.” He leaned forward picking up his wine glass. Taking a long drink he then cradled the nearly empty glass in his hands.


“Does her ankle ever bother her?” Adrik cautiously asked, intently watching the old Jedi.


“No,” the Old Jedi softly snorted while shaking his head, “I inquired once after finding her at the cantina. Not even an ache in cold or damp weather, it's quite amazing actually. Like it was never crushed under that rock.” Yonlach drank the remnants of his wine. “That's how I knew you were here, I remembered how it feels after you do that. Everything goes quiet, muted, almost sedate, as if the Force is holding it's breath waiting to see what you are going to do next.”


“To be honest that is why I was outside the day I found you. There is no mistaking that feeling. At first I didn't believe it, it had been decades since I had felt it. If I had not been there with you on Tython I would have never understood what that disturbance meant. Then the sensation was slowly rippling closer, I just had to see if it was you.


The old Jedi sighed, quietly pushing himself off the couch. Wordlessly he limped to the kitchen where he picked up the bottle of wine. Making his way back across the room he slowly eased himself back onto the couch before refilling his glass and setting both the bottle and the glass on the table. “I never understood why they were so afraid of you, I brought it to their attention. They denied it of course, but they were terrified of you.” The old Jedi shook his head, “You were a very good, dutiful boy, tried so hard to make them happy. I realized that you were never going to be able to. I once offered to take you on, to help you learn to control and hone that rare gift the Force has given to you. That upset a few of my fellow Jedi and it was never spoken of again.”


“That never sat well with me, the pure stubbornness of the Council when it came to your training. After Myrum left, I left to, retreated to this planet. Been here ever since, occasionally I will have younglings come to me, or I did, I haven't taken any new students in a few years. I keep to myself and only keep the company of the couple friends I have here.”


“I won't tell anyone I saw you here,” the old Jedi sighed, “As far as I am concerned the last time I saw you, you were walking up a gangplank to a shuttle holding your mother's hand. I will not interfere with your business.” Wordlessly he sank back into the couch, slowly drinking his wine. The silence stretched between them as they resumed eating.



“Thank you,” Adrik whispered, playing with the food on his fork, “that is unexpected, so thank you.”


“You don't have to thank me son, you don't,” Yonlach picked up the bottle pouring more wine into his now empty glass. “You did show a lot of restraint today, I do appreciate that, those soldiers are not bad men, a bit over zealous perhaps.”


“It was hard, they were fools,” Adrik whispered as he stabbed another vegetable. “It’s why I waited, held my hand. It’s nothing to respect. I wanted to leave them broken, lying there as smoldering husks.” He stabbed a piece of meat. Pushing the vegetables around on his plate he continued, “Emotions are there for your command to allow them control you is a weakness. I would not give those slobbering fools the satisfaction of striking first, better to gather your strength than to err and tip your hand.” He ate another piece of meat.


“And yet you had the strength to not strike,” the old man commented, “that is to be respected.”


“I don’t feel very respectable,” Adrik picked at another piece of meat.


The old man pushed himself up off the couch and walked past Adrik. The soft tink of beads bouncing off each other reached his ears. A quiet muffled rustling teased his ears before the tinking of the beads again filled the air. The old Jedi placed blankets and a pillow next to Adrik. His hand rested briefly on Adrik’s shoulder.


The old man moved away and into the storage room, he came back with a small holonet counsel, “You care for pod races? There was one today, was going to catch the replay.”


Adrik nodded, “Yeah I like pod races.”


Yonlach bent over to set up the small counsel on the table, it flickered to life, he picked up the remote and flipped to the recast. “You care,” he gestured to the couch.


“Not at all, it’s your house.” The old Jedi sat down next to him. Adrik continued to eat as the pre-race commentary played, finishing just as the race started. He quickly got up and put the dishes in the sink. He sank back on the couch next to the old man, picking up his glass he settled in to watch the race.


“Master?” Adrik quietly asked.


The old Jedi paused the playback looking over at him. “What is it?”


“I, um, well I wanted to know if you happened to have an old datapad I could buy from you. I had wanted to look for one when I was in town…”


“And things went horribly off the rails didn't they?” Yonlach sighed, “I have an old one, kinda glitchy. You can have it, I haven't used it in ages.”


“I wouldn't feel right just taking it,” Adrik chewed on his bottom lip, “Let me give you something for it.”


“The company during the race will be enough, it will be nice to watch it with someone. Here,” he slowly stood up, walking across the room, he disappeared into his bedroom, the curtain of beads tinking behind him. Moments later he returned an old battered datapad in hand. Sinking into couch besides Adrik, the old Jedi leaned over handing the dormant device to him.


“Thank you,” Adrik murmured as his claw depressed the power button. “Do you care if I write while we watch?”


“Not at all son, just happy to have the company,” Yonlach flashed him a tired smile and leaned back into the cushions, the paused program resumed filling the small room with the sound of revving engines.




When he woke up the holonet terminal was black, and he was covered up with blankets. Blinking he looked around the room. His eyes adjusted quickly to the dim lighting and he realized he was alone. Something had woken him up out of his slumber, but he was not sure what. He picked the blankets up and tossed them over the back of the couch. Quietly he got to his feet and stepped away from the couch. Pulling his saber to him, he headed to the door. Pausing at the threshold he inhaled, he smelled something on the other side; it reeked of pungent body odor. He curled up his nose as the unpleasant odor settled in his sinuses. Slowly he cracked open the door, peering outside he didn’t see anything nearby. Reaching out he felt three people out by the rock alcove that housed the speeders.


Oh hell no, he thought, he was not going to be responsible for a damaged Imperial speeder. Closing the door behind himself he padded quickly towards the would be thieves, as he closed on them, he could tell they were male and appeared to be Human. The cold night air was blowing their foul odor right to him; the idiots were upwind, and completely preoccupied. The sand muffling his bare footfalls he closed to about ten meters and waited. They were trying to move the Lancer, one was trying to convince the others to let him slice into it to start it. Adrik shook his head, idiots.


“Come on,” the whiny voice reached his ears, “I know I can do it.”


“No you will scratch it, this thing will catch us a lot of money. I’m not going to let some bonehead like you damage it Gus.”


Gus whined even louder, “Well it’s not moving unless we find the key.”


“We can go look for it, I bet the old man is asleep,” the third man piped up.


“Oh shut up Dayn no way we are going in there, that’s a Jedi in there.”


“So? I ain’t scared o' no Jedi,” Dayn boasted.


Adrik smiled, he hated thieves. Creeping closer, he spoke, “I’m not afraid of Jedi either,” the three men jumped and looked at him.


The ringleader looked at Adrik and muttered, “What in the frack do you want.”


Adrik just raised one corner of his mouth in a feral grin, “But personally if I were you I’d be afraid of the Sith.”


“What Sith?” The three looked at each other.


Adrik shook his head, “This Sith.” Golden lightning shot out of his fingertips slamming into Gus. Gus’ body started shaking and convulsing as it hit the sand. Adrik stalked closer to the other two fools, “I suggest you get away from my bike.” He ignited his saber, continuing his advance. The two men looked at each other and backed up into the rock. He flung the saber it arched gracefully away from his hand, skimmed along the rock less than half a meter over their heads and returned to his hand. They screamed and ran away, well tried to run away, the fools bounced off each other then fell over the prone body of Gus.


Adrik gathered more lighting in his hand, they stared at him eyes wide, the gold lightning streaked towards them hitting the ground in front of them melting the sand. “Only reason you are not dead, I respect that old Jedi, you should respect him, his presence here has earned you your useless lives. Get out of here, I catch you here again...” The threat hung in the air as Adrik loosed another round of lightning; it struck to their left eliciting yelps. “Don’t forget your friend.” They stared at Adrik not moving. He did want them to move, he wanted to get back to bed and he was getting chilled even with all his fur. He inhaled and roared, “Move!” The idiots got up, grabbed Gus’ twitching moaning body by his legs and started running pulling him away.


When they disappeared over the hill he heard the sound of a landspeeder starting, the smoking listing bike was a faint outline on the horizon, when it disappeared from sight he headed back. As he approached the dwelling the old Jedi was standing there rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “I felt the Force, what happened.”


Adrik growled, “I discouraged three thieves from taking my Lancer. And because I like you, I only zapped one and scared them off.” The high-pitched whine of a distant repulsor echoed over the dunes. “They can't be so stupid as to return...” he muttered as his eyes scanned the pitch-black horizon.


A small black blur caught his eye, as he watched it grew larger, its passage marked by a dusty trail as it forged across the dunes. The dark blur gradually took the shape of another Lancer manned by a single Humanoid. Adrik smiled, it was Myrum. Quickly he moved away from the dwelling to intercept the speeder.


She slid to a stop next to him, in a cloud of kicked up sand. Her sleek red Lancer covered in a thin layer of dust. Grinning she slid off the machine. “I was wondering if you would be awake.”


“I doubted you were going to come.”


She made a tsking noise in the back of her throat. “To think so poorly of me, I’m insulted. You already paid for my services, what kind of businesswoman would I be to take my payment and run?” She sauntered up to him, “So where is this message?”


