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Irrepareable Damage


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More mysteries explained :)

I guess the Jedi torturing Aric had no idea ^^

That's one of the problems with keeping secrets.

What plans do the Republic military and the Jedi have now?

What else still lies hidden in Aric's past?

Looking forward to finding out more.

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@ Frauzet

Yeap, the Jedi had no clue. I agree with you, that is the problem with keeping secrets, the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. As for what plans do they have, afraid I can't really answer that, well maybe a wee bit, they probably want a certain Cathar back.

For the other secrets, you have to wait. :cool:




I am going to attempt to get other things worked on tomorrow, so I decided to post early.



References Trooper class story.






Year 3634 runs concurrently with Part II Chapter 4




Elara stood leaning against the kitchen counter staring through the datapad in her hand. Her neatly trimmed nails running over its dormant surface. With a small sigh she pushed off the counter. She walked over to the apartment door, keying in the door code she locked it. She checked the door, making sure it was locked, tucking a stray blonde hair behind her ear.


Turning she carefully made her way through the slumbering apartment. She stepped through a neat common area; everything was in its place and covered in a light layer of dust. As Elara walked, she entered a hallway passing a mouse droid sitting against the wall. She slowed contemplating the droid, it looked like it had been purposefully deactivated. She tightened her grip on the datapad; Aric would not have deactivated his droid, it kept his apartment clean. She looked back over her shoulder half expecting someone to be following her.


Taking a deep breath she looked down the hallway to her shadowed destination. She stepped sideways, as she cautiously approached his bedroom. The door was open; stepping over the threshold she entered his room. Everything was perfect, it was the only way to describe it, everything was in its place, absolutely zero clutter and a thin later of dust covered everything. The thin layer of dust was really starting to bother her. They had just come off a weeklong shore leave when she received the message for her to come here. Directing her to use discretion.


She had thought it was a confirmation for dinner reservations. Instead it was a clipped very abrupt communiqué, directing her to his Coruscante apartment. As she looked around she began to wonder where else he lived, it was becoming more and more apparent he actually lived someplace else. He was a very neat bunkmate but this room looked as though it could be on the cover of Naboo Living, she doubted anyone had slept in that bed for months.


Elara moved cautiously through the room, trying to not disturb anything. She pulled her shirtsleeve down over her hand. Looking back down the hall she listened, when only silence reached her ear she reached over to open the armoire. Inside his clothes hung neatly arranged. Keeping her hand covered, she moved his shirts aside. The message had said there was a false panel in the back. Her fingers slid against the back, looking for the slight depression he had mentioned. Her finger suddenly caught; splaying her fingers she pushed gently against the back wall. A small panel shifted under her hand, it moved sliding up into the armoire.


She peered into the darkened cubby, all she could see was pitch-black darkness. Frowning she eased her hand into the cubby, fingers cautiously probing. They slipped over a small black bag. Grabbing it she pulled it out into the room's dim lighting. Looking back down the hallway she bit her lip. Shaking her head Elara dropped her eyes to the bag, she was being silly, she had locked the door behind her.


Holding the bag to her, she zipped it open. Inside she saw large denominational credit chits and chips. Pulling one out she rolled it over in her fingers, nearly dropping it when she saw the amount; it was a ten thousand Hutt credit chip. She looked through the bag; it appeared to hold about ten of those chips. Why did he have so much many chips hidden in his armoire; in an apartment he appeared to not be using?


She pushed the chips aside resuming her search; Elara's fingers hit the smooth surface of a dormant datapad. She pulled the datapad out of the bag; her finger hovered over the activation button when her eye caught a white glint in the bag. Reaching in she discovered a folded slip of paper. Pulling it out she unfolded it placing it on top of the datapad, frowning as she read. It was short and just as convoluted as everything else. It read: Read it when you are someplace safe and alone. Do Not read it on the ship. Folding the note she placed it back into the bag along with the datapad, zipping the small black bag shut.


Clutching the bag under her arm she reached for the panel, it moved smoothly under her fingers sliding back into place with a small click. Straightening she moved his hanging clothes back to their original positions. Looking again down the shadowed hall she closed the armoire's door with her covered hand, slowly Elara moved back down the hall, she slowed when she approached the droid, briefly contemplating stopping to reactivate it. Thinking better of it she shook her head, quickening her pace. She slowed when she reached the front door. Tightening her grip on the bag she stepped out of the apartment. Looking over her shoulder she locked the door moving away as quickly as she could without drawing any unwanted attention.


Walking briskly she headed to the nearest taxi terminal; thankfully there was only one person waiting in line. She took a deep breath as she stood a very respectful distance behind the Togruta. Elara studied his robed form, internally debating what he must do for a living; his clothes were clean but not overly ornate. The rich dark blue material highlighted the bright oranges and whites of the rather long head tail that hung down the middle of his back. As she looked she realized the man before her was rather mature. She continued to contemplate the man before her, she had to, she needed something to distract her from the contents of that datapad, to keep her mind off that dusty dormant apartment, if only for the moment.


The man turned to look at her, his brow furrowed. She tried to smile brightly at him; his head cocked to the side but after a painfully long moment he closed those perceptive blue eyes giving her a curt nod. She returned his nod, flashing him another smile. She had not wanted to draw any attention to herself; she had just wanted to distract herself. Thankfully the droid announced the taxi was ready and the elder Togruta gave her a last look over and with a gentle nod of his head he stepped into the awaiting taxi.


Blowing a loose lock out of her eyes she stepped closer to the awaiting droid. Moments later another taxi was brought onto the pad; the droid announced it fit for travel. She slumped into the passenger seat, mumbling to the taxi's droid her destination. She felt the repulsorlifter engage as the droid wordlessly lifted the taxi off the landing pad, she looked out the window watching as the droid seamlessly slipped into the nearest skylane to take her to her apartment.


She watched the city fly by as her mind raced. Elara's concern for the well being of her squadmate was quickly ratcheting into fear for his life. She had never known him to be so secretive, he had always been pretty upfront with her. He had actually entrusted her with some of his misgivings and she knew some of his secrets. What kind of secret was on that datapad? Why did he have so many credit chips in a neutral denomination in that bag? Why had he not contacted her when he had promised to get back to her, their leave was technically over with tomorrow morning at oh six-hundred and he was no where to be seen. She was mostly concerned with his lack of communication; it was very much against his character to not follow through with something, even if it was something as minor as dinner reservations. She had been looking forward all week to formally meeting his lady friend. She knew it was serious between the two of them, plus she had really wanted Aric to meet the new guy she was seeing.


She chewed on her thumbnail as she ruminated; there was something massively wrong. She just knew it. For Aric to just disappear, something bad had happened. She wondered if he had been right all along about their Commanding Officer and the supposed defection of Havoc. Maybe something had happened with them, maybe one of the defectors had resurfaced. No, if that had been the case they would have been called back from leave, as obsessively as the Captain and the General had been searching for them all these years, they would have been called back immediately. She had not received a holo.


Maybe something happened to his woman. She sat up straight, dropping her thumb. Oh that would be horrible, he was so attached to her, his entire demeanor would change when he spoke of her. He hid it well from everyone else, but he would let his guard down when she was around, he would occasionally speak of what they were going to do during his shore leave. He had planned on spending the week with her on Nar Shaddaa and then dinner on the last evening of leave. But if something had happened to her wouldn’t he have called? Elara was more than willing to help him, she had even told him that before.


Something was so very wrong.


The taxi began to slow, as the droid dropped out of the skylane heading to the landing pad. She clutched the bag to her as she waited for the taxi to land. When the droid had finally finished landing procedures she swiped her credit chip, anxiously waiting for the conformation that payment had been made. When it finally beeped she fled from the taxi, moving as fast as she could to her apartment. She needed to figure out what happened to him; hopefully the datapad had a few answers.





Prompt: Discoveries

I do hope no one cares that I am posting early, I might post three times this week.


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@ Frauzet


You have mentioned it before. :) I like Elara myself, and for the datapad containing anything to ease her worries, well you will see...




Nothing major, mentions an NPC from Republic Taris, don't think it will ruin anything.








Year 3634 Follows previous prompt by four hours



She ran smoothing hands over the front of her uniform, tucking an errant blonde lock behind her ear. Before her was a very nondescript door in a nice part of town, barely a three minute drive from the Senate Tower. If she was to look over her shoulder she would see the Tower backlit by the setting Coruscant sun.


Walking up to the door she knocked. Head held high she waited, hands loose at her sides as tried to still her racing mind. She had read the contents of that cursed datapad. It was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. Inside was a very detailed file of un-submitted report after report of all the misappropriations and covert unsanctioned operations the squad had been engaged in for the past four years. It also included the heart-wrenching reports written by Aric detailing the massive and blatant abuse of power by their Commanding Officer, it spanned everything from reports of cold-blooded murder condoned by their acting General to the to the mental and physical abuse that Aric endured during his tenure as her only subordinate.


She had to stop reading and walk away from the datapad when she read the dismissal addendum that he had attached to one very graphic report. Their General had completely dismissed the treatment he had been receiving, stating he was over reacting and blowing everything out of proportion. Elara had almost thrown up, what was detailed in that report made her skin crawl, he had been tortured; used unwillingly as a medical subject while being subjected to verbal, physical and sexual abuse. Sadly due to her medical background she had been able to read between the lines, she understood what he hadn’t put down in the report, she knew how extensive the abuse had been. What their Commanding Officer had done to him, it was monstrous.


And now he was gone.


She closed her eyes, breathing in deeply though her nose. She had agreed to this meeting, as secretive and unknown as it was, she had agreed because he had asked her to on that damned datapad. She had agreed and she was not going to go in weeping or distracted. She was going to do this, she was going to see those reports filed and she was going to hand deliver that datapad to the head of Internal Investigations.


The door finally opened, a diminutive green-skinned Twi'lek greeted her, gesturing for her to enter. Elara stepped into the nondescript entryway as the Twi'lek hurriedly shut the door behind them, locking it.


“This way please,” the tiny-framed woman turned and walked out of the room, leading Elara down a short hallway to a small office. “Please if you would be so kind as to wait here.”


Elara stepped into the room, her hand unconsciously traveling down to the sidearm strapped to her thigh. The room as about as nondescript as the rest of the dwelling; it was clean; the furniture was in relatively good condition, nothing expensive just practical. As she walked exploring the room, she made sure to keep her back to the wall and not the open doorway. At least the door was kept open, that was a small encouraging sign.


There was a small knock on the doorframe. She looked up to see an unexpected woman from her past. The aged green Twi'lek smiled, “It is good to see you again Sergeant.”


“Governor Saresh,” Elara saluted as she stared at the woman. Of all the people she had contemplated meeting here, Saresh was definitely not one of them.


