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Irrepareable Damage


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I was going to post this tomorrow, then I remembered that they are putting through the patch :/ Hope everyone weathers the servers' merge okay.


Spoilers: Same as previous post




Year 3636 immediately following




A quiet knocking echoed through the room, drawing him out of slumber. Cracking open an eye he looked to the door. Again the knocking sounded. He looked to the sleeping woman next to him, she appeared to not have moved since she lay against him. He didn’t want to wake her but she was completely entangled with him, her arm draped over his chest, her legs woven though his, head resting in the crook of his arm, his arm was wrapped around her.


Knocking again filled the room, muffled, polite. Whoever was on the other side of that door was patient and persistent. Sighing he rubbed her back with his arm, leaning over he nuzzled her forehead. “Kit, someone is at the door.” She grumbled into his chest, he barely made out go away. He cringed as the knocking returned. She picked her head up, eyes barely cracked.


The door swung open causing him to jump. She chuckled from the depths of his chest, “Dangers of sleeping with a Force user.”


“Could of warned me,” he muttered. He turned to the visitors, one male the other female.


The female gave a respectful bow, “Sorry to disturb you my Lord, but I have the information you have requested.”


“Oh,” she moved next to him, “a moment please, Agent.” She gestured with her hand to the small table near the door, in the kitchen area.


“Yes my Lord,” the woman nodded again as she entered the room and took her seat. She looked to the tall thin man standing outside the door. He smiled and closed the door, standing outside in the hallway. Aric stared at the woman as she sat at the table, she was lovely, tall, muscular, she moved with a lethal grace and possessed an air of authority. He could not place her species though, she possessed midnight blue hair neatly parted that skimmed her shoulders, her skin was the bluest of blues, and her eyes burned brightly as she returned his stare, her pupil-less red eyes missing nothing.


Kit had slipped out of the bed and was currently walking back out of the refresher, dressed in black. She paused at the bed to hand him his shirt before sitting next to the woman at the table. “Agent,” she smiled warmly, “you have what I requested then?”


“I do my Lord, it appears your intel was spot on if not disturbing.”


“May I see it?”


“Of course,” the blue skinned woman handed a datapad to Kit.


Chiss the word jumped to his tongue, the woman was Chiss, he had never actually seen one up close before.


Kit reviewed the data on the pad humming her approval. “This will do nicely if he agrees. Oh, but first please have these ran, I would like a complete readout at your leisure.” She gestured across the room and the two dataspikes floated across the room to her hand. He unconsciously jumped again as he watched their flight.


The Agent half smiled, “He’s not completely used to being around you is he?”


Kit shook her head, smiling. Handing the dataspikes to the Chiss, she tapped one of them, “These are in Sith, it’s how I was able to manage to download the information. I don’t know how detailed the database is on the language, if you require assistance contact me. I will help you myself or send you to Great Grandfather, he would love to assist with something of this nature.”


“Thank you my Lord, I will only bother you if it is necessary,” the Agent secreted them away within her vest.


“Have you told him?” The Agent leaned forward her hands folded on the table.


Kit shook her head, “Not yet, he has been recovering.”


“Told him what?” Aric asked from the bed.


Kit turned to look at him and gestured to her side. “Please join us we have something to discuss.”


Discuss? What exactly was going on, he pulled the shirt over his head and cautiously made his way to the table, pausing every couple of steps to keep his bearing.


“Please sit,” the Agent motioned to the table. Leary he looked to Kit, she nodded her agreement. Claws sinking into the thick wooden tabletop he sank into the chair. The Agent watched his claws dig into the surface. “Our Lord correctly determined the reason why she found you alone stranded deep in the heart of the Nightmare Lands.”


He stared at her confused, “Alone, I had someone with me, I remember someone but they… I lost them.”


“No,” the Agent said gently, “they left you.”


He looked to Kit, “What is she talking about?”


Kit reached out laying her hand on his. “It’s the truth. When I found you, you were almost to the half sunken ship. Your gear was missing, you were raving on about a ghost, mumbling what I thought was Sith. You were bloody, covered in scratches, cuts and filth.”


He started shaking, “It was real … it touched me, disintegrated my armor, it … hurt me.”


“It can’t do it again, when I went back I found him and he has been destroyed, I finished your mission sinking his ship.”


“But she is speaking the truth,” the Agent quietly spoke, “you were sent in there alone. You were supposed to die in there.”


“Who sent you in there Aric?” Kit quietly asked.


He stared at Kit, “We were asked by the Voss to find this ancient relic to destroy it, I went in there with the Lieutenant. She was with me, she was. Is she alive? She couldn’t of abandoned me in there, in that place. Where is she?” The Agent and Kit exchanged a look. “What, what happened?” He looked back and forth between them, “What?”


“Aric,” Kit said gently, “they are not on planet. The Space Station’s records indicate that they departed over two weeks ago, from the level of dehydration you had suffered, you had been trapped out there for a least a week, you have been in this room with me for four days. It took me half a day to get you back here.”


He stared at her counting, ten days, two weeks. The Lieutenant pulled out after he lost her; no she lost him. She left him. He remembered looking for her and then the voices started chasing him, he ran forgetting about her.

The room started to spin; he clenched his eyes shut, claws again dug into the table. “Why,” he croaked, “why leave me?”


“That we have not been able to determine,” the Agent’s voice. “Did she perhaps know about you and our Lord, her way to end a potentially explosive situation?”


“I don’t think so, we … I… didn’t even realize what we were a ‘we’… We have only seen each other a few times, is that a ‘we’?”


“No,” Kit rubbed his arm, “it’s not a ‘we’.”


“She left me…” he shook; he was left to die in that place and again his Sith pulled him out of danger. The irony that a Sith kept saving his hide was not lost on him. He opened his eyes Kit was leaning close to him rubbing his arm, the Agent’s face unreadable. “What else do you have to tell me? There is more isn’t there?”


“Yes,” the Agent answered, “there is. Considering the circumstances of your retrieval the Republic Army does not know you are alive, I have intercepted communications stating your status as M.I.A. presumed K.I.A. Apparently someone there wishes your demise, and has a complete disregard for a good soldier.”


The Agent shifted backwards in her chair. “I have seen your dossier by the way, impressive.” The Chiss propped her elbows upon the table steepling her long her blue fingers. “You are being offered the chance to remain dead, you give us the green light and I will sign this document into being. It will be forwarded through the proper channels and on to your Republic,” she waved her hand as if shooing a fly. “You will be free to pursue what you wish, where you wish it.”


“As long as I defect to the Empire you mean.” He stared at the Agent.


“No,” Kit spoke, “You are being given a choice, free to go where you wish, I can give this to you. You will not want, I am willing to set you up wherever you wish until you are steady on your feet, once your new identity is in place you can even return to Republic space. They want you dead, I don’t.”


“So on that datapad is my death certificate?”


“Close,” the Agent rotated the datapad toward Aric, its screen visible. “It’s a standard military report stating your demise with a DNA sample and record of personal effects, none will argue it, bodies often disappear out there, eaten by animals or simply vanish. Our Lord recovered your dog tags, that was logged as evidence of your person as well as some fur and blood she found on a scrap of armor.”


He stared at the rough tabletop, eyes locked on the gouges on the surface. His head was spinning. Trying to sort through it all was overwhelming, Kit had never lied to him, he had the distinct feeling she found the truth to amusing. Kit had been helpful and kind. Unlike his Lieutenant, her irrational behavior was so volatile you never knew what was going to set the woman off. Growling he ran his fingers over his head. But what they were offering, the chance to walk away from it all, did he really want to do that? To walk away... he placed his hands on the table, fingers running through the gouge marks.


“But if I walk away, what will keep them safe, keep her from doing it to others in the squad?”


“Nothing,” the Agent leaned back in her chair, glancing at Kit.


“I can’t let her do that, no one deserves that kind of fate.” I would be signing Dorne’s Death Mark, Aric shuddered, I can’t do that to her. I can’t. If I left, it would only be a matter of time before something happened to Elara, and once she was gone their XO would be free to do whatever she wanted, again. “No,” he shook his head looking at Kit, “I can’t.”


Next to him Kit sighed, “I understand.”


Standing Kit'ar gestured to the door, it swung open. The Human man turned to face them, “Our Lord have we reached a decision?” he spoke in a hauntingly choppy way.


“Yes Vector we have. He has declined, he needs to be escorted back to the Republic sector, have Pax-An take him, he knows the story.”


“Of course Our Lord, we will be happy to.”


“Thank you Vector,” she smiled.


Aric stood and looked at Kit questioningly. “You cannot be seen with me, he will take you to your Voss escort, simply say you remember nothing but waking up in the Voss’ care.”


“But I don’t want to leave.”


“You have to, the Mystics foreseen this and will be arriving shortly.”


“The Mystics have arrived,” Vector bowed politely to the two men who arrived outside her door. The Mystics stood shoulder to shoulder, dressed in long white robes, their ornately embroidered cowls covering their heads. Aric was able to make out their obscured faces, the taller of the two blue, his shorter companion red, their orange eyes glittered in the cowl's shadows.


“We have seen, he will be taken back.” The taller Voss spoke, blue skinned. Next to him the red skinned man spoke, “I am Pax-An I will take you.”


“Please,” Kit asked, “use discretion.”


The taller Voss spoke, “none shall ask, your secret is your own.”


Kit stepped close running one hand through his chest fur under his shirt the other along his neck. “Please,” she whispered, “be careful, I might not be there next time.” Wrapping his arms around her he leaned down kissing her. “Your tags,” she ran her hand up to his neck, “where are they?”


He gestured with his head, “on the table.”


“But you need them.”


“No,” he shook his head, “I don’t. Keep them, give them back the next time you bail my butt out.” He stared into those green eyes, “and keep your temper under control I like green the best.” She frowned. He kissed her again, harder, biting her lip; she leaned into him. He growled as he wrapped his arms around her tighter.


A throat cleared behind him, “it is time to go.”


With a grumble he dropped his arms and broke his kiss. Frowning he looked to the two Voss, they stood patiently waiting as if all of this had been scripted and they were waiting for it to play out. He looked back at Kit, he ran his hand along her cheek, with a quiet sigh he turned to leave, following the Voss out of the room.


As they passed Vector stepped in, the door quietly closing behind him, as he descended the stairs he heard them. “We see how much you like him, your auras are … intoxicating, why did you let him go?”


Her sigh drifted after him, “Because of how much I do, does not matter, the chances of seeing him again are slim. Please make sure that accursed Republic knows he still breathes.”


The man’s muffled response was lost to him, head down Aric sighed and followed the Voss out into the bright morning.





Prompts for this one were loyalty and betrayal.

Also I forgot to mention it last week, but I kinda moved the location for the ship. Sorry about that. So if any of you all were wondering, yes I moved it, and it was intentional :) It made more sense to me to have the ship in the Nightmare Lands.


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Happy Saturday! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I discovered yesterday that my horse is not a fan of long guns. Let's just say the nice walk to cool her out after a training session did not go as planned...


Hope everyone had minimal problems with the lovely mergers.


Here is the next chapter enjoy,



It is a mild one, use of an Agent Story NPC from Voss







Year 3636 two days after proceeding prompt




Fingers drumming an angry staccato on the gnarled tabletop he stared through the wall. This was the most insane irritating place to be trapped in; every attempt to gather any information about where she might be was met with resistance. 'You are not to be seen together', kept bouncing around in his head. Snarling he realized his fingertips were playing the syllables of the damned sentence. Claws dug into the wood, drawing more disapproving stares from his host.


Rising to his feet he relinquished the gouged surface, feeling no remorse as he glanced at the deeply scared and marred surface, every mark placed there by his own claws. Growling he scowled at the empty room, the secluded room deep in the Republic’s quadrant in the city, sequestered in the rear of the diplomatic building, his impromptu prison. Slamming his chair against the table he resumed pacing, his booted feet following a worn path on the rug, created after many hours of frustration.


Someone around here had to be able to give him some information, but he was greeted with resistance at every turn. She had to still be here, he knew it as well as he knew his own name she was here, somewhere. He couldn’t ask any of his fellow Republic soldiers... uh yeah that would land him into extremely hot water, all the damn indigenous humanoids would tell him is that 'he could not be seen with her'. He couldn’t even find her how could he possibly be seen with her? He had returned to her room above the cantina, it had been spotless, the ozone stale, the herbs lingering on the air were faint, her scent had faded. The bed turned down waiting for an inhabitant who was not returning, the hearth clean and cold, the curtains drawn, the windows closed; it was as if she just disappeared.


He could not be seen with her. He stopped pacing, foot partially lifted as the idea stuck him. It was so obvious why had he not seen it sooner, he had spent two cursed days in this secluded room. She knew someone who could make things disappear, the Chiss. Slowly his foot sank into the rug. If he found the Chiss he would find her. She was an Agent, so it would be a safe bet to start looking in neutral territory first. It would be a more effective place to monitor the populace, easier to move around in. The running catalog of her flashed through his mind, but all the details were physical. He had not seen the Chiss she was rather distinctive. Damn it, he needed some way to track her and he could not remember any details of her personal scent.


Scent. That Human had possessed a distinctive yet unplaceable scent, an earthy musky cologne mixed with the clean refreshing bright scent of a foreign soap, running through it all was an undercurrent he could not place, it was something chitinous or chrysalis-like. He forced his lips to still stifling the grin that wanted to break free; such an unusual scent would be trackable.


The Human across the room looked up staring at him. “Where are you going?” His nasally voice grating against his frayed nerves.


“For a walk,” Aric growled in response, heading for the room’s exit.


“Whatever,” the Human muttered after him, “you can go scowl at someone else for a while.”




He had managed to pick up on a slight teasing trace of the Human's scent after he crossed into the neutral section of Voss-Ka, it had drifted around the Market Place, disappearing suddenly only to reappear a few stalls down. Swallowing a growl frustration he kept at it. Following the coying trail as it slipped through the air; a pattern finally emerged, he had been visiting various vendors, apparently he had been out picking up lunch. Aric’s step quickened when the trail grew stronger, he had passed this way recently. Eyes closed he inhaled; ignoring everything but the elusive trail he had been following. He had headed over the bridge towards the cantina.


His feet made an abrupt left heading up through an unexplored section of the city. He slowed taking in his surroundings, he was in the residential area, private homes dotted the lane he tread upon. Quiet storefronts and manicured parks were interspersed among the dwellings. Voss could actually conclude any and all business they needed without ever having to leave this area, without ever having to contend with any outsiders. He was intruding, trespassing, he really should not be here.


In his discomfort he had almost missed the Human's scent disappearing. He pulled up short, in front of him was a small establishment; it appeared to be a teahouse of sorts. Mentally kicking himself he shook his head, it made perfect sense, Imperial's loved their tea and the two-story building looked large enough to house rooms on the second floor. Filling his lungs with a huge breath of air, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.


The warm welcoming scent of fresh brewed tea greeted him; the entire spacious room smelled of tea and warmed spices. Bright rugs covered the floor, heavy but inviting couches begged to be sat in, reclined upon, as one drank their tea. Neat tidy rows of dried teas in glass jars dominated one wall, a long glass covered display case showcased the mouthwatering pastries, cakes and cookies he smelled upon entering. Semi secluded tables and chairs were arranged along the opposite wall, offering just enough privacy if it was desired. Sitting at one of these tables were the beings he was looking for.


Face neutral, exerting a massive controlling effort to keep his temper in check he walked up to the table. Sitting with their backs to the wall, were the Agent, her Human companion and an unknown Voss male, his skin was blue marked with distinctive red and gold markings.


“We have a visitor,” the Human, Vector if he remembered properly, smiled up at him.


Surprise flashed across the Chiss' face before smoothing into a welcoming mask. Next to her the Voss spoke, his slightly metallic tenor quiet as if to set the tone. “Welcome to my teahouse I am Phi-ton. I have a large assortment of fine teas would you like my assistance in picking one out?”


“No,” Aric shook his head, his voice a controlled rumble. “I am not here looking for tea.” He locked his gaze upon the fiery eyes of the Chiss Agent. “Where is she?”


The smile never wavered from the Agent's lips but her tone was freezing, “You are not to be seen with her.”


Aric snarled, his anger pushing through his self-control. “I will not be taking her hand and skipping with her through the Imperial District. I want to speak with her, where is she.”


Her muscles coiled; her hand slipping down her leg unseen. That ever present fake grin still dancing in the corners of her mouth. Aric growled his control slipping with each passing breath. The Agent's hand stilled the quiet click of a safety being disengaged echoed in his ears. “You are not to be seen with her, you should have taken the offer.”


“No,” he snarled, claws extending, “I don't need a bloody offer to see her, where is she? I know she is here, I know it. IF she were gone your smug smile would of happily gloated over the fact she is no longer on this planet. Where. Is. She.”


Next to her Vector moved, placing a gentle hand upon her arm. “Agent. He is right.”


The smiling facade slipped away replaced with a frowning scowl. A twitch of her arm and click repeated, the blaster's safety sliding home.


The Human stared up at him, through him, as though seeing something no one else could. The movement sent a shiver shooting through him; he locked eyes on the Human's face. Swallowing a sharp intake of air he stared at the man, finally noticing him. He had been too distracted by his scent too truly look at him. The man was pale, his pitch black hair neatly slicked back from his face, but if you asked him what his actual face looked like Aric could not tell you, he was mesmerized by the man's solid black eyes. What manner of Human was this man?


“Our Lord is currently out of the city; we believe her to be at her favorite haunt, an ancient ruin at the base of the mountain. If you have a datapad we would be happy to upload the coordinates.”


Nodding Aric grabbed his datapad, handing it over with slightly shaking hands, there was something alien and unnerving about the man in front of him. Deft calloused fingers flickered the screen to life. Hands like that were used to hand to hand combat; quickly he looked the Human over. Propped up next to him within a second's reach was a collapsible electrostaff crafted out of an unfamiliar material, its design equally foreign. The shiver returned forming ice down his back, he had been so focused on finding her he had forgotten just who he was dealing with. These were not a couple of innocent civilians, the two sitting before him were trained Imperial Agents and he had made a massive mistake, his singular focus on the Chiss had blinded him to the deadly man sitting to her right. He knew better than to discount anyone, to charge into a situation without a proper plan and he had done just that. Thankfully this time the quiet one, the one you should never forget for they are often the most lethal had decided to help him, though he had no reason too.


“There,” Vector handed the datapad back to him, “we would hurry. Our Lord is prone to hunting in the afternoon. Missing her would be most unfortunate.”


Aric nodded and managed to mumble out a thank you to the man. As he left a quiet heated exchange drifted to him. “What are you doing!” the Chiss hissed.


“Agent,” Vector replied, his voice even, Aric had never heard the man's tone change, it was always even; hauntingly melodic. “We remember how you hated it when others tried to dictate the path your life was to take. Withholding her from him is no different.”




She was kneeling in the middle of the archaic ruin, her back to him as he approached. His footsteps slowed unsure how to proceed. Only her head moved, the ebony cowl turning to the side as she looked at him, her green eyes shining in the dark depths of her hood, her face totally emotionless. There was no welcoming smile, no quick grin. Something was wrong. He stood there waiting for her to break the silence.


“Why are you here?” Her voice was flat. Yes there was something definitely wrong.


Nervously he shifted his weight to his other foot, as if that would do something to relieve the tension he felt building in the air. “I wanted to speak with you.”


“What about? We are not supposed to be seen together.” Her words were so cold they chilled him. What had happened in these past two days?


“About what happened, to thank you for saving me from that place.”


She merely grunted in response.


What was going on? Taking a deep breath he plunged ahead. With more confidence than he felt he walked up to her and knelt. “Kit'ar I want to talk to you, I need to talk to you. I don't care what the Voss say. Besides,” he smiled, “we are not in Voss so there is no one to see us together. We are in an old ruin at the base of a mountain. No one to watch us but the birds.”


“You should respect what their Mystics say, I know firsthand how accurate they are.”


“Well what did they say exactly? All I have been told is that we cannot be seen together, which makes logical sense, that would create a lot more attention than either of us want. Would probably create a political nightmare for the Voss too, the wayward trooper and the sweet Sith holding hands and walking through the Market.”


“They,” her voice cracked a little, “they only said we could not been seen together, they would not elaborate on the rest. Sometimes the lack of an elaboration implies worse news that can be avoided by following what they do tell you. Even if they would tell me the complete vision, they are right. We should not be seen together, really what are we doing? Something like this is not going to work out. You can't have everything.” Her voice softened cracking again.


“Does that mean you were trying to think of how we are going to be spending the holidays together? That is a bit sudden but I'm sure we can work something out, there are a variety of actual neutral planets in this big wide galaxy.” He chuckled trying to thin the tension.


“I just wanted to thank you properly for hauling me out of that place. What you did was amazing, I have never had anyone purposely put themselves back into danger like that for me, for someone they barely know. To go back in there and confront that thing, I don't even know where to begin.”


“It was the right thing to do,” her voice quivered, her hooded head turned away denying him her face.


“That’s why I’m so thankful, to run across you on this planet. I would love to be able to spend my last days here with you. We don't have to be seen, I would much prefer staying in your rooms than having to be sequestered away from everyone in the diplomatic building.”


She moved with such speed he didn't see her, she crashed into his chest knocking him backwards as she crumpled into his lap. Wrapping his arms around her he buried his head into the crook of her neck. She tilted her head back, a cautious smile on her lips. “I was going to go hunting, would you want to accompany me?”


He patted the sidearm strapped to his thigh, “I would love to, we would have to be stealthy though, I have heard no one can see us together.” A huge grin appeared on her lips, pearly white teeth flashing, it was the most beautiful thing he had seen and he was determined to keep it there.





Prompt was Hide and Seek/Behind the Scenes


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I almost forgot today was Wednesday. :o

Sorry about that. I hope people are still reading an enjoying.



SW end game title








Year 3636 couple days after preceding chapter




Languidly Aric stretched, extremely careful not to disturb her. He had awoken some time ago, when the pesky morning light made its appearance, filtering through the drawn curtains. He didn't want to wake her; today was the day he had to leave, the day the Lieutenant was supposed to be docking over the planet to come collect him. He wanted to spend every available second remaining here, with her, in this room.


He grinned as he took in the dimly lit room. The bed coverings lay in disheveled heaps where they had fallen days ago, when they were shoved off the bed and promptly forgotten. His clothes were still in their tangled lump on the floor intermingled with her clothing, armor and saber. All datapads and holocommmunicators were deactivated sitting in a pile on the far table. She lay on her stomach, her head resting on his chest, right arm dr.a.ped across his stomach, right leg hooked through his legs. Aric had idly been playing with her hair since he woke, committing every detail about her to memory, her creamy porcelain skin, the intriguing subtle ridges on her back, the two at the base of her neck, then a trio on her lower back right above her sacrum nestled between two very adorable dimples. He slid his arm across those lower ridges, memorizing their unique texture as his fingers gently ran over them.


Sighing he relaxed into the pillows, the contented rumbling in his chest deepening. They had barely managed to leave the bed. No he thought to himself, that's not entirely true. A feral grin settled onto his lips, they had left the bed, only to become distracted by the floor, the chair, the table and the phrase 'using the 'fresher' will forever hold a different meaning for him. In truth he had barely been able to keep his hands off of her.


When the full realization of what she had done for him had completely sunk in, it had driven him to find her. When he realized the scope of her action it had floored him. She had rescued him, nursed him back to health; somehow she had helped him claw his way back to sanity. She had pulled him out of the comatose, nightmare ridden fog he had been trapped in. She had done all these things for a near stranger, an evening’s entertaining fling. She had done these things and never asked for anything, she never issued any demands, she never imposed her will upon him taking what she wanted. She had stayed to insure his safe retrieval. He had overhead a heated argument between her and her Agent, she was needed elsewhere but she refused to leave until he was back on his ship.


This knowledge spurred another realization that he would never ever tell her the extent of his mistreatment at his Commanding Officer's hands. Ever. It was too humiliating; his X.O. viewed him as nothing more than a resource, a thing to be used. Using him as a research subject wasn't the worst thing she had ever done. The woman was smart, she had a medical background, she just preferred to use her knowledge to hurt people not heal them.


Plus the General loved her; she was perfect in the General's eyes following every order to the letter unless he somehow intervened. He on the other hand was in so much hot water; he had heard rumors of his pending court marshal if the squad did not start getting results. The General still believed he played a hand in the defection. The deep contented rumble dropped off mid breath as he struggled to repress the unwanted tram of though. He didn't want to think about them while he was here with Kit'ar. He only wanted to be with Kit.


Taking a deep breath he forced the thoughts out of his mind, taking comfort in the fact she was wrong. His X.O. was so very wrong. Someone did like him, for him. She liked him very much. He had done everything in his power to match her enthusiasm to prove to her that he was good enough to be in her bed; that he wasn't worthless. It had worked, she liked him, a lot, her actions had proved that. Kit didn't know what had happened to him and she never would, he refused to let her find out how weak he had been, how he had been utterly used.


She was his happy moment and he was going to cling to it and keep it safe, he doubted he was going to see her after today, but he would always remember this. Never in his life had he followed such an impulsive move, to follow her back to her room, and he was so happy he did. Her flirting had been so obvious, her interest in him flattering. He could not even call her a bad guy, not anymore. He tightened his arm around her waist possessively pulling her closer to him.


“Is everything alright?” Her voice startled him.


He glanced down at her, she was peering up at him eyebrows arched in concern.


“Yes...” His voice cracked swallowing he tried again. “Yes I am alright.”


“Are you sure? I felt you tense up, then that rumbling stopped and I felt anger and sadness. What's the matter Aric?” Her forehead furrowed as she studied his face.


Oh frack, he thought, of course she did, she's a Force user. He wrapped his other arm around her hugging her tightly. “I don't want to leave, after I leave here today I have no idea when I will see you again.” A good answer, not the truth, not the reason why he was upset but a truth nonetheless.


She studied him for a moment before responding. “You want to see me again?” She sounded so surprised.


“Yes, I can't even think of how I could. Its not like I can swing past your place to pick you up for a date.” He sighed. “I don't want to even think what would happen to me if my superiors found out.”


Her smile faded a moment as she frowned, “'My superiors...'” A heartbeat later it was back, “well let me take care of that, I have a lot of resources at my disposal, but there is something you should know. If you honestly want things to continue.”


It was his turn to frown, “What are you talking about? Are you married?”


“No,” she shook her head, “that ended years ago, I was not lying when I said was not in a committed relationship, I am free to do as I wish.”


“Then what is it?”


“My superior, he would not care what I did with you, he would probably find it amusing.”


“He?” Aric looked at her puzzled, “I thought all Sith had to report to a council or something. Is it your Master?”


“You are right Sith have to answer to the Council, my Master has joined the Void. I struck him down in front of the Dark Council and now control his Council seat.”


Aric stared at the woman in his arms; he had been with a member of the Dark Council. He had spent almost four weeks with a Council member. No wonder the Agent had been so frustrated with her, why Kit had been able to postpone everything and just stay here, why she was so well connected. He realized he was shaking as he fought to reconcile what he had just been told with the woman before him.


Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes, this information had not physically changed her, it did not erase the time they had spent together. It did not negate her saving his life, twice. He inhaled deeply; she still smelled the same, ozone and herbs mingled with his musky scent. Their scents had been intermingled for weeks now. Slowly he ran his fingers along her bare skin, she felt the same, she was the same.


Slowly he opened his eyes, greeted by her green concerned ones. Taking a steadying breath he spoke, “So you are a Darth.”


She answered with a quiet nod, her voice low when she spoke. “I am and I don't answer to the Council, they are not my peers they are beneath me, I answer only to one person.”


He stared at her, his mind kept returning to the same conclusion but it couldn't be right, could it? “The Emperor?” he whispered.


She nodded, “Yes the Emperor, I am called the Emperor's Wrath. I didn't think it wise to tell my cousin. I also never dreamed any of this would of actually happened between us. If I had, I would have told you who I was long before now, I just couldn't... I can't let anything else happen between us without you knowing. If you want nothing else to do with me I will understand.”


Aric stared at her speechless. She moved in his arms, breaking his hold on her, moving away from him. He moved, his body knew what he wanted, even though his brain still struggled to absorb everything. He sat up in the bed re-wrapping his arms around her. She was Sith, did it honestly matter if she was a simple Sith Lord or fancy titled Darth with political clout? A Sith, was a Sith, was a Sith right? It didn't make a difference, he had accepted what she was even if he wasn't thrilled about it. She was not so much as blinking over the fact he was a Republic soldier in a Special Forces squad. Things were complicated; they were going to become very complicated if they saw each other again outside this room.


She moved on the bed slipping into his lap, her arms wrapping around him. “So,” she whispered, “does this mean you still want to see me again?”


He nodded into her neck, his voice shook when he answered her. “Yes.”


“Don't be scared, we will just have to be careful.”


Again he nodded into her neck, tightening his grip on her. All the possible ramifications of being caught with a Sith for a lover ricocheted through his head; he was absolutely terrified.


Her fingers ran through his back fur, “It's all right. No one knows it’s okay. The holocom, it's secure we can use that, just send a simple text. I will contact you when I have worked out a location to meet, it might take a couple weeks but I can do it.”


“Hey,” she leaned backwards slightly, ducking her head to look up into his eyes. “It will be alright.”


Aric stared into her face searching, she was so confident but her brow was furrowed in concern. Swallowing hard he allowed himself to trust her, completely. Twice now she had held his life in her hands, he had no reason to not believe that she would not continue to treasure and protect it. She had even offered him a new life, one with no strings attached.


With a shaky exhale he leaned in kissing her. Gently he pushed her back onto the mattress. Learning her title and position had not changed anything, he still liked her, the feeling was just as strong now as it was when he woke this morning. Now he had the promise of more time with her, the tentative future of a tomorrow. He grabbed onto that promise trusting her to make it happen, now he was going to make the most of the few precious hours remaining to them.




Prompt on this one was confessions.

It is another one I am not to thrilled with, I have decided that if I rewrite all the ones I did back in '13, I will never finish posting the story. And.. I would like to think a couple of you all would like to know what happens.


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It has been one hell of a cruddy day. Hope everyone else's was better than mine.

This one is long, just as a warning.


pub quest on Belsavis as well an npc's in the Imperial base.







Year 3636 three and a half weeks after proceeding prompt.




Oh what the hell was he doing? He crouched next to the ancient gnarled tree watching the encampment below. Within a good dozen armed and armored Mandos moved about, eating, talking and vastly outnumbering him. This was supposed to be a bunch of disorganized escaped convicts. The Mandos gathering below were neither disorganized nor convicts.


He tapped the com on his helmet, again he was greeted with static. His communications had cut out roughly fifteen minutes ago and ever since he had been sitting here waiting. His attention returned to the Mandos, there seemed to be more of them.... lovely. They appeared to be congregating in the middle of the camp, maybe if they were moving out, he could sneak into the camp, retrieve the sundry list of droid parts Narong requested and get back into friendly territory.


Maybe. But luck had not been on his side lately. He crouched closer to the tree, pressing his body further into the twisted bark, silently cursing the blue and white armor he was wearing. He screamed Republic soldier in this armor, dead Republic soldier if he didn’t come up with a feasible plan soon.