Adrik reached into his pants pocket, he pulled out a small datapad. “I need this delivered to one Lieutenant Elara Dorne. She is a blonde Human, green eyes, about your height, younger than we are. It might be hard to locate her, she is in Special Ops Squad 326, they are on a seven week rotation, six in the field one out. They are based out of Coruscant, but might be taking their leave on Nar Shaddaa.” Adrik reached up, pulling the chain around his neck out from under his robe. Grasping the twin oval disks he unclasped the chain, slipping one of the disks off before reclasping it. “Give this to her, it will be proof it came from me.” Adrik looked up at her, Myrum's eyes were latched onto him, trying to get a better look at the items in his hands.


“Please be careful, I know she is being watched I don't want to do anything that might endanger either of you but I need to get this to her.” He held his hand out. Myrum gently took the datapad from him as her eyes scanned the oval dogtag in her hand.


She looked up at him surprised. “When this is delivered you need to tell me what is going on Adrik. Your family hates the Republic.”


He nodded, “I will, do you think you will be able to deliver it?”


She winked at him, “Of course, where does she live? What are her favorite haunts?”


Adrik thought on it a moment, “She lives in a highrise near the military housing on Corusant, Sky-touched Plaza, eighty-third level, number Isk twenty-five. She's quiet, is the squad's medic. Normally in her downtime she is conducting research for her latest paper.”


“So the quiet homebody type?”


Adrik nodded. “She is.”


“Shouldn't be a problem,” Myrum grinned. “And how do I get in touch with you? To confirm delivery of course.”


Adrik chewed on his lip as he contemplated the woman standing before him, “Just how free are you to travel the galaxy?”


Her grin widened as she answered him, in a perfect Kaas City accent, “As free as the Force. I can meet with you anywhere.”


Somehow he wasn't surprised. “I travel with my mate on the Fury-class Interceptor designated The Chimera. I don't know where we will be traveling from here. Due to circumstances beyond my control I currently don't have a holocommunicator. I can hail you from the ship, but until things settle down I don't dare get another one.”


The Mirialan looked him over for a moment before returning her emerald gaze to the datapad and metal oval disk in her hand. Her dark thumb slowly ran over the disk's embossed face, “Thesh Osk Vev thirty-six, oh, sixty. My ship's com, all calls are received there was well as on my personal com. When you are able, contact me. We will work out a location.”


He nodded, “Thank you.”


Myrum's grin returned chasing away her somber expression, “Anytime, my Lord.” She gave him a slight bow. “May the Force be with you.” She sauntered back to her awaiting Lancer, hips swaying. She swung her leg over the bike starting it.


“May the Force be with you, Myrum.”


She winked at him as the bike speed off in a cloud of kicked up dust and sand. He watched until the bike disappeared into the inky blackness of the Tatooine night.




Prompt New Paths, with a bit of Turning Point

I do hope it was a decent enough chapter. I think I found and fixed all the loose ends, I discovered a couple continuity issues, expanded conversations and worked on the action in at wee segment in the desert.

In case anyone needs the translation:

Sith Code, in Sith

“Nwûl tash.” Peace is a lie.

“Dzwol shâsotkun.” There is only passion.

“Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.” Through passion, I gain strength.

“Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.” Through strength, I gain power.

“Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.” Through power, I gain victory.

“Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.” Through victory my chains are broken.

“Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.” The Force shall free me.


Edited by Kitar
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I feel like a three-week vacation with Master Yonlach would be nice right now :)

Considered what he is going through, Adrik shows a lot constraint.

I'm glad he managed to get someone to deliver a message to Elara, and am looking forward to finding out what it says, and how Elara will react to it.

Also, I wonder whether Master Yonlach will reveal some more about Adrik's past and whether he will be able to help him with the block.

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@ Frauzet

We could always see if he is willing to take on any more roomies, Yonlach might have room, but I do believe Tattooine might be a tad bit hot for your tastes. Just a smidge bit.

He does show a lot of constraint, which kind of surprised me.

You will get to see that, but it will be awhile if I remember correctly before we get to visit with Elara again.



A quick posting before bed.


There are no spoilers that I can remember






Year 3634 Month 4 the next morning





He was lying in bed next to her, simply holding her; she was so confused. He had no explanations, he just held her, keeping the pain at bay. She had a death grip on him, her arms around his middle, head tucked against his chest. “I’m here,” he whispered, he had no idea if she heard him, “get some rest, I will be back.” He was so tired; he held her tighter and closed his eyes, drifting off into a deeper slumber.


He groaned stirring on the couch, something smelled so good he inhaled and smiled. The old man was cooking again. Opening an eye he looked around the modest room. Yonlach was standing in front of the stove whistling as he fried bacon. Knuckle rubbing the sleep from his eye Adrik sat up on the couch, “Morning,” he rumbled.


“Morning,” the old man answered, “you have good timing son, breakfast is about ready. I even have caf this morning.”


“Ohh,” Adrik stood up and stretched. “Where,” he mumbled. He sniffed and traced the source to the stove; there on counter was a carafe.


“Help yourself,” the old man gestured as he cooked.


Locating an old, slightly chipped, but large mug he happily helped himself to the caf. Hands wrapped around the mug he took a drink. “Here,” the man thrust a loaded plate into his arms, he muttered “you need to eat it, knowing you, you won’t eat again for another four days.” Adrik stuck his tongue out at the back of his head and carried the full plate back to the couch and commenced devouring it.


The old Jedi joined him shortly, “Son I guess you will be headed back today, that your business was concluded last night?”


Adrik nodded yes, “I am.”


The old man nodded and gestured to Adrik’s almost empty plate, “How is it?”


Adrik flashed him a toothy grin, “Delicious as always.” Adrik finished off the remnants of his breakfast. Standing he took the plate to the sink.


“Good,” the Jedi smiled.


“Well,” the Jedi looked at him, “you are welcome to stay.”


Aric looked at him chewing on his lip, “I can't I have business I need to attend to.”


The old Jedi looked away nodding. “I understand.”


Adrik felt something, a familiar tickle at the base of his neck. He turned to look at the door when a quiet knock echoed through the air. Beside him Yonlach stared at the door eyes wide. Again the quiet polite knock filled the air. The old Jedi stood, slowly walking towards the door. The door swung open, there on the other side stood Jaesa.


Her dark blue robe was blowing in the wind, her hand held up shielding her eyes. Her smile greeted them both. “May I please come in?”


Yonlach nodded stepping aside, gesturing into the modest home. She walked into the home standing near the crouching table. She looked briefly at Adrik before turning her attention to the old Master. “Thank you, Master Yonlach.” She smiled at the stunned Jedi.


He nodded, clasping his hands before him. “What brings you here?”


She smiled at him, “I have several reasons; I need to deliver a message and I had hoped you would be willing to speak with me.”


Yonlach nodded a cautious smile on his lips, “I would enjoy that, will you be able to stay long?”


“Not as long as I would have been able to, if unforeseen events didn't arise. A few hours perhaps, there is no reason I could not return though, if you would like.” Jaesa gave Master Yonlach a large warm smile, her chocolate eyes sparkling. She turned her attention to Adrik.


He straightened, brow raised. “You have a message?”


“I do,” Jaesa nodded her head. “She is awake and asking for you.” Her smile faded, her face grew serious. “Have you been feeling alright? Does everything feel... normal?”


Adrik stared at her before he started to slowly shake his head, “Actually, no I'm not.”


Jaesa stepped closer, her warm brown eyes concerned. “Been feeling a bit out of sorts? A bit more flirtatious than normal?” Her voice dropped to a barely discernible whisper, “Been quicker to anger and experiencing unexplained pains?”


“Yes,” he whispered, “I have been, it's bizarre, I don't realize what I am doing until its to late and part of me doesn't even care. What is going on?”


Jaesa stepped closer, “It will be alright, now that she is awake things should start getting better.”


“I don't understand, what does her being awake have to do with anything?”


Jaesa shook her head, her voice a low murmur, “I can't explain everything here, it will have to wait until I return. It's happening to both of you, she is more... surly. Earlier she requested a three-finger glass of whisky and a cigarra, the good medic almost fell over.”


“What... She doesn't drink that, I do.” Adrik stared at his mate's apprentice. His eyes widened as the conversation sunk in. She had somehow picked up a couple of his quirks. If she had managed to do that, it might explain but not excuse his behavior; the ancestors only knew what she was like when she was younger, before she made the effort to reign herself in due to their marriage. She was driven by passion, passion that was solely directed towards him and she was still a flirt. He had watched her Force choke people in anger; it was no different when he wanted too and later he electrocuted that Human. It was almost as if a bond was created. The fur flinched down his back. “Jaesa are you saying that she and I...”


Jaesa reached out gently touching his black robed arm; she briskly shook her head. “Not here. When I return if it is still necessary, we will talk about it. But you know what happened.”


Adrik shook his head, “I'm not sure I...”


Jaesa's hand gently squeezed, “You know, what you are thinking. You are correct.”


Adrik nodded chewing on his lip.