“Come have a seat we have a few things to discuss.” The Twi'lek moved past her, heading to one of the vacant chairs. Sitting she gestured to the empty seat across from her. Elara slowly moved to the seat, glancing to the still open doorway. As she sat she realized there was another chair, next to the one Saresh now occupied, who else was going to be attending? “It has come to my attention that you are in the possession of a rather damning datapad, detailing the actions of the Republic's supposedly finest Special Forces unit?”


Elara leaned back into her chair; she wasn’t going to discuss the contents of that datapad with anyone but the head of Internal Investigations.


Saresh smiled at her waiting for her response, when none came she finally spoke; “I can understand your hesitance for wanting to speak with me about the information contained within the datapad. I assure you that it will be forwarded to the appropriate parties. I merely wanted to ask you to wait before you gave it over to the proper authorities.”


Saresh moved pulling a datapad out of an interior pocket. “I was also sent a copy of those files Sergeant Dorne, apparently your squadmate was a very thorough individual. What is contained on here is very disturbing. I simply want you to work with me.”


Elara frowned, how could delaying submitting those files possibly help anyone but people who were on the General and her evil sidekick's side? She had come to the Republic to avoid having to work for and serve under people who held peoples lives in such little regard, it was out of the question to delay turning those files over.


Saresh continued, “There was an incident on Nar Shaddaa a few days ago.”


Elara straightened in her chair. She stared at the former Governor; Aric had been on Nar Shaddaa.


“It was covered up, professionally covered up, there were multiple fatalities involved. We have been trying to get to the bottom of what happened exactly. Currently we are going through the biological material recovered from the scene, trying with little success to reconstruct what happened.”


We, she had said we, Elara glanced at the still empty chair, “Who is we?”


Saresh glanced at the open doorway, a brown robed figure walked into the room; they lowered their hood as they sat in the awaiting chair. Saresh gestured to the woman, “Sergeant Dorne I would like you to meet The Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Master Satele Shan.”


Elara stared at the Jedi, “Pleasure to meet you Master Jedi,” Elara looked again to the former Governor, “Why is a Jedi interested in military affairs?”


“I am interested in the well-being of one of your squadmates, when he disappeared, this automated message went out to several parties. The Master who received the call came to me, very concerned. We are all very concerned.”


“I don’t understand,” Elara leaned back crossing her arms across her chest, “I am not at liberty to discuss my squadmates personal life nor am I willing to discuss military matters with non military personnel.”


The Jedi glanced at the Twi'lek, “I understand your concern, I am here to try to help.”


“If you are here to help, then help, explain to me why we are all sitting here in this room.” Elara snapped, she was sick of all of these games.


“Very well, we are all here due to the communique sent out by your squadmate Captain Jorgan. Apparently he has been sitting on this information for a while, he created an automatic system, which sent the three of us a small text message. The system was set up to send the messages if a delay code was not entered every evening. Forty-eight hours after he failed to manually enter the delay code, the messages were sent through.”


Elara stared at the Jedi, waiting.


“The messages were all slightly different, each asking the recipient a different favor. The one sent to you was also sent to Governor Saresh, with a complete listing of the military reports, asking for the reports to be turned over to Internal Investigations. It was asked that she avoid the Senate, he feared that if the Senate knew it would somehow be blocked or actually exploited. He asked for you to turn it over knowing that you would do so without fail. The message he sent to the Jedi was completely different, he was begging that Jedi to look out for his mate, that she would be inconsolable and he feared what she might do in her grief.”


Elara frowned, “He is not mated.”


Saresh and Shan looked at each other, “Are you positive?”


“Well,” Elara started, “he never mentioned being married...” she trailed off her mind racing.


“Are you sure, Captain Jorgan was very adamant in his message to Master Timmns.”


She shook her head no, “It, it is possible that Aric married in secret, considering that she...” Elara stopped herself, clenching her jaw shut, wishing she could take back the almost spoken sentence.


“What is she,” Shan gently asked.


Elara shook her head.


“Please we are trying to locate him, it's so important that we do.”


Elara looked at the seated women across from her, they were both leaning forward. Taking a deep breath she prayed Aric, wherever he was, would forgive her. “She is a Jedi.”


“Well that does explain the message to Master Timmns, do you know her name?” Shan shifted slightly in her seat.


“No, we were never formally introduced, I have met her once before though, on accident, I interrupted them when they were saying goodbye to each other. She was a very pretty woman, a Human, dark auburn hair, brilliant green eyes. I remember her being tall, she was taller than I am not quite as tall as Aric.” Elara sat up in her chair, “She is not going to get into trouble is she? I know there are rules against Jedi marrying.”


“No,” The Jedi shook her head, “she will not get in trouble, we will simply have to track her down, give her counsel in this time of need.”


Saresh smiled at her, “That is why we are wanting to speak with you about the timing of Internal Investigations receiving those files. We would like to ask you if you could help us. We are trying to locate your missing squadmate; his testimony would crucial in getting the offending parties in jail. We cannot let such a flagrant abuse of power continue, I have given my word to keep all news of this out of the Senate, it will be handled only within the military.”


“What we are asking you to do is to continue to operate as normal within the squad, if no one mentions the disappearance of Captain Jorgan don't bring it up. Continue to monitor and watch the every day to day operations within the squad, remembering anything that happens that is unsanctioned or out of the ordinary.”


“Do you even have any leads on his possible location?”


“We do actually,” Saresh waved at the open door, a very familiar figure stepped through the door.


“Yuun what are you doing here?” Elara gasped.


“This one saw, this one followed the signs to this place.” The Gand moved into the room. “This one has agreed to look.”


Elara looked from her squadmate to the two seated women. The Jedi spoke first, “He showed up at the doorstep roughly an hour ago, insisting he was here to help, he has agreed to monitor the situation on the Thunderclap as well as assist in the search for your missing Captain.”


“Yes,” Yuun's reverberating voice clicked, “This one is searching, the way is lit in darkness. The shadows are bright, we will bring him home.”





Prompt: Allies


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Long time lurker but I just have to say this is my favorite fan fic. Of all time. I've read fan fic on this site since the game launched and yours is the first story that I have felt this strongly about. Can't wait to see where it goes and sorry for not giving feedback earlier. I honestly wake up every day and b4 I even check the weather or the news I check for an update to this story. Well done
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@ Taxidermis

Why thank you so much! I was grinning for hours after I read your comment, it truly made my day. I am extremely flattered that you think so highly of my fan fic and that you check for an update before you check for the weather or news.

I honestly hope I do not disappoint you, and thank you so much for the comment.




One I have mentioned before, an Imperial NPC on Belsavis. This will probably be the last time this particular NPC will be given a spoiler alert.







Year 3633 Month 2 day or so after Part II Chapter 14





He lay listening to the gentle drumming of rain on the window; it was almost constant but soft, relaxing, as it hit upon the thick transpristeel. Earlier he had watched the lightning dance across the sky, countless bolts arching through the turbulent clouds. As he lay there he realized there was no thunder, as each bolt flashed, only silence followed. The expected booming roll of thunder that normally accompanied a flash of lightning was absent. He had stared waiting and listening, the cracking boom never materialized. As he watched the brilliant nearly constant display the thought occurred to him, when he summoned his fledgling lightning there was no thunder, it cracked and snapped but it lacked it's natural counterpart's booming ending. The realization the brilliant display shooting through the storming heavens was a summoned Force Storm of sorts had brought bright flashes of pain. That was when he closed his eyes; content to just listen to the drumming rain while nursed his pounding head.


He heard the door move before he felt another presence close by. He left his arm draped across his eyes, listening to their measured footfall. Inhaling deeply, he caught their scent, faint herbs laced with ozone. He smiled it was Kit'ar. Well Kit, he had heard people use her full name but the nickname felt more familiar, when he thought of her that was the name that he used. He shifted on the surprisingly comfortable mattress. “Hey Kit.”


“Hey... how are you feeling?” The footfalls stopped close to the bed.


He frowned, “Honestly, I am completely overwhelmed. By everything. What I remembered yesterday about my childhood, this Force sensitivity I now have... had,” he sighed. “The aching pain in my head, it's taking so much effort to suppress it and that Temple I can still feel it. It lurks right on the edge of my perception, if I lower my guard at all I swear it grows.” He shifted on the bed, “The bed is really nice though, very comfortable.”


He heard a small laugh that lingered when she spoke. “Yes it is a very nice bed. Is there anything I can do for you? I brought an ice pack. I also brought you a mild painkiller, I know you probably don't want it but I know you are hurting.”


He moved his arm off an eye, cracking it open he looked up. She was standing near the edge of her bed. “It's that obvious huh?”


“Well, yeah it is.” She shifted on her feet looking down at him, her brow creased, her full lips turned down in a concerned frown. Her concern, her worry, hung heavy around her.


He pulled his arm away from his eyes. He gritted is teeth as he tried to sit up in the bed, his head protesting the movement. She moved as if to stop him, when he shook his head staring up at her through his loose mane as he sat up. “Actually I will take it, hopefully it will help.”


She stepped closer, her hands reaching out, one held two small pills the other a tall glass of water. He reached out right hand palm up. She dropped the pills in his hand. He looked at them, then up to her. “Why not an anti-pain stim?”


She gave him a small smile, “You hate needles.”


“Oh,” he popped the pills into his mouth. Kit handed him the glass of water. He knocked his head back, drinking the entire glass. “Thank you,” he murmured as he handed the glass back. He patted the mattress, inviting her to sit down. She cautiously sat on the bed next to him, looking at her feet. “Kit,” he shifted on the bed.


“Hmm,” she picked up her head looking at him, offering him a small apologetic smile.


“Are you alright?”


She nodded, “Yes I am, I am just concerned, I have been debating how to even begin moving forward after last night.”


“You don't like not having a plan do you?”


She smiled shaking her head no, “I despise not having a plan.”


“I'm sorry.”


“What are you sorry for?” she looked at him confused.


He gestured at his body, his head. “For all of this.”


“Oh no, no, don't. I would much rather have you like this, alive, breathing and talking. The alternative has robbed me of so many countless nights of sleep.”


“But I am such an inconvenience; I know I am. Nothing about this situation is easy,” he sighed. “I am talking up to much of your time, keeping you from that Council.”


“No, oh no, you are not an inconvenience. Your not, you are here talking, that is the most important thing.” She looked up at the ceiling biting her lip as she stared.


He looked at her through his loose mane; the emotional cloud that clung to her spiked before fading. He watched as she subtly relaxed. “You are not an inconvenience, you’re not.” She looked at him, a small smile hovering in the corner of her mouth, “Things will improve, we will get to the bottom of this, besides you actually remembered something last night. Which is great.” Her smile grew becoming genuine. “We keep managing to retrieve more and more of your memories.”


“Yeah,” he smiled, “I did didn't I. My head still hurts from it too. Do you remember us as kits? Do you remember us playing?”


“Actually no I don't,” she looked up at the ceiling smiling, “I don't remember it.”


He barked a small laugh, “Now you sound like me.”


“Yes,” she grinned, “I suppose I do. Father said he was going to find the journals he kept from Cathar, he always kept drawings and filmsies.”