“So, what exactly, are you doing up here?” A woman’s voice cut through the silence. Swallowing a startled yelp he turned to look at the speaker. Oh he was dead, standing before him, hands tucked into her sleeves was a black robe wearing Sith. “Honestly what are you doing, and standing upwind from us all...” She shook her head.


Wait, he stared at her, she sounded so familiar … oh his luck was not that good. What are the odds of actually running into her, on this planet, without her entourage and with his commanding officer out of contact due to the com short?


“Well,” she shifted on her feet, radiating annoyance. Cautiously he inhaled, he could not smell anything, she was strangely scent free.


“Kit'ar?” he ventured.


“Yes,” her annoyed sigh drifted back to him, “who else would it be?”


Maybe his luck was actually turning, maybe. “What are you doing here?”


She shrugged her shoulders sighing, “You first furball.”


“I um, well I was sent here to retrieve droid parts that were taken off damaged warden droids. Intel said they were taken by a bunch of convicts.” He gestured to the group below them, “but those are definitely not convicts.”


Laughter erupted out of the drawn hood. “Really,” she giggled biting it back. “They sent you to retrieve broken droid parts?”


“Yes,” he growled. Her laughter was not making him feel any better about the absurd situation, but his Commander had actually decided to do 'nice things' for the people at Prison, nice things he was stuck finishing.


She brought her hand to her lips to cover a few strangled coughs, “Amazing what people convince you to do for them when you open your mouth to be polite isn't it? Sit tight, droid parts incoming.” She turned, her shoulders shaking from another burst of giggles.


He growled watching her walk away. It wasn't funny.


She silently moved down the grassy slope and into the Mando camp, answering a couple calls with a wave of her hand. She walked up to a large stack of crates; waiting patiently for the large bronze skinned Zabrak who was bent over working, to look up. The Zabrak was huge, well-muscled, thin black tattoos covered the right side of his back. She placed her hand on his shoulder. Aric felt his fists clench as he stared.


The words they exchanged were lost, the distance to great for him to hear. The Zabrak looked up at Aric's position a smile on his lips. “Great,” Aric muttered, someone else was laughing at him. “Well I suppose laughing is better than blaster bolts or a techstaff to the head... maybe by a small margin.”


The Zabrak stood, he dwarfed the Sith, he had to be at least a head taller than Aric. The Zabrak studied Aric leaning into the tree, then lowered his head to talk to the Sith. She nodded in response. Shrugging he walked over to a crate and removed a canvas bag and began to fill it. When he handed it to her he said something, Aric missed it. He realized the man was not speaking Basic. She shrugged accepting the bag and turned to leave.


The Zabrak looked up at his position crossing his arms in front of his bare chest, staring at him, his expression unreadable.


She quickly returned to his tree. “Is this what you need?” She held the bag out to him. Opening it up he glanced inside, it looked like droid parts, a few different ones, bolts, coils, cores, data cards, hopefully whatever Narong wanted.


“Yes,” he nodded, “looks like it. Thank you.”


She stood there arms crossed staring at him. “Is that all? Honestly I thought I taught you better.” She frowned at him.


Sighing, he looked down at the gathered Mando's now all of their attention had been turned to the tree upon the hill. Watching them. The Zabrak was staring the hardest.


Reaching up he unlocked his helmet and removed it. He heard a couple shouted comments erupt down below. Frowning he looked down at the camp, a few of the men were elbowing each other. He growled.


“I'm waiting,” her voice teased. He returned his attention to her. Her porcelain hand slid along his cheek. His eyes closed, he growled as he leaned his cheek into her palm, it had been weeks since she had touched him. He blocked out the distant comments, focusing on her touch. He ran his fingers into her drawn hood.


He frowned her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, he pulled the cowl back with one hand as the other caressed the back of her neck. He tilted his head down capturing her upturned lips. He worried her bottom lip before aggressively kissing her, nipping her lip, her tongue.


She broke away, placing her hand on his chest. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes almost black. He smiled to himself. “So why are you here?” he mumbled into her ear.


“Hunting,” she whispered.


“Hunting? With them?” he jerked his head to the encampment below. He noticed the Zabrak was still staring up at their position. He growled low in his throat, unconsciously pulling her closer.


“Yes,” she nodded, “why do you not like my company.” A small smirk danced in the corner of her mouth.


He shook his head no, his eyes locked on the tall muscular Zabrak, “I don't.”


“Don't be jealous Aric,” she was laughing again.


He pulled his eyes away and focused them on Kit, “I'm not.”


“Un huh, lying to a Force user? Really?” She shook her head. She leaned into him, her lips hovering by his ear, “don't you know it's a terrible thing to assume? That Zabrak, is Kiernen, my son.”


“Your son,” he looked from Kit to the massive man. He stood arms crossed staring, his tattooed brow lifted in amusement. He stared at the young man, really looking at him. His long black hair was braided down his back, his face and upper right arm were tattooed in strong black lines. From the waist down he was fitted in light blue armor, twin blasters rested against his hips, on his belt hung a saber hilt, Aric had thought it was from a defeated Force user but now he was not sure.


She had a son, a huge son, who kept staring at him. He looked back to Kit, dropping his arms, “I should go introduce myself.”


Kit chuckled. “You are brave, but now is not a good time, we are getting ready to leave and I’m not sure how long Jaesa will be able to keep that disappointing family member distracted.” She winked. “You will need to get your electronics replaced in your armor I’m afraid.”


“You knew we were here?”


“We did, Kiernan came across you on your walk here, he disabled the,” she waved her hand at his torso, “stuff when you came within range. You had better get going, before she manages to backtrack her way here.” She kissed him gently on the cheek, before turning to leave.


He watched her walk off down the hill, the awaiting Mandos giving way as she entered the camp. Her son finally moved, bending to pull on a thin undershirt before he hefted his shining chest piece over his head. Kit walked over to her son, helping him pull on the rest of his armor.


Slowly the gathered group began to filter through the back of the camp, disappearing into the brush. They remained at the rear, her son placed his helmet on his head and shouldered two packs before gesturing to the departing Mandos. She nodded, looking back up over her shoulder at Aric before following her son out of the camp.





“Sir, this is a fascinating planet. The extremes in climates are amazing.” Dorne moved behind him, bending to inspect snow that frosted the lush blossoms collecting along the base of a massive tree.


Aric grunted in response. He heard that noise again. Removing his helmet he cocked his head to one side concentrating. He heard voices screaming, then what might be blaster fire. Not uncommon on this rock but in this area it stood out. This patch had been blessedly free of the sounds of combat; only the occasional animal cry marred the silence.


“Sir,” Dorne's questioning voice.


He held up his hand, closing his eyes he listened. There up ahead, he heard it again. It seemed to be moving, heading further away. He looked up at the steep walls that surrounded the warm oasis they tread within; the severe carbonite grey walls enclosed them, preventing the massive glaciers and snow from descending into the valley. He stared listening; again the distant sound reached him, it seemingly moved again. He realized the walls were distorting the sounds, bouncing them, preventing him from discerning their true source.


The snapping hum of a saber filtered to him, surrounded by a flurry of blaster fire. A faint resonating scream drifted to him. The scream sounded distressed. Definitely humanoid in nature, not animal. No. It's not possible, he shook his head as his mind fed him the thought that it was her. The muted hum returned, eerily echoed along the high walls, taunting him.


Shaking he turned to Dorne. He couldn't tell her, but he could not leave her. The whine of distant blaster fire teased his ear. “D... Dorne head back to the base.”


“Sir? Head back?”


“Yes,” he stared at her perplexed expression. “Head back, I... there is something up ahead I need to check out, head back. I will be along momentarily.”


“But Sir, this ….”


“Please Dorne, head back.” The screaming whine bounced through the air, followed by an inhuman roar. His hand dug into his utility belt, he pulled out the holocom. “Use this to call in a shuttle if you are not comfortable walking, I...” A massive banging caused his head to whip around; again screaming filled the air. “I... I have to go,” he placed the com in her hands, slammed his helmet on his head and bolted into the underbrush.


“Sir!” She yelled at his retreating form, “Sir where are you going, what is going on? Jorgan! Jorgan!” her voice echoed as it faded in the distance.


He ran towards the sound, straining to determine the source. He scrambled along the path, constantly moving forward, it was originating from somewhere to the front of him, not to either side. As he ran he heard more shots ring out, they bounced around his head, confusing him. Growling he pushed on, the echoes were growing louder, more distinct, he had to be getting closer.


He heard the hum of a saber; it pulled him up short. Straining he focused on the faint humming. There to the right; he slid into the underbrush. He came to an abrupt halt on top of a sharp cliff wall; about a quarter klick below him were two figures. One dressed in mud streaked blue armor; the other in a ripped black robe, blackened armor flashing underneath. They were worrying a massive mottled grey bipedal monster, its head crowned with huge horns, its huge clawed hands resting on the ground as it roared.


The cyan blue saber flew at the monsters face, grabbing its attention away from the armored figure. Blaster fire erupted; crimson bolts flew bouncing off the monsters neck. It roared shaking the ground, as it swung its massive head towards the man. Again the saber flew, a vibrant blue streak, stealing the beast's attention away from the Mando.


“Oh hell,” Aric muttered. It was them, how they had managed to get up here and apparently separated from the rest of the hunting party he had no idea. He stared watching the fighting, indecision tearing at him. They appeared to have the situation under control. He did not want inadvertently distract them; that beast was massive, standing at least six meters.


The beast suddenly roared and charged Kit'ar. Kiernan screamed launching a spread of crimson blasterfire into its back. The monster ignored it as it built up speed. Kit'ar stared the animal down, crouching waiting for it to draw near. Aric's breath caught in his throat as he watched the beast's massive fists raise up and come crashing down, Kit a black blur as she leapt up into the air launching herself at the beast's horned head.


He watched transfixed as she landed on its back, saber cutting. The beast howled reaching up behind its head to grab her. Ducking away she grabbed onto a massive pointed horn, swinging herself out of its reach. It roared bringing up both arms to grab at her. She jumped away saber slashing, scoring a cut along its left arm. Incensed the beast moved faster than Aric could have imagined, it brought its injured arm up and struck at Kit, missing her body but clipping her leg spinning her off course. Aric yelled fists clenched.


At the sight of her spinning body the Mando holstered his two blasters and grabbed the saber hilt screaming. He charged the beast, crimson blade springing to life. The things massive head turned towards the charging man. It lowered its head roaring; it echoed off the canyon walls.


Kiernan leapt onto its head, grabbing a horn to steady himself. Swinging onto its back he maintained his grip on its horn as his left hand plunged the saber into its neck. Roaring in pain and anger the beast swiped at the young man trying to dislodge him. Ducking its claws, the Mando plunged the saber into its neck again, yelling foreign curses in frustration. Yanking the saber free he hurled himself off the animal and into the clearing, twisting his body as he flew, landing on bent knees. Hurling a bolt of vibrant violet lightening at the beast the Mando snarled and frantically searched the clearing, his head swinging.


Dread clawed at Aric, he realized what the Mando was looking for, he had yet to see Kit'ar after the monster had sent her flying into the trees. Kiernan barked, looking over his shoulder to his right as he hurled another round of lightening at the beast.


There, to the right, he saw her staggering, using a tree for support, limping. She yelled at her son. Aric growled, why in the frack were they not speaking Basic! The Mando shook his head, loosing another round of lightening. Kit'ar yelled again, running to Kiernan's side, her face locked in a grimace.


As if on cue the Mando leapt again at the monster landing on its back as Kit threw her saber, landing a blow across its face. The battered beast howled in frustration, it shifted its massive weight backwards, knocking the man loose. It grabbed the Mando and threw him against the cliff wall at Aric's feet.


He twisted in the air trying to change his trajectory when his back slammed into the rock face. The tremor from the impact shot through Aric's legs knocking him off balance, chunks of rock broke free crashing to the canyon floor. The Mando managed to get his knees under him, scrambling, barely dodging a massive boulder as it impacted driving itself into the vegetation.


Aric frantically searched for a way to the floor, they needed help. His eyes settled on a nearby tree, it's massive branches stretched up before him straining for the sky, almost reaching the top of the stark canyon walls. Ripping off his gloves, he launched himself at the nearest branch. His claws slid along the surface as his feet kicked trying to find purchase. Fingers burning he finally slowed his descent. Climbing on top of a wide sweeping branch he checked his position.


He had managed to half the distance he was still too far away. Below him he heard a primal yell. His head jerked back to the battle. Kit'ar was screaming at the beast, her face contorted. The beast was standing over the staggering form of the blue armored Mando. She reached out her hand throwing it violently up in the air. The beast struggled, roaring, as it was body was picked up. Another gut wrenching yell echoed through the canyon.


Aric watched Kiernan collapse, unmoving, as the Sith threw the massive beast against the canyon wall. The impact shook the entire canyon; rocks dislodged themselves raining down bouncing off the walls. She ran to her fallen son. She knelt next to him, touching him, talking. Looking to the monster's crumpled heap Aric continued his rapid descent down the tree, claws gouging deep tracks into the wood.


Aric hit the ground running, he flew to the kneeling Sith, breathless. “Kit'ar is he okay?” At the sound of his voice she snarled, saber jumping to life as she turned on the Republic soldier. Hands up in front he rapidly backed away, “It's okay it's me, it's me,” the words tumbled out of his mouth. Her eyes glowed orange, unseeing as she advanced on him. “Kit!” He yelled as he yanked off his helmet, “Damn it woman it's me!”


She stopped short staring; slowly recognition flickered in her eyes.


“Kiernan,” she whispered, “he's hurt, badly.”


A massive shuddering rolled through the forest floor. Aric's head snapped to the monster, it had risen to its feet. Aric backed up a couple steps, his estimation was off, it was definitely larger than six meters, it was closer to ten. “Oh frack,” Aric muttered. Next to him Kit'ar cursed. It had to be Mando'a, had to be, he didn't recognize it. Aric grabbed his assault cannon, deactivating the magnets that held it onto his back. Swinging the weapon into position he powered it on, the plasma cells charging.


Kit'ar looked at him and growled, “Entertain that damn thing.”


Then she was gone streaking towards the massive behemoth. Growling under his breath he loosed a round at the staggering beast; a crater blossomed under its feet, throwing vegetation and earth into the air. Its head locked onto him as Aric fired another round at its feet, dirt spraying into the air.


He watched as Kit streaked through the airborne dirt to hurl herself onto its back, her saber swiping across its face as she landed. Aric loosed a round of plasma bolts into its stomach, as she plunged her saber into its back. Aric watched in dismay as the bolts barely registered against the beast's thick hide. The beast roared swinging its arms attempting to catch the Sith, she tucked her legs up managing to dodge out of the way.


Aric let another round fly at the animal, followed by another round of plasma bolts, the orange shots running along its legs. Growling the beast returned its attention to Aric and charged. The ground rumbled at its approach, vibrating and rocking under Aric's feet. Aric twisted to the side, rolling, trying to get out of the animal’s reach. He failed. The beast roared as it picked him up, throwing him towards the cliff face.


Aric felt his body slow as it twisted in its flight. Scrambling to right himself he managed to turn around before his body slammed into the sharp rock face, his unshielded head slamming back into the wall, his vision danced as his teeth slammed together. Sharp rocks pulled at him scratching him, cutting him as he slid down the canyon wall.


His head throbbed filled with a thick hazy fog; there was ringing, all he could hear was ringing, his vision refused to focus, multiple blurry outlines competed with bright starbursts. Dust coated his mouth, his sinuses; as his lungs tried to draw air, blood pooled in his throat trying to escape. Turning his head he coughed up a couple mouthfuls of blood. Pulling his feet and hands under him he attempted to stand. A roaring crash sounded from somewhere nearby.


The crashed echoed in his head, his eyes unable to focus on the source. Desperately he searched for Kit'ar she was here. Somewhere. A saber hissed to life, he saw three dancing outlines before him. He watched as the blurry black figure leapt at the beast; a soul splitting wailing filled the air. Squinting, his vision attempted to focus.


He watched as her leap was intercepted and she was thrown back at his feet. She came to a sliding stop dirt and vegetation flying into the air. She staggered to her feet, listing, pain etched into her face as she favored her injured leg. She pushed herself forward running as the beast charged her. As she closed the gap the behemoth pulled its arm back, swinging. She leapt to avoid its massive claws and failed. They impacted, screaming across her armor as she was thrown back towards Aric.


She bounced along the ground sliding to a stop near him, motionless. Aric crept to her prone body. “Kit, Kit.” He rolled her over onto her back. “Kit,” he bent over her, his eyes watering, blinking he tried to focus, to check her vitals.




His name rang in his ears, leaning over her he pushed her hood off her face. He swallowed a growl, her face was bruised; covered in blood from ragged gashes on her forehead. Orange eyes stared at him, chilling him. “Kit, Kit what is …”


Her blood-spattered cough interpreted him. He watched blood foam on her lips, dripping down her cheek. She grabbed his hand. “Kill it,” she growled. He felt something heavy and metal being pushed into his hand. Her fingers curled his around the cylindrical shape. Confused he looked down; his hand was curled around her saber hilt.


“But I am no Jedi,” he protested.


She laughed, blood dripping further down her porcelain skin. “Neither... am I.”


She held his hand up pointing it away from them. “Dangerous end,” she smiled bloodied teeth flashing. She moved his thumb over the activation switch depressing it. He yelped when the hilt blazed to life in his hand, burning with an intense focused heat, vibrating with its own purpose, the hilt providing no counterweight to the weightless blade. How in the frack was he supposed to use this thing, he barely had any sense at all where the cyan blade ended.


“Sensitive,” she murmured, shifting his thumb away from the switch. She winced gasping for breath as more blood foamed on her lips. Suddenly the blade deactivated in his hand, causing him to jump. A blood speckled laugh pulled his attention back to her. “Aim... soft spot. Head.” A violent coughing fit cut her off.


“But how …”


“Aric,” she growled, “Kill. It.” She gestured to her belt, a blinking red light barely visible through the mud. “Can't … land, it alive.”


The blinking light was a shuttle headed to their location, she needed a shuttle, if that beast tore the shuttle out of the sky everyone was going to die. He nodded. “Kill it, right.” He looked down at the hilt in his hand.


Her hand moved away from his, he felt it brush along his cheek. “You... can.” Her hand pulled his head to her with more force than he thought possible. With a sharp intake of breath she lifted her head off the ground kissing him. Holding his head close she whispered, “Failure is … not,” before she was overwhelmed with a wheezing coughing fit, spattering blood on his cheek.


He stared down at her crumpled bloodied form, at his Sith, his beautiful Sith lying there broken, because of that beast, rage bubbled up through his chest. “An option,” he growled, completing her broken sentence.


Her laughter chilled him it was so dark, her hand dropped away. “Now,” she snarled, her eyes flashing, as more blood trickled down her lips.


Staggering to his feet he willed the blurry world to focus, growling when it solidified into a watery double vision. Shaking his head, he charged the beast. Slowly it rose from the ground, swinging its thick head to stare at him. It was moving slowly, a small flicker of hope rose in his chest, maybe it had been wounded enough he could finish it off.


Pushing himself faster, he ran towards its head, leaping as the beast pulled itself into a standing position. He felt something push him; propel him upwards. He flew against its massive horned head bouncing off the crest of horns. Scrambling he clawed for purchase his claws sinking into a horn.


Something soft she said. All right. He looked down at the beast's armored head growling at the only soft option that presented itself. He jabbed the saber hilt into the beast's eye, it sank in with a stomach-churning, wet smacking, schlop. The beast howled in pain. Aric gritted his teeth as his thumb pressed the button. The saber hissed, the smell of burning flesh assaulted his nose as the beast spasmed, a guttural roar fading as it twitched slumping to the side.


Aric scrambled to yank out the saber, growling as the blue blade hummed in his hand. Under his feet he felt the beast start to topple, he jabbed his thumb against the switch and shoved the hilt into his belt. He could not lose the damn thing now. He pushed himself off of its head as the beast plummeted to the ground. He landed, trying to tuck his shoulder under him to roll. He flipped ending on his back, the breath knocked out of his lungs. Under him the ground groaned as the beast's corpse came to rest.


Grunting he rolled over, forced his arms to move, to push himself onto his knees. The ringing in his ears returned. Shaking his head he tried to locate Kit, his vision blurring blacking out on the edges. He saw a black lump lying nearby. She was close. Everything ached; he pulled himself along the ground.


She had not moved, as he approached her eyes flickered open. “Aric,” she mumbled her voice barely audible.


“Here,” he grunted as he pulled himself next to her. His hand grabbed hers pulling it to his face, pressing it against his cheek. “I killed it, Kit.”


“Yes,” she mumbled, “good.”


He collapsed on the ground, his vision going back.






Voices pulled at him. “That's how you want to reward the person who saved our Lord?” The voice was angry. “I thought you finally managed to learn something.”


“Who cares, its a Republic SpecForce trooper,” the retorting voice was cultured, sounded like a pain in the rear high ranking officer.


“Right, I will let you explain that to her, I’m sure m' Lord will appreciate it,” the first voice rumbled snarling. That voice, Aric cracked open an eye to find his view blocked by his muddy visor. How, he didn't have his helmet on. He rolled his head towards the speaker, his blurry double outline floated in his vision. “Hang on there mate, looking for your com to summon a shuttle.”


His com was gone, Dorne had it. He shook his head.


“What? Where is it?” the looming silhouette asked.


“Gone,” he croaked. “Kit,” he reached up, hand sliding over black and red durasteel. “Is Kit okay?”


“Kit,” the massive man echoed. There was something in his voice.


“Yes,” he answered, “Kit, is she okay, so much blood, covered in it, coughing it up, limping. Is Kit okay? I killed it.”


The man cursed under his breath, “Frack I should have known, she's been so secretive lately. Damn difficult impulsive sneaking....” the voice trailed off. “So she is Kit to you is she,” the man growled.


“Yes,” Aric mumbled, “she is. Bit headstrong and reckless too. Thought she was only difficult with me. Maybe,” he coughed, his body shook. “Maybe you can give me pointers.”


The large man barked laughing, “She's Sith, get used to that. They do what they want when they want.” The looming shadow leaned in closer his voice lower, “who else knows?”


Aric coughed, “The little brunette, Jaesa.”


“Fracking Sith,” the man hissed. “And I have Captain Protocol to deal with too.” The man sighed.


Aric felt his hand being moved the fur parted. He growled when he felt something bite him. “Its a stim, I can't do much more with that damn Captain with me. He does not play well with others.”


Aric's claws scraped against durasteel, he grabbed a hold of the armor. “Kit,” he persisted, “is she okay? Is her son?”


An exasperated sigh left the man's mouth, “Know 'bout him to huh. He will be fine he was knocked unconscious, m' Lord needs to get into a tank asap. She is pretty beat up.” Aric let go of the man, letting his hand fall, he was so tired.


“I have to go, can't let the Captain catch me talking to you. I will think of something, sit tight.” The man stood, his blurry shadow falling over Aric as he lost consciousness.




He woke with a start. His body ached, every muscle hummed with pain. The ringing in his ears drowned out all other sounds. Cracking a bleary eye, his vision swam, at least he only had one of everything. That was an improvement.


Looking around he had no idea how long he had been out. Everyone was gone. There had been a shuttle he had spoken to a man. Kit was okay, they were okay. He needed to get out of here. Body protesting he managed to roll onto his knees and push his way onto his feet.


Blinking he stared at the canyon, there had to be a way out of here that didn't involve climbing. There. To the south it looked like a ramp of some sort. Blindly he staggered up it into the jungle above. He remembered that north there was a Republic base and Dorne should be there. He needed Dorne. Removing his helmet he spit a mouthful of blood on the ground.


He patted his belt searching for water. He should have a flask. His hand settled against the cool metal cylinder of her saber hilt. Pulling it from his belt he froze. Her saber, his heart started to beat faster thumping against his ribs. He couldn't have this, he needed to get it back to her…


Focus, he snarled at himself, just get back to the base. There are droids, take a shuttle to the main prison wing, from there walk south, he had seen the Imperial base once from a distance, he knew roughly where it was. Once there he would just have to figure out how to get it to her. He killed that massive beast surely sneaking into the base would be easy in comparison.


Shaking his head he walked on, one foot in front of the other, forcing himself to go in a straight line. Everything passed in a dizzying blur, walking through the jungle, crossing over the magma flow, convincing the droid to take him back to the prison control center. Somehow he had managed to walk away without anyone seeing him.


Now he was headed south, his head still ringing, his vision blurry everything was swimming. He vaguely remembered a, a something attacking him and its cries as he slaughtered it with the saber. He had to be getting close. He slowed as he neared a steep rock wall, a crimson and white Imperial banner fluttering in the breeze.


Looking around he skirted the base continuing to head south. Slipping into the trees, he climbed rocks managing to get aligned with the second level of the base. He stared at the saber in his hand, willing the blurry image to solidify. Now, how to figure out where she was in there.... he looked up at the base, at the numerous Imperial uniforms, troopers, war droids, and countless liberated prisoners who were lining up passing through a checkpoint of some kind. Yeah this is not the smartest thing he had ever attempted.


A smooth voice startled him out of his planning. “What have we here?”


Hissing he jumped to his feet to stare into the face of an extremely pale grey skinned Human, with grey balding hair. Deep wrinkles etched his face, shadowing his blue eyes. An eyebrow was lifted as he stared at Aric. “Are you lost?”


“No,” Aric growled, his head aching. He just wanted to get this to Kit.


“So, you mean to be here?”


“Yes,” Aric bit.


“So, why are you here?”


Aric growled, “to give this back,” he clenched the saber tighter.


“Oh,” his blue eyes latched onto the saber hilt, “who does that belong to?”


“To Kit, my S..., to Kit, redheaded Sith pretty. Hurt badly but I killed it.” Aric stared at the man, his attire slowly sinking into his hazy brain. The man was a Sith.


The Sith canted his head to the side, “Interesting.” He moved his hand subtly; “You will give the saber to me.”


The Sith's words pulled at him. He growled he was not going to give it to this man. “No,” he snarled, “this goes to Kit. Not to you.”


The Sith smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement. “Hmm, surprising. Rather unexpected too. Very well follow me.” The Sith picked up something black and threw it at him, “You will need this,” he smirked, “and remove that helmet.”


Aric growled but complied, pulling the black cloth over his armor, the oversized robe covering his body. He reached up removing the helmet glaring at the old Sith.


The Sith's eyebrows spiked in surprise. He stared at Aric. “Even more interesting, this is turning into an amusing day.”


“Don't forget the hood,” the Sith smirked. Aric glowered at him, raising it over his head, obscuring his face. The Sith laughed, walking away.


Aric hurried to catch up, he forced himself to walk as upright as possible. He kept the hilt clenched in his fist. Surprisingly no one even looked at them as they walked through the base and into the underground bunker. He kept close to the aged Sith as he led them into the bowels of the base, stopping in front of an ajar door.


“In there,” he gestured through the door.


Aric cautiously entered the room, there lying on the bed was Kit. She had been stripped of her robes and armor; her torso was wrapped in bright white gauze, her body covered in a dark grey blanket. She was so pale, her forehead damp with sweat, her body trembling. “Kit,” he hurried to her bedside.


Her green eyes flickered open, immediately locking onto him. “Aric?” Her voice was a strained whisper. “What are you doing here,” she looked around the room, her eyes finding the aged Sith.


He chuckled, “He insisted my Lord.”


“You,” she stared at the Aged Sith.


He nodded, “I escorted him here, no one knows. Quite a secret you have there.”


She stared at him, face emotionless.


He bowed his head, “My secret as well, my Lord, its a pleasant occurrence to still be able to be surprised.”


She smiled, “You have my thanks Lord Ferrid.” She looked to Aric, “Why are you here, what are you thinking?”


Aric stammered staring at her, “You, you are okay?”


“I will be spending the next few days in the tank on the ship but I will be fine. But you don't look good, you need a medic. Why are you here?” Her hands reached up running over his blood-splattered face.


He laid her saber hilt on her stomach. “I, had to see you, I had to give you this. He,” Aric snarled, “tried to take it away from me.”


“My saber, I didn't realize you still had it.”


“Somebody had to kill that thing,” he grinned. “I killed it,” he made a stabbing motion, “right through the eye. I am just sorry I was not able to return it to you there.”


“Thank you Aric,” she ran her fingers over his cheek. “Don't ever be sorry, I just can't believe you walked in here to give it to me.”


He grinned, “That's it? You know better.”


Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. Shaking her head she pulled him close kissing him. He growled in contentment. “Now you need to get out of here, if anyone sees you...” The hands on his cheeks shook, as a pained whimper escaped her lips. “Kiernan can escort you out, go with him, go, I will call when I’m able.” She gently pushed him away.


He stood frowning down at her. He realized around her neck hung a simple hand-woven gold chain and he smiled. Leaning forward he kissed her again, resting his forehead against hers he whispered, “Please have Jaesa call me, please, so I know what's going on.”


She whispered into his ear, “I will.”


Straightening he turned to look at the aged Sith, standing next to him was the massive Zabrak. His armor cleaned, hands resting on his blasters, helmet hanging on his belt alongside the saber hilt. He smiled and gestured out of the room with his head. Turning on his foot Kiernan left the room.


In the hallway he stared down at Aric, “Pretty brave, pretty stupid, to come in here.”


“Yes,” Aric agreed, “not my best moment. But I had to.”


“Thank you for defeating that beast. It got us unaware, if you had not shown up, don't know how it would have turned out.”


Aric nodded staring ahead.


“I'll be damned,” a deep voice rumbled, “I was just looking for you, we need to grab a shuttle.”


“No need,” Kiernan smiled, he pointed at Aric, “found him already.”


“What?” The man stared. “You're kidding me, how?”


“He walked right in, escorted by Lord Ferrid.” Kiernan was shaking his head, “they all that ballsy?” He jerked his hand in Aric's direction.


“No,” the man replied.


“Thank the Force Pierce, if they were that would be trouble. I'm getting him out of here, help my Buir.”


The man, Pierce, nodded and headed down the hall to Kit's medical room.


“Now,” Kiernan whispered, “just stick close and lets get you out of here.”


The last thing he remembered was walking to an Imperial speeder, Kiernan helping him into the passenger seat.



He woke up in a sterile white room, dimly lit. He heard monitors beeping softly nearby. The ringing in his ears had diminished; it was a mere echo of its previous throbbing. He was lying on a medical bed, torso wrapped in bandages, sensors hooked up to his fingers. Fingers brushed against a warm black blanket.


“Aric,” the voice filtered to him from the darkness. He rolled his head, there propped up in a chair was Dorne.


“Hey,” he smiled. “Where am I?”


She moved out of the chair pausing to read the datascreens by his bed. Nodding to herself she continued to his side laying her hand on his arm. Bending over she touched his forehead fingertips gently brushing the bandages. “You are in the medical facility in the main prison confined to bed rest for the next few days pending a medical release.” She frowned at him. “Why didn't you tell me you heard people in distress, I could of helped Jorgan.”


People in distress, his mind raced, how had she known he was helping her? “How did I get here?”


Her frown deepened, “We were contacted by a Jedi and her mercenary companion, they requested a shuttle. You had heard them fighting and helped. You were injured in the battle against a massive beast. You don't remember any of it?”


He shook his head no.