She dropped her hand, her voice rose. “You are needed back at the ship. If you don't have an issue with it, I would like to stay behind for a couple hours. I haven't seen Master Yonlach in years.” Jaesa turned away from Adrik she took a couple steps towards Master Yonlach.


Adrik smiled, “I have no problem with it at all. Apparently this is his week for catching up with old acquaintances. I hadn't seen him since my days on Tython.”


“Really?” Jaesa looked back at Adrik, “That is exciting, any new revelations?”


Adrik smiled at the sweet Human, but he allowed the memory of the disastrous trip to Anchorhead surface. He knew she was silently scanning both himself and the old Jedi. Her eyebrow spiked and frown flitted across her lips. In her next breath her expression was again one of happiness.


“Any interesting tales from your time on Tython?” Jaesa gently asked.


Adrik shook his head, “Nothing exciting, the same old boring Academy stories.” Adrik felt a wave of confusion roll off Yonlach. He kept his eyes locked onto Jaesa as he shook his head, the old Jedi had no knowledge that anything had happened to him after he and his family left Tython.


Jaesa chewed on her lip, she sighed. “That is unfortunate. Well I should not delay your departure. I will be along shortly.”


Adrik nodded moving to collect his bag and slip on his boots. “You will be alright?”


Jaesa nodded, “I will be fine, I will see you back at the ship.” She moved towards the couches, sitting on the edge of the cushion, hands clasped in her lap.


Adrik moved passed her, “I will see you in a few hours then?” He didn't feel right leaving her behind.


She smiled up at him, “I will be fine, I promise.”


He begrudgingly nodded and moved past her to the old Jedi. “Thank you for allowing me to stay here.”


Yonlach looked up at him, his hazel eyes concerned. “You're sure you have to leave?”


“Yes, but perhaps I could return later.”


“That would be nice,” the old Jedi turned to look at Jaesa. “Perhaps you both could return, it was pleasant being able to see you again.”


“Yes,” Jaesa agreed, “but he does need to be going.” She patted the cushion next to her, “Please, come sit, I want to hear how you have been.”


Yonlach walked to the couch, slowly sinking down into the cushions. Adrik gave them both a parting smile as he quickly slipped out of the dwelling, closing the door behind him.


Adrik moved to his speeder, easing it out of its parking spot. He glanced back at the home's closed door. He needed to get going, Jaesa could take care of herself. Adrik settled into the Lancers seat, punching in the coordinates for Mos Ila; giving the modest stone dwelling one last look he started the speeder, heading south.


The twin suns were over Mos Ila when he finally arrived at the city, he paused outside watching the crimson and white Imperial banners flutter in the wind. Along the rock walls armored troopers patrolled the cities’ entrance, the low roar of the patrolling fighter reached his ears. The image struck a chord in him, as the fighter flew over head he felt pride growing along with the admiration for the scene before him. He shook his head, the patriotic feeling was a foreign one, though if what Jaesa had hinted at was true, it would explain away the sudden upwelling of pride. It would explain a lot of things.


Chewing on his lip he preceded into the city, he wasn't really sure what to think of it. He had tried to block the idea out of his mind on the ride back, Kit hadn't really shown much of a romantic interest in him since he woken up amnesic. She had been concerned and helpful but not a single romantic gesture. If Jaesa was right and a bond had somehow been created and Kit no longer wanted him... he shook his head, it didn't matter she was alive.


“Oh my Lord Adrik I hope the speeder bike operated to your satisfaction?” the travel droid's tinny voice yanked him back to the present.


Adrik nodded, he handed the droid back the keys, “It was an excellent bike.” He parked the speederbike along side its brethren, dismounting. “Didn't have a single problem.” He moved away from the droid heading to the Starport and the awaiting ship.


“Excellent my lord, thank you for your patronage,” the droid replied to his receding back.


His footfalls consumed the distance to the Starport in a deceivingly short amount of time. He was nervous, Adrik had no idea what she was going to say, if she was going to be upset, if she would understand. He really hoped she would understand, he just could not sit alongside that tank and wait any longer. The shifting sand underfoot gave way to sand covered durasteel, which gradually became the grey painted corridors of the Starport's expansive hallway, occasionally marred by the errant grain of sand.


As he was contemplating the efficiency of whomever or whatever cleaned the Starport Adrik reached the closed interior hanger doors of Bay twelve. Taking a deep breath he moved to the small access door; slowly pushing it open he stepped into the dimly lit interior. He was expecting everything to be still, quiet. He was mistaken, the gangplank was lowered, he heard the low murmuring of a distant conversation.


Stepping across the threshold he quickly moved through the expansive hanger, the fur at the base of his neck flinching. His footfall seemed abnormally loud upon the lowered gangplank. Slowly he ascended the ramp, unsure of his reception. He walked through the entryway; before him paced Pierce hands clasped behind him. Trailing him, his chattering blue shadow, was Vette.


“It will be okay, Jaesa will find him.”


“Find him...” the massive Human muttered, “How is she going to find him? He rented a blasted speeder, he could be anywhere.” Pierce reached the far side of the room, sighing he spun on his foot, resuming his trek across the room. “This is such a mess, sending her after Aric... Adrik...” he ran his hands over his face. “What if the damned pubs got him? They already tried to kill him once.”


“Will you relax?” Vette snapped. “Jaesa is fine, she knows this planet better than any of us and if anyone would have the ability to follow him, it's her.” Vette quickened her step grabbing the Imperial's arm. “She used to live here. Stop pacing you are making me dizzy.” Vette shoved her hands on her hips, her lekku twitched. Her hands shot out gesturing at the closed bedroom door. “Besides it's not like we could let Kit'ar out there, way she has been since she woke up... we could watch her progress across the planet from the explosions and smoke clouds.”


“Yeah,” Pierce's shoulders slumped, “she has been a little aggressive...”


“You think?” Vette snorted. “Will you relax, getting worked up is not going to help anything. Jaesa will find him.”


“She did find him,” Adrik spoke as he walked into the common area.


The Human and the Twi'lek spun to face him. “Adrik!” Vette shouted as she ran over, wrapping her arms tightly around him. He reciprocated careful to avoid pinching her lekku. “Where did you go? We tore this town apart looking for you. He,” she gestured back at Pierce who was walking towards them, “was trying to mobilize a freaking army to go look for you.”


“Hey,” Pierce protested, “what else was I supposed to do?” The massive Human stopped next to Adrik and Vette. “I wasn't gonna just sit n twiddle my thumbs.” Pierce looked Adrik over, his dark brown gaze settling on Adrik's face, “You alright mate?”


Adrik nodded, “I am fine, I went looking for that Jedi. I couldn't sit around anymore either.”


“See, I told you!” Vette exclaimed, “I knew you headed out there.”


A sense of relief flooded him, warming as it spread. Quickly following was a nearly silent woosh, Adrik's ear twitched focusing on sound. He looked past Vette, to the now open bedroom door. Kit'ar stood in the entrance, her auburn hair loose and disheveled, knuckle-rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her black sleepshirt was slipping off her shoulder. He grinned she was such a welcome sight; upright, walking... alive.


Adrik gently released Vette; stepping around her he quickly moved across the room. He stopped before her, aching to reach out and touch her. She gave him a hesitant smile; he was hit with conflicted wave of want and concern. He wasn't conflicted he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted her, to wrap his arms around her, pick her up, shut the door and retreat back into the bedroom.


Suddenly the confused sensation was gone, it was as if a massive door had just been slammed shut in his face. His eyes widened. He realized that the conflicted emotions had come from Kit, but they had felt like they were his. Jaesa was right. He had thought some sort of bond had been formed, based on the abnormal behavior both he and Kit had displayed, this confirmed it. He had never intended anything like that to happen, but it had. It must of occurred when he healed her after those damn Sith ambushed them.


He stepped closer to her, closing the negligible distance. Adrik wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close. She sank against him, her head buried in his chest. He felt her arms slip around him. He buried his nose in her tousled locks, deeply inhaling her scent. He could still pick up the faint scent of saline hidden beneath the herbal notes of her shampoo. She was so warm and inviting, he tightened his grip pulling her closer.


“You left,” Kit murmured into his robe.


“Yes,” he rumbled, “I left to find Master Yonlach... I couldn't sit around, be useless, any longer.”


She shook her head, “You're not useless, but I am glad you left, the suns felt good.” She tightened her grip on the material across his back. “What did you find out?” she whispered.


“He does not know,” Adrik sighed, “the last he saw of me, I was leaving Tython with my Mother. The old Jedi doesn't have any idea what happened to me.”


“That is most unfortunate, I had hoped he would have some information.”


“So did I,” he sighed into her hair.


“We will figure something out,” she moved her head, resting it on his shoulder. “We will figure something out.”




Prompt New Paths, part 5! I think this is the last time I use the prompt too.

I wonder how many of you are annoyed that Adrik left without pushing the issue or questioning him further... I did try to get things to go that direction, but I swear characters have a mind of their own...



Goodnight everybody

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@ Frauzet

I do not think you have. :D But I shall remember that you love Force Bonds :cool:



Another quick posting. I don't think this one needs any editing, at least I hope it doesn't I need to get to bed. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.


um... yes for SW Act III as well as SI Act III and background on the planet Taris






Year 3634 Month 4 moments later




A loud clapping rang out, filling the common room. “Well isn’t this lovely?”