“So we are going to get to look at filmsies from when we were kit's?” He grinned, “That's exciting.”


“It is, I'm hopeful you might remember more when we get to look at them.” She looked at him, her hand moving towards his face when it stopped.


“What?” He whispered, giving her a tentative smile as he peered at her through his mane.


“I shouldn't,” she whispered, yet her hand still hovered.


“It's okay,” he murmured.


Her hand slowly moved towards his face, tentatively touching his mane. Her fingers slipped through, gently tucking loose locks behind his ear. Her hand lingered, running gently along his cheek, resting along his jaw. He reached up resting his hand on top of hers. He had a sudden urge to kiss her come over him, blushing he dropped his eyes to the ornately embroidered blanket. What was he thinking? He barely knew her, the most vivid recollections were of her as a young child, even those were splintered, mere flashes of a larger fractured memory.

She caressed the fine fur on his cheek, “Your eyes, they are so beautiful.”


He looked up at her, he felt his ears grow even hotter. The look in her eyes caused the urge to kiss her to return. Biting his lip he stared at her, completely conflicted as to what he should do.


“So beautiful... they,” her fingers caressed his fur, moving under his hand. She shifted slightly on the bed, leaning towards him, before she suddenly straightened. “Don't ever think of yourself as an inconvenience, Aric. Don't, you mean the galaxy to me.”


“Adrik,” he whispered, “please, I... I remember Adrik. I finally have a name to call myself.”


She smiled, “Of course, Adrik,” her fingers caressed his cheek again before withdrawing. “I am going to find Father and his journals, I really want to look at them.”


He smiled at her, “Hurry back.”


She flashed him a brilliant smile as she stood, turning to leave.


“Kit.” She stopped at the edge of the bed, eyebrows arched. “Do you still have the ice pack?”


She reached into her robe, pulling the blue ice pack out of some unseen pocket. “Here,” she placed the blue pack in his outstretched hand.


“Thanks,” he lay back on the bed, placing the pack across his forehead.


“I will be right back,” she rubbed his shoulder, before she turned and walked from the room.


He watched her receding form, then listened to her footfall as she moved down the unknown hall. When her steps faded he closed his eyes listening to the falling rain. Time disappeared as he waited, replaced by the gentle drumming on the window. Her footfall returned, a soft tread on a rugged floor.


She sat on the bed next to him, “Father gave me everything from his stay on Cathar. It's quite the collection.”


He moved on the bed, sitting up and lowering the now warm ice pack. “What do you have?”


He leaned closer, looking at the contents of her lap. Nestled within her black robe were datapads, thick leatherbound books, a thick claw whose end was wrapped in leather and a thin black rectangular case. “What is all of this?” He leaned in closer.


“Whenever Father works on a new planet he keeps a detailed record of his stay there. He tends to collect cultural objects, he will write down local traditions, take flimsies, he will often write...” She pulled a thick dark brown book, out of the pile, it's dark surface embossed with twisted lines curling back on themselves as they reached out covering the lower edge of the book, trailing along it's surface moving along the book's spine. “He will often write a journal.”


She held the embossed journal in her hands, fingers tracing the serpentine lines. She looked over at him, meeting and holding his gaze. “Are you ready?”


He nodded, leaning in closer. “I am.”


She held the book to her chest as she quickly moved the collected datapads and books out of her lap, setting them next to her on the bed. She pulled her legs up onto the bed crossing them as she laid the book in her lap. Running her hand over the embossed cover she slipped her fingers under the edge and opened the book. Elegant curved script greeted them, it's elongated and delicate lines flowed across the nearly white page.


He reached out his hand, touching the long ago penned words. His fingers ran along tracing the curving script. He stared at the words, surprised when the graceful marks slowly became words he understood, as the language's written pattern crystallized in his mind. His hand traced a line as he tentatively translated the text aloud, “Standard year thirty-six sixty-three. I have been tasked with discovering the political climate on the planet Cathar, and any potential that might exist to bring them into the arms of the Empire, considering the past history the inhabitants have had with the Republic, I do have high hopes.” He looked up at Kit she smiled at him nodding. “Your father taught me this,” he ran his hand over the page. “I had thought it looked so pretty. Grandfather was furious when he found out, Mother defended it, she approved.”


He dropped his eyes, returning his attention to the journal. He slid his fingers along the paper, gently he turned the page. He skimmed the elegant text, it detailed the Sith Lord's meeting the Elders of his clan, the neutral reception he received, how the Sith was optimistic about securing them as potential allies. Within the text were hand drawn illustrations, he traced the twisting tree trunk that sprouted from the bottom of the page and twisted along the page's seam. Nestled within the massive spreading boughs you could see expansive wooden structures practically obscured by thick leaves. “That is Katin city,” he whispered. He turned the page skimming the beautifully written text, touching the detailed drawings of the planet, the indigenous flora and fauna, different members of the clan, buildings of importance. Nothing of note stood out as he read, page after page was filled with Lord Chylon's day to day meetings and interactions. Then he spotted his Uncle's picture.


He slowed his reading, Kit shifted next to him. “What is it?” she whispered.


He shook his head, “That is my Uncle.” He ran his fingers over his inked portrait, his fingers started to shake. “I thought I was alone, I thought I was. I was told he was dead, killed. It doesn't make any sense.” He looked up at Kit. “I was told they were all killed years ago,” he felt warmth building in his eyes, his vision became blurry, “but your Father, he said... he said Uncle was freed. How, how is that possible?”


“It is true, your Uncle was freed by me.” Kit's hand covered his, “I was asked to help free him. He was being held in stasis on a Republic prison planet. Once I told my Father I had freed Prince Shange, he immediately interceded, offering the Prince aid and resources.”


“Why? Why was he imprisoned? He was a hero people loved him. He worked with the people, got his hands dirty. He always stressed how important it was to be hands on, to talk to the people.” He brought his hand up to his face wiping his eyes. “When they came, when they came, he mounted the defense, Uncle led the army.”


“When who came?” She shifted closer to him, the mattress dipping as her body touched his.


“It was some crime syndicate, nothing but a bunch of filthy slavers wanting us, they came early in the morning. They came to our school. I, I remember fighting them, they kept shooting these white bolts.”


He shuddered as vivid snippets returned to him, of enormous men, mostly Human, some Nikto, others whose identities were obscured behind faceless helmets with large opaque eyes. They wore long coats over plated armor, bandoleers over brightly coloured shirts, heavy plated or soft soled boots, but all of them were shooting, shouting in heavily accented Basic.


It was so early in the morning, not all of the kits were at the school. He kept yelling at the foreign men; shouting, screaming at the other kits to get behind him. He deflected bolt after bolt, preventing them from getting any closer. When he could he sent the white bolt back to its owner, but another attacking stranger took their place stepping over the fallen body. He managed to get all the other kits into a room putting his body in the doorway.


The slavers had laughed at him, mocking him; he was only eight after all. He tried to keep his temper in check; he failed, bringing his right hand up loosing a brilliant volley of yellow lightning into the chest of the closest man. Behind the slavers he heard the telltale hum of a lightsaber; the space behind the invaders exploded.


Shouting filled the air, he heard his Uncle shouting. The men before him seemed to just crumple to the floor as the room was swarmed by the citizens of Katin city; at the forefront stood his Uncle and Lord Chylon, the air before them bathed in red from the Sith's saber. His Uncle returned his massive sword to the sheath on his back as he ran to him, wrapping him in his arms. His Mother ran in sinking to her knees, her hands touching his face, his arms, his chest searching for injuries.


“My Uncle he stopped them, he and your Father found us in the school, I managed to hold them off. Those white bolts put people to sleep.” He wiped his eyes, “After that day your Father became a permanent fixture, he was always nearby and I never returned to Tython.”


“Do you remember Tython?” She asked her hand warm against his.


He looked at her manicured fingers covering his hand. “I do, I hated it there, I was kept away from everyone. I was always told to keep a tight grip on my emotions. I was so lonely, I hated it there.”


“How old were you when you went?”


He snorted, “I was only four standard years, Grandfather insisted, I remember he and Mother fought about it, a lot.” He looked up at her; she had leaned in closer, her emerald eyes brimming with concern. “Then Mother pulled me out of training, bringing me home, she told me I was never going back.”


“How old were you when you left?”


He shook his head, “It's amazing, I have no idea how old I am but I remember I was eight, I was eight when she brought me home.”


The hand on his ran through the fine fur on the back of his hand. “You are thirty-six, you are four months older than I am.”


“Four months, that's it?” He squinted at her, studying her face, comparing it to the painfully small collage he had, the brilliant green of her eyes, the paleness of her skin that never darkened now matter how long it was in the sun, the way that thick rich red hair would explode into waves of molten fire when the sun's rays hit it. A laughing giggle echoed in his mind, pale hands holding in laughter. How she moved with determination through the thick arbor vines; the way she helped him, offering her pale hand as they climbed. The way she helped him with saber forms, improving, always improving.


His eyes widened, “You really are the girl I remember...”


“Am I?” she smiled; she reached up tucking a red lock behind her ear. “Lets look then, I don’t remember any of this.” She rubbed his hand, gesturing with her other for him to move the page.


He nodded, dropping his gaze, returning it to the illustrated journal. He ran his hand one more time over the inked image of his Uncle and turned the page. More images of notable citizens of Katin and the neighboring tree cities and villages, he began to ignore the diplomatic notes and occurrences detailed within, instead he studied the images, turning the pages as he looked for anyone or thing that looked familiar to him. He let go of the page, slowly moving his hand to a carefully rendered image.


Before him taking up an entire page was a twisted curving display of the thick grape vines of the arbor, nearly hidden within were the figures of two small kits; one Human, one Cathar. He traced their outline; they were sitting next to each other eating grapes. The little male kit was wearing brown and beige, his sleeveless tunic showing bright splashes of grape juice, his incredibly long mane hung in a single braid draped over his shoulder, the bright golds and reds fighting for attention against the dark violet sash that hung draped across his chest. Sitting beside him was a very pale skinned Human, her riot of red hair was pulled into a tail on the crown of her head, it cascaded down her shoulders, framing large bright green eyes set in a face whose mouth was stained with juice. She held in an outstretched hand a plump cluster of grapes, offering him the dark red fruit, the amazing musculature of her pale arm obvious; she was wearing long sleeveless tunic a dark green that mimicked the leaves around them.


From the image it was obvious the two had no idea they were being watched. Her hand left his and moved onto the page, her finger touching the image. “Wow... that is me, I used to love to wear my hair like that, thought I was so fashionable.” Her finger moved tracing the script beneath, “'Within hours of arriving my youngest became fast friends with young Adrik, they promptly disappeared into the vineyard.' We were so little, look at us.” Her hand moved to touch his image, “Look how cute you were, and apparently I have always teased you with grapes.”