“They even accompanied the shuttle back to the prison, a really large bronze skinned Zabrak and a petite brunette Jedi. Once you had been stabilized they excused themselves, she stated she had to return to her Master. She left a com asking you to contact her once you woke, so she could express her gratitude.”


He sighed, Jaesa and Kiernan. They had gotten him back here.


“How bad?” he waved his hand over his body.


Dorne touched a datascreen, it flickered to life, her fingers ghosted along its surface pulling up his medical chart as well as images of internal scans. “A massive concussion, with severe scalp lacerations, you had rock imbedded in your head. Ribs five and six as well as ribs six and seven are fractured,” she pointed to a scan of his torso, fingers moving as she spoke. “You have massive contusions along your ribcage and back.”


“You sustained a partial tear to your left rotator cuff, your left shoulder is also sprained, the joint has to be immobilized,” she turned to face him, “you will be leaving that sling on. You have strained tendons in both hands, so no extracting or extending your claws until they heal and you strained the anterior cruciate and posterior cruciate ligaments in your left knee. Your knee needs to remain elevated.” She frowned, “My recommendation to put you in a tank has been denied.”


“What were you doing to sustain injuries of this nature?” She stared at him.


His mind raced; there is no way he was telling her the truth, that he had helped his lover. No one could know about her. His head hurt, he knew there was no way he would remember any complicated lies. He would have to go with the truth, an extremely abbreviated truth. “It, was massive, it picked me up.” Aric groaned, “it threw me against the cliff face.”


Dorne watched him, face unreadable, waiting for him to elaborate. When he didn't she frowned. Aric swallowed, hard. She didn't believe him, her jaw hardened as she stared at him. “Right...” Her fingers tightened over his arm, “I am just happy you are going to be alright, I still don't understand how you managed to strain so many joints and tendons without sustaining any significant tearing.” Dorne stared at him.


He watched her saying nothing, what could he say? The truth was out of the question. Her frown deepened, he heard her take a deep breath, her shoulders relaxed slightly on her exhale. Her frown disappeared replaced with small forced smile. She moved and he felt a biting sting and then a cool burning sensation flowed into his hand. “This will keep the pain at bay, do not get out of this bed. I will be back to check on you in a couple hours to ice those joints.” Her hand touched his arm gently rubbing it, “try to get some sleep Jorgan.”


He nodded his head growing heavy. He sank back into the pillows eyes closing. He sighed as sleep overtook him.





He stared at the ceiling, the white ceiling of the white room. He was so sick of being in here, confined to this bed as his body slowly knit itself back together. Two days ago he had managed to sneak in a com call to Jaesa. Kit was still sedated in the tank. Jaesa was only able to tell him vague details about her injuries; it appeared to be mostly internal damage, bleeding, she had pulled something in her leg, the poison in her system was responding well to treatment.


The call had been so brief, Jaesa was only able to speak for a couple of incredibly fast minutes. She had promised him that she would contact him when her master had woken up and was out of the tank. He wanted more information about what had happened, the frustration at being left in the dark was eating at him.


As well as the frustration of having to sit in this damn white bed in this white room, staring at the white walls. He had a datapad to watch HoloVids on, but you can only watch so many of them before you are ready to lose your mind out of sheer boredom, he reached that point two vids ago. He sighed shifting in the bed; he had to get out of here, the urge to get up, to move, so insistent.


Growling he caved in, what could they do to him anyway, confine him to the bed? Slowly he pushed the blankets off dropping his feet over the side. Reaching up he slid the sling off his left shoulder and down his arm. Wincing he slipped off the grey medical gown and reached for his sleep clothes.


Muscles protested the movement, gritting his teeth he managed slide his injured arm into its sleeve and pull his loose sleep shirt on over his head and heavily bandaged torso. Staring at his pants he debated his plan of attack. Carefully shaking out the folded material, he slowly bent at the waist until he was able to move his aching legs and slip his feet into the waistband. Pulling them on as far as he could he held them up in one hand as he eased himself off the bed onto the floor, leaning against the bed he settled the band around his waist.


Taking shallow breaths he leaned against the bed, getting dressed should not be this hard. Shaking his head he straightened, ignoring the protests of his aching body. Now that he was up where to go? He wanted out of this white room that was for sure, he wondered if he could actually make it outside before anyone stopped him. He probably could, he just had to walk without limping.


Slowly he padded across the room, glancing at the chrono on the wall. The Prison's doctor and Dorne had visited him about an hour ago, so he was going to be visitor free for at least an hour probably two. Outside sounded really nice. Putting his shoulders back he carefully padded out of the room, his claws occasionally scratching the floor as he walked.


The building was quiet as he made his way to the front, no one really looked in his direction. He kept his pace even, doing his best to hide the pain he was in, as he walked. The air became fresher as he walked the corridor. The doors were wide open, the fresh air blowing in on the back of a floral perfumed breeze. Smiling his pace quickened, he hurried through the door and out into the bright sunlight.


He moved out to the right, past the shuttle to the Orbital Station and away from the populated area of the prison control center. Walking he found a quiet area to just sit. Slowly he eased himself onto the grassy ground at the base of a large tree.


He jumped hearing a sound nearby. When his head swiveled to lock onto the source he saw the flash of a black robe. Somehow he was not surprised. She dropped down out of the tree grinning. Kit sat down next to him, her arms wrapping around him, gently holding him. He slipped his arms around her burying his head into her neck. His fingers slid across her back, he realized she was armor-less cautiously he tightened his grip.


They sat there holding each other, his head buried in her neck, her head tucked against his bandaged chest. He had wanted to ask her why no one called him, what exactly happened in the gorge, what that beast was, if she was all right. He tightened his grip; he realized he didn't need to. His questions could wait for another time, she was on the mend, and she would be fine, as would he. She had come because she needed to see him.


Out of the corner of his eye he watched as the crimson smoke grew, he felt penetrating warmth as it flowed over him. It became slightly easier to draw breath, the constant ache in his body lessened, diminished to negligible levels. He smiled into her neck as the smoke dissipated, just a little bit to make him more comfortable but not enough to draw attention, to cause anyone ask questions as to how he had healed so quickly.


He peppered her neck with kisses, she sighed sinking against him. He drew her closer; treasuring the smell of her flooding his senses, the feel of her against him. He didn't know when it had happened but they had become a 'we', that the woman he held in his arms was his. The fact she was a Sith, fading into irrelevance. She was his and at that moment, with his arms wrapped around her, sitting in the sun at the base of the large twisted tree, the breeze gently blowing carrying the floral scents of wildflowers he was incredibly happy.





In case anyone is interested, each part had its own prompt, Turning Points, Discovery, Bad Timing and health with some affection.

On a side note, awhile back I had a gulidie read this one for me, he took issue with the Force-blind rescuing the Sith. I figured it was time Aric did some of the saving. Especially considering the beast Kit and Kiernan were fighting was a Terentatek. A big nasty with poisoned claws and tusks and a huge attachment to the Dark Side of the Force. Hide is virtually impenetrable by Force attacks. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Terentatek


Edited by Kitar
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All right folks, I'm taking a break from cooking a vast array of goodies that will be carted off to the family gathering tomorrow. Some yummy handmade cloverleaf rolls, homemade cranberry sauce, a delish pumpkin pie in a from scratch crust and breakfast casseroles. I am stuck taking them all down in a freaking rental car though :mad: My beautiful brandnew Jeep encountered a suicide bomber Bambi, 8 points of stupid collided with my new SUV and to make matters worse I wasn't able to recover his furry rump so no venison for me. grrrrr:mad:


At least I am not stuck cooking the turkey...


This one is shorter, only a couple pages.


Spoliers: End Game title for Sith Inq, probably not really a spoiler at this point but there ya go.






Year 3636 Month Two, four weeks after proceeding prompt.




Warm fingers moved through his fur, gently scratching the skin underneath. They teased him out of his slumber. The fingers changed their course, gently running along the bandage across his chest. Blinking he opened his eyes. They quickly focused on the pale form sitting over him propped up on one arm.


“Hey I’m up, I’m up,” he knuckle rubbed his eye. Scanning the interior of the tent he frowned, it was still dark out, why had she woken him? “Is there something wrong,” he rasped, his voice thick with sleep.


“No,” she shook her head, “I just wanted to talk to you.” Her fingers continued to play with the thick bandage.


“Oh, I’m sorry,” he yawned, “I didn't meant to fall asleep the painkillers they switched me to do a number on me.”


“Nothing to be sorry about,” she murmured. “How bad are you feeling?”


“I'm getting there, latest diagnosis was only two more weeks on bedrest.” He grinned his white teeth flashing in the darkness. “Apparently they can't figure out how I’m healing so quickly, they are chalking it up to my fantastic Cathar physiology.”


Her laughter filled the air. “I bet you are in no real hurry to correct them are you?”


He felt the tension across his chest suddenly lessen. “Nope. But you have been a very good healer, your bedside manner is excellent.” He felt her shift next to him, her hand grasping his shoulder. Slowly he sat up, propping himself up on his right arm, his left still in a sling. Quickly her fingers unwrapped the bandage.


Her fingers settled against his chest, her hip nestled against his. “I'm not the best healer, Nox showed great promise in it.”


“Who is Nox?”


“She...” Kit looked up at him puzzled, “well she is your fearless leader's sister.”


He shook his head confused, “She has never mentioned any siblings.”


“She also never mentioned me.” Kit's voice dropped, barely audible. Her fingers tightened against his chest. “She has a younger sister. When she realized she would never survive, your captain, decided to flee Imperial

space. She slipped away one evening, sister in tow. No one had any idea what happened, we kept waiting for a ransom demand or a box with a random body part to show up. Nothing. We never received a demand it was as if they were swallowed up by the jungles of Dromund Kaas.”


“About two years later, Father stumbled across Nox, she was on some filthy back water planet whose name he refused to disclose. She had been sold. Your captain had sold her to finance her little escape.”


“She sold her sister...” He wanted to be surprised, he did, but knowing his Lieutenant he wasn't. She viewed everyone as a resource. “What was she trying to escape from?”




“Korriban... what... she, she's Force sensitive? Why...” he stammered.


“She is not strong enough, she would have died on the red sands, its doubtful she would have actually been accepted into the Order. I imagine she has worked tirelessly to hide what connection she does have, though to see her in the military surprised me.”


Kit sighed, “She is nothing but a spineless coward who ran instead of embracing her path in life, embarrassing the family. For her to sell her sister into slavery was a planned slap to the family’s face.”


“Why...” he hesitated not wanting to draw her ire but curious, “I thought Imperials condone slavery.”


“No,” she shook her head, “not all, not our family, Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak. Through victory my chains are broken. Our chains were broken long ago. We can trace our bloodline back to the original Sith.” She held her hand up her pinky and ring fingers tucked to her palm with only two fingers and her thumb extended. “That was a society heavily structured according to castes and it was difficult to change your status but it was done. My ancestors managed to do it.”


Her eyes grew distant, lost in thought. Her voice was soft, “Since then we have striven for the betterment the advancement of the family, that is where our true strength lies. Our power base is strong and deep. Strength encouraged rewarded, weakness weeded out, knowledge amassed, the mysteries of the Force studied and learned, allies supported. A true base of power, not one built upon the shifting foundation of repression and enslavement, that kind of base will one day crack and swallow you whole. But,” she blinked her eyes, refocusing on him, “I doubt you want to hear about all of that.”


He shifted his weight, leaning towards her, slowly he eased his arm out of the sling. He studied her sitting in the darkness of the borrowed tent, he wondered if she knew how vulnerable she looked, her hair tousled, sleep shirt slipping off her shoulder. Reaching out he smoothed her hair tucking it behind her ear, his aching shoulder protesting the movement. Running a clawed fingertip down her cheek he smiled. “Course I do.”


She looked up at him doubtful.


“I do,” he smiled, “tell me as much as you would like. I would tell you about my family but it would be a very short story.” He forced the smile to stay on his lips.


Her brow furrowed, her lips set in a small frown as she instantly picked up on his sadness. “What happened to them?” Her hand left his chest and cradled his cheek.


He sighed, his fake smile cracking, “Dead, or as good as dead, my parents my siblings, they are gone. I wasn't even allowed to go to their burial. My grandfather notified me via halo. I was ten. He came to live with me afterward; he resented every minute of it. When I was accepted into the Academy he washed his hands of me, went back to his life before I inconvenienced him.”


He shook his head dropping it, “I never understood why he hated me, I rebelled, did stupid things but I always got high marks in school, was even excepted into the Academy early. I graduated at the top of my class, he never even responded to my invitation to my graduation. When...” he turned his head away, “when the Temple was sacked I was terrified. Trying to get a straight answer out of anyone in the Order was impossible. Eventually, almost a year later I received a message, it wasn’t even a holo just text, it was from Grandfather, all it said was 'I’m alive get on with your life'.” He clenched his eyes shut. “I know Jedi are not supposed to form attachments but he was always so cold.”



Silence grew, breathing its own life as it settled in the tent. He could hear her shifting next to him. She didn't speak. He felt her fingers run along his neck, his cheek, into his fledgling mane. Turning his head he looked at her, his vision blurry. A thumb brushed against his lashes, removing the moisture.


The silence deepened swallowing them, he was afraid to speak. He watched her as she studied him, her eyes sympathetic as she trailed her fingers through his mane.


The silence stretched beyond them, he heard the nocturnal wildlife carefully moving through the brush avoiding their campsite. A quiet controlled breath, forced the silence to flee, she parted her lips. “You're not alone,” she murmured. Rapidly he blinked, his vision blurring again. She leaned closer, those lips gently kissed each eye before moving to his mouth. None of her customary aggressiveness followed, each kiss was gentle, soft, not subdued but sweet.


Confused he stared at her. She smiled, kissing him again before untying her shirt, letting it slip off of her arms pooling behind her on the ground. Gently she pulled him to her, her hands caressing his fur, mindful of his injuries. Again she kissed him, pulling him with her as she lay back on the pillows. Deftly she maneuvered beneath him, her toes hooking into the waistband of his sleep pants. With an impish grin she slid his pants to his knees. Another gentle kiss as she shifted beneath him, drawing him closer. Those green eyes stared into his, “You have me.”




... *edit* someone forgot to mention the prompt, for those of you who are interested, it was Family.

Made ya look! Not notes really just drive safe and have a good Thanksgiving!


Edited by Kitar
Fixed a typo, added stuff I forgot.
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Alright, You all get two today. They were written to kinda go together.

I will tell the prompts right off the bat too, Chapter 29 is gifts, Chapter 30 is alternative perspective for chapter 29. Hope that makes sense.





Year 3636 few days after proceeding chapter




He glared at the wall chrono, willing it to move faster. Dorne had already come into his medical room and fussed over him. She should be close to retiring for the evening. Soon he would be able to get the hell out of here. Growling at the wall he scowled at the chrono, slowly the number ticked over. He glanced at the door, easing himself off the bed.


Quietly he moved across the room, stepping into the deserted corridor. Stopping at the corridors edge he lifted his head, smelling. The only thing he could smell was Drone's blasted perfume, he swore she had taken a bath in the stuff. Not that is smelled bad, quite the opposite really; light, floral laced with notes of denta and lavender. But when it coated your sinuses and that's all you can smell... he snorted. Glancing around he smelled the air again, nope nothing but her blasted perfume. “Lovely,” he muttered shaking his head, “just lovely.”


He moved down the hall trying to keep his gait steady, his limp hidden just in case Dorne magically appeared, for some unknown reason she had checked up on him earlier than normal this evening. He half expected her to show back up and insist on fussing over him again. If she did, he wanted to be able to play off a short walk around the medical wing.


As he neared the end of the corridor, he encountered not a soul, even the guards were absent which seemed odd to him. Though he was roughly fifteen minutes early slinking out tonight, it was possible they were walking another part of the prison. He quickened his step, knowing an opportunity when he saw one; no guards, no one to report his little stroll.


Moments later he had pushed the heavy exterior door open, grunting as he slipped through the small opening before quickly stepping away letting the door close behind him. Sliding into the dense cover provided by the prisons buildings he stayed in the shadows avoiding the light cast by Belsavis' orbiting celestial bodies.


Quickly he moved, trading the building's cover for the forest's underbrush as the prison faded into the distance. Focused he moved along the nearly hidden game trails, his feet sure, he had, after all, been doing this every night for the last three weeks. The trail deposited him at the base of a sheer rock face about seven meters tall. Smiling he stepped up and grabbed the nearly hidden handhold with his good arm, taking care to tuck his injured arm closer to his chest.


Grunting he pulled himself up, glancing down he double-checked his footholds. Slowly putting his feet into position he eased his weight onto his tender knee, silently cursing to himself when his claws scraped against the rock. Again he pulled himself up to the next set of holds, leaning against the rock as he let go of his only handhold to reach over his head to grab the next.


“Who is that I hear climbing my wall,” she called out.


“Special delivery,” he rumbled. Glancing overhead he saw her edge into view. Her arm extended down towards him, “I heard you get cold at night.”


“My favorite kind, do you deliver galaxy wide or just within so many klicks of the prison?” she giggled as she leaned closer.


He laughed, it rumbled off the rock. Reaching high above him, his fingertips grabbed her hand. He felt her pull as he pushed off with his good leg. Climbing over the edge of the wall he stood leaning against her, she was strong and steady beside him. He slipped his arm around her pulling her close, “Anywhere for you.” he rumbled. His hand reached up pulling her hood back, her hair spilled out.


“Hey …” she started to protest. He slid his left hand up cradling her cheek as he bent to kiss her silencing her complaint. She melted against him. He rumbled low in his throat as he trailed kisses down her neck, her head thrown back her throat exposed. Kiss by kiss he covered that beautiful expanse of porcelain skin. Her fingers fumbled, attacking what material she could find. Frustrated she grabbed his shirt and pulled him away from the ledge and towards the tent.


As they approached the small grey and black camouflaged tent the opening flaps parted on their own. He growled laughing, “You can manage to open the tent with the Force but simple clothing defeats you?”


She let loose an explosive exasperated sigh, pulling him into the tent and onto the pillows and blankets strewn about on the tent's floor. Chuckling he grabbed her as they collapsed into a heap. She propped herself up on her elbow as she blew her bangs out of her face. Rolling her eyes she reached across him. Digging underneath the pillows she pulled out a brightly wrapped box, which she dropped on his chest with an undignified thump.


“What's this?” His eyebrows arched with curiosity.


She just grinned and gestured to the box. “Open it.”


He slid a claw along the brightly coloured seam, ripping the tape. Carefully he rotated the box to open the other side.


“Oh will you just open it already, it’s not a bomb you have to deactivate.”


He made a tsking noise in the back of his throat, “Patience, patience, would not want you falling to the Dark Side or anything.”


Another explosive sigh escaped her lips, as he laughed, watching her face bunch up in frustration.


With another careful slice the paper fell away from the ornately carved wooden box. The box was beautiful; a creamy white in colour, across its surface detailed vines curled and encircled the lid and sides complimenting the woods natural grain. Looking at her he opened it up, sitting inside was a sleek thin datapad and a smaller box. “What is this for?” he touched the box's contents cautiously.


She leaned closer smiling. “Happy birthday.”


His eyes grew large, “How did you even know?”


She shrugged, “I just did some poking around, it was harder than I thought to find but I did it. Here,” she pulled the datapad out of the box. It flickered to life under her fingertips. “There are security measures to keep nosy people out,” she slowly typed the passcode, “it's Kûsk. I have the default password keyboard set to Sith, figured it would be the most secure language to use, since I doubt many on your side of the fence can read it.” Her fingers flew over the screen, pulling up a rather large set of text files. “I loaded it with the philosophies I have on mine, give you something to read for the next few months. I put up a few other random things too but you get to find those on your own.”


“Thank you,” he leaned forward kissing her. “What is in the box?”


“Open it and find out.”


Pulling out the small wooden box he slowly opened it up, inside the contents glittered on a plush black material. He stared at the jewelry, a pair of earrings that resembled a slightly curved Krill shape that flared out before tapering to a sharp point, reminding him of gold claws. Sitting next to the golden pair was a small thin gold slightly bent bar, its ends graced by engraved spheres. He felt his cheeks warm as he stared at the box's contents.


“What's the matter?” she whispered. “Do you not wear anything like that anymore? I noticed you had piercings when you were recuperating in my bed on Voss.” Her voice grew quiet. “You don't.”


“I haven’t since I was accepted into the Academy, it was part of that rebellious youth I was telling you about. I like them though,” he reached out touching the curving arc of an earring.


“You do?” Her voice perked up.


He nodded, “Yes, I will wear them until they force me to take them out, then I will put them back in when I’m off duty.”


“But you are Special Ops why would they make you remove them?”


He frowned, “We have regulations to follow.”


She muttered, “Well that’s stupid, if you are a Spec Force you should really be allowed to look like a civilian, what if you have to blend, nothing screams grunt like uniform appearance.”


“I'd have to agree with you there.”


Cautiously he picked a shining earring up out of the box, it wasn’t very large, it fit easily onto the pad on his finger, maybe thirteen or fourteen millimeters. Grasping it between his thumb and his forefinger he glanced around looking for a reflective surface.


“What is it?”


“Do you have a mirror? I don't think I can put them in without one.”


“No, they really don’t lend themselves well to camping. You want me to do it?” She held her hand out. “I'll be gentle,” she smiled at him.


He nodded handing her the earring. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, not really sure what to expect, it had been about a decade since he had worn anything. Her touch was soft as she deftly slid the jewelry into each lobe. Her fingers on his chest were unexpected; there was a sharp pinching pain, the rich smell of copper hit his senses and then it was over. Looking down he saw a thin blood drop running down his chest from his right n.ipple, the golden barbell glinting in his fur.


“Sorry,” she murmured, “I didn't realize.”


“I had a feeling it was going to happen, though how did you get my shirt unbuttoned?”


She grinned up at him, “Mystery of the Force.”


“Force my foot,” he growled, “so how do they look?”


“Good,” she beamed, “you know I made them.”


“Did you?” He looked at her, brows arched, “what are they made out of?”


“Aurodium,” she grinned.


His eyes grew larger, “What … Kit your kidding right? You have already spent too much on me as it is. I mean you got me new armor and a cannon and now this?”


“Actually a set of armor, a breastplate with matching backplate and the cannon. I had to replace what ended up broken due to my inattentiveness and as for the complete suit; it just would not due to have you running around without any armor at all. You did lose the entire thing in the Nightmare Lands.”


“That's even worse, I have barely known you three months and you have spent way to much on me as it is.”


“Nonsense,” she grinned, “you really have no idea how deep my pockets are. If it makes you feel any better I didn't spend a credit on the armor or the cannon.”


“What? Then how did you replace it?”


She smirked at him, and winked. “Well I do have an expense account, I just found a creative way to write it off.”


He just stared at her in disbelief. “Are you telling me that you just filed paperwork and the Empire footed the bill?”


She just grinned and nodded. He just kept staring at her, he couldn't believe it, well he could... the woman before him seemed to follow through with just about any impulse that tickled her fancy. He wondered again and not for the last time why their paths had crossed, continued to cross, until haphazardly becoming one. He swore the ancestors had a very warped sense of humor.


He looked into her sparkling green eyes. “What am I going to do with you?”


She arched an eyebrow. “Well a few ideas come to mind,” she purred.


“Your terrible,” he chided through a toothy grin.


“And you love every second of it,” she bent closer, her hand moving the ornately carved box off his chest, gently setting it on the tent floor.


“I am serious Kit, you can't keep spending credits on me like this.”


“Does it make you uncomfortable?” Her hand slowly ran up his chest playing in the tawny fur.


He nodded, running a hand along her cheek, “It does, there is no way I could possibly repay you for them, I could never afford one of these pieces much less three of them on my paygrade. I....”


She interrupted his sentence kissing him. “Aric,” she shook her head, “I don't care about any of that. I picked that metal due to its properties, not its value, they will never have to be removed if you ever have to go into a tank or need surgery. I don't expect you to ever pay me back they are gifts. I gave them to you because of what you gave me.”


“What I gave you,” he shook his head confused. “What did I give you?” Besides the old gold chain he had gifted her months before, when he thought he was never going to see her again, he had given her nothing.


She stared down at him head canted to the side, “You saved my firstborn's life, you saved my life. You put yourself in horrendous danger to help me. Most would have just let their casual fling die.”


He frowned, “If all it was going to be was a fling I would of never returned to you on Voss. Being with you is far more... complicated than … it's just that... I...” he suddenly became very nervous. “I was saving my lover.”


“So we are lovers are we,” she stared at him intently.


He nodded, “Yes we are, you are mine... aren’t you?”


The look on her face intensified, “Exclusively? You have no others?”


He shook his head, “No, I don't. I haven’t had anyone in a long time. Do you?”


She shook her head, smiling, as she bent to kiss him, “Just you.”





a note, denta beans live in the sw universe, they are used in denta bean icecream, I always figured they were like vanilla.

Krill is the 'K' in the aurebesh written language, its a U shape on its side.

Another note, i know they had piercings in SW or at least SWtOR, the Purebloods, Rattataki (sp) and humans all have pierced ears and or parts of their faces, sadly everything in the game body modification wise is from the neck up, i.e. tattoos and piercings. As I started writing more of these I realized Aric had started changing, accepting the gift of body jewelry a very Sith/Pureblood thing (at least in my honest opinion), was a way to show he was starting to change without being blunt about it.







Year 3636 runs concurrently with previous post




She was worried; Aric's behavior had become more erratic. When the guards had started reporting his very late night walks she was concerned, but told them not to stop him. Instead she had started monitoring him.


There like chrono-work he emerged from the medical room. Elara glanced at her wrist, just shy of an hour from her last visit for the evening. She had hoped changing his medication would make him to impaired to wander. It did not have the desired effect.


Aric stepped into the hall, head uplifted as he smelled. She pushed herself against the wall, praying he didn’t detect her, if he smelled anything at all it was her lingering perfume. Earlier she had doused herself with the floral perfume, before she intentionally did her last welfare check of the evening on him early. During the brief examination and data review she had touched him as much as possible, even giving him a hug, with the hopes the perfume would transfer to him.


He glanced around smelling the air again. Muttering to himself he shook his head. Elara kept her body pressed up against the wall as the Cathar moved slowly down the hall, his limp miniscule. As he drew away from her and slowly put distance between them she allowed herself to relax.


Exhaling a steady breath, Elara steeled her nerves. She needed to know where Aric had been going at night, why he was dragging himself out of bed and out of the prison. He still refused to tell her what had happened. She knew he was lying, but why? The quiet echo of his claws sc****** the floor filled the air. It was now or never, if she waited to long she might lose him. Nervously checking, once again, the stealth generator on her belt she pushed herself away from the wall and quietly hurried down the hall.


When she turned the corner Aric was already down the next corridor, he was moving faster, his limp more pronounced. Elara frowned; he was going to injure himself further. Her frown deepened, that was the other odd thing, considering his insistence to not stay in bed, to rest his strained and bruised body, Aric was healing remarkably fast. She had to get to the bottom of this.


He had disappeared from the hall; mentally cursing herself she hurried her step, moving as quickly as she dared trying to not make a sound. Elara caught a glimpse of him as he slipped through the massive doors. Nearly running she managed to catch up to him; gently grabbing the door before it closed, sliding her body through. Behind her the door closed with a thick thud and she shuddered.


Aric had slipped into the shadows of the sprawling buildings, moving faster than she imagined possible. Hurrying to keep up she slid into the shadows after him, following as the distance from the prison grew. When the buildings disappeared and the forest took over, he crouched and used the massive flora as cover, slipping into and through the massive roots and brush. He stopped before a steep rockwall. Slowly Elara crept closer hugging a large tree trunk, watching.


Giving his surroundings one last once over the Cathar reached up, grabbing a handhold in the rock face. Grunting Aric pulled himself up one handed. Looking beneath him, he found footholds for his bare feet, the screach of claws striking stone echoed. Pushing himself upward, he leaned against the wall as he let go and grabbed at another handhold above his head.


Elara heard a voice, quiet and feminine, call out. Aric answered, his words inaudible. There above him a robed figure appeared. She knelt and held out her left hand. Elara heard Aric's voice rumble. He grunted as he pushed himself up the wall. The woman said something, he laughed in response. Reaching well above his head he grasped her outstretched hand.


The woman pulled him up the wall, steadying him as he stood. He spoke again, his voice a low growl as Aric wrapped his arm around the woman. The action knocked her robe open, the moonlight glinted off the weapon hilt on her belt. He reached up behind her and pulled her hood down. The Human woman protested as he brought his hand up to cradle her cheek; he bent down capturing her mouth with his, silencing her.


Dorne couldn't look away. She watched with wide eyes as her fellow officer kissed the woman before him. They were illuminated by the three crescent moons overhead; her pale skin and his grey sleep clothes seemed to glow, her red hair shining against the dark material of her robes, the tawny gold and reds of his growing mane and beard caught and reflected the light.


Elara's eyes kept returning to the sleek saber hilt on her hip. No wonder he wouldn't say anything, if anyone found out the ramifications would be huge. Well not for him, but most definitely for the Jedi, she had heard that one could get thrown out of the Order. Judging from their behavior, they knew each other, very well. She wondered how long they had been seeing each other. He had moved to kissing her neck, her head thrown back as he kissed her throat, her fingers busy attempting to remove the sling off his arm.


Elara's cheeks heated and she dropped her eyes. She needed to go, she should have left well enough alone. Aric didn’t tell her what had happened because he couldn't he was protecting his secret. That had been the person he had raced off to help, the young woman who had brought him back was her padawan. She had probably been injured just as badly as Aric and had been unable to help him back to the prison. When the thought crept in as to why the redhead had not been treated at the prison, she shoved it away. She didn’t need to know she already felt horrible; she was nothing but a nosy interloper.


Head down she slipped away heading back towards the prison, Elara decided she was going to give him more slack, a lot more. His personal life was way more complicated that she could have ever dreamed.




The following morning she visited the medical wing early. He was sound asleep in his medical bed, he didn't even stir when she approached his bedside. A shining glint caught her eye. Bending over she peered at the source. Gracing his earlobe was a shining curved krill shaped earring. He groaned in his sleep rolling over his hand disappearing under the pillow. A matching glint emanated from his other ear, a matched set. A gift, they had to be a gift from that Jedi.


He mumbled in his sleep as she slowly made her way from his bedside to the door. He slept the entire day, only waking after the suns set. She had left orders he was not to be disturbed. Next to his bed she had left him a small dinner of nerfsteak sandwiches. Later as she was preparing herself for bed a guard came to find her, he reported that the Cathar actually remained inside the prison. She thanked the guard for the information.


Aric's nocturnal walks stopped after the evening she had spied on him, he became an easier patient to deal with actually remaining in bed, spending his waking hours reading books on his datapad. She never as much as raised an eyebrow at his new adornments; he never explained them. The strange accelerated healing he had experienced ended, she knew it was due to that Jedi. Dorne had wanted to ask about the redhead, but she didn’t dare. Instead she focused tending to her injured crewmate, soon he would be well enough to enter physical therapy and rejoin the squad.


Edited by Kitar
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@ Frauzet; I was hoping you hadn't gotten bored and wandered off.


I will have to admit I had never considered what exactly Elara would do if she had poked a bit further and discovered what was going on. I have been puzzling over that exact scenario and to be honest I am still not sure what would happen. The story would probably go off in a completely different direction that is for sure.