Adrik growled, damn Nox. He cracked open his eye, standing in the common room's entrance was one very annoyed looking Mirialan.


“So nice of you to actually come back. Any particular reason why you decided to shirk your responsibilities and just run off?” Nox glared at Adrik.


Kit'ar muttered something against the black material of his robe. She let go turning around to face her cousin. “What is it? You run out of womp rats to annoy?”


“Ha ha. Very funny. Part of the agreement was getting to talk to the Jedi. Where is this damn Jedi.”


“No, part of the agreement was learning the technique if he knew it, or knew about it. That does not give you free reign to run after all the Jedi on this planet. Besides he didn’t know anything.”


Nox, rolled her amber eyes, “Of course he is going to say that, Jedi always say they don’t know, they haven’t any idea what you are talking about. I swear it's a knee jerk reaction they teach them on Tython. Ways to Annoy a Sith: 101. Tell them you don’t know.”


“It is true Nox, he didn’t know.” Adrik confirmed.


Nox's scowl deepened, “I severely doubt that. Besides how in the hell does anyone actually know this? Kit hasn’t left the damn town.”


Adrik sighed, frowning as Kit turned before him, her arms violently crossing. She stepped away from him. “I don’t have to babysit the people on my crew, they can actually function on their own.” Kit snarled.


“That's all well and good, shall I applaud you again? That still doesn’t explain how people magically know this little tidbit.”


Adrik growled, “He doesn’t know anything, I asked him myself. Are you hard of hearing?”


Nox's eyes narrowed, “What did you just say?”


“I guess you are then, I went to see him, asked him myself. He knows nothing, let it go.” Adrik bit.


Lightening flickered down Nox's arms, “How dare you talk to me that way! You insolent, amnesic, furry, upstart.”


“I think not enough people talk to you that way,” Adrik snarled, golden lightening gathered on his shoulders as the now familiar sent of ozone filled his sinuses. He cocked his head to the side, studying the Council Member over Kit's head. She was fuming, hand hovering over her saber hilt, vibrant violet lightening bolts licking down her arms, yet she didn't act. He felt a burst of laughter roll through him, glancing at Kit out of the corner of his eye he caught her emerald one, the corner of her lips turned up in a grin. Kit was laughing. His brow rose as he gestured to Nox. Again he felt that rolling burst, he forced his own face to remain neutral to avoid sharing her grin.


“Really,” the laughter barely restrained in Kit's voice, “you have the nerve to call him an upstart?”


Nox growled, “Where in the hell is the other one?”


Ahh... now Adrik understood Nox's hesitation, two on one maybe, three on one the odds in your favor decidedly decline. Given Nox's rather... interesting outlook on life, he wondered why she and Kit had never exchanged more that a few blows.


Kit'ar cleared her throat, “Unlike some people, she actually likes her Masters, current and former. She is confirming what Adrik already discovered. Using actual words, calmly discussing things, like a rational adult. Something you wouldn’t understand. Given your past history of imprisoning your Master in a Mind Trap.”


Nox's scowl deepened, the air around her crackling. “What else was I supposed to do! She was in my Dashade. She had tried to possesses me, really there was no other course of action to take...” Nox muttered.


“Oh yes, a completely rational thing to do,” Kit'ar rolled her eyes.


“Well what would you have done? Huh? Not all of us have the luxury to strike down our Masters all theatrically in front of the Dark Council.”


“Oh no, you preferred to traipse about Corellia stirring up a hornet's next of trouble in a personal vendetta against a Dark Council member, after you shoved your master’s consciousness in a box. That is much better.” Kit'ar crossed her arms before her, “I still think you keep that beast around just to aggravate Great Grandfather, you know how he feels about Tulak Hord.”


“Don't change the subject!” Nox yelled, throwing her hands up in the air, the lightening dissipating. “He shouldn't talk to me like that!”


“Why not? He is right; we are all equals here. You lack tact, the entire conversation would of degraded into a lightening fueled duel within ten seconds if you had met him unchaperoned.” Kit'ar stared at her, “Go on deny it.” She gestured with a hand before recrossing her arm.


“But... but he...” Nox sputtered.


“He what, called you out for overreacting?” Kit's eyebrow spiked, “You are, there is no reason to bother an old man on the dunes who knows nothing.”


Nox stared at Kit, her lips a thin angry green line. “Fine, we will just have to go to Taris!”


“What.” Kit and Adrik said in unison.


“What Force conceived reason could you possibly have for wanting to go there? That place is a polluted ruin of a rakghoul infested cesspool.” Kit hissed.


Adrik's stomach churned he hated that place; the thought of going back there turned his blood to ice. He had to fight to keep his fur from flinching, to stop himself from reaching out to grab Kit; he knew if he did anything to let on his true feelings about that accursed place Nox would exploit it.


Nox's lips blossomed into a sadistic grin, “Why for answers of course, before Malak decided to use it for target practice, there was an extensive Jedi Enclave there. We all know how well they pick up after themselves, I guarantee there is all kinds of juicy bits left in the rubble, we just have to go clean them off. Might find something,” she flung her green hand towards Adrik, “I highly doubt he's the first one they ever did that too.” She smirked at them before spinning on her foot and walking out of the room. Her laughter echoed towards them as she walked to the gangplank. “We will be departing in six hours.”






Prompt Boring Conversation Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed it. I am off to take a shot o' Nyquil and get some sleep.


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Given Nox's rather... interesting outlook on life, he wondered why she and Kit had never exchanged more than a few blows.

They are a bit like strange cats in the courtyard. Yet, those do often seem to get by with a lot of hissing, too.

And if you can't win the fight, change the subject. :D


I hope you are feeling better today!

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@ Frauzet

I am feeling slightly better and less like something the cat dragged in... yeah I intended that pun. Also I loved the analogy, it fits those two rather well.







Year: 3634 Month 5 week 1



She was worried about him, in the weeks since he had regained his fractured memory she had watched him withdraw further and further into himself. Tatooine had been a disaster; that hadn't helped him. The ... encounter in the Starport had thoroughly rattled him, he seemed surer of his new path in life, but emotionally he was a wreck. Though she didn't blame him, so much had happened. Her fingers ran along the short durasteel rods, each ending in a different shaped point. Quietly she organized the small tools on the immaculate work surface; the hammers, scribes, the small bowl filled black sticky pitch. Reaching into the desk she pulled out a sturdy box, opening it up she placed the box in the center of the surface.


She needed to find some way to help him; he needed something to distract him, something to focus on, something that had absolutely nothing to do with his current situation. Searching through the box she pulled out small crystals, files, assorted cylinders setting them neatly in front of the box she continued to rummage through the desk.


She knew he really liked weapons, rifles, and cannons, perhaps she could use that, draw upon it and encourage him to take up a new interest in a different type of weapon. She sighed, hoping this would work, she was afraid to push too hard, afraid that he would fall apart completely. None of this had been easy on him; no matter how hard she tried to blunt the edge of the situation she was not able to protect him from the truth.


Closing her eyes she called to him, a gentle nudge through the Force, she heard distant movement on the other side of the ship. Opening her eyes she resumed setting up the workspace, retrieving small blanks of shiny silver metal. She heard him pause outside the open door frame; his voice was husky, “Yes?”


She waved him into the room, “Come sit with me.” His quiet feet padded across the floor, his black robe slipping from his shoulder.


She looked the crimson furred Cathar over; he looked at her perplexed. His eyes held that haunted expression that had been permanently etched on his face since he learned the truth of his situation. “Did I wake you?” She really hoped she had not; he barely slept.


He shook his head no, “I was not asleep.”


She chewed on her lip as she looked at him; the robe had slipped further off his shoulder exposing the expanse of burned skin, his mane was spilling down his back unfettered.


“Come on sit, I wanted to show you something.” Groggily he nodded and sat next to her on the empty work stool. She gestured to the bench, “I have been neglecting part of your studies and I apologise, I think it’s time we cover saber construction.” He looked at her curious; she let herself smile. “Go on take a look, I will show you how to use everything.” His hand slowly reached out, his clawed fingertips running over the delicate tools, he peered into the open toolbox. He tucked a long lock behind his ear as he studied the contents of the box.


A muffled word escaped his lips as reached into the box, his fingers pulled back gently holding a small golden object. He stared at it and then to her. His free hand unconsciously went to his chest. This was so hard; there were so many little details buried, still forgotten. She tried to smile, “I made that, it’s the match for the one that you wear.” He held his hand open staring at the thin engraved barbell lying on his fingers. “It's aurodium,” she continued, “I made them as a gift, I was certain I was going to lose you.” He stared at her. She watched his jaw clench and relax as he debated what to say.


His voice was rough when he spoke. “You made this, how?”


“It was not made on the ship but at my estate, was simple enough, fabricated the bar, cast the terminals, engraved them, created the thread and counter thread on the removable end.”


He stared at the tiny ornamentation, carefully rolling it over his fingers. “When did you give this to me?” he intently studied the engraved ends.