He clenched his eyes shut, the image summoned other half remembered glimpses. He knew if he turned the pages within that journal that he would see more images of two of them, specifically of the two of them training. He knew without looking, without reading why she had been brought to Cathar; so he could train with a peer and not in isolation. He opened his eyes, ignoring the warmth in his eyes, willing the violent swelling of anger and frustration into submission. Around them the air sparked; gold lightning danced along the back of his hands.


Wordlessly he gently moved her hand, proceeding to turn the pages. Quickly skimming through blurry eyes he searched, he stopped when he found the image he knew would be there. Proudly standing before the two young kits, in a well fitting black sleeveless tunic belted and edged in violet was the statuesque figure of his Mother. She was gesturing with her hands, holding a training staff, her mane pulled away from her face in a practical braid. He pointed to the bottom of the page before he closed his eyes. “Korriban,” he whispered, “I was to go to Korriban.” The metallic scent of ozone flooded his sinuses. Growling he clenched his hands. “I was to go when I was ten, but that was taken from me. It was taken from me.”


He wasn’t able to hold it back any longer he felt the tears drip down his face. “What happened when I was ten? Tell me what happened?”


She gently removed the book from his lap, “From what you told me, your family died when you were ten. You were not allowed to attend their burial, your Grandfather refused to let you.”


“Dead, my family. My Uncle as well?” He clenched his hands tighter; he felt the static tingle course along his arms. He fought to keep his anger under control but his resolve was weakening; being beaten down by the close proximity of the rage filled temple and the revelation that was fighting to rear its ugly head.


“I believe so yes, you told me your entire family was gone, all but your Grandfather.”


His body started to shake; the raw rage he was fighting, growing. “And you found my Uncle alive and well, it was a lie.”


“Yes,” she whispered, “it was a lie, he was imprisoned in a stasis chamber.”


“You waited to tell me, you never told me.”


“No I never did, it wasn’t my truth to tell. I didn’t even realize you were related or I would have.” He felt her move closer her concern rolled off of her in waves.


“So it was your Father's idea to withhold it from me? Why?” his voice shook.


“Knowing Father, he was going to tell you after you were safely out of the Republic Military, to reunite you when you were no longer in danger.”


Numbly he nodded, his mind flashing back to the tortured image of him chained to that chair. “The ones who tried to kill me, are they the same ones who took my family from me?”


“It is a possibility, a good one.”


He bolted to his feet unable to contain the seething rage that was coursing through him. Pacing in front of the bed, his eyes narrowed he snarled, “They were not content to steal my future, my family but they sought to kill me when I finally found some happiness.” Lightning crackled between his fingers, “How dare they!” he roared as he pushed his hands forward launching violent bolts of gold lightning across the stonewalled room. He stared at the slightly scorched wall, his breath coming in fast shallow breaths. “I will find them, I will make them pay for this for all of this,” he gestured to his head, growling. “They are going to fix what they broke in me, before I break them apart.”


“A... Adrik,” he felt her gentle touch upon his arm; he turned to look at her. She stepped closer bringing up the corner of her robe's sleeve to wipe his cheeks. Wrapping her arms around him, she laid her head against his chest, holding him tightly. “You have our support, I will be with you. Our house's resources are at your disposal, we will find them, and crush them. On that you have my word."




Prompt: Turning Point

I do not think I have any other chapters that will jump back in time, last the last few did.


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Sorry for being late.

Yay for Yuun, and mentioning Master Timmns. I so wished I had been able to recruit him.

Also, I'm pretty sure we will read more about Elara, which I'm looking forward to.

Kit's father's collection is a nice way to introduce Aric, or better Adric, and us to some of his lost childhood memories.

As always, looking forward to the next part.


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@ Frauzet

It's all good. :)

I also have always liked Master Timmns, I was bummed you never encounter him again in the game. Yunn seemed very appropriate, he is a Findsmen and someone is missing...

And you are going to get more Elara, not sure how far down the line those chapters are though.

The collection seemed a very good day to introduce things. You are supposed to show people who are amnesiac things from their past so I thought it was a good segway for memories and to see what her father was doing on Cathar. I am still hoping no one is going to be upset with me for that little twist.



I decided to post again on Friday, I realized how hectic my day is going to be tomorrow... better to do it now, than rush it or worse, completely forget to post.


Spoilers, I don't think there are any...






Year 3634 Month 2 three days or so later



His muscles burned, he gritted his teeth ignoring it as he continued to move, to practice. He dropped to one knee, his right leg kicking out, skimming along the training mat as he brought the training staff up above shoulder level. He held it cradled in his arm, resting on his shoulders as he stood. Changing his stance he lead off with his right leg, when he felt something. The fur at the base of his neck stood up as the sensation grew. Without thinking he dropped to his knee, shifting his grip on the training staff, rotating it so it was angled across his torso.


Looking up he saw the source of the disturbance. He stared as the red-skinned red-robed figure advanced. His mind raced, he had no idea who this person was but his intent was as clear as crystal. This stranger was going to hurt him. Adrik watched as a small flat disk flew through the space he had occupied seconds ago, wincing when it slammed into the wall, exploding into countless shards enveloped in a green cloud. The stench of that cloud assaulted his nose, he had no idea what it was but it reeked. Slowly the figure advanced on him, moving a massive polearm. The Stranger swung the weapon at him; launching from the incredibly sharp looking axe head mounted atop the pole, another small disk. It shot through the air screaming towards him.


He scrambled to his feet moving to the left, trying to keep some semblance of distance between them until he was able to figure out who this person was. Behind him the disk exploded against the wall in another pungent shard-filled cloud, the noise of its collision carried through the silence. He looked over the man's attire; a dark red robe hung open, its cowl up obscuring his face, dark red shirt, almost black, was tucked into black baggy pants that were tightly wrapped from the knees down in red bindings, soft soled leather shoes muffled his steady footfalls. From around his waist hung various … things; what they were exactly was hard to discern but they clinked as the Stranger moved. The red-skinned man moved the weapon across his body, the axe's head shining; its deadly silhouette reminded him of an Imperial dreadnaught. Who the hell was this man and what manner of weapon was that?


As he approached, Adrik was able to see white teeth flash in a crooked smile; then the polearm was jerked to his left, loosing another disk. Adrik grunted as he jumped, pulling his feet up high, almost parallel to his rear. The disk flew under his feet, impacting against the wall in another vile cloud of green smoke. Landing on the balls of his feet Adrik continued to the left, watching. Red-skinned four fingered hands gripped the weapon's metal pole. The Stranger's green eyes burned from the depths of his cowl.


Then the Stranger crouched, launching himself through the air, flying to Adrik's position. Adrik brought up his training staff, arms aching as the Stranger landed, bringing his polearm down. The strength of the blow rattled his arms. Growling Adrik pushed forward, trying to break the oppressive downward force pushing against his weapon. He was barely able to move the Stranger's arms. Again white teeth flashed, mocking. Adrik reached out drawing on his inner strength; he pushed, shoving with all of his might.


He managed to move the Stranger backwards a half step, snatching the opening it provided, tightly tucking the staff across his body and spinning away from the unknown red-skinned man. The tickling sensation again made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He brought up his staff rotating back towards the red-skinned Stranger. Adrik brought the staff up blocking another stunning blow. It pushed him backwards, threatened to knock him off balance. The Stranger moved twisting his upper body, giving Adrik a temporary respite as the Stranger pulled his polearm away from Adrik's training staff, only to slam it against the staff again. Adrik heard the wooden staff groan as the blow radiated down the length of the weapon. Again the Stranger pulled the weapon away only to quickly return it in another body-shaking blow. He was not going to be able to keep this up for long, he was already exhausted, Adrik knew he had to do something, now.


Growling he lowered the shields he has spent the last two days erecting around himself. As they slipped he felt the oppressive rage of the nearby Temple beat upon him. The aching pressure in the back of his head began to build. Adrik reached out, he channeled the rage, compressing it. He smelled a metallic snap as yellow began to fill his peripheral vision. The red-skinned man began to laugh; it was a low chuckle that slowly flowed through the room.


Adrik pushed forward only to find the man was gone. Inhaling in deep erratic breaths his head swung looking for the Stranger; lips barely parted, tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth, searching for any foreign scent. Nothing. It was as if the Stranger had vanished, but one could not truly vanish there was always a trace. As Adrik's head swung back towards the center of the room he twisted moving the staff around his chest behind his back, readying it. There... he caught the lingering faint odor of that foul toxic smell those disks carried. He twisted the staff back bringing it across his body, its leading edge cutting through the space to his right, with as much force as he could muster.


He was rewarded with a heavy thud as his wooden staff connected with the metallic handle of the wicked looking polearm. Adrik pushed forward, only to be picked up and blown backwards by an invisible wave. He scrambled to keep his balance when he landed. Holding the staff in front of his chest, parallel to the ground, he searched, his eyes narrowed, as he smelled, he looked for any slight twinge of emotion that didn’t originate with him. Whoever this man was he was extremely well guarded, he didn't even detect a single wayward flicker.


That teasing sensation across the back of his neck returned, he crouched waiting. So far every time he had felt that tickle, the Stranger had launched those foul disks at him. Adrik didn't think the red-skinned man would be able to keep them concealed as he threw them, so there was the potential to see him. Adrik reached out, trying to feel anything else in the room, there was nothing. He doubted he would just vanish and leave; this red-skinned Stranger was just waiting for some reason.


There, he felt a slight pulse of something. He was not able to discern what it was, but it didn't matter, he knew the Stranger's location. Keeping his weight on the balls of his feet he ran, moving as quickly as he could towards the disturbing flicker. As he brought his staff up the Stranger materialized in front of him with a sharp influx of ozone. Adrik lunged at him, forcing the man to sidestep to miss the wooden staff that was flying towards his head. When the Stranger moved away from him, Adrik dropped one hand off the staff and brought it up towards his red-skinned face, loosing a volley of lightning.


The bright lightning flew at the Stranger's face only to stop as he put a four-fingered hand up. Wordlessly he collected the volley in his hand and threw it back at Adrik. The Cathar scrambled backwards, bringing his hand up to catch his own lightning. Snarling he poured his frustration into it, who was this man? What in the bloody hell was his problem? He had every right to be here, he had been here for the past few days training. If someone had a problem wouldn't they of expressed it before Kit left for that damned Council meeting?


No. These were Sith, whoever this person was they were expressing their displeasure with his presence here, right now. This stranger has waited until Kit was gone, she had been gone for almost two days and was not expected back until next week. Well whatever problem this man had with him, he was not going to make it easy for him. He loosed a larger volley of lightning at the Stranger, the aggravatingly silent stranger.


The Stranger kept his hand up catching the lightning; while he was busy with the first, Adrik loosed another bright yellow volley, smiling to himself when it actually connected. The Stranger snarled, jerking the strange weapon with such force it sang as it raced through the space between them. When the massive axe head disappeared behind the Stranger's red-robed shoulder it suddenly reversed directions faster than he could track, spitting out a string of those foul disks.