Thanks again for reading and commenting, I do appreciate it.


This next one is a cross post from the AU thread. I will have to put the link in later, today is one of those days I wish I had a clone of myself to help out... I need to get scooting out the door but wanted to get this up before it got any later.



Imperial Story arc on Hoth, rank change for a NPC. Aric's companion questline on Hoth





Year 3636 three weeks after Belsavis





“Hey, thought you might want to see these.” Vette slipped a datapad into her lap. “Seems your new ahh, friend has been rather chatty lately.” Vette grinned as she rested her arms against the back of Kit's chair.


“Hmm?” Kit'ar pulled her gaze off the navicomputer and glanced back at the Twi'lek. Vette gestured at Kit's lap, her lekku twitching. Picking up the datapad Kit started skimming, eyes rapidly moving as she read. Biting her bottom lip the Sith glanced back at the Twi'lek. “How old are these?”


Vette glanced at the Captain working against the far wall of the bridge and lowered her voice as she bent closer. “About four days old, took me a bit to decode them.”


“Really... four days,” she glanced back up at the navicomputer.


Behind her Vette stifled something that sounded suspiciously like a laugh, “A quick run down the hyperlane we will be there in ten hours.”


“We would beat him by a day.”


“Yeap,” the Twi'lek grinned, “lemme guess you gonna help him?”


Kit looked behind her, eyebrow arched, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”


“Un huh right,” Vette leaned over quickly pulling up the Star Charts for the Outer Rim, deft fingers keyed in the hyperspace coordinates. The Twi'lek smirked as she punched the counsel and the stars outside the expansive transparisteel window stretched and lengthened as the ship smoothly jumped to light speed. “I'll go tell everyone to pack their warm undies.” Vette grinned as she left the bridge. “Oh,” she called back over her shoulder, “I'll send a message ahead to Colonel Amazing-Voice, let him know we are coming.”


Kit smiled to herself, Colonel Amazing-Voice, she did admit Yudrass' voice was the most warming distraction on that frozen miserable rock, her smile widened as she remembered just how distracting he had proven to be and the incredulous look on Vette's face when she informed her how warming that voice was the next morning. Kit shifted in the chair sighing as her right hand moved to caress the golden chain that lay across her throat, looping the woven links around her thumb. Unconsciously she bit the dark plum nail of her index finger as she continued to scroll through the purloined communique. As much as she had enjoyed the Chiss' company, his voice was definitely not the one she wanted to hear.


Triumphant warbling rang through the ship, followed by a deep rumbling laugh and a resounding smack. Vette must have told the crew their destination. Standing she slipped her datapad into her robes pocket, now to go intercept that message to the Colonel to insure it was a formal request for assistance and not an invitation for a night of pazaak. She had learned that lesson the hard way a couple years ago.




It had proved to be exceedingly simple to get what she required. Dorn base was in spectacular shape, faces new and old, including several squads of Chiss soldiers, turned to face and salute her as she and Jaesa walked alongside Colonel Yudrass. The atmosphere while not exactly excited was vastly improved, she learned that the Colonel had overhauled operations and moral was at an all time high. When they arrived at the massive lift, the Colonel again offered her his services. As she and her apprentice stepped onto the lift, she gave him a warm smile and then they were moving, as the lift began its ascent, ushering them to the frigid surface and their awaiting speeders.



Now they knelt along the edge of a large icy glacier, the wind howling, nipping and biting at them as it roared in their ears, watching the small solitary figure advance on the nearly obscured durasteel door. It had taken the better part of the previous evening to determine the path he would most likely take and majority of the morning to clear it of the moving indigenous obstacles.


As he approached closer, Kit'ar knelt saber in hand intently watching. Beside her Jaesa dropped to her knees, tightly wrapping her robes around her, pulling her hood tight over her head as she closed her eyes. “Master,” she spoke the wind pulling at her words.


“Yes Jaesa?”


“Do you think our distraction will work?”


“I do, I doubt they will ever realize we were the ones who disabled the geo-thermal plant, especially since we 'discovered' it and brought it to their attention and then offered to set up a perimeter guard while they dispatched a crew of guards and soldiers to repair it.”


Slowly, the figure advanced, at this distance his size, species, even his political association unknown, his armor an off white blurr barely distinguishable from the swirling surrounding snow. It was him, the gluttonous all-consuming elements of this frigid planet could not hide that fact. His Force signature was bright, glowing with an almost tangible warmth, refusing to be hidden. She smiled as she reached out through the Force confirming what she already knew it was Aric. She stopped her self short of actually touching him through the Force, to do such a thing would be foolish and a dead give away. She could feel his anxiety and his determination, she was not going to do anything that might derail his resolve, plus she was extremely curious to see what was going to happen.


Beside her Jaesa murmured, “do you wish me to begin?”


“Yes.” Kit slowly shifted closer to her kneeling apprentice.


“He is very determined to see this through, extremely angry. Frustrated... this has been an uphill battle. He is thinking of a man named Jonas, Jonas …. Jonas Balker, Human black hair. Aric believes he will be indebted to Jonas. This is to easy, it might be a trap...” She heard her apprentice laugh. “Apparently he knows you better than I thought, Aric is also expecting you to magically appear behind a snowbank.”


Kit frowned but remained quiet and waited, not wanting to disturb her. She watched as he slunk the last few meters to the massive door and quietly sliced it, slipping inside. Keeping her eyes locked on the door she waited for Jaesa to continue.


“It's to easy, where are all the Imps? It has to be a trap or the ancestors are smiling, making something easy for once.” She could hear Jaesa's smile as she talked. “Oh!” Her apprentice stiffened. Kit'ar rose to her feet, standing over her apprentice. “Master, such rage. It's overwhelming.”


Kit closed her eyes reaching out, focusing, momentarily leaving the two of them defenseless while she investigated. She reached out following his glowing trail through the Force, as she neared she felt such a massive outpouring of unbridled fury. She reached out caressing it, as a low growl escaped her throat. Letting the uncontrolled and untapped emotion roll around her, through her, she pulled it into her center, a feral smile on her lips as she felt the surge in the Force as Dark Side surrounded her wrapping her in its seductive smoky haze.


Incredible, and if she felt this much anger at this distance, it would be staggering to be in that room. The thought jerked her out of her trance. She was hundreds of meters away; Jaesa was inside his head. Her eyes flew open to look down at her kneeling apprentice, Jaesa was shaking, the dark chocolate of her eyes melting into a smoldering orange. “You control your emotions, they do not control you.” Kit'ar knelt next to her, ducking her head to stare into her eyes. “Find your center, reestablish control. Use it to strengthen your connection, if you do not wish to use it, dismiss it. You are the one in control, the Force will obey your bidding.”


Jaesa nodded, “Yes Master,” her voice shook as she closed her eyes and bowed her head.


Kit'ar waited, staring at the door, resuming her protective stance over her kneeling apprentice. When she spoke again Jaesa's voice held a slight waver. “He knows this man. He has been the one blocking his efforts.”


Kit'ar reached over laying her hand on Jaesa's shoulder. She trembled slightly under her touch. The Darth gently squeezed, “You do not have to continue, we can enter the camp, physically oversee this little excursion.”

Jaesa shook her head, “No.” Her apprentice dropped her head, chin touching her chest. The seconds slipped by, when Jaesa spoke her voice steady. “His name is Zane.”


“Zane,” Kit'ar murmured, filing the name away to research at a later point. “I would like you to keep your focus on Aric.”


“He is furious, this was intentional. Aric is going to kill him, Zane has caused the death of his friends.”


Kit'ar again closed her eyes reaching out through the Force. The Cathar was surrounded in a swirling maelstrom of rage, frustration and disbelief. “Who is this Zane?”


“SIS. Zane is angry with Aric for meddling.”


“He is unarmed?”


“He is. The blaster is drawn.”


Kit'ar frowned; things were about to explode. She reached out those last few meters and gently touched him, simultaneously projecting a feeling of calm. She felt him jump as she touched his neck. Next to her Jaesa shifted. “Master what are you doing?”


She ignored her apprentice. There was a lull in the emotional storm; again she reached out focusing all of her effort on touching his neck. Gently she caressed his fur; he hesitated, his rage-driven resolve faltering. Beneath her Force touch the muscles of his neck flexed as he spoke, unknown words lost to the space between them. The storm's remnants drifted away, his Force signature calmed, he was still furious but it was controllable not all-consuming.


“He, he has changed his mind. Aric has holstered the blaster.” Jaesa's voice was surprised.


Kit'ar caressed his neck one last time before she opened her eyes, jarringly returning her to the frigid overlook. Blinking she realized she was leaning against Jaesa, when had that happened? Her apprentice looked up, her brown eyes questioning.


“To kill an unarmed victim while in the grips of rage, even I have not done that. He has enough ghosts, he did not need that shutta's blood on his hands.” She straightened, holding her hand out to her apprentice. Jaesa grasped her outstretched hand, pulling herself free from the snow that had accumulated around her. Her apprentice studied her a moment longer before adjusting her white robes, with a quiet nod she turned and headed down the slope to their hidden speeders.


Kit'ar turned her attention to the durasteel door. Three figures slipped out into the elements, one clad in white armor, the others in grey Imperial cold weather gear. They paused at the camp's entrance, Aric's helmet clad visage slowly scanning the perimeter. He passed right over Kit'ar's location as he searched, her grey and white robes rendering her nearly invisible; the hope he radiated was so painfully tangible. Shaking his head he moved away from the camp, his newly liberated friends following.


Unmoving she watched their slow progression through the whipping snow. Roughly three klicks away they stopped secure in the shelter of a two-sided ice formation. Aric turned back towards the camp again scanning the horizon as he searched, still hopeful. Shaking his head he turned back to the others and pulled out his comm.


She watched as the grey Republic shuttle touched down. Quickly the men ran on board, the shuttle lifting off before the landing ramp had even closed. When they were no longer a dot on the horizon she moved her hand to her ear queuing up her comlink. “Vette, you can turn the power back on.”


A giggle echoed through her ear, “Sure thing. It will be magically restored in a moment. Oh, take your time heading back, Pierce and Broonie are off blowing something to tiny bits and we all know how much Captain Stuffy-Pants looooves the cold.”


Kit'ar smiled, “The boys can keep playing in the snow, I have had my fill of it, we will be returning to Dorn.”


“Righty-o, pazaak game tonight!” the Twi'lek chirped before she cut the connection.


The Sith sighed as she looked one last time at the shuttle's last visible location before she turned to join Jaesa at the speeders. Pulling her goggles on she swung her leg over the activated speeder; nodding to her apprentice she turned and started the long drive back to the base. Kit'ar frowned she had been looking forward to hearing his voice, but the Force had other ideas, she had not been brought here to talk to him, just to help.






Prompt: Behind the Scenes.


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Sorry, Almost forgot to post tonight but it is still Saturday here, I have 36 minutes until midnight! So time to get to posting!


This one is definitely not a cross post.



Spoilers: SW quest arc on Nar Shaddaa is referenced, as well as a NPC from the SW Story on Nar Shaddaa






Year 3636 five weeks after Hoth




Taking a sip off his rocks glass, he looked around the smoky room. The Lunar Eclipse, the unofficial Republic soldier bar on Nar Shaddaa. A few years back when it became apparent that the military’s stay on the Hutt moon was going to be indefinite the cantina had slowly and quietly been claimed. The ground floor was filled with enlisted men and women enthusiastically enjoying their evenings, above the commissioned officers were mingling on the second floor, the atmosphere much more low key than what currently surrounded him.


Knocking back his glass he set it on the bar top, motioning to the Zabrak behind the bar to refill it. Nodding he poured another healthy three fingers of amber whisky, sliding the glass back towards Aric. “Hey, how much for the bottle?” He knew it was not the wisest thing to do, but right now he didn’t give a damn.


The barkeep reached above him and pulled down a fifth, setting it on the bar top. “Forty.”


Frowning slightly Aric nodded, it was a bit high but now was not the time to be picky. He had some serious thinking to do. He fished a credit chit out of his pocket and handed it to the caramel skinned man, “That will cover the bottle and my tab, keep the change.”


Smiling the bartender accepted the chit, “Thank you, enjoy ya evenin' if you need a room or a taxi home come see me.”


“Sure thing,” Aric mumbled as he picked up the rocks glass and bottle and headed to the lift to take him to the second floor.


Taking another drink, he stepped out of the lift and looked around. It was instantly quieter; a welcome respite. The sheer number of beings was considerably lower, they were spread out in quiet groups chatting along the couches or booths intermittently placed throughout the room. Picking a path through the winding and semi secluded tables he discovered a booth against the wall in the far corner. Perfect. He slid into the booth, sank his back into the plush upholstery and proceeded to analytically analyze the bottle in front of him.


He had managed to put a respectable dent into the whisky when he heard loud voices. Frowning he tried to tune them out, he still had more thinking to do. Knocking back his glass he refilled it shaking his head. Perhaps he was not filling them enough; maybe he needed four-fingers and not three. The answer he had been searching for all evening was still eluding him. He wanted to know when he had lost his ever-loving mind.


It had to be missing, it was the only way to explain the past couple months. When he had lost it exactly he did not know, but it was gone. If anyone had told him what was going to happen he would of laughed them out of the room. Voss, Belsavis, her, all of it. Voss, he shook his head, it had started on Voss; common sense that had screamed 'Stay away from her, dangerous' in giant flashing letters, he had ignored because he had been so damn curious. Whatever logic he had left had dissipated on Belsavis, the idiotic stunt he had pulled there had just cemented it. And he had enjoyed it, every surreal minute of it. The thought of trying to find a nice girl on the right side of the fence didn't even appeal to him.


The voices grew louder. “Well I don' believe it, its Jorgan!”


Aric pulled his eyes from the amber depths of his rocks glass to regard the speaker. A pair of young kids stood before him, they looked vaguely familiar. Humans, close cropped hair, clean-shaven, the one kid's eyes were bright amber. “Skaric right?” he asked the amber eyed kid.


“Yea',” he stumbled against the table. Skaric's buddy pulled him upright before he could fall into Aric. “Whe 'inally got our transfer off Ord!” Skaric's hand landed on Aric's shoulder in a drunken pat.


“Sure did, looks like we all got off that mud ball,” his friend chimed in; dark-skinned wiry kid, name was Orttel.


“Grats for the both of you, but Skaric, Orttel, this is where the officers tend to hang out, the party is downstairs,” Aric grumbled.


“Oh whe know, tonights whe are celebratin',” Skaric stumbled again, “whe both made Seargeant!”


“Well congratulations,” Aric stared at the inebriated duo praying they got the hint and left.


“Oh hey,” Orttel looked to his buddy, “we should show him.”


“Oh yeah,” Skaric pulled out his datapad, “since whe got higher levels of 'learance, whe got to look at this.”


He dropped the datapad on the booth's table and slid into booth, completely oblivious to the Cathar's toothbearing scowl. “Looky, its a list of all the want'n Sith and stuff.” Skaric started tabbing through pointing and commenting. Aric did his best to tune him out, continuing to commune with his bottle.



“You two are not bothering this officer are you?” A foreign voice snapped Aric back to the booth. Standing before him was another Human; Commander insignia on his uniform, tan skin, dark brown hair and sideburns.


“No Sir, Commander Naughlen, ah Sir!” Skaric turned the datapad towards Naughlen. “Whe are showin' him the Sith List. They look so horrible, all veiny and pasty. Look like they can barely breathe.”


“Yeah,” Orttel chimed in, “how can something that looks so decrep dicrepet, old lookin', fight? We could take um.”


“Yeah not the prettiest lot, but if you had ever seen one in action, I guarantee you would not be saying that right now. Should always respect your enemy, you will live longer.” Naughlen shook his head.


“Like that one right there,” Naughlen reached out stopping Skaric's hand. Aric glanced at the datapad, looking back at him was Kit. He tightened his grip on his glass. “That one, she is something else,” the Commander tapped her portrait.


“Doubt it,” Orttel muttered, “bet she's all veiny and red-eyed like the rest of them by now.”


“No,” Aric muttered, “she's not, still beautiful, eyes greener than Naboo.” He stared at his lover's image.


“You have seen her to huh,” Naughlen stared at Aric.


Aric knocked back his glass and looked to the Commander, nodding.


“I had the honor of watching that one fight a few years ago, some Sith dispute, was a hell of a thing watching that duel with first class seats.” Naughlen tapped the screen. “Honorable too, at the end of it, she simply left.”


“You think that's something, should try fighting along side her; like poetry in motion. Remarkably even-tempered and compassionate, though she would deny it.” Aric's eyes widened as he cringed, he hadn't meant to actually say that out loud.


Next to him Skaris erupted into drunken laughter, “yeah right. 'onorable 'n compassionate, 'n I'm a Wookiee.”


“Naw we ain’t that drunk to believe yoous, no way no Sith 'ould act like that.” Orttel slapped Skaris on the back, “come 'on lets head on downstairs.”


The two inebriated newly minted Sergeants scooted out of the booth, stumbling as their feet hit the floor. Leaning on each other they wobbled towards the lift.


Silence enveloped the booth as Aric stared at his empty glass, slowly Aric shifted his gaze to the aged Commander. The Human stepped closer staring at Aric his expression unreadable.


“That she is,” Naughles agreed. He caught Aric's eye. Nervously Aric shifted in the booth, dropping his gaze to his glass; forcing his hand to still, he refilled it.


Naughles studied Aric a moment before picking up the fifth of whisky. “Does she still have that uptight Captain with her? Tall fellow, handsome enough to star in Holovids, personality about as warm as a wampa's backside?”


“No,” Aric shook his head glancing at the Human, “she was unattached.”


Naughles eyebrow arched slightly. “She really is something, isn’t she? She spared my life twice that day.”


Aric nodded dropping his gaze back to his glass, he frowned slightly when he realized the amber liquid within was shaking. “She values life, won't snuff it out just 'cuase she can, even if it is an enemy's, and her ability to turn an adversary into an ally, it's amazing.”


“Yeah woman like that makes one think, she made me reconsider what I thought I knew about Sith.”


“She's made me reconsider a lot of things...” Aric stopped, eyes locked on the vibrating liquor. Swallowing hard he picked up the glass and tossed back its contents.


“She is not with that Captain anymore, but she's taken isn’t she?” his tone accusatory.


Aric kept his head bowed, nodding. “She is.”


The Commander reached over setting his glass on the table next to Aric's; he proceeded to fill each glass, the golden liquid a breath away from the glass' lip. Slowly he set the bottle down on the table behind the brimming rocks glasses. Picking up his glass the Commander clinked its side against Aric's glass and brought it to his lips. “Lieutenant, I don't know if I should be congratulating you or offering you my condolences.” With that he slammed the contents. He turned the glass upside down and set it neatly on the table next to Aric's. The Commander's hand rested on Aric's shoulder and squeezed, before the man silently turned and walked away.






Prompt on this one is Defenses.



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Going to post a day early, hope nobody cares :)


Spoilers, none really, references what happened in the previous chapter.






Year 3636- two days later




He sighed; annoyed he was being drug with, he had no idea why he was the 'lucky one'. The Captain usually took the other crewmembers with her whenever they were granted shore leave on the Hutt moon. His annoyance grew, not only was he stuck spending time with her off the ship but he had also been instructed to dress ‘nice’, yeah right, like anything he owned fell into that category. Aric growled as he knelt digging though his locker.


At the very least he would be able to look for her, it had become his newest pastime when he was on a planet that held any semblance of neutrality. He pulled on black slacks, bending to continue to dig. It was becoming borderline obsessive but he could not stop himself. Every black robe he saw he tried to catch their face, when he engaged anyone he held his fire until he saw the saber's colour.


He missed her. He had another way to get a hold of her, but it scared him. The fact he had actually used it a couple weeks ago, scared him even more. His hands rested on a dark green shirt, grabbing the garment he shook it out and sat on the floor.


It was been late very late, and he had been drinking. Locking himself in the medbay he had cued up her personal holocommunicator. He had just wanted to see her, to just talk to her. When he was about to hang up, it was answered. A Twi’lek popped into view, rubbing her eyes. “Yeah, what’s up?” He stared, his finger hovering over the button. “Oh hey,” she straightened, her eyes darting off screen. “Do you need help?” Her voice was concerned, a strained whisper.


He shook his head, “Kit…” he trailed off chewing on his bottom lip.


“I can go wake her, do you need me to go wake her?” He shook his head no and terminated the call.


He had sat there staring at the dormant device for hours waiting for it to beep. The following days he jumped at every noise expecting armored Imperials to come take him away, or worse Republic SIS who had secretly recorded the brief transmission and were hauling him off for questioning, he had to resort to stims to finally be able to sleep after three days awake.


He slid the shirt on, slowly buttoning it up. He should destroy her com, he should; it was an impossible fantasy. Even if she had been telling the truth, every fiber of his being screamed that she was, how could it possibly ever work out? He caught himself as he was lacing up his boots, he had unconsciously tucked his pants in. Shaking his head he pulled them out and smoothed them, 'dress nice' he reminded himself.


Mindlessly he followed his Captain through the Promenade, blocking out the garish lighting, the piped in music and the Huttese speaking woman who promised entertainment and enjoyment on this forsaken rock. The only ones who enjoyed this planet were the ones with the power, he doubted the slaves enjoyed it or that they enjoyed being someone’s entertainment. Everywhere you turned on this rock you saw displays of gluttonous hedonism that barely covered the crime-ridden squalor heaped upon the underclasses.


They stopped briefly in the lower Promenade as she spoke to someone at the entrance to the cantina. He looked up confused, this was unusual, she usually met Jonas at his favorite haunt, this was the Slippery Slopes and not under SIS surveillance. Silent he followed her down into the cantina's depths. A collared blue Twi’lek woman met them when they arrived, quietly ushering them into a private lounge.


He glanced at her as she seated them but she seemed to be purposely avoiding his gaze. Jonas was waiting for them as they slid into the booth. For once he was actually happy to see the Agent. The man had really come through for him, helped him pull off the impossible. He greeted him with a genuine smile. “Jonas, it’s been a while, thank you.”


“Ahh,” the man waved him away dismissively, “don’t have to thank me, not yet. Just happy we were able to get them out of there, back into the field.”


“Once they thaw they will thank you themselves I’m sure,” Aric was still smiling, he was so thankful to have gotten assistance.


The man smiled at him. He waved his hand ordering another round of drinks, as the Human waitress sauntered over to take their orders he looked Aric in the eye and winked, “you can thank me later.”


As the waitress left he caught a scent of something, a distant memory one of ozone and herbs. He stared at the waitress, watching her saunter off through the crowd, her outline fading as she moved deeper into the room to fill the order. He turned his attention back to Jonas, to find the man was kissing his commander. He shuddered and dropped his eyes to the table.


When she returned, he tried to look at her without being obvious, as she bent over to hand out the drinks he inhaled. Ozone and herbs again filled his senses, he fought the urge to move her black hair out of her face, to really see her. Her waist length curls obscured so much. As she placed a small tulip shaped glass in front of him her hair shifted over her shoulder, an inky curtain formed between them and the other occupants of the booth.


Green eyes stared at him from underneath auburn fringed lashes, his breath caught in his throat. A smile played on her lips, “I thought you might like to try something different,” her accent was different nondescript, not Dromund Kaas. But it was her voice. It was Kit’ar.


His eyes drank her in, as if she was the only flask of water left on Tatooine. Her makeup was completely different; her eyes were illuminated in dark bronze and plum smoke, her lips the faintest of pinks. As she moved rhinestones sparkled on her porcelain skin, he followed their glittering path over her body. His breath stopped. The thin wisps of black silk clung to the blackened hammered metal of her outfit. It barely seemed to contain her figure as if at any moment a slight breeze would blow the flimsy material away. There around her neck hung his simple hand-woven gold necklace. If anyone looked hard enough they would know, he shivered, she would know, his commander would recognize it and know. Aric knew her wearing it was a challenge.


The touch of her hand upon his returned him to his senses. He bit his lip, suddenly afraid everyone would know, would know who she was, what they had done, what they were. He heard the snide comment of his X.O. as the 'waitress' turned to leave, the complaint she had brought the wrong drink. Shrugging he laid his hand on Kit’ar’s arm, trying to keep his voice calm as he asked her to bring him his Rodian Ale. She smiled at him tossing her hair over her shoulder as she left. He caught sight of a slave collar around her neck and his claws unconsciously dug into the table.


He leaned back and watched her glide through the room, hips swaying. His eyes locked onto her retreating form as he took a slow sip of the Cognac she had placed in front of him. Forcing deep and steady breaths through his lungs he composed himself enough to turn to Jonas. The Agent simply grinned and winked at him before he returned his attention to the Captain.


The rest of the evening seemed to either fly past, when Kit was bringing them their drinks or drag on, when he was alone with the two humanoids ignoring their chatter. He realized that the alcohol was flowing more freely than usual, that his Captain was consuming easily two drinks to his and Jonas’ one. The speed at which the Twi’lek or Kit refilled her glass was staggering.


Soon his commander was pushing past him to head to the 'fresher. As she walked away Jonas leaned over smiling. “You can thank me tomorrow.”


Aric stared at him. “How did, how... Jonas.” Aric stuttered his heart racing.


Jonas continued to smile he just winked, “Enjoy your evening.”


“I, I can’t leave with her, the Captain will kill me.”


Jonas’ smile grew larger to Cheshire proportions. He slid an empty stim across the table, Aric glanced at it, it was a sedative. “She will never even know, the dear Captain will be out of commission in less than half an hour, she will be tucked safely away in one of my apartments.”


Jonas tilted his head back killing off his beer, “I should be there to intercept her, steer her out the door.” Jonas slid out of the booth and went to the refresher where he wrapped his arm around the staggering Mirialan and herded her out of the cantina.


He smelled her moments before she slid into his lap, d****** herself over his body, her hand removing the spent stim off the table. He stared at her afraid to touch her, afraid at any moment his severely inebriated commanding officer was going to charge back into the cantina.


She was staring at him expectantly, her eyebrow arched. Glancing over his shoulder at the entrance he wrapped his arms around her, savoring the feel of her bare skin under his clawed fingertips. Burying his head in the nape of her neck he slowly drug his rough tongue over her skin, he felt goosebumps shiver under his fingertips as he took her neck into his mouth, fangs pressing into the tender skin. Slowly he tasted her again, dragging his tongue over the nape of her neck, pressing it against the roof of his mouth as he inhaled deeply. Her very essence flooded his senses, the unique tannin and salts from her skin, the distinctly Human musk mingled with herbs and the metallic tang of ozone. He ran his hands over her body, caressing her *****led skin, skimming over the rhinestones, kneading her hips and lower back. His mind screamed ‘Mine’. He bit. Coppery warmth filled his mouth, her blood warm and inviting on his tongue. His rough tongue lapped it up, raising more goosebumps under his caressing claws.


He should stop he should let her go, he needed to leave, this could not be. The coppery tang of blood coated his tongue dripped down his throat, magnifying her scent. He should stop, but he didn't want to. There had to be a way to make this work. His tongue licked again renewing the scent. His claws gripped her flesh. Again he bit, gently, blood trickling through his teeth. He felt her sharp intake of air; it blew past his ear.


Time slowed stretching into an endless eternity that contained only the two of them. He tightened his grip on her, she flinched under his fingers. Slowly he relinquished her neck, licking the bleeding punctures as he withdrew. Fingers cupped his cheeks. Looking up he stared into those green eyes. Pink lips grazed his before consuming them. He yielded under her pressure, pressing his back into the booth as she leaned into him. She vibrated under his fingertips; the metallic snap of ozone flooded his sinuses. Heat began to build in his body, growing demanding more. He growled there was no way to stop, all logic had fled, there was no turning back, he was hers. He would always be hers.


“Uhhh my Lord we might want to move someplace more private, the show you two are creating is getting a bit out of control.”


The voice snapped him back into the cantina. The shared silence shattered. He looked up blinking as he took a ragged breath. The blue Twi’lek was speaking to them. He glanced around the room, every eye in the private lounge was on them, a few patrons had turned to get a better eyeful. He looked back at the Twi’lek blinking.


“Yes of course,” Kit murmured, “more private.” She slowly slid off his lap and his body instantly ached at her departure.


Extending her arm she helped him up off the booth. She draped his arm over her shoulder as she led him to the lift in the corner. He felt every eye in the room staring at him as he was lead away. When the lift doors opened she pulled him in and slammed him up against the wall. The Twi’lek cleared her throat, “My Lord I’d wait, though he is rather cute, I can see why you don’t want to. Rather hard to get a hold of too.”


He studied the azure skinned Twi’lek trying to place her.


“Oh yeah my manners,” Kit trailed off. “Aric this is Vette, I have no idea what I would do without her.”


“Yeap,” she chirped, “I’m pretty darn perfect, I know without me you would not be having him.” She smirked at the Sith lord, “Speaking of which why do you always get all the cute ones?”


“Because my dear you never pay attention.” Kit reached down into her boot and handed Vette a credstick. “There was a stunning crimson Twi’lek down there, he looked so lonely, well when he managed to peel his eyes off of you. Why don’t you go and cheer him up?”


Behind them the door opened and she led him out into the lushly decorated corridor, the grinning Twi’lek forgotten. She moved faster dragging him down the hall to the room on the end. The door opened at her approach and locked the second they crossed over the threshold. She pulled at his shirt as she pushed him into the room. His legs hit something hard, causing him to fall backwards. He sank back onto a mattress, pulling her onto the bed. He ran his fingers through her black hair. His brows arched questioning her. She grinned pulling an ornate comb from her hair, with the other she removed a thick black wig.


“Better,” he whispered as he liberated her pulled back hair, smiling as it cascaded down past her shoulders in crimson waves, tousled bangs framing her face.


She whispered as she leaned over him, “Better?”


“Oh yes,” he rumbled as he leaned up capturing her mouth.




He slowly woke up, his arm was draped around her, his legs entangled with hers, burying his head into her hair he nuzzled her neck. She responded under his fingers, rolling to face him. “Morning … I think,” he whispered.


She wrapped her arm around him, “might be afternoon.” She reached up kissing him on the nose. Growling he kissed her forehead, before she buried her head into his chest.


“When was the last time we ate?”


She shrugged her shoulders, “I do think it was at least a day ago.”


“Is there anything in here?”


She shrugged, “there should be, if not I will call up something.”


He wrapped his arm around her tighter drawing her closer to him. “I’m going to go look.”


“No don't,” she rubbed her eye peering at the chrono on the nightstand. “A hot lunch sounds good, I'll have something sent up. Do you like Alderaanian cuisine?”


He nodded, “I do.”


“They actually make a really good stewed nerf downstairs,” she reached over him to pick up her holocom.


“Sounds good to me,” he leaned back against the headboard. His eyes followed her as she slipped out of bed, her bare porcelain skin glowing in the near darkness. Silently she walked across the plush rug and into a darkened unknown room. When she returned she was wearing a long dark crimson robe, her fingers playing with something small that disappeared into a pocket as she neared the bed.


“It should be about half an hour, but knowing the kitchen I will get it in twenty.” She smiled as she slid into the bed next to him.


He draped his arm around her, his fingers playing with the silk. “Accelerated room service?”


She smiled leaning into him, “Not really, I’m just a good tipper.”