“Over two standard years ago, Adrik,” she whispered.


He looked at her, studied her face, “So long before you knew about…” he trailed off. He dropped his head returning it to the precious bar in his palm.


“Yes Adrik long before anyone knew.”


“So you really cared for me,” his voice had become so quiet she had to strain to hear him.


“Adrik, I still do.”


When he finally looked at her, he looked hopeful, the haunted look in his eyes had lessened. “Can you show me how you did this,” he held up the tiny bar, his thumbclaw pointing to the engravings.


“Sure,” she smiled, “you don't remember any of my other work do you?”


He shook his head. She reached down to her waist unclicked her saber hilt and handed it to him. Carefully he returned the aurodium bar to its resting spot in the box before he turned to her.


Cautiously he took it, setting it on the work surface he ran his fingers over the hilt. He traced the engraved sun that graced its sleek smooth surface, “It’s beautiful.” Turning the sleek hilt over he inspected the intricate lines that decorated its surface; his thumb followed the inlaid gold, gently rubbed the stylized sun on the grip. His fingers moved past the engraving and gently touched the different sections of the hilt, skimming the surface, “I never noticed it before.”


She smiled, “Most don’t they are usually distracted by the glowing end.”


A smile graced his lips. Oh good, he actually smiled; this might actually be a good idea.


“So what are you going to be teaching me?” he asked his eyes still locked onto the hilt. “Saber construction or this,” he ran a claw gingerly over the engraved lines.


“Both if you wish,” she watched him contemplate the tools in front of them on the table.


“Is this hard to learn,” he turned to look at her. His eyes actually held a faint glimmer of excitement.


“It takes time, practice, patience but I did not think it is hard. You want to start with engraving?”


He nodded.


Sure, why the hell not, she thought. She picked up a blank square of metal and gestured to the others neatly stacked on the work surface. “You can use these for practice, I can always melt them down, reform them if needed.” She picked up the small handheld gas fed torch and lit it. She felt him move, pulling his chair closer to her. She set the torch back down into its holder, the blue flame pointed away. “Here,” she lifted her hands to his face. Quickly she pulled his mane away from his face securing it against the nape of his neck, she slipped the open robe up onto his shoulder, pushing the sleeves up his arms. “Nothing loose around the open flame, hair or clothing,” she smiled and picked up the torch.


She gently warmed the square watching as the surface flashed the telltale red, she picked it up with a pair of durasteel forceps and plopped it into a small warmed vat of blue liquid.


“Why did you do that?” he looked at her puzzled.


“Had to anneal it, warm it up, had not actually expected to do anything but build a saber hilt.”


“Oh,” he dropped his head, “sorry.”


“Don’t be,” she fished the flat square out, dipped it into water and dried it. “Now,” she smiled, “for the fun part.” She placed it into the black tar like substance, “this is what I learned before I started engraving, it’s called chasing.”


He pulled his chair closer watching. She picked up a small chasing tool, bent over the bowl as she began to build the design in the metal, her hammer striking and moving the small rod as she worked. She commented as she proceeded, explaining as she exchanged one chasing tool for another, removing the square, annealing it and replacing it in the sticky pitch.


She felt him move closer, his eyes intent as he watched her. Secretly she was thrilled, this was going so much better than expected. He had moved his chair right next to hers, he sat slightly behind her so he was able to watch and not interfere with her movement.


His hand reached out hovering over the silver, stopping before he touched the graceful curved twisting image. “It’s a tree,” he breathed into her ear, she turned her head to look at him smiling and stopped. His face so close, their cheeks were almost touching. His blue eyes locked on hers, something flickered deep within.


“Voss,” he whispered, “the tree where we talked.”


“Yes,” she nodded.


His hand reached up to cup her cheek, “And all night we talked about armaments and assault cannons.”


“Yes,” she nodded chewing on her lip.


“You wanting to learn about cannons, I thought it was the most absurd thing ever.”


“Yet you told me,” she smiled.


“I did, I’d do it again, and I think letting Pierce have one would be a huge mistake.” He closed the hairs breadth to her lips with a smile, kissing her. She leaned into him fumbling to place the hammer and chasing tool on the bench. Breaking the kiss he placed his forehead against hers, “That became one of my favorite nights of my life.” He adjusted his body in his seat, sliding his arms around her.


“Is it finished,” he murmured into her ear.


“Almost, why?” She asked.


“I was hoping we could move on to hilts now.”


“Of course, do you mind if I finish this first.”


“No not at all,” he rumbled into her ear.


She stole a moment just relishing in the feel of his warm arms around her. She picked up the hammer and resumed the rhythmic hammer fall, she had never imagined offering to teach him this would have actually been a catalyst for any of his memories to return. To say she was thrilled as an understatement, she began humming as she worked, his arms tightened around her waist his head resting on her shoulder.





Prompt Tools of the Trade.

This one is also rather old. I have edited it a few times to get it to fit better with the story, and I personally like this one. It took me awhile to decide where to drop it into the story, this seemed like a good spot.

And... on a side note, chasing is a lot of fun to do, I really liked it when I used to make a bunch of leaves out of sliver for a necklace back in college. So perhaps this one was a bit of a personal indulgence too, hope you'all don't mind.

And on a second side note, so notes I guess. Just in case anyone is wondering... Usually whenever Adrik remembers something that was affected by the block it hurts, his comment about the tree didn't hurt, he just remembered the tree. Which means he probably remembers a lot more than he is letting on. I do with those two would actually talk to each other.


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@ Frauzet

I couldn't help myself, part of me just had to have proper safety instructions for working in the small medals shop, I do hope my old professors would be proud.

I have always liked this one, just some sweet downtime.



Spoilers none I can think of





Timeline Year 3634 Month 5




With a bolt she sat up in the bed. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. She was assaulted with a crushing wave of sadness; the heavy sensation flowed through the Force. Aric. Her hand shot out running over his side of the bed; the silk was cool to the touch. Blinking she rubbed her eyes trying to clear the sleep entangled cobwebs. Where was Aric...no Adrik, it had been just over two months and she still wasn't used to the name change. She knew it was a mistake to sleep in here, she knew it was. It had felt so good to lie here next to him, and now he was gone. Maybe he had gone to sleep in the common area, but if he had why was he so sad? Pulling her loose sleep shirt tighter she shifted her legs to slip them off the mattress when she heard him.


“I'm here.” His voice was rough and gravelly, as if he had been crying.


Slipping off the bed she walked toward his voice, the room was still shrouded in darkness. Gently she reached out through the Force, touching Adrik in the blackened room, focusing, she was able to see him with a clarity that was denied her eyes. He was sitting slumped backwards in her chair arms dangling off the curved metallic arms, his head resting sideways on the chair's back watching her slow approach.


“Couldn't sleep?”


“No,” he mumbled.


“Is there anything I can do? I can leave if my presence here is affecting you.” She bit her lip, hoping he would not send her away.


“No,” he shook his head, slowly raising it off the chair. “Don't go... I, I was just,” he sighed. “I was just trying to sort things out.” Another defeated sigh filled the space between them as his head returned to the chair's back.


“Is there anything I can do?” She stepped closer.


“I don't...” his rough voice cracking. He reached up grabbing her hand; gently he pulled her closer. Gathering up the hem of her black sleep shirt she allowed him to pull her into his lap. Settling herself in his lap she realized he was only wearing his black robe. She wasn't surprised she had not seen him without it since Tatooine.


He wrapped his other hand around hers, the rough pads of his fingertips caressing her skin. She relaxed into his lap, letting him play with her fingers. As he played with her right hand the Force pulsed around him growing, there was a sharp spike amplified by a raw sense of confusion-laced sadness. The spike disappeared with a strangled sniff as he fought to control himself.


The sensation passed and one of his hands left hers. Tentatively he reached out, clawed fingertips gently hovering over her chest. She held perfectly still, body relaxed as his fingers floated a barely a hand's breath away from her skin. His breath hitched in his throat as his clawtips grazed the nearly perfect circular scar on her chest. His fingers lingered barely touching the saber burn scar, glowing blue eyes closed as he pressed his fingertips against the scar. With a strangled sniff he moved his hand away, slowly it moved along her chest, to her neck. He opened his eyes; she felt a tremble through the Force as his hand tucked her sleep disheveled hair behind her left ear. His hand brushed against the rings, gently moving them as they rested against the porcelain edge of her ear.


He trembled beneath her as another wild pulse echoed through the Force. Gripping her fingers tighter with his left hand he cupped her cheek and jawline with his right. “I hardly remember anything about that day.” His thumb ran along her cheek. “I can barely scrape together any details... just flashing fragments.” He stared through her, those foreign eyes blazing.


“When I woke up I could barely remember anything. So many things were just gone... I knew though, I knew you were not lying, that you were going to help. I don't know how I, I just did, somehow. And you did, you helped, slowly patiently you helped.” Another sharp pulse shot through the Force. “And they took you away from me. They took you and … and I … I couldn’t allow that. I still don’t understand how, how I stopped them. I just wasn’t going to let them win. You are all I have.” He shuddered as his thumb traced her cheekbone.