Adrik swallowed a yelp as he jumped up and backwards as quickly as he could. He managed to avoid one of the disks as it flew past his shoulder. He brought up his hand faster than he could think and shot a bolt of lightning, incinerating the disk heading towards his chest. A third disk was quickly following; he twisted bringing the wooden staff up to block it. The training staff blocked the disk; as it broke against the wood, the staff splintered breaking in half in his hand. Tossing the smaller piece to the side he brought the broken staff up before him waiting for another attack.


The Stranger took a slow step forward, his soft soled boots soundless. Adrik held the shortened staff up, trying to slow his panicked breathing. Forcing each breath through his nose and out of his mouth, he managed to calm himself, somewhat. His weapon was shattered, his muscles burned, he had been in here for hours going over Forms and Stances trying to sharpen what he remembered. The overbearing chaos inducing aura of the Temple was pounding against him, overwhelming and undermining his resolve to only touch the overly abundant source of rage that radiated from it. Focusing on his breathing he watched the Stranger slowly advance on him.


His mind raced, he had no idea the man's intent other than to harm him. At the moment the man was completely calm, unreadable. Any emotion he was feeling was held completely in check. It was maddening. Adrik knew he was at a massive disadvantage. If this man wanted him dead, he would make it as hard as possible for him to complete his objective but Adrik knew, he would not be able to prevent it. The Stranger continued to slowly, wordlessly, advance.


The man stopped in front of him, just out of his broken staff's reach. He leaned against his polearm, the twisted axe head resting on his shoulder. Adrik kept his hands on the staff, tightening his grip despite his sweat-slicked palms. Taking a deep breath, he straightened, ignoring his protesting muscles, the ache in his knees. Keeping the splintered staff before him he waited.


The Stranger flashed white teeth at him, his left hand moved. Across the room Adrik heard a subtle clink; the sound of metal moving against metal. He jumped backwards bringing the staff up as a saber hilt flew to the Stranger's hand. The saber hilt, in one fluid motion, was caught and activated in a hiss of crimson light as the polearm was moved to the red-skinned man's back. Adrik brought the staff up inwardly screaming.


The smile never left the Stranger's face, he kept looking Adrik in the eyes as he brought the saber up, it's crimson blade humming as it sliced through the air towards Adrik's face. Mind racing Adrik stepped backwards keeping the broken staff up and in front of his body. He needed to find another weapon and now, the saber was going to destroy the staff. The Stranger reversed the saber's path as he stepped forward. It crashed against the wooden pole. In a cloud of scorched wood and smoke the neatly bisected broken staff clattered to the unoccupied floor.


As soon as Adrik felt the blade connect he dropped the staff, scrambling towards the weapons rack against the wall, his clawed feet s.c.r.a.p.ing against the stone floor as he ran. He slid to a stop in front of the rack, eyes franticly searching. The tingling sensation grew on the nape of his neck, time was running out. His eyes landed on a silver doubledbladed saber hilt. Grasping the utilitarian hilt, he sent a silent prayer up the ancestors that the simple looking weapon would work. Thumbing the activation switch he spun bringing his arms up in a burst of crimson light.


He rocked backwards as the saber hit and stopped the downward blow that materialized out of thin air. His breath coming in short ragged bursts through fanged teeth, Adrik stared at the red-skinned Stranger. The man was pushing downward; the strain of holding the burning blade away from his head caused Adrik's aching arms to tremble. The Stranger's smile never wavered, he looked pleased and it infuriated Adrik. He was not some source of amusement for this unknown Sith. Growling Adrik spread the fingers on his right hand, while still cradling the hilt in his palm and thumb; a bright burst of gold shot out of his hand and into the Stranger's face.


The pressure eased as the Stranger pulled the saber back to deflect the lightning. Adrik scrambled away, running on burning legs into the center of the archaic training room. Adrik brought the saber up in front of his chest waiting. He reached out touching the insistent emotional deluge from the Temple, pulling on it, readying it. Slowly lightning built along his arms, the burning ache in his legs seemed to lessen.


The Stranger moved towards him, strolling across the training room. He still wore that damned smile, his saber was still activated, the intimidating polearm somehow strapped across his back. Adrik watched as the distance was slowly eaten by the Stranger's slow and deliberate footfalls. Growling Adrik straightened, adjusting his slippery grip on the smooth saber hilt, waiting. The damned Sith was taking forever to close the distance, it was as if he was taking a simple stroll through a manicured park. He resisted the urge to charge the red-skinned Stranger, who ever this stranger was; he was the one thing Adrik was not, this Stranger was rested.


And then in a heartbeat the Stranger was charging his position, nearly flying as he leapt the last meter. Bracing, Adrik dug his claws into the stone; he moved his saber intercepting the Stranger's side thrust. Adrik deflected the blow and twisted his saber so the trailing edge cut through the air, heading for the Stranger’s head. The Sith danced out of the way spinning, the saber strike passing harmlessly through empty air. Adrik brought the staff back across his body, pivoting to follow the Stranger. The Sith resumed the attack, his saber slashing, it was all Adrik could do to keep his doublebladed saber up and deflect the rapid blows. His arms were aching; he didn’t know how much longer he could hold on.


The Sith slammed the saber against Adrik's leading blade. The crimson blades whined as neither wielder was willing to back down. Adrik's legs began to falter, growling he opened his right hand. He shot a bolt of lightning at the Sith. The Stranger dropped one hand off his saber hilt to absorb it. Then he drew his hand backwards, when he pushed it towards Adrik, a nearly invisible wave shot out. It caught Adrik in the chest and shoved him along the floor, slamming him into the wall.


Grunting when he impacted, Adrik stumbled forward, landing on his knees. Growling he tightened the grip on his still humming saber. He dropped his right hand, purposely digging his claws into his palm, drawing off the sharp bite of pain. Staggering to his feet he held his bleeding hand up, readying another blast. The Stranger slowly advanced on him and then suddenly he deactivated his saber. The unknown Sith, was still smiling. Adrik wanted to shoot him, wipe that damn know-it-all grin off his face.


“Perhaps you are worth all this... fuss.” The Stranger murmured. He took another step towards him.


Adrik stared at him, bringing the saber up as he attempted to stand upright and failed. He was simply to exhausted. “What...” Of all the things to say to him, Adrik had not expected that.


“I will not suffer weakness or stupidity.” The Sith took another step towards him, stopping out of his saber's reach. “You seem to possess neither. Stop wasting time with wooden toys Jen'jidai.”


“I am not wasting time,” Adrik growled, readjusting his grip, the hilt slick with sweat.


“Perhaps I was to hasty about the stupidity...” the Stranger muttered.


“I am not stupid.” Adrik rumbled, his temper rising. “I have been training.”


“Is that what you call playing with a wooden stick?” The Stranger chuckled.


“It is what I remember,” Adrik bit.


“Better to practice what you know hmm... if that is the extent of your knowledge it seems we are grossly overestimating our enemy,” the red-skinned Stranger took a small measured step towards him. “Surely that is not all you can recall, what other techniques do you know?”


Adrik forced his body to stand upright, blocking out his exhausted body's screaming protests. “Why should I tell you? You tried to kill me and I have no idea who you are.”


Those irritating white teeth flashed from the depths of the Stranger's hood. “I am the Master of this House. If I had wished you dead, you would be. I was simply... testing.”


Adrik's temper flared, why hadn’t he introduced himself, instead of trying to kill him. Why was he criticizing the only training he knew? He took a deep breath, forcing his temper into submission; this was probably some damn continuation of some damned test he knew nothing about. “Do you actually have a name?”


The smile returned, “I am simply called Great Grandfather these days.”


Great Grandfather, not a Darth or a Lord, no actual name just a familial title. As Adrik stared at the stranger, this Great Grandfather, he shifted before him, the saber hanging loose in his four-fingered hand. He was waiting, expecting answers. Adrik swallowed an annoyed growl. “I, I can feel emotions.”


He felt a brief flicker of annoyance before it vanished, the Sith before him tightened his grip on the deactivated saber. “Truly that is groundbreaking.” His tone dripped acid.


Adrik shook his head, his legs shaking. “No,” he shook his head, pulling a chaotic orb of lightning into his bleeding palm. Staggering to the right he held his hand up. “That is how I can manage this. I can't, I can't see it.”


“It?” The Sith took another step closer.


Adrik nodded, “It, the Force, I can't see it.”


“At all?” The Sith whispered.


“Not at all, Kit tried, but I can't see it, I can't feel it.”


The Sith stared at him, silent. Adrik fought the urge to fidget under that cold emerald gaze.


“And you are amnesic?”


He nodded, struggling to remain upright.


“Yet you manage to remember my Granddaughter.”


“No,” Adrik shook his head, “not really. Most details are fuzzy, spotty, with very few bright spots, she is... she is a shadowed dark spot. I recall some flashes of her as a kit. Those are the clearest.”


“Then why are you here?”


“Why wouldn't I be?”


“Why have you not found someway to return to your Republic?”


He snorted shaking his head, “It is not mine, not anymore.”


The Sith shook his head, “Does not explain why you are here.”


“They are important to me they are my friends. I remember that, they rescued me.” He staggered, struggling to remain upright, his aching, overworked legs screaming. “And I can't leave her, I can't she is ...”


“She is?” The Sith echoed. “What is she to you?”


Adrik brought his bleeding palm, up to his chest, “I care for her, she is, she is mine... but I don't remember,” he whispered.


“That is something we will remedy.” The Sith moved, pivoting, his soft boot gently scr.a.ping along the floor.


Adrik watched his slowly departing form. The Sith moved returning the saber hilt to the weapons rack. As he walked to the training room’s open door, he looked back over his shoulder, momentarily pausing in the door before continuing into the hall, disappearing.


Thumbing the activation switch on the still humming saber he sank to his knees. Adrik stared through the doorway; he silently berated himself for his own stupidity. He had assumed his training here would be like the barely remembered experience on Tython. These were Sith, unlike Tython were the less gifted were given other jobs, here the weak were culled.


He had survived whatever test that grandfather had given him; he was still breathing.





Prompt: Head of the Class.

The weapon my lovely Great Grandfather used is a Lanvarok - Sith weapon, hurled posion coated disks, looked a lot like a polearm with an axe head.


On a side note, hope the combat flowed well. I question how well I manage to write it. which is probably why I tend to avoid it unless I really have to.



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Phew! Looks like Adrik mastered his first test.

Will there be a proper introduction now?

Familial ties do seem to be important to Kit, so I assume we will see more of Great Grandfather. Adrik has still much to learn, after all.


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@ Frauzet

It does appear that way, he is still breathing. That is about as proper of an introduction as Adrik is going to get I'm afraid.

Yes he will make another appearance or two. Though I am not sure how much Adrik is going to want him around...



Now I know I try to update twice a week... but my Husband is outta town, the daughter has her first full day of school today, so I am honestly bored. So you all fine people get an update. Hope everyone is still enjoying it.