“I didn't even know they served Alderaanian cuisine at the cantina.”


She suddenly studied a spot on the wall far across the room, “They don't actually.”


“They don't,” he elbowed her, “you must be quite the tipper if they make food for you on special order.”


“Well okay maybe they like me a little bit down there.” She muttered. He could of sworn he saw her cheeks flush in the dim lighting. “I don't get back to Alderaan as much as I would like, couple of the workers figured it out and they will cook it for me if I ask them.”


“What's Alderaan like?”


She looked over at him beaming, “you have never been?”


Aric shook his head, “nope.”


“Oh its lovely, it really is, the entire planet is beautiful the mountains are magnificent, the old growth forests there are amazing thick tall trees trying to touch the mountain tops, the rolling grasslands hold some of the best grape growing soil and the temperature is very agreeable, though at times I think its a bit to chilly, but I’m biased growing up on Dromund Kaas.”


“So basically what you are saying is, it's alright?”


That rose coloured blush returned to her cheeks, “Yes its all right. Would you like to go? We can, my ship is docked here. Most of my crew is off on their own personal trips for the remainder of the week. I won't be missed.”


Taking a trip with her, one without any kind of life or death combat situation being present sounded absolutely wonderful. The Civil War that had been raging on Alderaan came to a peaceful conclusion about a year ago so the odds of doing anything other than relaxing seemed pretty slim.


“I would love to. I have roughly four days of leave remaining, the Captain always adds another day when she is with Jonas.” With Jonas, he stiffened, turning to stare at Kit.


“Does Jonas know? Does he have any idea who you are?”


She shook her head, “He does not. Vette managed to obtain his holo frequency. She tracked him to his furniture store, let it slip that we had 'met' on Voss and I wanted to see you again.”


“Vette tracked him down? How did she manage to do that?” A spiking of fear rose in his chest.


She shook her head, “Relax Aric, lets just say she is very resourceful.” She winked at him.


“So he has no idea?”


“None,” she smiled. “I plan to keep it that way, the only Agents I trust are the ones on my payroll. Even then it's a very limited trust.”


He exhaled slowly, the tightness in his chest loosening, “Before we leave, you need to tell me the story you fed him. I don't want to slip up when he asks about you. He is my friend, helped me when no one else would, but he does not need to be involved in any of this.”


“Do you trust him?”


His lips parted to answer but he held his tongue, it was such a simple question it should be easy to answer. After a moment he spoke. “To an extent yes, I trust him to keep the Republic’s best interest at heart, but this, us, no I don't trust him at all. I don't believe he would view it with anything but disgust and find a way to use it to his advantage.”


“Good,” she smiled, “this might work out after all. You haven't told anyone about us have you?”


He vehemently shook his head no, “There is no one I can tell.”


“Your agent friend is distracted by a pretty face, Vette walked into his store inquiring if he had any Voss pieces, she started babbling about Voss; the furniture, how pretty Voss things are and how she wanted to pick up a piece for her friend who was so down. She lamented the fact her friend was so down in the dumps due to being unable to track down this guy she had met on Voss one evening in the cantina.”


A pale rose crept across her cheeks as she continued. “Vette launched into a very long rambling story about how her friend was so smitten with this guy, a SpecForce trooper and how it had to be mutual because her friend and the trooper disappeared into her friend's cantina room for a couple days. After she finished describing you, Jonas just smiled, mentioned how small the galaxy was and how he knew you. From there she let him do most the talking as they hashed out a plan to be able to get us some time together.”


“So he really doesn’t know?”


“Nope, he thinks I’m just a smitten independent contractor who came across you on Voss while picking up a shipment of artwork for a collector.”


“Good,” Aric sighed, relief washing over him. He glanced at her reclining against the headboard next him. “I do have another slight problem.”


“Oh? What might that be?”


“I don’t have any other clothes, and I’m afraid to go back to the ship to get a change or two of clothes.”


“Oh,” she waved her hand dismissing his concern, “not a problem we will just stop at a store or two on the way to the Chimera and pick something up. We can leave after lunch if you like.”


“Sounds perfect.”





Prompt was disguises.


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Did you know that schools are like petri dishes? They are!

And this week my family has gotten to enjoy both an upper respiratory creeping crud, that is going around one school I sub at, as well as the stomach flu, which is running through my daughter's school. The poor hubby, after working fourteen days straight, is laid up on the couch with the flu with the pink puke bucket, a glass of Sprite and toast.

I'm going to go rent some movies to watch with him, poor guy.


I hope the rest of you are not battling the creeping crud or the flu.






Year 3636 immediately follows previous



Keeping his shoulders back, head up, he followed her. Half a step back and to her left he matched her brisk pace. Refusing to acknowledge the churning in his stomach, he followed her, past countless people; Starport workers and Hutt security gradually morphed into stiff grey uniformed Imperials.


As they progressed through Imperial security, they paused at a bank of terminals. “My Lord,” a pasty, large eared, clerk looked up at her.


“Send notification to the tower, the Chimera bay Besh sixteen, will be leaving as soon as the pre-flight checks have been completed.”


“Yes, my Lord,” the Human glanced over at Aric.


“Is there a problem?” Kit stared at the clerk.


“Umm... my Lord,” the kid stuttered, “there is a slight problem, the um... Cathar, your ummm guest...” his stutter grew worse as Kit's eyebrow shot upward. “I... I... need his information, that area is classified … and I can’t allow um... allow him to enter.”


She smiled at the Imperial, “I realize it is classified and there is no Cathar standing beside me. Do you understand?”


The clerk looked nervously from the Sith to Aric and back again. “Yes... yes my Lord, I understand. I will notify the tower of your impending departure.”


“Excellent,” she smiled, turning to proceed down the terminal. Aric looked at the clerk, the kid’s eyes were locked on the departing Sith. Giving the kid a small wink he fell instep behind her.


He watched the large hangar doors pass by quickly as they moved down the expansive hall; when she stopped by her bay, slipping into the hanger's side door. Aric stepped through the door behind her and stopped short. Resting in the bay was a Fury-class Interceptor. Carved from sharp, speed craving lines the black ship looked lethal, its sharp angles intimidating even as the ship lay at rest.


“I have never seen one up close before,” a silent shudder ran down his spine, the few times he had seen the Interceptors had been in brief dogfighting holo's in the Academy. Thankfully he had never seen one in the flesh before.


“Well,” she smiled, “you are about to get a full tour. This is my baby, the Chimera.” She cast her hand towards the ship in a large sweeping manner.


As if on command the gangplank lowered. He turned to look at her, “Did you just do that?”


She winked, “Of course, come on,” she walked ahead, moving toward the ship.


Cautiously he followed her, the churning in his stomach increasing. What was he doing? He swallowed; he was about to follow his Sith lover onto an Imperial starship. He knew he had hit his head fighting that beast, he knew he had suffered a concussion, what had he knocked loose?


She stopped in front of him standing on the gangplank. She looked back over her shoulder, hand outstretched. “It's alright Aric," she smiled. “It is my ship, you are safe here.”


Swallowing he nodded, moving towards her, she waited standing there hand reaching for him. When he stepped onto the gangplank beside her she grasped his hand gently guiding him up the ramp and into the ship.


She waved her hand as she entered the large common area of the ship. The floorboard lighting brightened followed by the recessed overhead lights bathing the room in light. He looked around eyes wide, he was in the belly of the enemy's ship. A huge stationary holocommunicator stood in the center of the room commanding his attention. Along the walls hung red, back lit, Imperial banners.


“This is the common area, the com is mostly used to watch Huttball and vids, the table works but is glitchy, the couches,” she gestured to a set of surprisingly comfortable appearing black couches set along the wall and perpendicular to the built in com, “will try to eat you, so be careful when you sit on them.”


She turned to the right heading to the starboard hall. He kept staring at the large banner in front of him. Shaking his head he pulled himself out of his stupor. He knew what he was getting into, he knew back on Voss, but knowing and seeing it were two totally different things. He looked down the hall she had disappeared into, he knew and he had told himself it was acceptable, that he was willing to give this a shot because of the person she was.


Quickly he turned and followed her down the brightly lit hall; she was standing there patiently waiting. He swore she knew what he was thinking; maybe she did. He walked up to her, trying to think of an apology for being so skittish.


She just smiled again, gesturing own the hall. The hall contained four doors, at the end of the hall was a door that obviously led to the escape pod, as well as a door to the right close to the pod and door directly across them to the left and right. “Down there is the engine room, that is pretty much Vette's territory, I don’t really go in there unless it is absolutely necessary.”


“Across the way is the galley, its small but suitable, fully stocked,” she waved her hand and the door obediently slid into the wall. A multiple of wall mounted refrigerated units lined the right wall of the narrow room. Over the long counter hung cabinets, “in there are the dry goods and veggies, oven and range are at the end. Everyone normally eats in the common area, oh if you take beer out of the conservator mark it down, it's easier to restock it that way.” She turned away gesturing to the closed door directly across the hall, “Here is the Cargo hold,” the door opened before her. The unmistakable odor of Talz assaulted his nose. He wrinkled his nose as he entered the room, the overwhelming odor at complete odds with the room's pristine condition.


Bolted to along the walls were large storage lockers and containers neatly stacked and labeled. A series of worktables stood sentry along the far wall, their surfaces worn and stained but well maintained. A collection of weapon racks caught his eye near the worktables. The assorted rifles and blasters appeared to be in excellent condition.


He heard a chuckle behind him, “You can look all you like once we are away and in hyperspace. Here let me show you the rest of the ship.”


He nodded, pulling his attention away from the weapons rack.


She led him across the common area passing the door that occupied the corner of the room and into the port side hallway. “Here,” she paused at a door to their left, “is the medical bay,” the door slid silently open.


He glanced around the room steeping inside. It was larger then the one on the Thunderclap. Twin beds neatly made waited for their next occupants. A kolto tank bubbled away in the room's corner, the gentle burbling on the tank filled the air. “You have a kolto tank?” He looked at her eyes wide.


She simply smiled again, the corners of her eyes crinkling. “I do, one of the many advantages of my position. I take it you don’t have one?”


He briskly shook his head, “I wish we did though, I could of been put in the tank after we killed that thing on Belsavis. Instead I had to heal the old fashioned way, on bed rest.” He frowned, which quickly fell into a scowl as he watched his reflection in the tank.


Slipping in behind him she wrapped her arms around his chest. “Oh it wasn’t all bad, I was able to speed your recovery along and our evenings were most enjoyable.”


He smiled at her reflected face, running his hands over hers. “Yes,” he rumbled, “that was nice. I just hated being forced to sit everyday.”


“True but if you had been put into a tank, you would have been sent back to active duty much sooner and we would not have had any time together. Speaking of time together, lets get off this moon.”


“Alright,” he shifted in her arms, “finish the tour,” he bent down kissing her forehead.


“K,” she dropped her arms, catching his hand in hers she turned away from him. She headed to the next door to the left. Briefly she closed her eyes before she opened the door stepping aside so he could see within.


He was again greeted by the odor of Talz, as well as the heavy scent of Humans. Neatly made bunks lined the walls; one wall held four stacked two by two the opposite wall only held two. In the center of the room ran a long thick deeply piled rug, the dark grey surprisingly inviting. Stepped storage containers sat along the back wall next to a simple table and chairs.


The bank of four bunks were decorated with personal affects of one variety or another; a couple decorative pillows alongside a small stuffed thranta. Displayed above another bunk was a really slick, tricked out, bowcaster, the bed beneath very neatly made and wrinklefree. Above the bowcaster bed bright purple bedding covered the bunk, an unexpected pop of colour on the ship. At the foot of the bunk was a small decorative shelf which proudly displayed a large glittering stone, a broken tablet carved with eerily familiar runes and a simple wooden frame that housed a hand drawn image of a pair of grinning Twi'leks. The other bunk housed an assortment of vibroblades, a vibrosword and a large rolled up fur; it looked to be a bantha hide on top of the nondescript grey bedding.


Across the room both bunks were made and without decoration. The first was crisply put together, it looked as if he could bounce a coin off of it. The other was dusty and obviously unused.


“It's the crew's quarters,” he looked over at her; she nodded. “It's looks more homey than I imagined.” He returned his gaze to the room.


“I do try to make things as comfortable as possible, we have been together a long time.”


“Where are they?”


“The crew? They are off the ship. We have a week long shore leave.”


“So they won't be coming with?”


“Nope.” She stepped out of the room and across the hall. He followed her into a long room dominated by a huge silver table, matching silver chairs sat sentry spaced around the table waiting. The room had no decorations, aside from a single Imperial banner, instead large dormant screens hung along the wall. A conference room, he closed his eyes pushing away thoughts of just what kind of military planning and Sith maneuvering had been planned at this very table.


“This way,” she laid her hand on his arm, giving him a warm smile. She turned and slipped past him out of the war room. She hadn't said a word, was he just that easy to read?


She moved down the hall, back towards the ship's common area. She stopped by the door in the corner. Again she smiled at him over her shoulder, waving her hand opening the door. She stepped into the room he followed closely behind.


A large bed sat off to the side, neatly made with black plush bedding, a massive armoire sat alongside a huge holoscreen, a sleek desk and chair occupying the space in between. More Imperial banners hung along side hand painted images nestled inside wooden frames; the vibrantly coloured landscapes drawing his attention. Metal shelving stood beneath the dormant screen, countless books bound in leather rested next to neatly stacked datapads and dataspikes. Ancient relics and strange glowing cubes and pyramids took a position of prominence in the very center of the collection.


He tentatively followed her into the room; it was definitely her room, her scent hung heavy in the air. Beneath his feet was a large thick rug, the deep cushioning apparent even through his boots. Slowly he spun taking in the room, spotting a nearly hidden heavily carved wooden chair. She gestured to the chair. “Go on place your bag anywhere.”


He walked to the chair dropping the gaudy shopping bag and froze at the sound of rapid footfalls filling the air. They ran through the ship before returning to the common area growing louder, suddenly stopping outside the room.


“M' Lord, your here. Good news.” The man's deep rumbling baritone filled the air.


He stiffened, that voice sounded familiar, he looked over his shoulder. Taking up most of the doorway was a massive example of a Human being, exceptionally broad of shoulder, barrel chested and tall. His dark grey fatigues fit snugly against his frame.


The man's dark brown eyes locked onto his green and gold ones, eyebrow arching. A low rumbling laugh filled the air. “Really... must have been quite the evening if you brought him here.”


Her cheeks blushed a furious crimson. Aric growled he was not some one-night stand. The massive Human kept watching him, the corners of his eyes crinkling. Aric refused to drop his eyes. He knew this man he just had to remember from where. Belsavis. He was the soldier who had injected him with stims after that fight. He had heard his name, he knew this Human's name, Kiernan had said it when they were leaving the base.


“Hi Pierce,” he tried to keep the growl out of his voice, tried to keep his tone pleasant. He let himself smile slightly when the Human's expression faltered.


“I was not expecting anyone here until shore leave was concluded, what is this good news?”


“Oh,” Pierce smiled, “I just received word from the Willsaam's they are headed home for the next few weeks, Grandfather allowed them to bring the twins along.”


“Really,” her voice perked up, “that’s great, I didn’t think I was going to get to see them since Nar Shaddaa is no place for younglings.”


“Thought you would be pleased, tried to raise you on holo, now I know why you didn’t answer.”


Aric smothered another growl, though he felt his claws extending.


“They left this morning.” The huge Human grinned at him.


“Oh wonderful. We will be able to see them tonight,” she was practically beaming her smile was so large.


He looked at her, smiling, there was something he was missing, something he didn’t know. Twin younglings... did she have more children besides Kiernan? “Twins? Kiernan has siblings?”


“Aye,” Pierce growled, “he does.”


“Stand down Pierce,” she sighed, “yes he does have siblings. Half siblings. They are young, normally being watched and cared for by my family on Dromund Kaas, I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with them.”


“Neither of us do,” Pierce narrowed his eyes staring at Aric.


The realization smacked him upside the head; this massive mountain of a Human was their father. The memory of him sounding concerned over that holocall on Voss, the way they spoke to each other, he had missed just how casual it was. “You are their Father?”


“Aye, I am,” Pierce crossed his arms, eyes never leaving Aric's.


The blurry memory of Kiernan directing the man to care for his buir and the soldier moving without so much as an argumentative word. He had not put too much thought into those events in the base. Now in hindsight he realized the Imperial unquestioningly taking orders from a Mando was outwardly odd. The man was not taking orders, you don't take orders from family. She had just said they had been together a long time; just how long? He breathed in deeply detecting only her scent lingering in the room, the Human's earthy musk only now creeping into the air.


He looked over at Kit, she looked less that amused, burning the man with her gaze.


The tinny off-beat steps of a droid broke the tension filled air, “My Lord, the ship's preflight checks have been completed, we have clearance to proceed.”


“Alright Too-vee,” She glanced at the droid.


Without another word the protocol droid moved towards the bridge.


She looked from Aric to Pierce, “He is coming with us,” her tone absolute.


“Aye m' Lord,” Pierce nodded to her as she moved past the two of them.


As soon as she was out of sight Pierce advanced into the room. “What are you doing here? You think a chance meeting n' a one night stand entitles you to be here, on this ship?”


Aric growled, “I am not a one night stand.”


“Yeah right, what are you then? How did you even meet her? Who put you up to it, though that stunt you pulled back on Belsavis was pretty ballsy.” Pierce slowly advanced on Aric.


“No one put me up to anything, no one knows.” Aric widened his stance, refusing to move.


“Then why are you even here? The thrill of it all? The story you can tell to all those other Pubs over beers at a Huttball game?” Pierce stopped centimeters away from him; Aric growled refusing to back down.


“No,” he snarled.


“No,” the Human echoed. “What, you think you care for her? Do you even know anything about her?


“I do,” Aric rumbled.


“What can you possibly know? What did they tell you? I am surprised it took the Pubs so long to figure it out, what did they tell ya when they decided to plant you. Did they give you tips on how to seduce a passion driven Sith, what a horrible assignment that must be.” Pierce rolled his neck, the bones popping. “When did they finally figure out the easiest way to get to her was through the sheets? Though they did manage to nail her type; she just loves a man in uniform with a weakness for the exotic, especially aliens.”


“I. Am. Not. A. Plant,” Aric bit through clenched teeth. “I am not some casual fling.”


“Right keep on saying that. Suppose you are actually telling the truth, what happens when it ends? It probably will, Sith are fickle.” Pierce moved closer, staring down at him, their chests almost touching.


“Nothing will happen, I told you no one knows.” Aric extended his claws fully, lips pulling away from his fangs.


Pierce shook his head, “Something will happen, jilted lovers always react, I wonder what intel you are going to spill n' what ears will be around to hear it.”


“I have not breathed a word of her existence since Voss, I would not run off like a heartbroken kit.” Aric took a step forward, his chest brushing the Human's. Aric tilted his head back, staring the massive Human down. Aric's head barely came to Pierce's shoulder; all he could see was pissed off Imperial. “I would not betray what she did for me, ever.” Aric was rewarded with a look of surprise flashing across Pierce's face.


“You met her on Voss...” Pierce's brow furrowed.


“Yes, on Voss. Don't know everything either do you?” Aric snarled. “I know enough to know I belong here as much as you do, I know that she saw something in me worth keeping alive and she hauled my as.s out of the Nightmare Lands.”


Pierce continued to stare at him, “Her traitorous cousin...” the man's eyes narrowed. “When she insisted on meetin' up with her...”


“Yes, her traitorous cousin, my X.O. The same woman who left me to die in that horrible place.” Aric tried unsuccessfully to suppress the shudder that ran down his back. “I am not some damned plant, I am not with those spooks in Intelligence. I am here because she wants me to be here.”


Pierce seemed to relax slightly, “Do you even know what she is? How important she is?”


Aric shuddered, swallowing hard. “I do, I know exactly who she is … and she is important to me, does anything else matter?”


A beep echoed through the tension, her voice suddenly filling the air. “Is everything alright back there?”


“Aye m' Lord, just having a friendly chat.” Pierce quickly responded.


Her sigh filled the air, “Anyway you could have a less hostile conversation on the bridge? We are cleared for take off.”


Pierce chuckled, “Just clearin' the air is all Kit, be right up.”


“Aric?” her voice questioned.


“Just a friendly chat,” the Cathar growled, “heading to the bridge now.”






Prompt is Discoveries.

I also added a room on the Fury, personally it bugs me there is no galley. There is also a refresher on there but I have never actually sorted out where, but it is there!


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My day got away from me, I was getting ready to head to bed when I remembered I hadn't posted yet. :/ sorry.


So since my pillow is calling to me, here ya'll go.



Mild ones, references an Agent companion as well as a a SW's companion, nothing ground shattering.






Year 3636 immediately following preceding chapter




Aric reclined back in the heavy chair; thing was a lot more comfortable than it looked. He brought the heel of his bare foot onto the burgundy upholstery; setting his datapad against his leg. Using his thumbclaw he popped the lid off the icy beer. Taking a long drink off the incredibly cold bottle, he felt his fur flinch as the ale slid down his throat. Casting one last baleful glare at the closed door he thumbed the datapad to life; starting the podrace. He tilted the bottle up, looking around the bottle while he took a drink. This was not going at all like he imagined; if he was lucky he would actually arrive planetside instead of being shot out of the airlock. Taking another drink he forced his attention back to the race.


A quiet knock echoed, he glanced over at the door. Clawing the mute button on the datapad he strained listening to the silence. The knock returned. Brow raised he watched the door, there could only one person knocking, Kit would just enter. Might us well get this over with. “Yeah?”


The door slid open, quietly disappearing into the wall. Lurking in the doorway was the massive lieutenant. Aric returned his attention to the race. He was not about to get up and he definitely wasn't leaving this room.


Pierce slowly walked into the room, pausing a meter or so away from the chair. Aric glanced up at the man. He was scratching the back of his head, fingers running along the close cropped pattern cut through his hair; eyes staring at the ceiling.


Aric waited watching him closely, he was allowed here in this room, he wasn't sure why the massive Human was here. Pierce shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he stared at the ceiling, eyes searching.


Aric swallowed an annoyed sigh, might was well let him off the hook. “She still pissed?”


“Aye, you can say that.”


“Think I just did,” Aric took another pull frowning when he killed the bottle. Slowly he set the empty on the floor. “She expecting us to get along?”


“Not really, just don't want us fightin'.” The massive Human sighed. “Wants me to apologise too.”


“That's not necessary.” Aric shifted in the chair, twisting his body to better see the Human. “I probably would of acted the same way. Your fears are unfounded though. If there was any truth to something like that, pretty sure that Agent would have gutted me leaving me in a ditch on Voss, instead of offering me a new life.”


Pierce 's brows shot upward. “The Agent?”


“Yeah, pretty sure she was Chiss, never seen one in the flesh before. She was pretty. No way I would ever want to run across her in a dark alley though. She was just as... against this,” he gestured from his chest across the room. “Her partner, Vector, is the one who actually helped me. Never seen a Human like him before.”


“'Cause he's not Human, he's a Joiner.” Pierce sighed, “Still can't believe she's known this long,” the man rubbed the back of his head, “why am I the last one to know?”


Aric sighed, “Don't know, haven’t been together that long. Trying to keep it a secret.”


“Well it has been, I usually know everything.”


“Sorry,” Aric looked at Pierce, “I really am. I never meant to upset anyone.” Aric frowned, “I like her I really do, everyone but Jaesa wants to hurt me when they find out.”


Pierce looked over at Aric, “I remember you saying Jaesa knew.”


Aric nodded, leaning over picking up a couple beers. Setting them in his lap, he popped the top off one with his thumbclaw. He held the bottle up gesturing towards Pierce with his head. Pierce closed the distance accepting the bottle.


“Don't worry I marked them down like Kit said to do.”


Pierce frowned slightly before taking a drink. “Jaesa knows.”


Aric nodded, “she does.”


“And she approves?”


Aric looked at him slightly taken aback. “I suppose she does, she keeps giving me this goofy smile, don't know why. She's a nice girl though.” Aric popped the cap off the last bottle, “does that matter?”


Pierce rubbed the back of his head, “actually it does, just wish I knew why no one told me.”


Aric felt for the man he looked both crushed and confused. “Why? What is so special about Jaesa?”


Pierce took another pull off the bottle, looking at Aric he sighed, “She is an excellent judge of character, some fancy thing she can do with the Force.”


“Fancy Force thing?”


“Well, she can see what you are. Literally, she can see into you, what you really are. Doesn' matter what you show on the outside, she knows better.”


“She can see into you? Like what read your mind?” Aric sat up in the chair, giving the Human his undivided attention.


“Well that too, if she is really concentrating. But she can see what you are, you might appear to be a well-meaning merchant to all your clients, but she can see, and know that you secretly are stealing neighborhood kids and selling them. Just by looking at you, with a bit of effort she can learn all sorts of things.”


“So she can read your mind.”


“Aye, if she's really trying, normally she don't. Normally she will leave your private thoughts, private. Unless she has some reason to suspect your actions.”


Aric shivered, a reason to suspect your actions, like a strained rendezvous with an estranged family member. If Jaesa had poked around in his head when they first met... he felt his face heat up, his ears grow warm, the thoughts he had been thinking were a bit inappropriate. But that would explain their rather nonchalant attitude over the entire op. Why the two Sith had been so relaxed about the rather unusual meeting, they knew he wasn't going to hurt them, unless someone made an attempt to harm him, he was going to obey his X.O.'s order to not hurt them. Jaesa knew what he had been thinking. It also made sense as to why things went further, why what had been started in that crater had actually been finished. Jaesa had actually told her what he had been thinking.


Pierce's voice broke him from his thoughts, “Freaked out yet?”


Aric nodded, “A bit yeah, I had no idea she could do anything like that.” He took a long drink off his beer, staring at the bottle.


“Aye it's a bit unsettling, can't say you ever get used to it. Shes a good sort though, always has Kit's best interest at heart.” Pierce walked past the chair and sat on the edge of the bed.


Aric took another pull of the bottle before he turned to look at the Human. “Why is everyone so protective of her?”


“Of Kit?”




Pierce looked at him, studying him before he answered. “Why do you like her? Take the entire Force thing out of it. Why do you like her?”


Aric dropped his eyes back to his lap studying his bottle. How to even answer that, Pierce had a history with her, they even had kits together. For whatever reason they were no longer together; but, he wasn't stupid that massive Human still cared for her. He kept his eyes locked onto the dark brown glass; staring through the bottle's label. “She is kind; compassionate. She makes me feel special.” Aric's eyes moved to his very inhuman furred hand, they lingered on his long sharp thumbclaw. “I know how well aliens are viewed … even within the Republic it's not always positive. She seems to not think that way.”


“I know there is a good chance that she will tire of me, grow bored of this little game we have to play to see each other. I am willing to risk that. I am content with these few months with her, even if I was promised a long happy life with another I would still chose these few dangerous months.” He kept staring at the bottle not wanting to look at the huge Human. Aric knew Pierce really didn't want to hear why he was attracted to his ex.


When Pierce spoke his rumbling voice was soft. “And that is why we are protective of her. She treats everyone as an equal; Human, alien, Sith. She is kind to the citizens, supportive of the military, doesn't view either as a resource but as people. A sane n' caring Sith, the Empire doesn't have enough of them.”


Aric heard the man get off the bed, the mattress breathing a small sigh of relief. His shadow fell over his lap. He glanced up at the Human. Aric could not place the look on his face, but at least Pierce no longer looked like he was wanting to toss him out the nearest airlock.


“What are you watching?” Pierce jutted his chin towards Aric's datapad.


“Podrace, ran earlier today outside Anchorhead. I had just finished thumbing through the latest holo-copy of the BlasTech catalog.”


“Really, newest edition of the BlasTech catalog. Republic edition?


“Would I have any other kind?” He raised his brow.


“Could I look at it, they have assault cannons in there don't they?”


“They do, has a nice spread featuring the newest models, one has a lighter weight durasteel alloy that offers a stronger more heat resilient housing, with a more efficient venting system, complete with a larger capacity plasma charge, non-combustible grenade housing and it's even available in a matte black finish for Spec Ops so it doesn’t reflect light.


“Really?” the large man moved closer.


Aric smothered a grin, so Pierce was into armaments and munitions, he could most definitely relate. He thumbed his datapad, reopening the catalog.


Pierce leaned closer, “Hey we could put the race on in the common room, watch it there if you want.” He looked over at Aric grinning, “I’ll go grab us some more ales to drink while we watch, if you will let me thumb through it.”


“Suppose we could do that.” Sounded pretty nice actually, Aric thought. Better than being cooped up in this room for the entire hyperspace flight. “Kit won't mind will she?”


Pierce's grin grew larger, “better not. She wanted us not fightin'; drinking watching n' watch the race, that's almost getting along.” He turned heading towards the door, “Come on, I'll go grab the ales.”




The Prompt: Mea Cupla, Pierce's Mea Cupla.


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a line mentioned when Aric proposes... it's a small one. Might not even be noticed.







Year 3636, Month 3, after Pierce's Mea Cupula




They had to be around here somewhere. Seriously where did they vanish too? Slowly he crept down the plushly padded hall, his bare footfalls inaudible. Tilting his head upwards slightly he inhaled, foreign scent trails flooding his sinuses. He thought he detected them, the mild scent of powder in the air. Balancing on the balls of his feet he advanced, back centimeters away from the wall.


Creeping down the foreign hall he paused outside a closed door. Sniffing the air he caught their faint scent; he definitely smelled other Humans but he wasn't able to place them. Barely touching the closed door with the pads on his fingers, he pushed it open. It slid, silently disappearing into the wall.


Scanning the dimly lit room, he slowly entered. His toes sank into the intricately patterned rug. Cautiously he moved through the silent room, sniffing the air as he searched. Set into the wall was a massive built-in bookshelf, it ran from floor to ceiling and it hid a door. Smiling he crept closer, he could smell a stronger Human scent that drifted on an unseen draft through the hidden doorway.


Pushing against the heavy wood panel he waited as the door swung inward on silent hinges. Peering around the dimly lit room he scanned the floor, looking for any nooks and crannies. “I am going to get you,” he growled a large smile on his thin lips.


“Are you now, then I had better prepare.”


Aric's head shot up, turning toward the man's voice. Seated at a desk he had only briefly glanced at was a Human man. Aric quickly stood upright staring at the partially visible figure; stacks of tomes blocked Aric's view of the speaker. “I didn't mean, I am sorry I was looking for someone, well someone's.”


The man stood, silently pushing the chair away from the desk. He stepped out from behind the desk, stopping next to it, clasping his hands in front of his body as he studied Aric with a calm even gaze. The man cut an impressive figure, tall of stature, his black and red robes close fitting and exemplifying a physique that was at odds with the man's apparent age. The mature face that stared at him was so eerily familiar; dark red hair shot through with a healthy dose of silver, hung loose to his shoulders framing an angular face, brilliant green eyes set above high cheekbones held him locked in their gaze, the few wrinkles his pale skin possessed only added to his quiet air of authority.


Aric straightened carefully regarding the older man in front of him as unconsciously ran his hands over his wrinkled shirt. He was definitely Sith, his clothing confirmed it. He was more than that though; Aric nervously cleared his throat. “You're Kit's Father.”