Quietly she waited, waited for him to continue. Keeping herself and her mind stilled, she simply waited. He blinked his glowing eyes slowly focusing on her face. His hand slowly moved back to her ear, a clawed fingertip teasing the aurodium hoop. “The fear I felt... I couldn’t let you go," his voice dropped off, when he spoke again it was barely a whisper, “when I saw you run through... it broke me, I couldn't let you go. I just couldn't.”


His hand left her ear, trailing through her hair, playing with an incredibly long lock.


“That day, I wish I could remember that day. All I have are ghosting flickers, if I try to remember, the mere fragments I do have disappear. Please tell me.”


“Which day?” She gave him an encouraging smile, inwardly praying he didn't want to talk about the Servants' nearly successful assassination attempt.


Her hair slid around his fingers in a tightly wound coil, “The day we were joined, that we were married.”


She moved her free hand to rest it on his shoulder. She felt him tense momentarily under her fingers before he relaxed. “Of course,” she gently ran her hand along his shoulder, “I can tell you, you can look if you would like.”


“Look?” his fingers unconsciously clenched around hers, “I don’t...”


“Shhh, you can, I know you can.” She relaxed further, gently bringing their clasped fingers to her lips. Kissing the top of his hand she closed her eyes as she bowed her head to her chest; a smile gracing her lips as she began recounting that day. “It was unseasonably warm, even though the mountains carried a thick blanket of snow, the flowers still bloomed within the Palace Gardens. We had decided it best if everything was kept a secret. Somehow Markus had managed to arrange everything without raising anyone’s suspicions.” Her smile widened as she remembered the Thul lord's wink and a grin as he left to 'tend to everything'.


“We had to spend the day apart, it drove me absolutely insane. I had wanted to break their traditional rule, but you would not let me, telling me every little bit of luck could not hurt.” She felt a tentative presence touch upon her mind; lowering what remained of her Force created shielding she silently encouraged him to try harder.


“When I was told we were ready I think I had paced a path into the tile. Jaesa was the one who came to collect me; she was so giddy she could barely contain herself. She forced me to actually walk to the Main Garden; I was so frustrated at having to wait so long I just wanted to get started.” She ran her clasped fingers over his, caressing his fine furred digits. “Vette and Broonie opened the doors, quickly closing them behind us. It was lovely, so lovely, there were fresh flowers everywhere, I still have no idea how Markus managed to get a hold of so many. Little lanterns glowed and flickered along the path and from within the Garden plants. You and my Father were standing in front of my favorite tree, the bloom laden branches skimming the reflecting pond's surface, I stood there for a moment taking it all in.”


“Pierce came to stand next to me and the three of us walked down the marble path to the pool. You looked great, that dark grey suit looked so good on you.” A small laugh escaped her lips, “You were so nervous, it just rolled off of you. You were so worried. So worried that somehow you were going to mess things up.”


“Father just smiled and began, I don’t even remember when Pierce and Jaesa took their places at our sides. I actually forgot my lines,” her cheeks heated, “I wasn't listening to anything he was saying, I was to busy watching you.” She let the happiness she felt at the memory grow, warming her center. Beneath her she felt him shift, his fingers returned to her neck tentatively touching.


“You were happy,” his voice was rough.


“Incredibly.” her smile widened.


“Your lines that you forgot, what were they?” His voice was wavering, he was doing well hiding his sadness but she felt it, surrounding him, clinging to him.


“Father had just asked me if I was satisfied with the power and strength of one who sought to make me his mate, if I approved of his standing and the standing of his bloodline. My answer of course was yes, that his strength and prowess would only improve the might of our house and bloodline.” She slid her fingers through his fur. “I can't honestly remember what your lines were, they were spoken when I was still … distracted.” She smiled. “I think it was something along the lines, that you vowed to support and further my house and ambitions. Then we both handed Father two silken cords, mine was blood red, yours was black and blue.”


“When we clasped hands you were trembling. I tried to catch your eye, to let you know it was alright but you were watching Father. He was holding up the cup, it is an ancient cup dark with age, crafted out of a metal I do not know. Father then took out the dagger; the thing is a relic, a horn handle with a long metal blade, I do think it is older than the cup. He then pri.cked our fingers and as the blood dripped into the cup he bound our hands with the cords. After our hands were tied we both drank from the cup as Father proclaimed that we were joined.”


“He then asked if we had any tokens we wanted to exchange. I handed him the earrings. You should have seen the look on your face when he produced the piercing needles. It wasn’t bad though; they were in before you even realized he had started. When Father was finished he slipped the bound cords off our hands and we kissed.


“Everyone started to slip out of the Gardens quietly heading to my rooms, Markus had laid out a huge feast. It really was amazing, the food was delicious and he had even gotten his hands on some cigarras.”


“What were you wearing?” His fingers tightened around hers.


She smiled, “Well it was my backless dress with all these strands of rhinestones.”


“It was pink, a light pink, I vaguely remember a pink like springtime flowers."


“Yes the bodice is pink,” she smiled, “and it gradually darkens into a rich burgundy. It's really pretty.”


“Though I suppose now, knowing what we know, we would have to redo the vows. We had thought you were Force-blind and the ceremony proceeded accordingly. If you would still want me that is.”


She felt him shake, as his breath caught. “What?”


“I know it's possible you might wake up one day and no longer want anything to do with me, with this crew, with any of us. Its a possibility that you will leave.”


“Why, why would you say that?” he whispered, his voice cracking.


“It's possible,” she whispered.


“What... no I wouldn't.”


“You might, we know you were a Jedi.”


“No, no I'm not. Not anymore.”


She sighed shifting on his lap, “You might, you might wake up tomorrow, and blame me, blame me for everything. If we hadn't been together you would have never gotten hurt. You would have never been kidnapped and tortured if we never knew each other, if I hadn't brazenly perused you on Voss...”


“No,” he shook his head, “no... I, I remember Voss.” He caressed her cheek, “I wanted you from the moment I saw you. I wasn't some innocent who was taken advantage of, I knew what I was doing.” He trembled under her. “I knew, I... I know afterward how insane it was to hunt you down, I just didn't want to let you go.”


The slight tremble increased, he closed his eyes swallowing. She tilted her head to the side, silently and ironically cursing how far he had come in managing his ability. Before she could have read him like an open book, now he was too well guarded. Moments later he opened his eyes, the slight tremor that coursed through his body finally calmed. “Is that why you brought this up, do you not want me anymore?”


“No, just the opposite,” she sighed, “I am just afraid you will wake up one day and leave. Realize you don't want to be here, that you will blame me for this. That you will never remember who I am and return to Cathar, find a proper bride, one who could actually give you children. I would understand if you do,” she whispered, “considering how weak I was, what happened in that hanger... I failed.”


His eyes widened. “No, no Kit. I am not going anywhere. I want to be right here, with you.” He shifted in the chair bringing his other hand up to cradle her jaw. “Repairing what was done to me on Tython, is important, but it's not my main priority. Don't you understand even if we are never able to repair what has been done, I am not leaving you. I, I love you I am staying here. I remember you, all of you and I have been afraid you might send me away; you have not so much as touched me since I have woken up. You, you are not going to send me away are you...”


She silenced him, crashing her mouth into his. Her hands tightened in his mane as she leaned into the kiss. He growled beneath her, his fingers slipping into her hair. She broke the kiss, leaning back slightly as her hands released his mane. “I have been waiting to do that for months. I didn't want to take advantage of you, of the situation... and I have been afraid. I keep expecting to wake up and find you gone. You're a prince, Father explained everything to me, the sheer number of tribes who are pledged your familial clan, it's staggering. The territory is extensive, the clans within its borders and even the outlying land are still loyal and it's all supposed to be yours. How can I expect you to stay?”


He leaned forward, growling. “I stay because I am yours. I might be a prince, but I am your Husband first and foremost.” His lips hovered over hers, hesitating briefly before those glowing blue eyes closed. He brushed his lips against hers as he pulled her closer, growling low in his throat.


She shifted on his lap, gently breaking away.


“What,” he whispered, “what is it?”


She gently placed her hands on his shoulders; he shifted beneath her, his hands tightening in her hair. Kit slid her hands through his fur; slowly she moved her hands along his neck to cradle his head in her hands. Her fingers caressed his fine furred cheeks, as she looked into those glowing eyes, so different yet eerily familiar. She shook her head, giving him a warm smile. Tilting her head she closed the hairs breath to his lips, her lips ghosted over his before kissing him.


His hands slid down to her shoulders, with a growl he pulled her closer, his lips brushing against hers. She slipped her fingers down his arms pulling against the robe as he peppered her lips with gentle kisses. She pulled harder against the black material, the urge to strip off his only clothing growing.


He broke the kiss pulling backwards, “No,” he mumbled.


“No?” She stared at him perplexed, “What... I...” She shook her head, why was he stopping?


“Leave the robe,” his body had started to tremble again.