Spoilers, none I can think of





Year 3634 Month2 Morning after





He stared at the weapon in his hand, a silver saber hilt. He turned it slowly over in his fingers debating if he should return to the training room. He didn’t know if that Sith would be there, the one that called himself the Great Grandfather. After the rather hostile introduction Adrik had taken the saber hilt back with him, sleeping with it under the pillows last night. And he hadn’t slept well. Every noise real and imagined had him jerking awake.


Rubbing his eye he rolled the silver hilt in his hand. He didn't really want to return it, his thumb ran over the simplistic hilt, hovering over the activation switch. He didn't want to return it, but he didn't know how to use it, did he? Yesterday was an adrenaline filled blur, but he had managed to repel that unexpected attack. Somewhere buried he had the knowledge; he just had to figure out how to access it. That Sith had chastised him for playing with wooden toys, was that his cryptic way of telling him he needed to start using an actual saber? The fur on his back flinched as he shuddered remembering the confrontation with the red-skinned Sith. He had no idea where and when he was going to run into that man again, Adrik didn't want encounter that man unarmed.


Moving his thumb away from the switch, he gripped the saber hilt tightly; he wasn't going to return it unless he was forced to. Keeping it with him would not be enough; he needed to become acquainted with lightsabers. That thought was so foreign to him it sounded almost absurd. But it wasn't, it was true, how he was able to handle those training staff's, learning how to use the staff was the precursor to using a doublebladed saber. He sighed, knowing a training staff was a far cry from knowing how to properly use the saber in his hand. The only way to learn the saber was to be taught, he didn't know of anyone who was going to teach him besides Kit. He rotated his hand looking at the silver hilt. He couldn't sit around waiting for her to return, he lessened his grip, rolling the hilt in his hand. He looked at the closed bedroom door. With a small, determined growl he shoved off the bed stalking across the room, he wasn't going to wait for her, when she returned hopefully he had a decent grasp on the damned thing.


He paused at the door, listening. Hearing nothing he pushed against the heavy stone door, cracking it open as he slipped into the hall. Adrik glanced up and down the hall, inhaling, searching. He seemed to be alone, though he had made that mistake before. Tightening his already durasteel grip on the hilt, he looked one last time down the hall before progressing towards the training room.


As he neared the room he heard voices, soft ones that quietly filtered into the hall. Slowly he crept closer, balancing on the balls on his bare feet. Pausing outside he slid up against the doorframe, as he peered inside.


Within the room kneeling on the thick mats were the twins, Pierce's and Kit's children. In front of them knelt Jaesa. He was surprised to see her; he thought she had gone with Kit to Korriban. Jaesa's calm and quiet voice was questioning. Adrik frowned; he was unable to make out what she was saying to them. Hesitating he debated if he should leave, he didn't want to intrude upon the twins' lesson, he also didn't know where else he could go to train.


“You can come in.” Jaesa's voice was louder. He looked at her she was watching the doorway, smiling. Her smile widened when he locked gazes with her. “Please join us.”


He nodded slowly stepping into the room. To his surprise the normally exuberant twins only grinned at him, little Kyra patted the mat next to her. Adrik looked to Jaesa, she smiled nodding her head. He kept his grip on the hilt as he knelt next to the little girl. Kyra beamed at him before returning her attention to Jaesa.


“We are going over a few exercises, mostly manipulation of objects.” Jaesa gestured to small objects sitting on the ground before her. They glinted in the light, they were small appearing to be small or even fractured crystals. “Would you like to show us Aryn?” Jaesa shifted her attention to the little boy; he nodded closing his eyes. He reached his hand out and the sparkling stones jerked before slowly rising up off the floor.


Adrik watched as they floated into the air, steadily rising in a rough circle. Then the stones began to move each one moving independently of the other. Eyes wide the Cathar glanced at the young kit, he was statuesque; his perfectly still arm outstretched, brows furrowed in concentration. The stones slowly began to descend one at a time, retiring to their resting spot on the mat.


“Very good Aryn. Very good.” Jaesa praised the little boy.


The boy opened his eyes grinning from ear to ear.


“You two can go play now, your Grandfather will collect you for your lunch.”


They grinned rising to their feet, “Yes Jaesa,” they spoke in unison before bolting from the room laughing.


Adrik looked to Jaesa eyes wide.


She laughed, “Getting them to behave is not that difficult, they are good kids.”


He shook his head, “No that isn't it. Though it is impressive. I, I did that when I was a kit... I didn't expect to see it here.”


“Can you still?” Jaesa looked at him brow arched.


“I, I don't know. I haven't tried.” He stared at the sparkling stones.


“Try for me see if you are still able. It will help you if you intend to use that saber in your hand.”


He bit a thin dark red lip, he was afraid to try. Things were not the same, they didn't feel like they did when he was a young kit. What if he wasn't able too?


Closing his eyes he reached out as he remembered as a kit, and he felt nothing. Opening his eyes he started shaking, slowly he looked to Jaesa. She looked back her chocolate eyes warm. “How do you summon the lightning?”


He shook his head, “It's not the same, it's not.”


She smiled it was not condescending or cruel, simply comforting. “It is the same, both are ways of manipulating the Force.”


He shook his head, “But I can't see it.” His shoulders sank, “I can't.”


“Then tell me what do you see?”


“I don't,” he dropped his eyes staring at his lap. “I can't see anything.”


“Shhh, it's okay.” Her voice became even softer. “Just talk to me, tell me how you are able to summon it. I am here to help.”


Swallowing he nodded, it sounded so stupid. He still had a hard time believing it, but she wanted to know. “I feel emotions, I can feel the curiosity rolling off of you, if I wanted to I can touch it.”


“Show me.”


He didn't want to, he didn't want to hurt her, if it even did hurt. He looked up, his hands started to shake, he shook his head when he looked into her face.


“Go on,” Jaesa gestured gently towards him, “show me.”


Swallowing he tried to calm down, his body continued to shake, a sharp snap of ozone filled his sinuses. Clenching his eyes shut he reached out and gently touched the cloud of curiosity that floated around the kneeling Human. A quiet gasp filled the air as he drew off of it, siphoning it. He cracked open an eye, glancing up at her. She was sitting eyes wide as she stared at him. He held his left hand up, the right still tightly clutching the saber hilt. She nodded to him, another surge of curiosity spiked off of her.


Adrik closed his eye, pulling again off the emotion. He heard another gasp, but he had not detected any pain. Good he was not hurting her. Taking a deep breath, he channeled it and the metallic cloud grew. He felt his fur flinch as the building lightning gathered along his shoulders and rolled down his arms. Opening his eyes he looked to Jaesa holding up his hands, both were covered in golden dancing lightning.


She was staring at him. “Fascinating,” she whispered. “Absolutely fascinating, I thought you were able to sense the Force,” her voice was so quiet, barely audible.


He stared at her, he had no idea what to say. He knew he was broken, this just proved it.


“Are you able to use it in any other way?”


He shook his head.


“Have you tried?”


“No, I haven't. I, I still have a hard time believing I can do it.”


“Try, see what you can do with it. Try using it to touch the stones, to pick them up. If you can, we will try the saber.”


Nodding he reached his hand out focusing on the crystals. He pushed the accumulated lightning towards the sparkling stones. It slowly snaked out, traveling through the air. As it moved away from him it became harder to keep it condensed, the lightning began to dissipate into a golden cloud. Frowning he concentrated, moving the sparking mist towards the collected stones. When it flowed over them, he gasped, as the mist settled over the crystals, he detected their weight. He could actually feel them, their smooth surfaces and pointed edges. He glanced up at Jaesa she was sitting up intently watching. Returning his attention to the crystals he enveloped them in the golden mist. Cautiously he tried to move one, pulling against its newly discovered weight. The crystal rocked against the mat before jerking up into the air, hovering.


“Amazing,” Jaesa whispered. “Simply amazing.”


The crystal began to shake; Adrik renewed his efforts, trying to tighten his grip on the stone. It was beginning to slip; the golden mist was diminishing, evaporating. It disappeared and the crystal clattered to the mat. Lowering his hand he waited.


“That... I haven’t heard of anything like that before.” He heard her move; glancing up he watched her rise up off the ground. She reached down to her belt unhooking her hilt. “Why don't we try sparring? Can you do that again?”


He nodded, “I can.”


She gestured, encouraging him to stand. He rose watching her. Her saber blazed to life in golden hum. He stared at the gold double blades. Their tenor hum filled the air, the blade's pitch dropped as she moved the weapon in front of her body.


He looked to the hilt in his hand; his thumb hovered over the switch. Taking a deep breath he pressed down, the saber hummed in his hand as crimson blades cut through the air. The saber vibrated slightly in his hand, he cautiously placed his left hand on the hilt slowly rolling it in his hands, last time he had been to distracted to even notice.


“Now, the biggest difference between a training saber or staff and the real thing is the...”


“The weight,” he finished staring at the weapon in his hand.


“Exactly, elaborate.”


“The blades have no weight, all the weight is in the hilt.” He moved the saber in front if his body, “The challenge is being able to sense the exact location of the plasma, where it terminates.”


“Can you?”


He stared at the blades, he could see where they ended, but he needed to know even when he was unable to see. He closed his eyes and the exact location of the blades faded. He shifted the saber before him, the hilt humming a foreign cadence in his palms. Adrik didn't want to draw upon Jaesa again, he was to exhausted to contemplate allowing his personal frustration to bubble up, plus he didn't think he would be able to control it. Which left that damned Temple, he suppressed a shudder. It was the only way. He took a deep breath and partially lowered the shields he had fought so hard to reestablish last night. Instead of a deluge of hate-filled rage, he felt a surge roll off the nearby Temple.


Cautiously he reached out drawing on the muted maelstrom, as always it was eager, jumping to his demand. Again his sinuses were flooded with a metallic snap as his fur flinched, the building lightning accumulating along his shoulders, coursing down his arms and enveloping the blade. As it flowed along the humming weapon gripped in his uncertain hands, a perfect image of the saber emerged in his mind.



He knew it would not be enough to know where his saber was; he had to know where his opponent was. Taking a deep breath he reached out, drawing off the Temple. It was scary how readily it came to him.


He willed the cloud of purloined rage to flow into the room, he didn't attempt to keep it condensed as lightning, but as a light barely-there mist, the same sensation he felt when he moved the crystals. It was easier, took less concentration. Slowly the rest of the room materialized before him, blanketed in the faint sparking mist. Everything took on an ethereal outline; the room's contents easily seen. Jaesa glowed before him, her saber clearly seen, easily felt.


Keeping his eyes closed he stepped setting his feet shoulder width apart, shifting his weight onto the balls of his feet. He dropped his left hand off the hilt bringing the saber up.


“Are you ready?” Jaesa's voice seemed to float, her words slightly out of sync with her gold ghostly outline.


“As ready to be expected,” he shook his head. “I don't know how long I will be able to hold it.”