The Human smiled, his amusement evident. “She is my daughter, yes. You must be her new guest.”


The inflection in his tone made Aric's ears grow warm, her Father knew the nature of their relationship. “I am yes.” Aric grew uneasy not wanting to look directly at the elder Sith in front of him.


“Have you been enjoying your stay?”


“Yes, Sir, it has been really nice.”




The amusement in his voice caused Aric to look at the Sith. The man was smiling as he studied him. The heat in Aric's ears built, this was not going very well, at least the Sith was smiling and not threatening him. He had never dreamed he was going to run into her Father, here, on this planet. If he had thought it was a possibility he would of actually dressed nicer, had on shoes...


“So you have been enjoying yourself?”


“Yes, I have, it has been a welcome break.” Aric had never been so relieved to answer a question before.


“Wonderful to hear, when your little holiday has concluded will you be returning to Cathar?”


Aric shook his head, “Actually no, I have never been to Cathar.”


“Really?” her Father's brow furrowed briefly, in the next breath it was gone, his face again smooth. “You should go one day, it is an interesting planet.”


“You have been?” Aric could not keep the surprise out of his voice.


The Sith smiled, “I have.” The elder Sith took a few measured steps towards Aric and smiled. “I should properly introduce myself, I am Darth Chylon of Diplomatic Services, also known as Taral Darksun.”


“Aric Jorgan,” Aric extended his hand.


That confused look again flashed across the Sith's face before he extended his hand firmly grasping Aric's.


“Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Her Father relaxed his grip, re-clasping his hands. “You mentioned you were looking for someones? Do you need assistance?”


“Well,” Aric scratched the back of his head, “I was playing with the twins. I am having a hard time finding them.”


“Were you by chance playing hide and seek?”


“Yeah and for as small as they are, they are really good. I thought I had smelled them in here.” Aric frowned as he glanced around the room, “But now I don't smell them at all.”


“Did you by any chance tell them that the use of the Force is not allowed?”


“Wha... the Force...” Aric stared at her Father confused. “They are so young.”


“They are almost three standard years, our bloodline shows proficiency at a very young age.”


Aric just stared at him.


The Darth laughed. “That is not very nice Kyra and Aryn, I want you to play and not use the Force. We do not trick our allies in such a way.”


Giggles filled the air, followed by a snickered, “Swwy Grandpa,” in muffled stereo voices. Another round of giggles rolled out into the room from under the desk.


Aric looked up at her Father, the Sith simply shrugged, grinning. Walking around the desk he found the twins hiding under the desk, hands over their mouths, green eyes wide as they laughed. When Aric bent down gently tapping Kyra and then her brother on the shoulder the laughter got even louder. “I found you.”


They squealed hiding behind their hands. “Again, again.”


“Alright,” Aric moved backwards, giving the squirming toddlers enough room to crawl out from under the desk.


He brought his hands up to his face when he felt a hand grasp his shoulder. Aric glanced up to see the elder Sith looking down at him, subtly shaking his head no.


“It is Aric's turn to hide. Make sure you stay within the families suite.”


Aric stood, “You sure? I honestly don't mind.”


“Not at all, it is good for them,” he smiled, “but after ten their counting skills are rather … interesting.”


“Alright,” Aric grinned as he started out of the room. He heard the Sith and the twins start counting, “One... two... three...” Aric started moving faster trying to find a decent hiding spot, before their countdown ended.






Prompt was Hide and Seek. :)


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@ Frauzet I actually had fun writing that one, kids are fun.

It is a pretty interesting way to vet your potential dates isn't it?

I always wondered just how that ability of her's would be developed, it has a interesting premise and then... nothing. So. I just ran with it.


Spoilers: None





Year 3636 a day or so after preceding prompt, at the end of the four day shore leave.




Whistling to himself he looked over the armory. He had spent the entire shore leave off the ship and had not bothered to do inventory. He shook his head, he really was starting to slip, normally the armory was in an immaculate well stocked condition, every weapon in top working order. Oh stars, it didn't matter, no one was supposed to be back to the ship for a few hours, he had enough time to run a final inventory. He did not regret one minute of his negligence; he had enjoyed himself completely.


He picked up a well-worn dog-eared copy of the BlasTech catalog putting it away in a drawer. As he bent over to retrieve a bore snake that had somehow found its way onto the floor he heard a voice. Standing up tossed the snake on the workbench. Who could that of been, everyone is off ship until this evening. He heard it again, yeah someone was definitely calling, and it sounded as if they were on the gangplank, but the only crewmembers on the ship were himself and Forex.


Oh no.... he put two and two together too slowly. Scrambling he shot out of the armory and bolted towards the gangplank. As he rounded the corner he grabbed the durasteel wall to stop himself from colliding with Forex. The droid was standing at the entrance to the ship, guns locked onto the cloaked figure on the ramp.


“Sir! I have caught this villainous piece of Sith Scum attempting to board our vessel. I am currently searching my databanks for the identity of this aggressor.”


“Piece of villainous Sith Scum,” she muttered under her breath, “I will give you Sith Scum you overzealous hunk of durasteel.” She pulled her hilt into her hand.


Aric heard the whirring sound of blasters warming followed by the snapping hiss of an igniting saber. Oh stars no. “Stop it, stand down Forex, Now!”


“But Sir! Each enemy we vanquish strengthens the Republic and makes the Galaxy a safer place for all. She even mocks us, using the blade of a fallen Jedi, we can not let this injustice stand.”


“What kind of insane droid are you?” She hissed. She moved her saber into a defensive position in front of her.

“You slandering hunk of circuits, I made this blade I didn't pilfer it off a dead man.”


She looked at him, “Aric do something about this or I will.”


“Such disrespectful informality will not be tolerated! You are addressing Lieutenant Aric Jorgan, the second in command of Havoc squad and a decorated hero of the Republic!” Forex raised his blasters.


Aric slid his body between the Sith and the war droid, his back to Kit'ar, raising his arms in front of him. Behind him her heard her growl, the saber’s heat warming his back. “Forex I gave you an order Stand Down!” Forex attempted to lock onto her form by shifting his chassis to the side.


His mind raced, he barely remembered the programming controls for the damn droid; they were given to the Captain. “M1-4X instigating Programming Override Saber, security level Xesh Osk-three-two-six, stand down immediately!”


“Programming Override Saber accepted, standing down.”


Aric heard the whirring of charging blasters fade, Forex's metal chassis slumped slightly. “New Programming Protocal four-six-Zerek-four, the woman in front of you is friendly, no further hostile action will be taken against her.”


“Programming Protocal four-six-Zerek-four accepted, no further hostile action will be taken.”


“Good, Programming Maintenance Zero, reference and compile all data relating to the Emperor's Wrath and Darth Tyche.”


“Understood processing data request.” Moments passed while Forex worked through the request. “Requested data available.”


“Good, ah continuing of Programming Maintenance Zero, security level classified, clearance forty-one Aurek; now wipe it from your memory banks.”


“Programming Maintenance Zero accepted, security level accepted, clearance accepted; Memory wipe complete.”


“Continuing of Programming Protocal four-six-Zerek-four, security level classified, clearance forty-one Aurek; upload new identity for this woman, Jedi Master Darksun, in self-exile, all contact will be conducted through me Aric Jorgan SpecForces Squad three-two-six personal number ninety-four dash five-six-four-three.”


“Programming Protocal four-six-Zerek-four accepted, security level accepted, clearance accepted; information encrypted, Jedi Master Darksun currently in self-exile, only known contact is Aric Jorgan currently assigned to Squad three-two-six.”


“Continuing of Programming Protocal four-six-Zerek-four, security level classified, clearance forty-one Aurek; all interaction from this evenings encounter will be wiped from your memory banks, only the updated classified information will remain.”


“Programming Protocal four-six-Zerek-four accepted, security level accepted; clearance accepted; proceeding with requested wipe.” The droid whrilled and sank lower towards the floor.


“Concluding Programming Override Saber, security level classified, clearance forty-one Aurek; Forex return to the debriefing room and run a short diagnostic.”


“Yes Sir!” Forex's chassis straightened and the droid turned clunking down the hallway.


After the droid had disappeared into the room, Kit'ar finally extinguished the saber. “A self-exiled Jedi... really?”


“It was the best thing I could think of. Why are you even here? I mean that is why they have holos!”


“He...” she protested. “How was I supposed to know you had a zealot of an attack droid patrolling the ship? I just wanted to see where you lived, when you're not with me. I did search the ship before I tried to enter, I only felt you and droids aboard. I thought it was safe.”


“Yeah well he's a bit too enthusiastic.” He sighed rubbing his hand over his face, “please Kit next time call me, something could of happened.”


She frowned, “Only thing that would of happened is that droid's chassis taking a ride down an incinerator's trash shoot.”


He sighed he was not going to win this argument; he knew she could dismantle the droid as well as destroy the ship in the process. “Please holo next time, please.”


“But,” she pouted, “I wanted to surprise you, and I want to see your ship, if I had holo'd you would not of been surprised and I would not of gotten to see the ship.”


He relented, she was impulsive and curious; he should of expected this day to happen sooner than later. “Oh I'm surprised alright.” He sighed rubbing his head, “It will have to be a fast tour, there are duties I have to see to before the rest of the crew returns,” he looked her in the eye, “you cannot be anywhere near the ship when that



She smirked at him but nodded. Inwardly he sighed, she was going to be the death of him he knew it.





This one was droids. Forex is not a favorite of mine, but it was interesting to try to write.


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Hope everyone is having a happy Yuletide season, a wonderful Christmas and a happy Hanakkah. I am totally enjoying myself in sunny Florida. :)

Sooo... As a result this is going to be a hasty posting, there are errands to run before the beach!


Spoilers - none really, references a trooper comanion






Year 3636 Month 3 (three and a half months since meeting on Voss)




Aric shifted his weight, attempting to ease the dull ache in his knee. He still was not back in combat ready shape, but Garza refused to delay the hunt for the defectors any longer. She had ordered his diminished capacity was acceptable and the squad needed to get back out into the field, those orders had landed them on this forsaken war-torn planet. A place they should not be according to the Treaty, yet another clandestine questionable order, after a questionable target.


He shook his head as he eased his weight onto his right leg and leaned against a twisted stunted tree, watching the inky night sky. A slight breeze picked up out of the south. He watched as it teased and buffeted against the tree, its branches rocking as the wind ruffled its leaves. Briefly the wind picked up, ripping a fluttering leaf free. As it tumbled and spun helpless in the warm air current he frowned. I know how you feel there buddy, he thought. Of late his entire life felt as though he was just bouncing along completely at the whims and mercies of everyone around him.


A slight crack caught his attention, flicking his ear he strained. Another rustle barely audible reached him. It originated near the North end of their camp. Subtly he slipped the safety off his blaster rifle and moved it in the sling, so he could ready the weapon in a moments notice if needed. A faint rustle in the grass and a vaguely familiar scent drifted to him, one of foreign soap with chitinous undertones. He waited a few moments before speaking. “Evening Vector.”


To his left he heard the snap hiss of the Human's generator deactivating. “Evening Lieutenant.”


Aric glanced at the Human; he was standing parallel to his position looking out over the valley. His collapsible electostaff was strapped to his back, his hands clasped in front of him and for a man who was traipsing about this mudball he was impeccably dressed. “So what brings you here this evening? Are you lost?”


The Human smiled briefly as he gazed upon the valley floor. “We were wondering the same thing, why are you here Lieutenant?” The man's head turned to look at Aric.


Aric studied the man, debating how to answer. He had actually hoped to slip down undetected and find the blasted Weequay before any of the Imps had discovered their presence. He was thankful that it was Vector standing beside him, there was still a chance to extract themselves peacefully. “We are here to retrieve someone.”


“Might we know this someone?” The Human's black eyebrow rose slightly.


“It is possible, you would agree with this retrieval though. I would not be surprised if he is causing a lot of people some very large headaches, I know I have one.”


Vector smiled again. “After you successfully locate this someone, will you be continuing your stay?”


Aric shook his head, “Nope. Our business will be concluded.”


“Then good hunting, Lieutenant.” The Human turned to face him, “This is for you.” Vector reached into a hidden pocket and pulled out a small box.


Aric looked at him puzzled as Vector placed the nondescript box into his palm.


“Do take care of yourself,” the Human's hand drifted to his belt and hovered there unsure. Vector looked up at him, “We must ask, how did you know it was us?”


Aric grinned; with his free hand he tapped a clawtip against his nose.


The Human nodded, briefly looking through Aric, “We shall remember that. Goodbye.” Vector's hand moved slightly and the air around him wavered, like the hot air rising off the baked sand in the Dune Sea and he was gone.


Aric listened as the man's footsteps retreated the way he came, past the makeshift camp, around the tent that housed his slumbering unit, until the only sound he heard was the rustling of the leaves. Once completely alone he opened up the box. Inside was a wrist-chrono, simplistic yet sleek, it had the robust look of a combat-ready piece but was elegant enough to wear everyday, its shining durasteel surface glinting in the starlight.


Oh there is no way, he thought to himself, there is no way, the Agent actually sent me a gift, that woman hates me. But this watch, it screamed Intelligence, he had seen something very similar to it on Jonas' wrist. Puzzled he gently pulled the chrono out of its box. Gently he ran his thumb over its face, barely touching the numbered bezel. A glint caught his eye, in the bottom of the little box was a folded slip of paper. Carefully he extracted the note, gently opening it. With a sharp intake of air he read its contents:


Well if you are reading this, then Vector was right. I do believe this is a terrible idea. Everyone seems hell-bent to prove me wrong. Time will tell. If I actually have to tell you what to do next, well I told you so can be so satisfying. Prove to me you are worth all this effort, you know the language.


He sat staring at the note; it was an Intelligence wrist-chrono. Glancing back over his shoulder he looked at the camp, the fire had burned low, the tent sat peacefully shrouded in shadow, its occupants still slumbering. He had time to figure this out. Easing himself to the ground he leaned against the tree.


Did this thing have an instruction manual or would that be too easy? He chewed on his bottom lip as he picked up the lid of the box, feeling along the interior, he thought he felt the top move. Hooking a claw into the lid he gently pulled. A false top popped out, inside was a small neatly folded book. The flowing text that scrawled across the front surprised him. He knew it alright but it was unexpected.


Thumbing through the book, he was surprised by how much of it he was actually able to read. He would of never believed his comprehension of Sith was that good. The chrono itself was a complicated little thing, but fascinating; it held a compass, a small sound dampening shield, a voice recorder as well as a tiny camera, a short range holocommunicator, a compact dataspike, it actually contained three small sleep darts, and it was able to display the planetary time of any one of six pre-programed systems, accurate to the milasecond in its timekeeping.


The wrist-chrono's construction was amazing; its crystal face was shatterproof, constructed of some lab grown mineral he had never heard of, the band was durasteel with a cortosis overlay and hydro resistant to two hundred meters. Expertly cut trillion emeralds glinted along its bevel edge, subtly highlighting the directional points, the largest of which would automatically align itself with the planet's magnetic north. The dark green of the stones was mirrored in its face, below the silver of the chrono's hands was a small electronic display that scrolled between the time and pertinent atmospheric information.


Carefully he examined the chrono, slowly turning it over in his hands, memorizing every recessed subtly placed button and its corresponding feature. Satisfied he learned all of its little tricks and would not accidentally shoot a dart into his foot Aric began the process to set the timepiece's security measures. It would respond only to his voice, such a neat little device.


Standing he fastened the chrono around his wrist and walked to the burning embers. He tossed the note, box and instructional pamphlet into the fire pit and watched as flames flared to life, hungrily consuming them. When they were nothing more than blackened charred ashes he returned to his sentry post by the tree, in three hours his watch would be over and they were moving out, headed to the last known location of one Tanno Vic.






Prompt Technology


Oh fun thing to remember: The Coruscant Standard Carat, or CSC, was a unit of measurement for gemstones. One CSC was roughly equal to 0.2 grams. Typical gemstones ranged from half of a CSC to three CSCs, with large stones reaching as much as five CSCs. Just like with gemstones on good ol' Earth.


Oh and a trillion cut, it's a triangle.

And the use of emeralds in a watch, not the wisest choice, those suckers are so fragile. They can shatter from temperature changes, like opals.



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Alright, hit 3k views. :) Thanks for reading, hope all of you are still enjoying.

Posting early since we now have to return home from sunny Florida :( And we will be driving for the entire day tomorrow.



References the trooper story, as well as one of Elara's companion quests.







Year 3636 Takes place shortly after preceding chapter




He set the datapad down rubbing the bridge of his nose. Closing his eyes he rolled his shoulders and stretched. The warm thick odor of caf drifted to him.


“Sir,” Drone's voice filled the room. Opening his eyes he looked up at her. She stood holding out a large mug of caf, the steam drifting invitingly.


“Thanks Dorne,” he reached up accepting it. He wrapped his hands around the mug gently blowing on it.


She sank into the chair next to him. “What are you doing up so late?”


He gestured to the stack of datapads laid out before him on the conference room table. She stared at him puzzled, “Are you always in the habit of doing the Captain's paperwork?”


He scoffed, “If I didn't do it, it would never get done.” He took a huge sip, “She refuses to even look at them.”


Those green eyes blinked at him, “Refuses? How can she refuse?”


Aric shook his head, “She has never done them. I offered once to show her,” he sighed, “she flat out refused me. Told me she did not need an incompetent washed up officer to tell her how to do things, and she stormed out of the room. She left them there on the table for weeks, I stepped up and started filing them, I have been doing all the reports since.”


“What?” She stared at him, “you incompetent?”


“She was throwing Havoc's defection in my face, I never saw it. I was pulled out of my position under General Vander in Infantry Command, busted down in rank. To this day I have never understood why I was put into the very squad that caused my demotion.” He ran his fingers over his head. “Lately I have been wondering about a lot of things.”


“Like what?”


“Like why the Captain is still in charge of this outfit, she is a loose cannon, one day she is going to blow. Why General Garza has us running all over the galaxy picking up the strangest crew members, honestly I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”


Dorne looked at him shaking her head, “Jorgan I don't follow.”


“Do you agree with me that our Captain is a little … unstable?”


Her voice almost a whisper, “She does seem to be a bit capricious. I have had reservations about how she handles situations.”


He snorted into his cup, “She is definitely not the one I would of put in charge of this outfit. Her track record is sketchy; her Academy records are classified. She does have some field experience, a couple letters of recommendation, but nothing outstanding.” Aric took another sip off the steaming mug. He stared at her over the cup's rim, debating if he should continue. Elara seemed to be a genuine good person, she kept mostly to herself on the ship, actually seeking him out over their X.O. He decided to go ahead, to tell her his concerns, it would be nice to actually have a friendly ear on this ship. “You know she was there when they left? When they cut lose and defected?”


Dorne's eyes widened in surprise. He took another sip off his mug. Yeah she was being kept in the dark as much as he was.


“She was, I was following her armor cam feed back at the base, we had lost visual but the sound was still operational. Shortly after she confronted them we lost the sound, we have to take her word as the truth as to what transpired in that room.” Aric shook his head. “I was stationed with her on Ord, her word does not mean a whole lot to me, but here we are with her as the new front man of Havoc.”


“Then they have me as second of command in this circus, me, the man they accused of letting Havoc proceed with their defection unfettered.” He shook his head. “Then they have us fly to the devastated backwater planet of Taris to pluck you out of the muck. You the Imperial defector. Then,” he gestured to the corner of the room where M1 sat, powered down. “Well he was an interesting hunt to get our hands on, quite the fanatic too. And our latest acquisition, we had to run all over the war-torn planet of Balmorra to get our claws on him. He worries me, I fear he has the same moral compass as our Captain.”


He looked Elara straight in the eye, “Can you honestly tell me that the squad could not of been rebuilt in a different manner? There must be more qualified people with … less complicated backgrounds gunning for a spot in this squad.


“I have never thought of it that way before Jorgan.”


“I think about it, a lot, it worries me.”


“What do you think is going on?”


He shook his head, “I honestly don't know but it's eating at me, I almost feel like we are being set up, so if anything goes south the entire squad can be cleanly disavowed.” He scratched his left ear, pulling on the ring in his earlobe. “I feel like we are being maneuvered into a position to break the Treaty, to incite full blown war once again. The people she has been recruiting back into active duty,” he shook his head, “having us break them out of prison, haul them out of entrenched positions in conflicted zones; all of these people bend the rules to their satisfaction and they are all eager to follow the General's lead.


He looked over at Dorne, she was chewing on her bottom lip contemplating her cup of caf. She looked up at him, “I am glad I’m not the only one who has had reservations about our recent orders and activities. Is there anything we can do?”


He shook his head, “Just keep watching and waiting, see if we can diffuse and deflect the worse of it, at the very least we have to keep the Captain's behavior under control.”


“How do we do that?”


“Talk her out of it, remind her of the mission parameters, if the General wants someone brought in alive, remind her of it. You can usually talk her out of doing things, but you have to talk fast.” He shivered, remembering what it was like when it was just the two of them. He looked up at Dorne, her eyes were locked onto a distant spot on the wall as she drank her caf. “Elara,”


She blinked, pulling her eyes away from the wall, “Sir?”


“When we were on Taris, before you came aboard, how were things resolved with Needles? I … I was recovering from the infection when the Captain left to deal with him.”


“Well, she went in alone. All communications with her were lost before she entered the laboratory. Com contact was reestablished after her confrontation with Lieutenant Dorant. She was not very talkative, just stated that he had been dealt with. She had a bioscan matching his information file, to confirm his identity and she had a dataspike as well as some biological samples and material that she forwarded to General Garza.”


“Did she say how he had been deal with?”


“She said he had been neutralized, and produced the bioscan.”


“There was no body was there? She went in alone, there was no one with her who could confirm or deny there being a body.” Aric leaned back into his chair sighing.


“Sir?” Elara questioned. “There was no visual confirmation of the body, but she reported that he had been terminated.”


“So it’s possible he is still out there.” Aric growled.




Aric got up and walked to the caf carafe, picking it up he headed back to the table topping off his cup before moving next to Dorne. She held up her cup while she stared at him bewildered. He leaned over and whispered into her ear. “They were close the Captain and Ryler, he had taken her under his wing showing her the ins and outs of stim production. They were almost inseparable, always talking about this experiment or that medical journal. She was stationed on Ord for a few months before the rest of the squad defected, I have often wondered why she stayed behind, knowing how close those two were to each other.”


He filled up her caf cup and returned to the counter placing the carafe back into the machine. Aric could feel Drone's eyes watching him as he moved. He looked up at her and nodded; she just stared at him as he returned to his seat.


Her voice was a low whisper, “You really think he's still out there, somewhere?”


Aric, nodded. “I do, they were really close, I honestly don't see her harming him, much less killing him. As disturbing as he was, he was her mentor. She learned a lot of her field medicine from him, assisted him in his research. I honestly would not be the least bit surprised if she copied all the records off the computers in that lab, handed him a neat bundle of dataspikes and biological samples, kissed him on the cheek and gave him a five minute headstart before she started the countdown.”


Dorne's jaw clenched and relaxed as she contemplated her untouched caf. “So she lied to the General?”


Aric nodded his head, “It is a possibility.” He took a long sip off the steaming cup. “I do know that the General is extremely upset that we have not been able to produce any new leads on any of their locations. They seem to have vanished into thin air.” Reaching up he gently tugged on the ring in his ear. “It has been over a year, almost two, I don't think we are going to find them, she should of included the SIS from the get go. If she had we might actually know what happened to them and the other squads.”


She stared at him, her eyes wide. “Jorgan, that's true? I had heard rumors that other SpecForce squads had also defected but there was never anything duracrete. The stories they were, they...”


“... were buried and quietly but quickly shuffled off into obscurity.” He finished her sentence for her. “How she managed to keep the scope of the defections unknown I will never know, after the inquiry it all just fell to the wayside. I had expected it to be plastered all over newsfeeds as well as the Holonet, but nothing, even after we rescued Senator Krasul I never saw as much as a blip on the feed.” He shifted in his seat reclining back into the chair. “Our Commander ran off after Wraith, told me later that she managed to get away, I still wonder about that as well. I was busy trying to free the Senator, there was no way I could of followed her. There are times I have wondered if we were both supposed to die in that room, I barely managed to trick the bomb, get him out of that room before it blew.”


Dorne just looked at him, her face was unreadable. He didn't blame her it was a lot to digest. Aric took another pull off his cup. Rubbing the bridge of his nose he picked up the datapad and resumed typing, he was almost finished with the latest round of reports, they needed to be signed and submitted so their supplies would be waiting for them when they arrived on Nar Shaddaa.


“Sir.” Her voice was a quiet squeak.


“Yes Sergeant?” He looked up at her.


“I had hoped you could help me with something, but I don't wish to be a burden.”


He gave her a small smile; of all the people in his life she was most definitely not a burden. “What do you need help with?”


“Well, I have to check-in with the Personal Division, with Captain Kalor. It has been getting difficult to proceed with my check-ins, he has been pushing to know more about what I do with the squad but our actions are top secret.” She chewed on her lip a moment before continuing. “I had asked the Captain for assistance but she just told me to talk to you and not to waste her time.”


Aric set the datapad down on the table. “Tell me what you need me to do. It is not a burden I am just trying to keep things operating as smoothly as possible.” Aric hit a few keystrokes, inserting the automated signature of their Commanding Officer and then signed his own name below. Tapping the screen he saved and submitted the final acquisitions report, before pushing the datapad to the side.


“Well Sir,” she nervously cleared her throat, “I have to file a report as to my activities every week as well as contact him by holo, but I can't divulge where we were. He is becoming rather difficult to deal with, he thinks I’m purposely withholding information.”


Aric smiled, “That won't be a problem, tell me when your next check-in is and I will talk to the man, I will also review and sign off on all your reports so the activity you can actually report on will be verified and backed up by me.”


Dorne's face lit up, her smile was so huge. “Oh thank you Sir, I honestly can not thank you enough.”


Aric shook his head, “Not a problem, if you have any other issues you need resolved, come to me I will help you the best I can.”





No prompt on this one, it actually had a working title of paper work.


Edited by Kitar
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Imperial Bonus series on Alderaan, Trooper class story, SW end game title, SW class story on Alderaan( I think, it's been awhile)





Year: 3636 Month 5; two months after previous chapter




He paced, fists clenched. This could not continue. The man might of technically been the enemy, he might have a lead on one of the defectors, but he had been kidnapped and forcefully brought here. Aric growled, this was not right. Their treatment of the prisoner broke so many rules. Before he would not of cared, before he would of thought it justified, before he would of willingly turned a blind eye. Not anymore, he could not stand by and let this unwilling informant be brutalized.


A long low growl escaped from his throat as he clenched his fists tighter, he felt his claw tips pressing into the pads of his hands. Scowling he spun on his foot and stalked out of his room. This needed to end.


He forced his hands to unclench, his shoulders to drop as he walked. Quickly he moved through the palace halls; his booted feet silent, cushioned upon the lush carpeting. Taking a deep breath he made his face relax; the scowl disappear. Guards nodded greeting him as he moved closer to the holding room.


He was still furious with himself, for his inaction, he had just stood there when his Captain entered the room to question him. He growled; questioned his foot. The sounds that emanated from that locked room, were not the sounds of questioning, they were the sounds of a beating. He had wanted to act, he had, but he had been unable to think of anything that could of spared the prisoner that would not of blown his cover.


Aric stopped, staring at the guard in front of him. He had arrived at the holding room. Earlier he had been unable to act then but he could now, most of the palace was asleep. He had to act. Aric looked up at the huge Human before him, the man nodded and stepped aside allowing him entry to the room. He had to act, Aric owed the man, for all the times he had helped him. Aric owed him this and more.


As Aric stepped into the room, he heard the door lock behind him. The man on the bed slowly stirred, waking. He propped himself up on one arm; his eye blackened and besieged by bruises that crept angrily across his face competing with the welts and bloody gash on his forehead. Aric looked upon the man and his hands clenched again. The man looked at him blinking, suddenly recognition flashed across his face and Aric slightly shook his head no. The man stilled, staring at him intently.


Aric had thought of a plan, a course of action to help this man before him. The man who had openly welcomed him into his home, treated him as a member of his family, given him a room to stay in when he was on planet, the man who had worked tirelessly to hide the evidence of his trysts with Kit'ar. Markus Andarius Thul.


Aric's stomach rolled, attempting to climb its way out of his throat before suddenly filling with duracrete and landing with an incredibly heavy thump threatening to shatter his resolve. Once he started what he had planned there was no backing out, no returning. It was all or nothing. Taking a huge breath, he dared to hope his shaking was not noticeable on the camera. He owned this man and now it was showtime.


Snarling he advanced on the beaten noble. “You are going to tell me what I want to know.”


Markus' eyes widened as Aric advanced on him, the man scrambled backwards across his bed until his back hit the wall. Markus shook his head in disbelief, “No, what are you doing?”


Aric internally panicked, no no don't blow this, don't, he mentally begged. He increased his pace as he closed the short distance to the bed. He bent over grabbing the front of the man's torn and bloody jacket. Picking the man up Aric shoved him against the wall, stopping Markus' momentum fractions of a second before he actually hit, so the noble's back gently came to rest against the wall.


Aric shifted his body slightly to the left, intentionally blocking the camera that was monitoring the room. He demanded again, almost roaring, “You will tell me!” He locked his eyes on Markus. He felt the man trembling in his grasp. “Markus,” he hissed. Markus looked up into Aric's face. Aric leaned in closer, “trust me,” he growled. “Wrist-chrono, blue button, hit it.”


Markus brought his hands up and covered Aric's wrists, tugging at them as his thumb grazed the button. A sharp almost inaudible hiss filled Aric's ear. Leaning his head as close as he dared he whispered to the shivering noble. “Sound dampening shield, very short window of time to talk. I'm getting you out of here, trust me.”


Markus tapped Aric's wrist, in silent acknowledgment.


“Give me Altana's holofrequency, they are leaving in the morning to retrieve her and your daughter.”


Markus' eyes grew wide. “What? Why are they going after them? What are they going to do?” He whispered through clenched lips.


Aric growled leaning in closer, “Use them as leverage to get you to talk. I will stop it, I won't let them hurt you anymore. What do they want information about?”


“They keep asking me about this Gearbox, but they won't tell me what it is.”


Aric sighed, “Gearbox is not a thing it's a person, Bex Kolos, Lieutenant Bex Kolos.”


“Bex... but he is one of Alderaan's sons, from House Killesa.” Markus stared at him. “He has returned home to assist with the rebuilding, he's been invaluable. Why would Republic soldiers want him? Aric I don't understand any of this.”


Swallowing hard, Aric answered him. “He defected along with many other SpecForce troopers, the brass is not letting it go, we are supposed to track them down.”


“Defected? Tracking them down? Bex, but he... it doesn't make any sense. I don't... you are the Wrath's consort are you not? How are you even here?” Markus whispered as his eyes scanned Aric's face, confused.


Aric dropped his gaze, he had no idea how to even begin answering him and the window of protection was slipping away.


“You're a Republic soldier?” Markus' voice hung in his ears echoing. Slowly he looked back at Markus, the man's eyes were locked onto his dog tags. “That's why everyone was so secretive. I thought it was to keep knowledge of you out of Sith politics but its more than that. You and she...” his voice trailed off as understanding flashed across his battered face.