“Why?” She smiled. “I like to look at you, here to be fair I will go first.” She let go of his robe bringing her hands up to her shirt. Slowly she unbuttoned the baggy black garment, letting it slide down her arms. Lowering her arms she let the garment fall to the floor. Leaning in she slowly ran her fingers through his chest fur as her lips brushed his. Gently she kissed his lips as her hands moved along his chest, purposefully avoiding his piercing. He groaned sinking back into the chair; she felt his hands slide down her sides resting on her hips. She smiled as she moved to kiss his neck, right below his ear. He groaned as his hands slid further, gripping her bare bottom. Again she brushed against the fine fur at the base of his ear, grinning when he growled tilting his head to the side as his claws dug into her skin.


She moaned against his neck, before she nipped at the sensitive skin. His hands tightened, pulling her closer. She slowly moved her hands over his chest, around his sides and onto his back. He growled but didn't protest when her hand hit the bare skin. That was good. She ran her fingers along his back, he shifted beneath her, pulling her closer. His breath was warm on her neck as his lips brushed against her skin, moaning she tilted her head inviting him. Her skin pr.i.ckled as his teeth scr.a.p.ed slowly across her neck. She groaned when he bit, tightening her grip, she shuddered when his bite deepened, gasping when his rough tongue licked her neck. His hands tightened their grip pulling her hips to his stomach. His lips ghosted over her skin, kissing and licking his way up her neck.


Growling she bent her head down catching his mouth with hers. Slowly she kissed his lips, tongue teasing. She kept her pace slow, savoring him. His hands began to kneed her hips, one hand suddenly left slipping across her back. He growled low in his throat, it rumbled through their kiss as he pulled her body against his as he quickly sat up.


Without breaking the kiss she whispered, “The bed.”


He growled in response standing. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked the short distance to the bed. He stumbled against the bed frame, letting go of her. Giggling she grabbed him as he fell, pulling him onto the bed next to her. When he landed she pushed him onto his back, quickly sliding her leg over his waist. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she leaned down. “Are you okay?”


He nodded his voice a rumbling growl, “Yes.” He reached up running his fingers through her hair, “are you?”


“Oh honey,” she ran her hand along his arm, “I have never been better,” she kissed the palm of his hand before bending to gently kiss his lips, “I have my mate back.”





Prompt was Ceremonies.

This is why I should never leave comments when I do not feel well, I totally forgot they actually do talk in the next chapter.


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This one isn't very long. I also think I am going to drop back to updating twice a week. There is a part coming up that is still giving me trouble. Even though it is about twelve-ish chapters away, id rather have a bit more time trying to iron things out.


Spoilers none I can think of.





Year 3634 Month 5 morning after




He moved slightly behind her mumbling in his sleep. Slowly she exhaled; she had no intention of waking him. She silently counted to herself and projected thoughts of calm. She felt him shift again his mumbling ceased. She returned her attention to his arm, looking at it intently, savoring this stolen glimpse; he still would not let her look at it.


Her eyes followed the cleared fur-less swaths that flowed down and over his arm, lightning bolts permanently etched into his hide, flickering into and through his fur. It fascinated her. It looked as though at any moment it would shift and lift off of his hide, course down his arm and dissipate, like the lightning that constantly danced in the turbulent sky over Dromund Kaas. When he summoned his own Force lightning the effect was mesmerizing, watching it build and flow down his arms. And if he caught her looking he found a way to hide himself.


Holding her breath she leaned in closer, the fur-less hide was etched a bright gold, the skin discoloured. It was completely smooth, not a single hair marred its surface. Her fingers begged to touch it. To see if it was as soft as it looked, to see if it felt like the tattooed skin on a Zabrak or a Human.


She felt him shift behind her, his chest pressed up against her back. He growled in his sleep. She felt him tremble as he muttered half spoken words, a subtle spiking of fear flowing around him. She frowned as she listened to him; he was having another nightmare. Without thinking she laid her hand over his arm whispering to him, quiet words of comfort heavily laced with the Force. He sighed behind her relaxing.


She kept the grip on his arm, her fingers slowly slid along the bare skin. It held the soft unique texture of tattooed skin. Cautiously she parted the fur along one of the bolts, the skin underneath the same dark red as the fur that grew there. Her finger trailed along a tattooed bolt that flowed down his arm across the back of his hand, over his ring finger and ended in a now golden clawtip.


She bit her lip; slowly she lifted up his arm slipping out of his grasp. She propped herself up on her arm, looking at his bare back. She had not realized the extent of the tattooing; she didn't realize how much it had altered his body. She was not even sure if she should call it a tattoo, considering it was inflicted upon him with sorcery. It was larger than his arm, it flowed from his back, originating from his left shoulder blade, running over his shoulder down his arm, it twisted over his shoulder reaching to his neck, as well as running down his back ending on his left thigh.


Cautiously she bent over staring at his back. His shoulder was where he had taken the brunt of the attack, a large swatch of fur was missing, it was an imperfect circle of snow and fire; a large orb of creams, reds and gold from which all the bolts originated. She leaned closer to touch it with exploring fingertips.


Beneath her he moaned. Breath caught in her throat she froze watching his face through his unbound mane. He moved his arm reaching for her. When his fingers did not find their prey he cracked open an eye. A blue eye blazed behind the curtain of crimson and tawny hair.


“No,” he moaned as he groggily searched for the bedsheet.


She placed her hand on his shoulder, “No A... Adrik.”


He blinked looking at her; he shook his head at her and resumed his search.


“No Adrik, don’t,” she ran her hand down his back, “please.”


He stopped moving and looked up at her. “No,” his voice rough from sleep, “no one needs to see it.”


“Please let me look, it's amazing.”


“Amazing,” he snorted, pulling away trying to roll onto his back.


“Yes it is.”


“No it's … it's not.” He growled, she heard his voice waver, his shame his sadness almost tangible.


“But it is, how you got it, why you got it, I don’t understand why you won't let me see.”


He snorted and tried again to roll away.


She stared at him; he was looking up at her through his mane, his back halfway rolled away from her. “You know the significance of the tattoos on Nox's face?” He scowled and nodded. “You know the reason why Kiernan is tattooed, the reasons behind why he has his?”


He growled, “Of course I do they mark important passages, accomplishments.”


“So why do you hide yours?”


“What,” he groused.


She smiled softly, “You might not of asked for it, but it was given to you after you did something amazing. It was etched into your skin out of anger and frustration but it's still something to commemorate. You thwarted their assassination attempt, you managed to not only … bring me back but you shielded both of us from their attack. How many Sith can claim such a thing?”


“Sith,” he muttered, his voice thick. His blue and violet eyes grew damp. “I don't know how I did it. I just did. I couldn't … I couldn't leave you there. I had to bring you back.”


“And I am so glad you did,” she slid up against him, sliding her arm around his back, her fingers running over his fur and bare skin. “It does not change the fact you did the improbable.”


“I don't know how you can stand it,” he muttered. “I look nothing like I did, nothing. My body it's deformed. My eyes are a completely different colour. I don't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror.”


She scooted up, running her fingers through his mane, gently pushing it off his face. “You are not deformed, you are decorated.” She kissed his cheek, “your eyes are beautiful.” She ran her fingers slowly along his neck, “you are incredibly handsome, that has not changed. You are not the same person, so much has happened, I don't think you would be happy to return to that life.” She kissed him again. “You could shave your head again, wear glasses and full durasteel and who would ever know?”


“I think part of you likes it as well, you are just not used to it yet. A new you for your new start in this life, I'm just happy you kept your old mate.” She grinned up at him.


“How could you say that?” he growled. “Without you I would be truly lost.”


She wrapped her arm tighter around him and winked, “flattery will get you everything.”


“It's not flattery, it's the truth. I don't know what I would do without you.”


She smiled running her fingers through his mane as she leaned in to kiss him, “I intend on never letting you find out.”






Prompt is Discoveries. I like this prompt, I think I have used it quite a few times. This is also an older one, I think I found a decent spot to slip it into the story. I think that is one disadvantage to using prompts, I don't think things always fit together as well as they could have if I hadn't decided to use them. It has been a fun process so I am planning on sticking with the prompts the best I can until the story is finished.


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I did it! I finished part 1! 😜


If only I could write instead of reading... But at least I can read. :)


You really got me caught in the story and


I'm looking forward to seeing how Aric will recover from his trauma.


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@ Frauzet

:) I thought that would be a good time to actually show the wedding, the reader didn't have to read it twice and I thought it would mean more at this point in the story since he is trying to remember the missing parts of his life.

I like it too, it can be hard to see something you hate in a positive light. I debated about putting that part in. There is a part of me screaming to cut content since the story is so long right now. I think the quiet parts can be just as important, and I keep telling that inner voice to shut it.



@ Iheaca

Grats on finishing part one. That was quite the marathon session of reading.

How are you enjoying the second part, and how things are unfolding?



Wow, you guys ten thousand views! Thanks so much for sticking with me and reading. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story. Considering the path the story has taken, I have been curious what my lovely readers do think of how things have unfolded.


There is the next chapter for all of you.


Spoilers: Trooper Act I events and npc





Timeline: Month 5





She shifted in her seat, the rigid metal digging into her back. Hands neatly folded into her lap she resisted the urge to tuck her hair behind her ear. It was not messy, she knew each lock was perfectly pinned up into a bun. The air was so still there wasn't even the barest rustling in the leaves above her head. She glanced, again, at the chrono on her wrist.