“Then I will keep the session short.” Jaesa brought her glowing saber up. “The moves are the same, muscle memory will help.”


He nodded, keeping his eyes tightly squeezed shut, gripping the hilt with his left hand.


“Now,” Jaesa's golden form shifted before him, taking a defensive stance. “Begin with Form one, Zone one, I will simply deflect each blow. Let you get acquainted with the weapon, its feel, how it behaves.”


Swallowing hard he shifted his weight forward, extending his right leg as he brought the staff upright angling it towards Jaesa's glowing head. The saber's blade quickly intercepted by Jaesa's. The impact sent a small rolling recoil down his arms; the tenor hum of the blades snapped angrily as the plasma struck. He held the strike waiting.


“Good,” she murmured. “Return and execute the move again.”


Adrik brought the saber back to his side as he moved his right leg parallel to his left. Concentrating he took a calming breath before stepping forward with his right leg, bringing up the saber. This time he managed to move a slight bit faster, the deflection was quicker, sharper, it sent a harder tremor through his arms. His head started to ache; trying to control the blanketing mist was wearing at him.


Jaesa nodded, “Again.”


Exhaling he brought the saber back to its starting position, his leg returning to stand next to his left. He straightened, pulling once again off the steady maelstrom that swirled around the Temple, when he felt the fur at the base of his neck flinch; the tingling crept along his spine. He brought the saber across his chest, into a defensive position. A foul smell crept through his nostrils, snorting his eyes flew open.


What greeted him made his head spin, everything he looked at was covered in a thin fine sparking mist of gold, it was disorientating. Standing in the entrance of the training room was the red robed Sith. Adrik clenched his saber, pivoting to keep the weapon between him and the Sith. The red-skinned man was holding a saber hilt in his right hand. Slowly he walked across the room, heading towards the weapon rack.


Adrik snorted, fighting to keep his bearings, the mist covered room wreaking havoc with his balance. As his head spun he focused on the Sith, refusing to relinquish control. The red-skinned Sith stopped, slowly, deliberately placing the hilt onto the rack, making a point to drop it so it thunked as it landed. He looked up at Jaesa, giving her a slight nod of her head, “Jidai.”


Jaesa gave him a small respectful nod of her head, “Great Grandfather.”


The Sith turned his attention to Adrik, his emerald eyes slowly scanning him, before the red-skinned man smiled. His white teeth flashed from the depths of his hood. The Sith turned on his foot silently walking out of the room. Adrik stared after his retreating form, watching as it disappeared around the corner. When his footfalls faded from his hearing Jaesa spoke. “Let us continue, Form one Zone one. When you are ready, begin.”


Pulling his attention away from the empty doorway he looked to the Human, she was standing saber up and at the ready, crossed across her chest. Nodding he closed his eyes, inhaling sharply when everything stopped spinning, the world righted itself as a thin gold blanket again covered the room and its contents. He shifted his weight to his right leg, quickly stabbing the saber towards Jaesa's head. The blow was met with a jarring block, sabers screeching a protest. “Good, again.”


Adrik brought the saber back to his side, rebalancing as he prepared to strike again, determined to spar as long as he physically and mentally could.





Prompt: Head of the Class, again. This is one of the rare ones I actually had a working title for. Head of the Class: Force 101


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Meant to post this yesterday, Sorry. It was a long day.



Spoilers are very mild, the title SI can receive and comments about SI's possible hanger-ons.









Year 3634 Month 3- week and half since Kit left





It was getting easier. He was able to last longer during the training sessions with Jaesa, telekinetically moving objects was becoming easier, he had actually been given clearance to practice with the saber while unattended. Their last training session had been a duel, she had gone easy on him, but he had been actually able to hold his own. He had been able to not only fight her but he never once lost sight of where she or her weapon was. She had warned him next duel she would begin moving objects around the room, creating projectiles. Jaesa had even shown him a training remote; this perfectly spherical droid whose sole purpose was to shoot bolts at him. Those suckers hurt when they connected too.


He shifted, quickly bringing up the saber to deflect a bolt. It bounced off the humming blade vaporizing. The past few days he had poured just about every waking moment into training. It was so much better than the alternative. Thinking. He had so many questions and no way of getting any answers, at least not yet. Not until Kit returned to the estate from her Council meeting. He had contemplated what exactly happened at a Dark Council meeting, somehow he doubted they all sat around scowling at each other, well maybe they did. Though what he did remember about current events and the spattering he knew from his childhood, the Empire was still preparing. He had overheard talks between his Uncle, the cities Elders and Kit's father, he doubted they were sitting by idly so even if they were scowling it was productive scowling.


Then his thoughts wandered to his childhood. He had made the mistake of actually wondering what had happened to his mother, and his older siblings. He had no idea where his Grandfather was, if the old wretched man still lived. No one had spoken a word about the rest of his family, which meant that either they were gone, as he was told when he was little or they are missing, in exile or imprisoned somewhere. It had taken the better part of the night to calm down, after thinking of his family.


So he didn't think, he trained. He kept his mind focused on learning what Jaesa had been teaching him until Kit returned. She was supposed to be back any day now; actually she was overdue. Jaesa told him, she was needed for other matters on Dromund Kaas. Adrik hoped she would return soon. He missed her and was extremely curious what else she was going to teach him.


He knew there was more, a lot more. He had made the mistake a few days ago of actually contemplating the differences of her instruction versus the painfully few years of schooling he could remember receiving on Tython. It was confusing. Adrik had hated being on Tython, had hated it. What he knew from his time there clashed violently with Kit's outlook. It didn't help he really, really liked practicing what Kit had told him. He enjoyed his training sessions with Jaesa, he liked sitting in with the twins while they learned the rudimentary basics. On more than one occasion he had to fight back pains of jealousy, they were encouraged to do what had been denied to him as a kit, and they were good kits, mischievous but not monstrous. It just shoved, violently, into the light just how wrong people had been. Learning how to use the gift he had was not going to cause his downfall.


A sharp sting hit his wrist, snapping him back to reality. “Owe, damn it,” he muttered. Rubbing his left wrist he scowled at the activated training orb as it hovered roughly a meter away from his head. That's what he got for letting his mind wander. Snapping up the saber he deflected another bolt, watching as the orange projectile ricocheted towards the distant ceiling. Concentrating he focused on the droid, swinging the saber across his chest he caught another bolt as it flew for his neck.



Suddenly the fur at the nape of his neck stood on end. He growled, someone was thinking of harming him. He snorted, someone, it was that damn blasted Sith, the owner of this estate. His eyes opened as he hit the droid's remote, suspending its training session. Quickly striding across the room, was not the red-skinned Sith, but a thin, black robed, willowy woman. Her quick paced stride was devouring the space between them. He growled bringing his saber up, what the hell was it with these people? It was like they were incapable of saying hello without bloodshed.


Her eyes were locked onto him, amber eyes set within a golden olive green face, whose high cheekbones, chin and brow were tattooed. His growl deepened, something about the way she moved slithered through him, a hauntingly familiar roll to her hips that enraged him. He settled his weight onto the balls of his feet, waiting. As the distance between them disappeared, the unknown woman smiled at him and then she was hurtling towards him, the doublebladed saber in her hand, blazing to life in a burst of crimson light.


Adrik raised his saber over his head to deflect her downward stroke as he twisted away. The blow's reverberation rolled through his body, causing his teeth to snap shut and a twinge of pain to flash through his jaw. Quickly he back pedaled, bringing his saber back across his chest. She was still smiling as she slowly started to circle around him. Keeping his eyes locked on her he tried to gauge the distance to the doorway, he didn't like the way she was looking at him. It sent chills down his spine.


Without warning her saber snapped forward, he had to change direction, barely able to bring his saber up in time to deflect the thrust towards his face. He took another step towards the door; again he was met with another blindingly fast thrust. Adrik snarled baring his teeth, she was not letting him walk towards the door. He was going to leave; she was not going to stop him. He reached out, lightning gathered along his shoulders. The unknown woman's grin widened. Shaking his head he launched a round of lightning. Her hand came up catching the golden electrical storm, and then she shook her head as if chastising a small kit. His eyes narrowed, he didn’t care who this woman was she was not stopping him from leaving. Again he reached out, pulling on the ever-willing fount that was the Dark Temple, as lightning licked down his arms the woman's smile broadened, teeth flashing, and he was picked up and thrown backwards, slamming into the stone wall.


Growling he fought to free himself, his body was pinned; the force of her hold pushing the rock into his back and arms. Slowly she sauntered up, her left hand jerked and he felt his saber ripped away from his grasp. He heard the metallic thud and rattle as the hilt hit far across the room and rolled. Her footfalls echoed through the room, as she casually closed the distance. Her grin widened as she slid her tongue over her painted lip. “What do we have here?” She stopped before him, those amber eyes slowly looking him over. “Aren't you … exotic.”


He snarled, fangs bared. “Let me go,” he growled.


Her head swung slowly back and forth as her grin grew, “I think not.”


Her hand reached out touching his grey shirt. Slowly it made its way up along his chest, slipping under the unbuttoned placket, running through his fur, nails scratching his hide. He concentrated trying to pull his arms out of her Force fueled hold. Lightning flickered between his fingers as he fought; the pressure increased, pushing his hands into the rock wall. Growling he redoubled his efforts, his arms were covered in sparking gold. Adrik snarled in frustration he was unable to move his hands, he could not direct the lightning at this woman. He briefly considered dropping his shields to use her emotional state against her, but as he stared at her he realized he didn’t want to touch that tainted pool, her intent was written all over her face. He needed to get away from this woman.


Suddenly he was being pulled down the wall, the rock biting painfully into his back. Adrik struggled to move his legs to stop his downward descent but they were as useless to him as his hands, his body was being moved against his will.


Her hand slid up along his neck, caressing the fine fur along his cheek. Her hand grabbed his mane, pulling his head down; the other still held her activated saber. He snarled, growling low in his throat, as his head was pulled down, closer to hers. He watched her raise her saber, grinning the entire time.


Suddenly his face was turned towards hers, her lips crashed into his as she kissed him. After the initial shock wore off, anger bubbled up, how dare she! He bit down, skewering the invading tongue. Warm blood filled his mouth as the coppery smell flooded his sinuses. She squealed in pain, pulling backwards. He opened his mouth relinquishing his hold.


She jerked backwards, hand flying to her face. Her smile never left, instead a wild spark grew in her eye. Snarling he spit the mouthful of blood in her face, smirking when it hit her tattooed cheek. Her hand wiped off the blood-filled spittle. Her other hand brought up the saber when heavy rapid footfalls echoed down the hallway.


They thundered into the training room, the heavy armored tread echoing off the walls. He strained to lift his head to look at the rapidly approaching form, but he wasn’t able to move. A long low hiss filled the air, chasing the fading echo of their footfalls. “Noooxxx, get away from him.”


The green skinned Mirialan, looked over her shoulder towards the unknown person. He watched her black hooded head simply shake, “Why should I?”