Aric realized he didn't need to say a word, he simply nodded, a lifetime spent traversing the intrigues of Alderaanian politics gave Markus a crystal clear understanding of Aric's precarious situation.


“I will warn them, then I will be calling Kit.” The man visibly relaxed in Aric's grip. “What is the frequency?” he leaned in closer a snarl on his face.


Markus whispered into his ear, “Tell her Tyrovan, if she gives you any difficulty. You know the House's frequency?” Aric nodded. “Good its sub frequency is Osk-nine-two-four-seven-Xesh.”


Grunting acknowledgment he suddenly let go of Markus, the Human hit the mattress and wall with a dull thud. Aric knelt next to the bed, grabbing Markus' jacket. He screwed his face up in a snarl, “Are you okay?”


Markus looked up winking.


Aric smothered a grin as he snarled, pushing the man away from him. He stood, stalking out of the room.



She had not been pleased; nope that was a massive understatement. She had been furious when she answered the missing noble's holofrequency only to see his face. Her jaw had set when he spoke. “Our mutual missing friend is being given an unsolicited tour of Organa's grounds, tomorrow at mid-morning the tour will be extended to his family. They have been informed of the trip and have packed accordingly.” Before his voice had even faded from his ears her blue projected form had cut out.


Now he stood against the far wall, dressed in his fatigues. Before him upon the raised dais stood members of House Organa, General Gesselle Organa, Duke Charle Organa and Blenks. Lining the walls and placed along the overlooking balcony the House's guard stood. Thankfully the rest of his squad was off on the fruitless errand to bring in Altana and Valyn. He had conveniently been out running, his com 'forgotten' when the message was received that Kit was going to be visiting the palace. He had almost managed to slink away in the flurry of activity, almost, instead he had been ushered into the room, placed so he was in full view of their extremely hostile guests.


They outnumbered their guests at least four to one but if it came to blows they would not stand a chance. Standing before the assembled Organa and Republic forces were three Sith, Kit'ar led the procession, to her immediate left and right were Jaesa and Lord Serjay Thul respectively. Behind them staggered to the sides a small contingent of black and crimson clad Black Op soldiers, standing on their flanks were several of House Thul's finest. Pierce towered over them, even edging out the Sith contender. The identities of Pierce's fellow soldiers unknown due to their helmets but Aric had a very good idea who stood before them.


Kit'ar lowered her hood, glaring at the assembled nobles. Her eyes rested on General Gesselle Organa. Her face was a pure porcelain mask, completely emotionless. He shuddered; she was livid. The calmer her facade the angrier she was. When she spoke he unconsciously flinched, her voice was low, smooth, utterly devoid of all emotion, just a crisp Imperial accent. She was one preconceived insult away from unleashing the maelstrom of rage that he knew coursed behind that blank mask. “So nice to see you again, General. I believe you have something that does not belong to you.”


The General curtly nodded her head. “I believe there has been a misunderstanding.”


“Misunderstanding,” the Darth hissed, the Sith flanking her shifted their weight. “There is no way to misconstrue this. You currently hold against his will a noble of House Thul. Return him or we shall recognize this action as open aggression and take him back.”


The General raised her hand, “There is no reason to let things get out of hand.”


“Tell me General, do you ever have things in hand? There has been a called peace on Alderaan for almost two years. I sundered House Ulgo, bringing the usurper in for justice. I procured House Panteer’s support for House Thul. Their backing priceless as Lord Serjay is being groomed to assume the throne.” Aric watched Serjay quickly grin before his face again became emotionless.


“General,” she hissed, her voice icy. Aric swore the temperature of the room dropped. “You know me... if you do not produce Markus Thul this second, I will tear this palace apart. This is nothing more than an underhanded attempt to shatter the tentative peace. To rekindle a conflict to seat one of your own on the throne.” Kit'ar's hand moved to her hilt, her entourage shadowing her movement, each ready to grasp their weapon should she make the move.


The General shifted on her feet, staring at the Sith. Kit'ar had not broken her eye contact with the General, her green eyes burning. Kit'ar closed her hand around her hilt, the movement mirrored by the flanking Sith. Gisselle dropped her eyes and turned her head to the guards standing near Aric. Two briskly nodded and moved through a door in the back of the room, when they emerged between them stood the battered and bloody Markus.


He heard Kit'ar's sharp intake of breath when she saw Markus' condition. Her eyes narrowed as she growled, “Misunderstanding...”


Before her the General flinched, “I assure you this was a misunderstanding, no one in this palace was given any orders to capture and contain Lord Thul. I give you my word, Wrath.”


“So who was given the orders?” Kit'ar returned her burning gaze to the General.


The General shifted from one foot to the other, Aric could almost see the gears turning in her head. “They are not of House Organa. This incident will be dealt with.”


“Who was it?”


The Duke cleared his throat, “It would be improper to speak ill of the transgressor without them present and able to defend themselves.”


Kit'ar's burning gaze swept across the room, the barest flicker of acknowledgment as she scanned Aric's face. Her eyes returned to the gathered Organa nobility, as she opened her mouth to speak Markus spoke up. “My Lord, I will be most happy to give you the details of my detainment here. Perhaps back in the comfort of our House? I find the Organa's hospitality to be most unforgiving.”


Kit'ar looked him over, quietly gesturing with her free hand. Two Thul soldiers peeled away from their formation to help him. Markus leaned heavily against one of the soldiers. Kit'ar nodded and the troops surrounded him, starting the slow progression out of the large room.


The Sith and Pierce remained behind. Kit'ar returned her attention to the General, “If anything like this happens again, you will not receive the courtesy of a meeting. Am I understood?”


General Organa simply nodded. Satisfied Kit'ar raised her hood and pivoted on her foot, robe billowing around her as she stalked from the room. Her apprentice and Serjay quickly falling in step along side her. Pierce lingered a moment looking around the room, studying the huge room's basilica-esque layout. Aric heard a low chuckle as the massive man turned to follow the Sith.



When they were out of view his legs began to shake feeling like rubber, his hands started profusely sweating, his stomach rolled and he was certain everyone in the room was staring at him. He needed to get out of there. Quietly he slipped away, heading as quickly as discreetly possible to his room.


When he reached the door, his hand kept slipping off the numpad. Frantically wiping his palms on his pants he managed to dry them enough to key open the entrypad. When he entered the room it started to spin around him. Claws sunk into the wall, gouging the wooden trim. His shaking legs refused to support him any longer; he wrenched his fingers out of the wall as he collapsed to the floor.


What had he done? What had he just done? He rubbed his hands over his face. Bile forced its way up his throat. He swallowed as another wave forced its way to his mouth. Gagging he swallowed, forcing his feet under him. Standing he stumbled into the refresher as another wave crashed against his tongue.


What had he just done? He had just given their only lead to Gearbox back to House Thul without finding out anything. His stomach lurched. He had to; it had been the right thing to do. They were beating him, who knows what they would of resorted to next. He gagged choking back more bile.


The quiet insistent voice in the back of his mind he had gotten so proficient at silencing seized its opportunity. He is the enemy, he is the enemy and you just turned him over. Why did you do that! He gagged, swallowing another mouthful of vileness.


It was the right thing to do, that man is not the enemy he is my friend. My Friend. He didn't deserve to be treated like that. After everything he has done for me, the dinners, the suite of rooms, his protection and secrecy when I rendezvous at his estate with Kit. He clenched his jaw shut as his mouth flooded with bile.


The repressed inner voice howled, Your friend! That man is your enemy, that woman is your enemy! You have let that woman get under your skin you have forgotten who you are. You have seriously karked this up. The bile won, he fumbled with the 'fresher's lid barely getting his head above the bowl before he retched.


Claws clicking on the side of the bowl he emptied the contents of his rolling stomach, heaving until his sides hurt, long after his body voided everything. Gagging he slipped down onto the cool tile floor, unable to even reach up to hit the button on the tank. No … I did the right thing, he is my friend, she, she is my lover. How do we know Gearbox is even an enemy, who do I believe? I don't even know who my enemies are anymore.






Prompt on this one, betrayal.


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Trooper Class story Act I, for the political environment for Alderaan and back story for the planet






Year 3636 the next morning




He woke, his mouth an arid bile filled desert. He rolled over, the cool floor leaching the warmth through his bare fur. Wincing he sat up, his stomach screamed in protest. He let his body slump back to the cool tile. Running his claws over his head and face he grimaced; time to face the music. There was to be a holo call back to Garza this morning, he got to be front and center since he was the only one there when their only 'lead' was taken right our of their hands.


Sighing he pushed his body off the floor, his muscles protesting. Leaning against the 'fresher stall he clawed the dials, summoning a warm steady stream of water. Pulling his sleep pants off he tossed them into the corner and stepped into the stall, warmth cascading over his body, drenching his fur. Closing his eyes he grabbed for the shampoo. As he lathered his head and chest he prayed, no, begged the ancestors to send some disaster their way so he would not have to be present at that holo call. An earthquake would be nice, or a volcanic eruption, a Killik invasion... anything, so he would not have to talk to the General.


He hurried through the shower, replaying the entire exchange in his head. There had to be a way to answer the General without actually admitting his involvement. He could do this, he had to, just tell enough of the truth to be passable, and memorable. Nothing fancy, nothing that would trip him up if he had to repeat it, again and again. If that failed, lie. Use just enough of the truth for a foundation so the lies would be believable. He growled ducking his shoulders under the hot stream of water, rinsing the suds off his back. He could do this, he had to, and then when it was over he could forget all about it.


Clawing off the off the water, he stood there a moment, letting the water drain off his fur. As the cool air from the 'fresher started to creep in, he opened the door sighing. Suck it up Aric, he mentally yelled at himself. Just suck it up, you knew you would have to do this when you decided to get Markus out of the Organa's custody. Deal with it, get today over with. You can do it. There is no other option. He stared at his reflection in the steamy mirror; partially visible the rest distorted and obscured. He scowled baring his fangs at his corporeal self; the action causing his distorted doppelganger to smile back. Swallowing a growl of frustration he yanked his toothbrush free, aggressively he started brushing his teeth, his eyes refusing to look into the mirror.




The walk back to the Thunderclap seemed to take forever, moving through the open air market he felt as though everyone was staring at him. On more than one occasion he had to force his shoulders to relax, his claws to retract, and to wipe the frowning scowl off his face. If he acted on edge people were going to notice, he knew his damn General would notice even if no one else did. Taking a deep breath he managed to relax, slightly.


Walking through the Spaceport he felt as if the walls were closing in, that with each step the building managed to shrink a meter, until finally it was going to consume him. Closing his eyes briefly he took another deep breath. The shrinking seemed to stop, for the moment. He needed to get out of here, he needed to get away from here. Another deep breath through his nose, when he was done, he would go someplace quiet, have a cigarra and try to forget. But first he had to finish this, he needed to get a tighter grip, and stop falling apart.


The open ramp loomed before him. He had not seen the rest of the crew since last night, he could only assume they were on the ship already. Walking up the gangplank he heard the subdued voice of his X.O. They were already on the ship, frowning he looked at his wristchrono, he was not late, still had five minutes until the expected call was to come in.


With a final deep breath he moved towards his squadmates, purposely standing to Elara's left so the medic would be in the middle. Elara greeted him with a small smile while his X.O. begrudgingly acknowledged his presence, barely glancing his way. He didn't see Forex, the battle droid was probably on stand by in the conference room. As he searched for the war droid, Vik walked out of the crew's barracks, taking his place by their X.O.'s side, the Weequay didn't even acknowledge Aric's presence. Well at least everything seemed to be normal, now to just make it though this call.


The holo chimed, taking a deep breath he waited for the Captain to answer it. You can do this, he forced his shoulders to relax as Garza's blued form blinked into view. Frowning, she stared at each and every one of them in turn. “I have read from your report that you encountered difficulties Captain.”


Aric clenched his jaw, difficulties his foot. Criminal abuse of a civilian, more like, a man who is better at arranging parties than dealing with military secrets. Forcing his breathing to remain even, he grasped his hands behind his back as he assumed a parade rest; if he could keep his clenching hands out of sight this might actually go smoothly.


“That is affirmative General. We did have in our custody a nobleman from house Thul, he had been seen conversing with a man who fit Gearbox's description to a tee. Then we hit a bit of a snag; an unavoidable confrontation resulting in the loss of the prisoner.”


“As I read in your report, that is a very unfortunate turn of events. I understand you were not present when the Organa's lost custody of the prisoner?”


“That is correct Sir, I was out following up a lead to bring in the nobleman’s family. It was thought their presence would encourage him to talk.”


“I applaud your initiative, were you successful? Perhaps this mission is not a complete wash.”


“Negative Sir, the intel was bad. The family was not there.”


Garza sighed, a motion that seemed rather out of place. “That is most unfortunate Captain, we have lost the only lead we were able to procure on Alderaan.” Garza's blued form shifted slightly, her gaze settling on Aric. “From the report, you were the only one there when the prisoner was lost?”


Lost, Aric swallowed back a snide retort. Launching into how he was not lost but reclaimed by the members of his house would not only reveal just how much he knew about the Thuls but would definitely incriminate him in the said removal. Instead he offered her a crisp nod, “That is affirmative Sir. I was there.”


“Why were you not out with the rest of the squad looking for the prisoner's family? Their presence would have provided additional needed leverage.”


“I was completing my daily round of physically therapy, followed by physical training.”


Garza's brow furrowed as she frowned, “Still?”


Aric bit back a snarl, “Yes Sir, Seargent Dorne still has not cleared me for full active duty.”


Garza stared at him a moment longer. “So Lieutenant what exactly transpired?”


Aric tightened his grip on his wrists. “As it was stated in the report. The Sith of House Thul, discovered he was in Organa custody and confronted the Organa's. There is some kind of history between the Sith who retrieved the prisoner and General Organa. It was laid out in no uncertain terms that House Thul considered the apprehension of their noble to be a veiled attempt to rekindle the Civil War.”


“Who was the Sith?”


Aric forced his shoulders to shrug. “Some Human woman, she was the apparent leader of the group, they all deferred to her. Considering the tension in the room we are extremely lucky things did not escalate.”


The General stared at him; it made his hide crawl. It had been a calculated move, one that would of not only launched Alderaan back into a Civil War but also given Garza more intel about the defected squad. This was personal for her; it didn't matter that dangling the beaten nobleman in front of House Thul could of resulted in the deaths of everyone in that room, it would of simply been more fodder to once again engage in open warfare with the Empire. The Organa's deaths would of been the perfect fuel, the details of the encounter easily twisted to place the blame upon the Sith.


He returned her stare, keeping his face impassive. He knew the planet's history, that decades ago the Republic had managed to repel and defend the planet from the Empire's invasion. He also knew out of anger the Crown Prince, Senator Gaul Panteer had pulled Alderaan out of the Republic, protesting the Treaty. He knew the Prince and his mother the Queen were both assassinated plunging the planet into Civil War, a war that bitterly divided the planet. He also knew the woman who tracked down and executed the assassins, defeated the usurper and captured him, actually bringing Bouris Ulgo in to stand trial instead of killing him. Kit would be furious if she learned that Markus' kidnapping at the hands of his X.O. had been orchestrated in the hopes of plunging the planet back into war. Especially since Kit had gone to such great lengths to follows Alderaanian rules and Governmental Policies; which had actually gotten the Panteer's to give their blessing and their crown to House Thul's succession.


Aric admitted he didn't understand it all but he knew that Kit's actions had caused the fighting to stop. They had actually started to rebuild. Things were still a bit tense but life was slowly returning to normal.


“Your concern is noted, Lieutenant.” Garza's voice dripped disdain. Her gaze shifted back to the Captain. “Was any usable intel gathered before this unfortunate incident occurred?”


She shook her head, “Negative, Sir.”


Garza's frown deepened, “Most unfortunate, this was the last plausible lead we had concerning the defectors.”


Aric bit his tongue, if they had been allowed to tell the S.I.S. things might have been different. The General’s refusal to include intelligence never did sit well with him. It was almost as if she was hiding something. Including the S.I.S. in the beginning would have been humbling, but they would not be chasing these ghosts.


They had managed to bring in Kardan on Coruscant. The last any one had heard from Wraith was Port Raga, after she left the good Senator and Aric to blow, she simply vanished. Needles was presumed dead on Taris. Gearbox was here on Alderaan helping his House and their holdings recover from the war and Aric just flat refused to tell anyone, if Bex wanted out, Aric no longer was the man to haul him back in. Fuse and Tavis had disappeared, as if they never existed. Knowing what I.I. was capable of it honestly didn’t surprise him. Aric could not help but think they were now firmly established within the Empire and out of reach.


“Lieutenant,” Garza's attention shifted back to Aric. “Did this Sith say anything of note? Did the Organa's address her formally?”


Aric shook his head, “Negative Sir, she just expressed her anger at the condition the prisoner was in. No one called her by name, the only title used was Lord.”


“That is all? She was displeased?” A small smile played along the General's lips, “That's unfortunate, the Sith Lord was displeased.”


“Yes Sir,” Aric refused to tell her that Kit had threatened the Organas with an all out assault, he bit back the angry retort that she wasn't some Lord, that she was a Darth on the Council, that she was the Wrath. He swallowed it, these were facts the present company never needed to know, let them think her weaker than what she was. Aric's stomach churned knowing Garza might just push her into action. The General had become so agitated with the complete lack of progress in apprehending the former squad it was entirely possible.


Garza's smile vanished, “Captain offer the Organas your continued assistance. A continued positive relationship is of the utmost importance.”


“Yes Sir,” their Captain saluted, “Are there any new leads?”


“Unfortunately no Captain there are not, I will contact you when I have anymore information.” Garza's holo blinked out of existence.


“You heard her, we get to stay here a bit longer,” the Captain growled heading off to her quarters.


Aric finally unclenched his aching hands; while his squadmates moved about their business on the ship he silently slipped off the vessel, cigara in hand.




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None I can think of really







Year: 3636 Month 6; one month later.




The breeze picked up carrying though the Promenade, the cool air blew against his fur. Adjusting his stance stepped closer to her, slipping his arm around her exposed back. She turned to look up at him, an amused smile on her ruby lips. “I am not cold,” she murmured, attempting to keep her voice low in the mixed company they had found themselves.


He lowered his head to whisper into her ear, “Figured you had some fancy Force trick up your sleeve, but all the other ladies are … chilly.”


Subtly she glanced around the waiting group of humanoids and aliens. All around her women whose evening gowns were on the more revealing side were either tightly clutching shawls or cover-ups about their shoulders or were huddled up against their respective dates. The fact she was not even shivering in her sleeveless, open-back number was starting to draw some curious stares.


She tilted her head back to whisper into his ear. “Nothing gets past you does it?” She slid her hand along his cheek. Aric moved closer sliding his other hand along the black Killik silk, taking care not to snag it. She rotated in his arms, fingers caressing his neck as she kissed him.


He growled low in his throat as he wrapped his arms around her. She smiled, whispering, “See, now I have my own way to keep warm.”


He rumbled, “You keep that up and we will not make our dinner reservation or the Opera afterward.”


She laughed, low and seductive, “All part of my plan to discourage you from having more 'normal' dates, if you had let me show up armored, we would have been seated already.”


“True, but it is so nice to just spend a nice night out and not worry.” He wrapped his arms tighter, burying his head into her perfumed neck. “Plus,” he gently nipped at the base of her neck, “I am enjoying the jealous looks I have been getting all evening. You look absolutely fantastic.”


She groaned into his chest as he continued to nip and kiss the porcelain skin, “... people have been staring?” She managed to mutter as he bit her earlobe.


“Oh yes,” He chuckled as she leaned into him, tilting her head giving him better access to her neck. He ran a fang along her earlobe before gently biting. A moan escaped from her painted lips. As he bent to kiss the sensitive spot right behind her ear a voice cut through the air, completely unexpected and unwanted.




Aric slid his arms lower making sure they covered her lower back and the distinctive ridges that declared her distant Pureblood ancestry. She instantly shifted her weight onto her right leg canting her left hip, it exposed a huge expanse of her right leg but it hid the telltale budge of a saber hilt on her left thigh.


Aric looked up into the questioning face of Agent Balker. He froze, a million excuses and greetings forming in his mind, not a single one managed to manifest on his lips. In Aric's arms Kit'ar gracefully shifted, pivoting in his embrace. She leaned back into his chest as she smiled up at the Republic Agent.


“Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I was interrupting something.”


Aric stifled an annoyed growl, the man's face looked anything but sorry. “Good evening Jonas,” Aric growled, annoyed but trying not to panic. He silently sent up a quick prayer to the ancestors that Jonas would not recognize her. Aric knew it was possible that the Agent might, but he hoped seeing them here, dressed for the Opera, Jonas would not even think she was anything other than what she appeared to be.


“Good Evening Aric, quite an entertaining way to pass the time, while you wait for your table.” Jonas grinned as he winked at the agitated Cathar.


She shifted slightly in his arms as a warmth passed over him, swallowing a surprised growl he glanced down at her. She looked up at him, subtly winking before she extended her hand out to Jonas. “So nice to see you again Jonas.”


Aric tried to keep his face neutral, she had not disguised her voice, her smooth Imperial accent filled the small space between them. Jonas' eyebrow arched subtly before his face became smooth, the smile morphed into something saccharin and distrustful.


Jonas grasped her hand, holding it by her fingertips as he brought it to his lips, “Nice to see you again...”


She smiled a large sweet smile as she looked up at Jonas through her thick auburn lashes, “Kit'ar.”


“Ahh yes,” the Agent seemed to take a moment to study her face.


Aric forced himself to breathe. Jonas was still holding onto her hand, his face chiseled smooth of all emotions but that incredibly fake smile that screamed liar.


“It's your hair, it's different, you have changed it.” Jonas' tone accusatory.


“I did,” she nodded her head slightly as she brought her free hand up to touch the side of her face, “the black was a wig. I am terribly sorry for the deception, but I was afraid that if I hadn’t disguised myself, tried to hide my accent that you would not have helped me. So many people hear my voice and make a snap decision. Which is horribly unfair, everyone deserves a chance don't you think?”


Jonas looked from Aric to Kit'ar as he slowly kissed her painted nails and released her hand. She dropped her hand and placed it gently across Aric's crossed arms. Jonas frowned slightly, as he straightened. Aric could see the gears turning in his head, Jonas wanted to question her but couldn't quite find a way to do so without being obvious.


Kit'ar must of sensed what the agent was thinking. She wrapped her other hand around Aric's and smiled up at the Cathar. “You can't help where you are born, which is why I try to judge from actions and not accents.” Aric glanced at Jonas, the man recoiled slightly as if slapped. “After meeting Aric on Voss I knew I had to get to know him.” She looked back at Jonas who just stood there staring.


“Oh,” Kit'ar exclaimed as if the idea had just struck her, “the pieces I received from your store were fantastic, they look wonderful in my apartment here. Would you mind terribly if I had my associate schedule an appointment? I have been searching for new office chairs.”


That seemed to jog the agent into action. “Yes of course that would be lovely. I do hope you forgive my hesitation, I had not expected such a revelation this evening.”


“It is quite alright, I had not expected to be making one. I do so hate starting out any kind of relationship under the dark cloud of deception. I hope you forgive me?” She smiled again at the agent. “I will always be eternally grateful to you for helping us.”


“I do hate to interrupt, but our table is ready.” A smooth voice interjected causing Aric to jump. He looked over his shoulder; quietly standing next to him was Vector. Aric stared at the man, that was the first time he had ever heard Vector call himself I. Aric realized the eyes that stared back at him were a pale green. Vector winked at him as the corners of his mouth turned up in a slight smile.


“Oh excellent, I am starving. It was very nice to see you again Jonas,” she smiled up at the Agent before offering her arm to the Joiner. Aric released his hold of Kit, subtly blocking the view of her lower back as she slid next to Vector. She looked back at Aric, “would you mind terribly if we went inside, it's chilly out here.”


Aric smiled, “Not at all, could you order me a Corellian Lager?”


“Of course, don't take to long.” She smiled back at him as she and Vector maneuvered through the crowd and into the restaurant.


Aric looked back at Jonas, the man was staring at him. Jonas broke the silence first. “You met her on Voss?”


Aric grinned, “I did.”


“So you knew? Of course you knew...”


“Yeah I knew, decided to give her a chance. Glad I did she's an amazing woman. There are a couple good ones out there, Dorne isn't the only one.”


At the mention of Dorne Jonas' face blanched, he dropped his eyes, staring at his feet. “I'm sorry.”


Aric reached out clapping him on the shoulder. “She is a good one.” He jerked his head towards the doors, “I need to get going. Catch up with you tomorrow, watch the huttball match at the Slopes?”


“Yeah,” Jonas nodded his head, “sounds good”.


“K, I’ll catch up with you then.” Aric turned and left the bewildered agent. A massive sigh blew past his lips, he was so thankful he had managed to talk her into dressing up, he just had this feeling that being seen with her in her robes tonight would have been disastrous. That little exchange was scary enough as it was and every word out of her mouth had been the truth.





No prompt again this time, I thought there was. And I dug looking for it, but apparently no prompt.


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Sooo. I tried to post this last night, and the lovely internet in my neck of the woods was acting up horribly due to the wind. Nothing better than living out in the country with your horse in the backyard but the internet sure does stink. :/


So I'm gonna try again, luckily I saved the entire post so I just had to paste it again.



Mild reference to SW story on Voss and mild reference to a convo with Aric






Year 3636 Month 7




She leaned further back into the deeply padded booth. It was heavily shadowed sequestered away from the main flow of the cantina. Sighing she ran a lazy finger over the top of her wine glass, watching the patrons through the smoky haze. Jalib was late again, he was perpetually late, if he was not so damn skittish she would remind him how inconsiderate it was making her wait. Shifting against the seat she growled; she hated waiting.


Smoothing her chocolate coloured robes, again, she took a sip of the light burgundy wine before her. A decent Corellian vintage; mellow light tannins, a nice body, fruit sliding across her tongue. That was a plus to having to linger in this damn place, waiting. Their wine cellars were respectable. Taking a deep breath she reminded herself to calm down. Drinking another sip she slowly exhaled trying to center herself. If she let herself get worked up he might never show. Last time she lost her temper over having to wait he had taken it upon himself to hide until her mood improved…. Hours later she found him hiding in a closet, convinced it was safer than actually meeting with her.


Draining the glass she gestured to the serving droid, requesting a refill. Long delicate fingers playing with the empty glass she sighed, shifting again in the booth, her forced delay starting to wear at her. She wanted to get off this rock, get back into respectable clothes, play with her damn delivery if Jalib could ever manage to show up.


She stopped fidgeting, there on the edge of her perception, a rush of nervous jittery fear. Jalib had finally managed to arrive. Sinking further back into the booth, she steepled her hands in front of her and waited. Moments later she saw the thin wiry Human appear, brown hair sticking out at all angles, thin droopy mustache and a thick shadow on his cheeks, wearing his trademark black glasses and duster. His black duster seemed to be attempting to eat him, it so completely engulfed his narrow frame. Maybe that is why he’s so nervous all the time his coat is out to get him.


“Oh you’re here, well of course you’re here, I was hoping to beat you here,” Jalib muttered.


Frowning she gestured to the seat across the table.


“Oh yes of course,” he slid into the seat perching on the edge.


“Jalib,” she started quietly, “we were to meet over two hours ago,” doing the best to keep the frustration out of her voice she continued, “my package?”


“Yes, yes of course, it’s right here.” He slid small plain box to the middle of the table, he jerked his hands away and returned them to the safety of his side of the booth.


Shaking her head she motioned with her left hand sliding the box across the table, ignoring his excitable yelp. He had been making these deliveries to her for years, if he could not remember she was Sith that was his problem. Pulling a small vibroknife from an inner pocket she opened the box. Smiling she rummaged through the contents pulling out and scrutinizing the small glass bottles.


The knife returned to the pocket and a cred stick appeared in her hand. Holding it between her ring and middle fingers she extended her left hand to the jittery man. “All is in good order,” she smiled at him. The man actually stiffened, inwardly she shook her head, why did he continue to do business with her if he was so afraid of her? She extended her arm further, cautiously he took the cred stick.


“So, when you need more you will contact me yes?” Jalib muttered.


“Of course.”


The cred stick disappeared as he peered at the box, “what do you do with it?”


Smiling she reached her hand further towards him, “give me your hand.” He stared at her, she felt his fear spike, she saw his muscles coil, tighten. “Your hand Jalib.” To her surprise he actually offered her his hand, granted his was shaking but he still did it. Grasping it in her right hand she began to rummage through the box.


She pulled a glass vial filled with a black powder, opening it up, she picked up a few powdered grains with her fingernail. With her right hand she pushed the unwieldy coat up his arm exposing an expanse of pale skin. She dipped her right index finger into the water glass on the table brushing water against his forearm in a leisurely swirling pattern. Smiling she looked up at him and winked, dropping the granules onto his arm.


The colour exploded as the pigment hit the water, flowing and flowering along the damp skin, drawing itself out from an inky black to the lightest of violets and countless shades in between, smiling to herself she took her fingernail and traced a few lines through the design dragging colour along his arm defining the edges of the organic flow.


He stared at it, “It, it's paint.”


“Yes. It’s only paint, nothing overly exciting I’m afraid.” She looked up at him, “it should wash off, what doesn’t will fade with time.”


He stood staring at his arm. Without a word he walked away from the booth. She shook her head, she was never going to understand him. She watched him leave and her eyes locked on someone sitting at the bar. What were the odds? She stared at the red furred Cathar, willing him to turn around. A lewd smile danced in the corner of her mouth, maybe she was going to be rewarded for all this nonsense, this waiting.


The serving droid whirled its arrival and set her glass on the table. Dropping a cred stick on its tray she gestured to the bar, “I’d like another glass and give him another round of whatever he’s drinking.” Beeping conformation the droid wheeled itself away, whirling to itself as it stopped by another booth to take an order.


Sinking back into the booth she watched him. The serving droid rolled up and beeped her request, leaning over he answered. Glancing up he looked at the booth, a puzzled expression on his face. When he saw her she watched him move his head slightly. Then he smiled as his eyes widened in surprise. He mumbled to the droid and crossed the room to her booth.


“You were the last person I expected to see here,” he growled.


She smiled taking a drink, “I’m full of surprises what can I say.”


He chuckled, “I am discovering.” He nodded towards the table, “what’s in the box?”


She moved her hand in front of her, sliding the box towards him. Eyebrow raised he pawed through the contents. Sliding into the booth next to her he set his beer down. Picking up a small vial he carefully opened it up and sniffed. She stifled a laugh when he sneezed. Extending a sharpened claw he poked the powder inside. The curiosity he radiated grew, she grinned watching him, wondering if curiosity really could kill the cat.


He made a triumphant noise in the back of his throat and grabbed her free hand. Before she could protest he brought her hand to his lips and licked the back of it. Grinning he sprinkled the rust coloured powder on her hand and watched as it blossomed into gold and flowered across her porcelain skin. “It's paint.” His grin spread from ear to ear.


“Really,” she sighed. “Did you really have to do that?”


His grin grew even larger, she rolled her eyes at him, causing laughter to erupt from his throat.