Thirty minutes late, perhaps this was a bad idea. Frowning she shifted again, the park bench was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Sighing she looked out over the flowers. Maybe she should leave; she didn't actually have an appointment. She had been hopeful she would be able to catch the General on the way into her offices.


She was so torn, conflicted as to what to do. The mysterious datapad she discovered in Aric's apartment had warned her not to contact the General, instead it had asked her to talk to Internal Investigations. After reading the datapad's contents she knew it should be handled through the proper military channels. Now there was a twist she could have never foreseen, she had discovered who he was married too.


She didn't know how to proceed. The information on the datapad was horrible, outlining a blatant longstanding abuse of power. The only problem, Aric was missing, she didn't know how far things would go without him, especially if Investigations learned who his spouse is.


Dorne had the idea to talk to General Garza. Perhaps the general would be able to bring charges against the squad's Commanding Officer. Dorne shook her head, then again it could be buried, as close as the Major and the General seemed to be. The datapad might disappear and all proof would vanish along, especially now that Aric was gone.


A slight breeze blew through the air, welcome and cooling. She looked up in the direction of the gentle breeze. A slight smile played along her lips, there walking towards the Senate Tower, was the General. She watched as she drew closer, as the General emerged around a large planter filled with lilies whose heavily laden crimson blossoms nodded at her approach, another figure came into view. The welcoming smile faded slipping into a slight frown, the person the General was walking with was Major Darksun.


Her heart sank; the decision had been made for her. There was no way to broach the subject with the Major there. Quickly she scanned the Gardens, perhaps they hadn’t noticed her yet, she was out of uniform. That hope was squashed moments later when the General nodded a greeting.


“Afternoon, Lieutenant.” The General stepped in front of her. “What brings you here?” Dorne, dropping her hands to her sides, fired off a quick salute, which earned her an eye-roll from her Commanding Officer.


“Afternoon, General, Major.” Dorne looked each woman in the eye as she spoke. “I was enjoying the Gardens, it is such a lovely day.”


“Yes it is, very lovely especially with the flowers in full bloom.”


“Yes Sir, it is quite breathtaking.”


Exchanging a glance with the Major, General Garza nodded. “Enjoy the Gardens, I am afraid we must be going.”


“Yes Sir,” Dorne gave her superiors another salute, one that the General returned, the Major just shook her head.


The two woman moved away heading at a leisurely pace walking deeper into the long shadows cast by the Senate Tower.


She watched them slowly meander closer to the Tower, with a sigh she turned, nearly running into a large Cathar dressed in red Senatorial robes. “Oh pardon me Sir, I didn’t see you.”


He smiled, “It is quite alright Miss...?”


“Dorne, Lieutenant Dorne, Sir.”


“Ahh, Leuitenant Dorne of the infamous Havoc Squad. I thought I recognized General Garza and Major Darksun.”


Dorne studied the man before her; she did not recognize him. “Yes,” she answered, “they were just here if you are wanting to speak with them, they are headed to the Senate Tower.”


His smile returned, “Actually I would not mind speaking with you if you have a moment.”


Given the General's well-known distrust of the Senate, she hesitated, unsure how to answer.


“I do hope you have the time, I would like to introduce myself to a new member of the squad. I am Senator Krasul, Zorin Krasul. Years ago I was actually rescued by one of your squadmates, a Sergeant Jorgan.


She suppressed the surprise she felt as she looked at the large Cathar, this was the Senator who had invited Aric to dinner, to that awkward dinner. Dorne knew full well the Senator purposefully used the wrong rank as well for Aric, he had been a Captain for nearly a year now. “Ahh yes, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Captain Jorgan has mentioned you.”


“Has he?” The Senator's smile grew his fangs flashing. “And he has received several promotions, that is excellent. Tell me how has he been? I had hoped to speak with him personally,” The Senator made a show of looking over the Gardens. “Though it does not appear he is around.”


Elara bit the inside of her cheek, forcing her face to remain neutral. “I am sorry Senator Krasul, he is currently occupied off planet.”


“Oh that is disappointing. Do you know when you might be back? It is truly important that I speak with him.”


“No,” she shook her head, “I can't disclose that information, I am sorry.”


The Cathar frowned, “I do understand, perhaps you could have him get in touch with me when he is able? I have tried contacting him numerous times but he has not responded to any of my messages.”


Elara kept her eyes up, looking the Senator in the eye. She forced her hands to hang at her sides. “Communication blackouts are not uncommon in this sort of situation. Perhaps you could tell me the message I might be able to assist you.”


The Senator frowned briefly before responding. “Honestly it is a bit personal. I want to make amends for a slightly embarrassing situation I inadvertently placed him in.”


“Ahh, yes the dinner.” Elara clasped her hands behind her back as her eyebrows rose.


The Senator took a half step back, “He told you?”


Elara nodded, “He did.” She continued to watch; silent as the Senator began to fidget.


“How upset was he?” His voice had dropped to a whisper.


Elara continued to stare at the Senator; he dropped his eyes looking at his hands. Finally she spoke. “He was pretty upset, I do not believe he intends to speak with you again.”


The Senator's eyes shot up alarmed. “Could you possibly speak with him? Explain that it was an accident, that we had nothing but the best intentions. I would really like to speak with him.”


“I will pass along your request when I speak to him.”


“Thank you,” The Senator gave he a brisk small bow, “It was a pleasure meeting you Lieutenant Dorne.”


She flashed him a white smile, “It was nice to finally put a face to the name.”


“Enjoy the Gardens, it is a lovely day.” He quietly moved turning away; disappearing into the Gardens.


Elara relaxed her arms as a welcomed sigh passed her lips. That was uncomfortable; she looked over her shoulder towards the covered Senate Plaza Taxi. She really needed to get out of here, find someplace to actually relax; maybe she would head home. Turning towards the taxi she walked past a raised bed filled with lush blue blossoms. Smiling she paused, fingers gently running along the delicate petals. Bending she inhaled the light floral perfume. Straightening, her fingers lingered.


“They really are lovely aren’t they?”


Elara looked up, standing about a meter away, dressed in a dark brown duster was a Mirialan. The tall, willowy woman was draped against the stone bed, twirling a purloined blossom between emerald fingers. She flashed Elara a perfectly white smile partially hidden by the wide brim of her hat.


“They are but you should refrain from picking them,” Elara frowned.


“Meh,” the woman shrugged, “I doubt they will miss just one, they are to lovely to leave behind. They remind me of an old friend’s eyes.” An emerald finger traced a brilliant blue petal's edge coming to rest on the blossoms light violet throat.


Elara shook her head, “Have a good day.” She moved past the lounging Mirialan.


“Don't you agree?”


Elara turned around, “Agree with what?”


“Hmmm apparently not.” the Mirialan peeled herself off the masonry. She sauntered up to Elara still twirling the blossom. “You are Elara Dorne, are you not?”


Elara stared at the unknown woman, “Who are you and why are you asking?”


“I will take that as a yes. I am simply a messenger, sent to give you this.” She reached inside her duster pulling out a datapad. The blossom disappeared into the shadow of her hat, tucked behind her ear.


Elara looked at the datapad casually held in the Mirialan woman's hand.


“Go on take it, not like it is going to bite,” the Mirialan grinned.


“What is on that datapad?”


“A message to you, trust me you want to read it.”


Elara continued to look at the strange woman and the datapad. The woman cocked her head, “Alright you don’t want it, though I do suppose he will be disappointed when I tell him the message was refused.”


“Wait, he? Who is that message from?”


The Mirialan's free hand disappeared into her duster's pocket; it reappeared holding a small oval disk between two fingers. Her hand turned over as she offered the disk to Elara in her outstretched fingers. Elara took the very familiar piece of metal, her stomach flipped as she turned the disk over, her breath catching in her throat as she read the embossed name. Captain Aric Jorgan. Elara looked up, she watched as the Mirialan was strolling away.


“Wait!” Elara called out after her.


The woman stopped, her duster moving as she looked back at Elara over her shoulder. “By our favorite flowers.”


Elara looked down, resting besides the flowers was the datapad. She reached down retrieving it; gently she brushed off the dark dirt. She looked back at the Mirialan. “When did you see Aric, is he okay?”


The woman flashed another white smile, “'fraid I can't answer that he did seem to be okay though.” She tipped her hat and sauntered off.


Elara clutched the datapad and metal dogtag to her chest. Quickly she glanced around; thankfully the Gardens were momentarily empty. Slipping the dogtag into her pocket she briskly started walking to the taxi, she needed to get home.





Prompt That's awkward and a bit of Discovery


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@ Iheaca

Grats on finishing part one. That was quite the marathon session of reading.

How are you enjoying the second part, and how things are unfolding?


So far so good, you keep me curious. ;) I am chapter 27, I have slowed down a bit now that I have less time for reading and can write again a little. But I'll be finishing the available chapters in no time and then I will have to wait like everyone else. :p


Edited by Iheaca
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