He scooted closer to her in the booth, sliding his arms around her he leaned in to kiss her. Running her gold hand along his crimson cheek she returned the kiss and sank back against the booth. “What are you doing here?”


She gestured to the box, “special delivery. I pretty much only come here to collect from my procurer he’s,” she sighed, “high maintenance.”


“What a coincidence, I’m here to meet someone as well.”


“You are,” she looked at him puzzled.


“Yeah but,” he frowned, “he’s expecting me to be alone.”


“Alone? Like I’m going to let you out of my sight now?”


“I know,” he growled, “but he can’t get spooked….” He turned to look at her, that Cheshire grin back.


“What,” she stared at him, she didn’t like that look on his face.


“I will owe you, just go with me, please?”


“If I want you tonight I can’t say no can I?”


“Nope,” he shook his head grinning.


She growled, “Fine.”


He kissed her quickly on the cheek and pulled down her hood. His hands deftly liberated her auburn locks and shook them causing them to settle in waves around her shoulders.


“Aric, by the Force what are you up to?”


He winked at her, and gestured across the room to an older well-dressed man. Growling she leaned back against the booth. She had a feeling he was going to owe her big time.


The man quickly crossed the room, stopping a meter away when he saw Aric had company. Fear rolled off the man, she bit her lip to avoid laughing. The Cathar slid out of the booth and greeted him, gesturing to the seat and speaking in low tones. The man instantly relaxed and sat down. Wait a minute what did he just tell that man? Aric returned to his seat at her side the corners of his mouth turning up in a smile. What did he just do?


“Evening Master Jedi, I admit I was nervous when I saw you but who would be worried when they have such company?” Aric's guest bobbed his grey haired head his brown eyes shining.


She shook her head, “not I.” She glanced at Aric out of the corner of her eye; he winked at her. She was going to kill him.


“I am sorry for altering the terms of our meeting but I did not want to turn down my friend’s offer of company.” Aric apologuised.


“Oh,” the older man sighed, “it’s quite all right completely understandable. I am sorry to have to interrupt your little reunion.”


Mentally she growled, if he only knew. Outwardly she gave him a pleasant smile and took a sip of her wine.


She tried to tune them out as she drank her wine, the less she had to talk the better. The conversation was pretty dull anyway. It was probably for the best she stayed out of it. Aric was trying to convince the man, one Doctor Zarn, apparently an armstech of some renown, to sell him some rare ore and a blaster schematic. The man was terrified it would end up in the Empire’s hands. It took a bit of willpower to keep a straight face at that one. She did not think sarcasm would be very appropriate for a Jedi, and that’s all she had for her furry lover.




She did have to admit she was impressed, Aric managed to close the negotiation, though why anyone would want to send her pensive Cathar on anything that required delicate diplomatic discussion was beyond her. The old gentlemen stood and bowed, “was a pleasure meeting you Master Jedi.”


“It was all mine, Doctor Zarn, I assure you,” she smiled and bowed her head.


The man seemed to glow, he turned to Aric, “I will have my colleague contact you in the morning to arrange the transfer.”


“Excellent I look forward to hearing from him.”


The man quietly said his goodbyes and excused himself from the table.


Aric looked at her and grinned; he slid closer. “So Master…”


Her hand shot out grabbing his wrist, she felt the bones move under her fingers as she squeezed ending his sentence. Her eyes narrowed as she growled, “I do like how that rolls off your tongue.”


A sharp intake of air blew through his nose. He was staring at her; surprisingly he was not scared. “You’re hurting me,” he exhaled.


“Nonsense Jedi don’t hurt people,” she growled.


He leaned closer, “mine does.”


“What…” her anger spiked, how dare he.


“I have been watching you,” his voice was a low growl.


His voice dropped lower, an even purring rumble. “You don’t have to protest and posture for me. I saw you with that young Zabrak, besides that ridiculous amount of food, how many credits did you give him?”


She stared at him how did he know that? She made sure no one was watching when she bought the starving little boy his first real meal in days.


Smiling he continued, “Changing your robes for ones less threatening to calm the nerves of a nervous … tradesmen, actually going along with my little charade though I’m afraid as brilliant as he is, Zarn is not very observant, Jedi don’t drink or grope people in public.”


She actually felt her cheeks flush, she was bored what else was she supposed to do? She had been forced to sit still and wait for hours, she needed something to distract herself, and all the wine she had been consuming had done nothing to encourage ‘proper’ behavior.


He moved, she tightened her grip on his joint. The inhaled snort of pain caused her to tighten her grip further. He leaned in closer pushing his restricted wrist towards her lap. “I know full well you could of snapped our necks with a thought, I knew you wouldn’t. You … enjoy me too much,” he smiled his fangs glinting in the smoky haze. “I see a lot more than you realize, Cathar don’t miss a lot.” His grin grew, "and snipers miss even less," she stared into those orbs of emerald and gold fire.


Her own golden visage was reflected back to her, she felt herself shaking she was so angry. His voice rumbled closer, “I know you, what you are capable of. I have seen your collection of trophies; your departed master’s saber displayed in your room. I have witnessed firsthand what you do to your enemies. Such a powerful valuable asset to your Empire.” Clawed fingertips ran slowly up her beige leatheris clad thigh, his fine furred cheek brushed hers, “but the compassion you show its…” his voice trailed off in a throaty rumble. “Does your Empire appreciate you for all that you are? Does your beloved Emperor?” His breath was warm on her cheek.


“Yes,” she murmured, “he does.” She stared past the Cathar recalling the musty archaic ruins where she had encountered and freed the Voice, delivering him unto the Force with a quick clean death.


“Does he?” His warm breath moved slowly across her face, tickling her lips. “I doubt he appreciates you as much as I do.” She closed her eyes lips parted in anticipation, her anger dissipating disappearing with each warm breath blown against her lips. “I’m not denying what you are but neither should you.” His voice was a low rumbling purr in her ear flowing over her like whisky over rocks. “And you are mine.”


The warmth of his presence withdrew; she looked at him blinking. He picked up the small parcel off the table and grabbed his beer bottle. When had she let go of him? Smiling he canted his head to the side, his eyes laughing. “Now my Wrath all of these negotiations have made me… tired.” He winked at her, “I’m going to retire for the evening, dibs on the right side of the bed.” Slowly she followed him out of the booth, pausing momentarily as the floor wobbled. As she watched his backside disappear up the stairs she tried to sort out what he had just done.


Shaking her head at her confusion she followed him up the stairs, not the least bit surprised when he opened the door to her room. When he looked back over his shoulder at her, her step quickened at least her night of eternal waiting was over. His shirt was already unbuttoned and sliding off his shoulders, the lust that rolled off of him combined with her warm wine induced fog propelled her into his arms and the two of them into the room. The door shut behind them locking.





This one honestly does not have anything to do with the plot, but I liked it so in it went. There are two Prompts on this one, I Love This Bar and some Mission Accomplished. Back at launch all the companions had bonuses to certain crew skills, believe it or not but Aric's was democracy critical, and armstech efficiency which is more believable.


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This one is not new, it is a cross post from the Short Fic AU thread. It was posted back in 2014. Here is the clicky



Spoilers: Mentions events for Imperial Corellia planetary quest as well as npc's from Pierce's companion quest





Year 3636 Month




Frowning he shifted his weight, slowly moving to avoid creating a sound. Cautiously he rotated his left hand, rolling and flexing the stiff joints. They were late, not that he was surprised. A flippant excuse and a disparaging slur would be his only explanation, when he was finally relieved. He suppressed a growl, the sound would travel and he was not about to let his annoyance with his damn X.O. get him killed.


His eyes resumed their tireless scan, searching for any signs of movement. The gorilla fighting had been intense; keeping him locked on this war-torn planet for weeks. Garza was determined that somehow Havoc was going to magically end the Imperial Occupation. Occupation, he shook his head, he knew the ruling body had agreed to join with the Empire, even if that decision was not welcomed by the rest of the populace. Just another interesting tidbit he had picked up from Kit.


Again he clenched his jaw, scowling. He just went where he was ordered; currently he was ordered here. He did wish while he was here, he would have been positioned with a spotter. It would of made things a bit easier to watch the street from this height; though the rooftop did provide some decent cover.


A slight sc.r.aping teased his ear. He shifted his attention towards its source; again he heard the quick scrape of something hard against rock. Rapidly his eyes scanned the area, ears straining. Below him on the ground, near the intersection he caught a glimpse of black. Slowly he moved his head, looking through the sight and his heart sank. Before him black and red durasteel clad Imperials walked, loosely in formation, as they moved westward along the street, their shoulders adorned with a very distinctive white skull-like helmet from which emanated white rays. Quickly he scanned the slow moving Human soldiers, a thin framed raven-haired man walked alongside a brunette man with close-cropped hair. Aric's stomach started to roll. Then a massive form walked into the sight, he towered over the others, actually walking with his shoulders hunched while he talked to an attractive blonde woman. Aric's clenched his teeth, his jaw aching. It was karking Pierce.


Taking a deep breath, he shifted his weight onto his left arm, moving it slightly across his chest. It was such a small movement, but Aric knew it blocked the feed from his armor cam; something that he could innocently explain away if anyone decided to pull the feed from today. Slowly he released his breath in a silent puff. Now that he was the only one who could see them he rotated the rifle to the right, continuing his search.


His eyes caught the rustle of black cloth and his stomach threatened to force its way out of his throat, his mouth filling with acid. Two black robed figured emerged from the building’s shadows trailing behind the squad of Black Ops soldiers. Jaesa and Kit'ar. Closing his eyes, he willed his flipping stomach to settle; his stopped heart to resume beating. Why were they here?


He was stationed up here to look for an active Imperial presence in this district. Oh frack, what the hell was he supposed to do? His Imperials were supposed to be on Dromund Kaas not walking down the street in the middle of the manufacturing district the CorSecs and their silent Republic backers were trying to secure. She had told him they were going to be on Dromund Kaas. He grit his teeth, well apparently something had brought them here. He watched them walk leisurely down the street; they hadn’t a care in the world, the leading pair gesturing to the repaired street and new construction.


Kark, he had to do something, something that would not get picked up and recorded by his armor cam. Aric had to stop them, if they continued down that street, they would walk into the damn overly enthusiastic CorSecs, who were consolidating their forces about four blocks west of his location. Aric just could not let the group below head in blind; it would be very bloody and violent meeting.


What in the Nine Hells could he do... flare would draw the wrong kind of attention, yelling well that would also alert the CorSec's and would be recorded by his armor cam. He couldn't very well get up and walk towards them, not only would that be recorded but it would most likely lead to him getting shot. Then it occurred to him what he could do. Aric sent up a silent prayer to the ancestors; this had to work. Keeping his left arm locked over his armor cam he moved his rifle, targeting the ground in front of Pierce. Taking a deep breath, he turned on the sniper rifle’s targeting system. The sight flared to life, instantly producing a readout of current weather conditions and wind speed. Briefly his thumb hovered before depressing another button, one that produced a thin yet strong band of golden light that landed right at the massive Human's feet.


Pierce immediately dropped to his feet, rolling behind cover as his hand shot upward. Within seconds the entire squad including the two Sith had moved behind cover. He watched as Kit slowly crept up to Pierce's position, saber hilt in hand. Aric forced his breathing to remain even; they had not started firing. Kit was staring at the steady gold beam, her eyes slowly tracing it to its source.


Aric released the button before depressing it again. Kit's attention shifted to Pierce, his head bent in a silence conference. Aric released the button only to rapidly press and release it; causing the light to flicker. Both Kit's and Pierce's heads locked onto his position. Below he watched an Imperial, the raven-haired man; bring up his rifle, resting it on an abandoned speeder. Pierce's head snapped towards the soldier. Aric wished he could hear them; eventually the soldier lowered his weapon, but his eyes never left Aric.


Again Aric's durasteel clad finger tapped rapidly, producing a three beat pattern. Pierce shifted closer to Kit, his head ducked down close to her as her eyes continued to stare at Aric. The massive Human looked up at Aric as Kit'ar raised her hand crisply motioning in the direction they were headed. Aric responded with a quick single flash. She motioned to the Imperial squad around her and held up one finger, and then she motioned again in the direction they had been walking. He was pretty sure he understood; she had one squad. Again he responded with a quick single flash. Her hand again moved, gesturing to the squad and holding up one finger then she gestured down the street, before dropping it. Kit looked up at him, slowly holding up one finger, then two, then three. He waited watching patiently as she started holding up fingers on her right hand as well, when all ten digits were outstretched he squeezed off a single flash of golden light, praying she understood he was confirming the number of squads that were waiting mere minutes away.


She dropped her hands, turning to look at Pierce as Jaesa slowly crept her way up to their position. The inability to hear them was maddening, but he could not move, he didn't dare risk the com picking them up. He watched the three of them drop their heads, a silent conference he desperately wanted to be a part of. Standing Pierce picked his arm up, hand over his shoulder making a quick circle with his clenched fist he pointed east.


The squad moved out, all but the raven-haired sniper. He stood staring at Aric's position rifle in hand. Pierce's hand grabbed the man by the shoulder. Finally the sniper moved, falling in as the squad headed eastward, their jovial chatter gone as they quickly moved away from Aric.


As he watched their dwindling forms, through the rifle’s sight, realizing Kit and Jaesa were not with them. He panned back westward; they still stood watching his prone body. Jaesa's hand on her Master's arm, Kit looked at Jaesa shaking her head, Jaesa turned walking away. Kit stood staring up at him. He felt a slight pressure against his neck, closing his eyes he leaned into it. The sensation faded he opened his eyes; he saw her black robed form walking away, heading to the east. She paused at the edge of a building, bringing her armored fingers to her lips, kissing them before holding her hand up towards him. Keeping his left arm tightly pushed against his chest, he let go of his rifle. Mirroring her gesture he brought his armored fingers up to his helmet before reaching out towards her.


She moved into the protective cover of the towering building, vanishing from his sight. Sighing he watched her leave. Perhaps the ancestors were looking over him after all, he shuddered thinking what might have happened if Tanno or their Commanding Officer had been here in his place.





Prompt on this one was Sounds of Silence. I honestly do not know if anyone pays attention or cares about the timeline. If you do I apologuise about not putting in the month. Honestly, I never pinned this one down, just slid it into the document. It happens a few weeks after the previous chapter.


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Hey everyone :)


Here is the next one.

Mild spoilers

for Pierce's presonal quest that everyone wishes they could go with... at least I have always wanted to.








Year 3636 month 9 (week or so after last chapter)




“Bloody karking hell,” he muttered, hefting the injured Captain higher on his shoulder. The man groaned in response. He grunted pausing to get his bearings. They were close, things were going just fine until those damn CorSecs saw them. He had managed to get them out of there but the damn Captain had taken the brunt of a concussive grenade. He wasn't hurt to bad, but he would probably have to go in the tank.


Scanning the broken skyline he saw the massive building that was his reassembled squad's objective. He smiled it was good havin' everyone back together, even if it was for one op.


Static-broken com chatter caught his attention, head shooting over his shoulder he looked to his six, behind him a group of four were advancing on him. “Karking hell,” he swung around to face them. With one arm he brought up his bowcaster, leaning to his left to better balance the heavy load on his shoulder.


The four were advancing; they had definitely seen him. Bringing his bowcaster up he aimed at the closest advancing figure, ignoring everything but the figure's position. He didn't care about pesky details like species, size or sex, as far as he was concerned an enemy was an enemy. When a massive explosion suddenly consumed the group, a grav round by the sounds of it. He watched the dust settle eyes scanning for the friendly.


He didn't see the familiar form of a black armored Imperial. Confused he scanned the splintered buildings around him. Running towards him bent over securing a massive cannon to its back was a blue and white armored figure. Officer by the looks of it, their distinctive decorative blue half skirt flipping as they ran, Republic Officer.


Frowning he kept the caster trained on the new threat, could have been a case of friendly fire and poor aim that killed them CorSecs. The Officer didn't slow down. They continued advancing on his position, weapon secured. They finally slowed a meter away.


“A thank you would be nice, you blasted Imp.” A slightly distorted voice growled.


Pierce raised his brow in reply, staring at him.


“I mean you are such a huge freaking target, what are you doing walking in plain sight?” the voice growled. A voice he knew but had definitely not expected to hear.


“What are you doing here?” Pierce grumbled.


“Going where I was told to, just a grunt after all. Gimmie that,” his gloved hand reached out expectantly waiting.


Pierce handed over his bowcaster, stock first.


Grasping the caster he admiringly turned the weapon over in his hands. “Very nice.”


Pierce grunted.


“Take it full conversion?”


“Aye, holds a full plasma clip, along with infrared sight, it can still fire traditional bolts too.”


“How depleted? Whats the range?”


“'bout half, on my last clip, range is one thousand eight hundred meters give or take.”


“Good,” he reached up unlatching his white helmet, clipping it to his belt. Close cropped red fur shined in the Corellian sun, the aurodium in his ears caught and reflected the light as he brought the bow up sighting along its reinforced wooden arm. The Cathar brought the weapon up, pointed it at the corner of the closest building and fired. A bright red bolt shot from the bow, flying before impacting in a burst of bright sparks.


Grinning the alien moved slightly targeting another building to their nine, another bolt flew from the carefully aimed bowcaster creating another colourful burst of sparks. Again he rotated, aimed, fired and hit his mark. Slowly he scanned their perimeter. Frowning the Cathar brought the weapon up, he varied his stance as he adjusted his grip. Pierce kept still, he could not even see what the Pub was aiming at, hell he was barely able to see what he was shootin' at before.


With a growl Aric squeezed the trigger and Pierce waited, far in the distance he saw a tiny burst of light. “Damn,” he muttered, “good shot.”


“Thanks,” Aric replied handing over the bowcaster.


“What the hell are you doing hauling that cannon around if you can shoot like that?”


Aric shrugged, “Been asking myself that same question, used to be a sniper, but Brass knows best right?” The look on Aric's face suggested he believed that statement to be anything but true.


Pierce grunted, couldn't really argue with him, part of why he was so glad to be under a Sith Lord, didn't have to worry 'bout Brass anymore. “What were you shootin', cameras?”


“Close, their recording boxes. Security feeds are recording in ten minute allotments, before sending the accumulated tapes back to a centralized terminal. Don't know where, doesn't matter. Taking out the boxes destroys the footage and shorts out the cameras.”


“So no one sees us.”


“Right, have a bit of time left on the window before anyone might notice these cameras have stopped recording.”


The Captain moved groaning as he slowly moved his head, “Who … who is that?”


At his voice Aric stiffened, raising his brow. Pierce chuckled, looked like Aric remembered their oh-so-friendly medic.


Growling Aric balled up his fingers, his right hand slammed into the Captain's head. A dull thud echoed through the air as the man huffed, slumping. Suddenly the weight on Pierce's shoulder doubled, causing him to stagger slightly.


“That's for wanting to kill me on Belsavis, you damn Imp.” Aric snarled.


Pierce smiled.


“Here,” Aric looked Pierce over searching for something. His armored hand snaked out grabbing a thermal detonator off his belt. Pressing the activator he threw it at the crater his grav round had created. “Just in case anyone gets nosy,” he muttered as the detonator exploded.


Pierce looked at him studying the Cathar. “Why are you here?”


Aric looked up at him. “Apparently people are not to happy with the current political climate here.”


Pierce laughed, that was a nice way to put the Republic is pissed that the Corellian government turned the planet over to the Empire. If they hated the current climate, they were going to love it tomorrow morning. “Your not going to ask why I am here are you?”


Aric shook his head, “I don't want to know why you are here, if I did I would have to report it to my superiors. I'm not found of reporting to my superiors.” He removed his helmet from his belt. “She here?”


“Aye that she is.” Pierce nodded.


Aric frowned slightly before he nodded, slipping his helmet over his head, locking it into place. The Cathar's helmet com squawked. He held his hand up; before he tilted his head to the side. “Lieutenant Jorgan,” his distorted voice answered. “Acknowledged, headed to your location.” He turned to look at Pierce, “Stick to the shadows and... give her my regards.”


“Of course, nothin' but your warmest.”


Aric gave him a brisk nod as he walked past him to the south.


Pierce grunted, moving off the road towards the shadowed buildings, when he looked back the Cathar was gone. “Let's get your worthless carcass out of here,” he muttered to the Captain. “Op starts at two thousand sharp and I am not missing it because of you.”






Prompt. Allies.

I do still miss being able to give Aric his cannon, :/

And. On a side note, yeah I know that they are supposed to have armor cams, it was in the notes that it was somehow disabled, but the convo never did lead itself to putting that tidbit in.


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This one is rather short, I might get froggy and post another one this week because of it.



None I can think of







Year 3636 Month 10




Ahead the palatial estate's entrance appeared. He slowed his nondescript speeder and guided it into the shadowed bank of parked speeders, leaving it locked and secured against the wall, out of sight.


Straightening he pulled his duffle and rifle across his shoulder. Unconsciously he tugged at the hood of his black leatheris jacket covering his head as he scanned the area getting his bearing. His palms began to sweat in his gloves, his fingers twitched. Closing his eyes he forced himself to relax, this is not the first time he had been here they knew him.


“My Lord,” the voice drifted to him, jarring him. His eyes snapped up, latching onto the speaker, a rather rotund man dressed in richly embroidered finery. A noble. “My Lord,” he repeated. Aric nodded, he supposed there were worse things to be called. “Ahh good, she is expecting you, she is awaiting you in her personal gardens.” The man held his hand out, “If you would be so kind I shall see your belongings safely to her suites.” Sliding the duffle off his shoulder he handed it to the noble.


Slowly he un-shouldered the weapon, sliding the power pack out of the blaster rifle and into his pocket, he depressed a button along the barrel dissipating the compressed particle beam charge held there in a puff of orange smoke. The last thing he needed was some Thul noble blowing off a toe. Handing the uncharged weapon over he muttered, “be careful with it.”


“Of course My Lord,” the man smiled and left walking towards the palace, leaving Aric to find his way.



He found her kneeling in the stillness of the garden, ebony robe pooled around her, auburn hair lose shining in the sun, flanked on both sides by vibrant blossoms of countless colours. In front of her stood a slender twisting tree, its bloom laden branches dipping, skimming along the surface of the small pool surrounding its roots.


The entire garden was blissfully quiet, a silent oasis. He sank to his knees to wait for her. Slowly inhaling he was able to still the turmoil in his mind, silence the meddlesome voice that called him names he couldn’t stomach.


He breathed in the silence, relishing in it. In the distance the reverberating wail of a thranta echoed through the air, instead of disturbing the quiet it added to it, a gentle rumbling bass to uplift the peaceful hush. A crisp breeze blew through the garden, an undercurrent of rustling leaves and ducking blossoms added their own sweetly scented rhythm, highlighted by the distant melody of an unseen wind chime.


And then she spoke. Quietly her voice carried, uplifted and chorused, amplified by the garden around her. He could not help himself, he quietly translated each phrase as she spoke them.


“Nwûl tash.” Peace is a lie.


“Dzwol shâsotkun.” There is only passion.


“Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.” Through passion, I gain strength.


“Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.” Through strength, I gain power.


“Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.” Through power, I gain victory.


“Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.” Through victory my chains are broken.


“Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.” The Force shall free me.



A shudder ran down his spine, a silent testament to how much time he did spend in her presence. He knew the Qotsisajak, the Sith Code and hearing her recite it, especially during her meditations, was like a cool balm against his frazzled nerves. He swallowed, keeping that irksome voice at bay. Allowing himself to once again slip into that calm pool that surrounded her.


He heard her armored boot scrape against the smooth stone tiles, her weight shifting as she stood. The rhythm around her shifted, flowed, as her body stepped into a familiar stance. Her slow inhale in, a pause then her steady breath exhaled past parted lips, her robe rustling. The snap hiss of her saber igniting caused him to involuntarily jump, his hand twitching as it remembered the blade flaring to life. The hum of the cyan blade rose above the creaking of her leatheris and durasteel armor as her body fluidly flowed from one form to the next. The subtle symphony soothing his mind his soul, everything seemed so much simpler when he was here with her.


And then silence. The blade was sheathed, her footfalls grew louder, blocking out the gentle rustling of the garden's occupants, the wind retreating, the chimes falling silent. Her footsteps stopped in front of him. He opened his eyes standing. She stepped closer, smiling her face flushed from exertion, hair damp. Then she said the words that truly stopped the turmoil in his heart, “Aric, I have missed you so much, welcome home.”





Prompt on this one was Your Song.


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Worked to much to have the time to be froggy... so no extra posting. Sorry.


Here is the next one.

No spoilers I can think of.






Year 3635 Month one; days after preceding prompt




A cool crisp breeze carried the sweet scent of wildflowers. Flowers ducked and nodded under its gentle caress, tall towering trees gently swayed, the creaking of their strong limbs tumbled through the air as their long shadows dotted and crossed the meadow. In the distance strong carbonite grey mountains crowned the horizon, holding their snow-covered mantles high against the bright blue sky.


He sighed it was a lovely place, it had really grown on him. He subtly shifted his weight trying to prevent moving the slumbering woman on his lap. She had stretched out there and had fallen asleep while talking. He adjusted his back against the rough bark of the tree he returned his attention to the meadow laid out before him, his clawed fingers idly running through her loose locks.


He loved these stolen moments together, wishing they could have more of them, but grateful for the ones they were able to have. He did worry, he worried one day people would find out. Well the wrong people finding out, there were a select few who knew, and they were trusted to keep their trysts a secret. He worried how much longer this could actually continue, this situation they were in was so damn delicate.


“You worry too much,” her sleepy voice gently chided him.


“You don’t worry at all,” he grumbled.


“Why should I, you worry enough for the both of us. It’s not necessary you know; it’s been over a year.” She ran a hand over her head resting it on his thigh, patting it.


He sighed. “What are we doing?”


Her black-gloved hand shaded her eyes, “well I thought we were having a rather nice picnic.”


“No,” he grumbled, “what are we doing?”


“Enjoying the picnic, but now I’m thinking that perhaps I was the only one.”


“No,” he frowned, “we,” he gestured between the two of them.


“Oh, us?” She shrugged her shoulders, “lovers?”


He scowled.


“You’re adorable when you’re mad you know that.”


He shook his head and leaned back against the tree.


“Why are you so worried, we are careful.”


Scowling he stared up into the lofty canopy. “I don’t ever want to be used against you.”


“You won’t be Aric,” she raised her left hand up to stroke his cheek, “you won’t. If anyone is foolish enough to try they will die.”


He shuddered, so blunt, when she spoke like that who she was came back to him in such clarity.


“No one threatens those I care about, you need to just set these concerns aside.”


“It’s so easy for you to just dismiss everything, I don’t have that luxury.” he grumbled.


She ran her hand along his neck, playing with the fine fur. “Our movements are known to only a select few, the nobles in that house love us,” she gestured lazily over the hill back towards the Thul palace. “The only real concerns I have are my cousin and some random pub seeing and recognizing you, and actually realizing who I am. My cousin is thoroughly distracted and my Agent is really good at making rumors go away. Stop worrying.”


She reached over and picked up a bunch of ripe dark burgundy grapes. She picked off a grape and popped it into her mouth, grinning as it burst and the ruby juice dribbled down her lips. Reaching up she offered him a plump little grape. He smiled, lips gently parted he leaned down to eat it. She pulled it away from him and brought it to her mouth. He frowned, “tease.” She giggled and ate the grape.


He leaned back against the tree and sighed.


“Will you stop worrying, it’s a lovely day, want to go hunting later?”


“Are you actually going to use a blaster?” He slid her a look.


She shrugged, “well sure, I can use one, but doesn’t mean I’ll shoot the critter.”


He just shook his head.


“We don’t have to go hunting, there are other things we can do.” She reached pulling his shoulders toward her.


“Damn it, woman.”


“What,” she looked at him an innocent smile dancing on her lips.


“Is that all you think of? I’m seriously worried about this.”


She rolled over to look at him. “It’s bothering you that badly?”


He nodded, “would I keep thinking about it if it wasn’t?”


“I’m not sure, being pensive seems to be a pastime of yours.”


He growled.


She sat up, leaning against his lap. “What exactly are you worried about? Getting caught or what will happen to you if you do?”


“Both,” his shoulders sank.


“If I’m with you, they will not be breathing long enough to tell anyone. If you are not with me, I will find you, and break you from whatever hellhole they put you in. Besides worst case scenario, just claim that you were unable to say no, blame it on evil Sithy garbage.”


“Please, like anyone would believe me,” he frowned.


“I’m serious, Jedi are not the only ones who can wave their fingers at people.”


“What?” he looked at her surprised.


She smiled. “It’s called a Compulsion, no different from Persuading someone.”


“You can do that?”


“Sure can,” her smile grew larger.


“Have you ever done it to me?”


Her eyebrow rose in annoyance.


“Okay okay,” he raised his hands up defensively in front of himself. “Well how do you do it?”


“Wait, you want to know?”


“Yeah,” he nodded.


“Your serious,” she just stared at him.




“Well okay it’s really simple.” She leaned over locking her eyes on his. He stared into her green eyes they seemed to stop blinking as they grew closer. “Once I get your attention, I simply influence what you are thinking.”


He felt a gentle pressure a pushing in his mind, he shivered, but was unable to close his eyes. “Aric,” she whispered, her voice soft yet clear, “stop worrying, I will protect you.”


He heard himself respond, “I will stop worrying, you will protect me.”


She smiled, he felt the smile in his head, “now kiss me.”


He leaned in to comply when he felt the invading presence leave. He stared at her blinking. He continued to lean forward. He grabbed her auburn locks and pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers growling. She responded, biting his lower lip before returning the kiss and pushing him onto the ground.


“And that,” she smiled, “is a Compulsion.”


“So,” he rumbled as she pinned him to the blanket, “I can use that as an excuse, seems a bit unfair to me. You have never forced me to do anything I didn’t want.”


She shrugged, “Sith are not fair, use it, we know it’s a lie. They would believe that over the truth, that we play cloak and vibroknife games to spend time together.”


She slid herself onto his waist grinning. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close. “What are we going to do? I can’t escape the feeling we are on borrowed time.”


She slid her hands along his chest. “We take it one day at a time, a solution will present itself.”


He sighed shaking his head, “and you say I should not worry, is that your whole solution, trust in the Force? I’d rather have something a bit more duracrete, some plan.”


She shrugged and busied herself with his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. He grabbed her hands, “damn it Kit I’m serious.”


Puzzled she looked at him, “you’re still worried?”


“Well yeah, I mean that Force thing didn’t do anything really.”


Her eyebrow arched, “nothing?” Her voice was quiet.


“Well the kiss was nice,” he nuzzled her neck, “I need a plan. If you knew how much sleep I have been losing over this.” Her fingers slid under his shirt and through his back fur. “Every attempt to transfer out has been blocked or denied, I can’t push it anymore. I’m at a loss as to what to do.”


Her voice was soft, her breath hot against his neck, “I will think of something give me time. Until then trust me.”


“I have trusted you since the day I met you, I just,” he sighed as she kissed his chest. “I can’t shake this feeling I have.”


She pulled his shirt off and laid it next to him on the ground. “Your mine, nothing will change that. No one will be allowed to manipulate that.”


“You promise,” he growled as he tackled the buckles on her armor.


“On the Force.”






No prompt this time. This one is also really stinking old. Written back in '13 if i remember correctly.


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