A growl erupted from behind the woman, a decidedly feminine growl. “Now.” The voice demanded, it sounded familiar but it was distorted.


The black robed Mirialan's hand reached again for his chest, when she was suddenly gone. He heard a bone-numbing thump across the room. Her hold on him, gone. Adrik dropped to the floor, his hand catching his fall as he pulled his knees underneath his body, preparing to sprint to where he heard his saber hilt fall. He looked up, eyes scanning the room. He froze, eyes wide. Standing before him in the center of the training room was Kit, she was armored from head to toe in thick intricate black armor covered in a black robe, the lower half of her face was covered but he could see her eyes shining from the depth of her hood, burning embers of gold. Her right hand was outstretched, pinning the Mirialan woman against the wall, her saber hilt gripped in her left.


“What do you think you are doing?” Kit hissed as she slowly approached the pinned woman.


The woman, Nox Adrik thought he had heard Kit call her, started laughing. The tone of the laughter chilled him; it was tinged in madness. “Dear cousin, I was only introducing myself.”


“Introducing yourself...” Kit growled, “Introducing yourself, you ghost-filled crackpot, you think that maybe you should of just said 'Hello'?”


Her laughter grew before suddenly stopping; her smile disappeared, a small pout replacing it. “But he looked so delicious, I only wanted a little taste.”


Kit's body began to shake with repressed rage. Her saber hand crossed her body pointing in Adrik's direction, “That is my Husband.”


The Mirialan's pout deepened, “Your husband? You said he was your mate, thought he was a friend. You can share friends, it was just a little taste and he tasted good.”


Kit bit through clenched teeth, “Mate and Husband are interchangeable terms, one in the same.” Kit's right hand moved and Nox's head slammed against the wall. “You know the rules, hands off.”


Nox, laughed, grinning as she attempted to shrug her shoulders, most of the motion lost due to Kit's Force-hold. “Alright, fine, you have always been so bad about sharing. I will keep my hands off of him.”


“And,” Kit growled, “everything else.”


The Mirialan rolled her eyes, “Take all the fun out of it, everything else too.”


Kit jerked her hand backwards and the saber hilt was ripped out of Nox's hand.


“Hey!” she whined, “That is mine.”


“You will get it back, when you are leaving the grounds. Not before.”


An aggravated huff escaped the Mirialan's lips, “Such a damn kill joy.”


Kit clipped Nox's hilt to her belt, frowning. The woman suddenly tumbled from the wall, landing in an undignified thump on the floor. Nox picked herself up, dusting off her robes. She looked over to where Adrik still crouched on the floor and winked. “Well I am hungry, going to see what I can scare up in the kitchens, anyone want to join me?”


A stony silence answered her as Adrik and Kit stared at her.


She shrugged, rolling her eyes, “People are so bloody sensitive...” She turned walking out of the room, as if she hadn't a single care. Nox even paused on the threshold to wave before continuing down the hall.


Adrik slowly stood, staring at the now empty doorway. “Who the hell was that?” He looked over at the heavily armored Kit.


She stood there shaking her head. With a large body-shaking sigh she moved, walking towards him. Reaching up she removed the mask covering the lower part of her face, he sighed a small sigh of relief when she spoke, her voice unadulterated. “That is Darth Nox, Dark Council member and a rather...wild card. Thankfully she is actually on our side, believe it or not.”


Adrik shook his head, “She called you her cousin? How?”


“Yeah...” Kit sighed, “she is, my uncle was a rather amorous man.” She closed the gap, cautiously reaching out with a black armored hand. “Are you alright? What were you doing in here?”


He nodded, “I am fine,” he stepped next to her, his hand reaching up to wipe the blood dribbling off his chin. “I was in here training.”


“Training? Really?” She looked at him puzzled, “What kind of training.”


He grinned at her and looked about the room, there in the corner near the entrance was the saber he had been using. Closing his eyes he reached out, pushing the still sparking lightning that flowed over his hand towards the hilt. When the golden mist settled along the weapon, he willed the mist to return, pulling the hilt to his hand. Grabbing it he opened his eyes and grinned, Kit stood before him lips parted, her slowly fading to green eyes wide with surprise.


“How, how did you do that, I thought that you couldn't...”


He ducked his head, his ears beginning to burn. “I have been practicing, Jaesa has been helping me.”


“Wow,” she whispered. “Wow, that's amazing. Tell me how... no, wait don’t tell me, wait and tell all of us. When we are together, Great Grandfather will want to know. That is why Nox is here, she and Grandfather have been researching how to reverse your condition.”


His head snapped up, “That woman is going to help me?”


“Yes,” Kit nodded, “she was actually quite excited about helping, though we have to be careful with her she is a bit eccentric.”


“A bit?” he snorted.


“Fine,” she sighed, “she is goofier than a four-winged mynock but she is good, she researches and studies constantly. The artifacts and texts she is able to get her hands on... it is mind boggling.”


“Why would she help me? You just threw her against the wall and I perforated her tongue.”


Kit dismissively waved her hand, “It will be forgotten by dinner time, if she does remember it, she will think back on it as a good time. It is just how she operates.”


“Seriously?” Adrik stared at her.


“Yes,” she reached up, her armored finger wiping along his chin. “But let's not worry about her. I am so sorry I was not home sooner. I was held up. Council business.”


He smiled down at her, “I know Jaesa told me. She said you would return as soon as you were able.”


Her hand slid against his jaw, “but you are alright?”


“Yes, I am. Promise.”


Kit leaned in before she hesitated and dropped her hand, “Good.” She smiled, “So what did you do while I was gone?” She turned heading towards the door. “Come tell me all about it, I want to get this armor off and change into something more comfortable. Are you hungry? I have not eaten.”


He fell in step next to her, “I am starving, I do have to say it has been eventful.” As they walked out of the training room to her bedchamber he began to fill her in on the details of the past week and a half.





Prompt: Head of the Class with some Allies and House of Something. Honestly my notes are horrible about what prompt I finally went with.



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I feel like I am spamming my own thread... But it is Saturday and a regular posting day.






Year 3634 Month 3





Growling he paced down the hall, glaring at the green crystals floating within their metal sconces. When he reached the doorway he paused, inside he heard muffled voices, murmuring away. Frowning he turned and continued to pace, his feet wearing a path into the thickly woven rug. How much longer was he going to have to stay out here? This was ridiculous kicking him out of the room while they discussed his damn life.


They had asked both Kit and him to come to the Archives. The fur at the base of his neck had stood up upon entering the room. Sitting around a long table covered in texts, datapads and a pyramid shaped holocron was every single Sith in Kit's family. Her Father and the red-skinned Sith who called himself her Great Grandfather were sitting next to each other in the middle of the table, Jaesa sat next to Darth Cyhlon. Sitting to the left of the Pureblood was an empty seat and her cousin Darth Nox. When they entered the doors closed behind them and the red-skinned man had beckoned them closer.


Her Great Grandfather had started firing off questions faster than he was able to answer them. It made Adrik's head spin, what did he remember, what was missing, what was a vague recollection. Did anything hurt physically, did he have nightmares, if so what manner of nightmares? What year was it, what was the current state of the war? The questions just went on. As he answered the Sith sitting at the table stared back, faces impassive.


Then the questions turned to Kit, though the nature of her questions made his hands clench in anger. Who is this man, what value do you place in him, is it worth it? She didn’t answer instead she stared her Great Grandfather down. Her snarled retort was not what the assembled group had expected. He actually felt their surprise roll through the room before they recovered and it disappeared. All she said was, 'I am counted on to assist in leading this Empire during this time of our Emperor's silence, and you question my judgment, my attachment to family? Perhaps Grandfather you need to be reminded of your own code of conduct. Or perhaps I heavily overestimated your abilities to assist in this matter and I shall take Darth Marr up on his offer of aid.'


Before her retort even faded from the chamber he was ordered out, while they discussed a few things. The rage that followed him out of the room was oppressive, the hushed snarling as they argued, they argued about him, it teased his ears. He had stood there contemplating returning into the room to go to Kit's side, he finally realized that there was nothing he would be able to do to help the situation. So he stayed out here waiting, waiting and pacing.


The heated arguments had ended a while ago, since then the constant murmuring had filled the air. The low droning was starting to gnaw at him; he wanted to know what they were discussing in that room. It concerned him and his life. He reached the next wall sconce; frowning at the gently floating green crystal he pivoted on the ball of his foot. As he walked past the doors to the Archives they opened.


He jumped when the red-skinned man spoke, “Please join us.”


Adrik looked into the room, the Sith were all still sitting down, Kit had taken the empty seat next to her Great Grandfather so apparently the disagreement had been worked out. Slowly he padded into the room, the contents of the table had changed. The holocron remained but the countless texts and datapads had been scaled back to a very small scattering. He walked towards the table stopping on the edge of the rich dark burgundy rug.


Before him the red-skinned Sith moved, his four-fingered hands reached up lowering the cowl of his red robe. Adrik stared at him, it was the first time he had clearly seen his face. His skin was a vibrant dark red, bony ridges protruded along his high cheekbones and brows, hanging from his chin was a pair of fleshy tentacles adorned in gold jewelry. A riot of white hair graced his head, it fell thickly to his shoulders, when he shifted in his seat Adrik saw the glimmer of more gold jewelry in his ears. But what caught and held his attention was the man's eyes, they were bright and they were green. “I believe we might have found a possible solution.” He steepled his hands before him, “You have the most vivid recollections of your childhood that end abruptly when you are of ten standard years old?”


Adrik nodded.


“My child here,” he gestured to Kit, “has informed us that before this incident occurred you never spoke of your childhood. That everything you talked about happened after you were ten standard years of age, that your families passing was the only memory you possessed at that age.”


He looked to Kit confused, was that really right? She looked back at him nodding.


The Pureblood continued, “We now know at least part of that memory was false. Your Uncle, who was working with Darth Chylon and Diplomatic Services, was freed from a Republic prison planet. He had been imprisoned on that planet for two decades and not killed as you were told.”


“Now we have been able to determine that all records of an Adrik Katayev end in year thirty-six sixty-one, the same year that your Uncle was imprisoned. At this time a record surfaces for an Aric Jorgan, this is the name that my child and her apprentice knew you by, for years. It is not hard to see that whomever kidnapped your Uncle had a hand in your name change. What we have not been able to determine is why. Now I was informed that you have no connection to the Force currently, but at one time you did; Darth Chylon was overseeing your training on Cathar when you were young. Is this correct?”


Adrik nodded. “Yes.”


“But you do possess a unique gift don’t you?”


Adrik looked to Kit she nodded to him, giving him a small smile. “I think I do.”


Darth Chylon moved, his chair creaking, “He does, we worked on cultivating it during my time on Cathar, he has shown signs of still being able to use it.”


“That he does,” the Purebood nodded, “I experienced it.” He leaned back into his chair, eyes boring into Adrik. “Forcing him to use it led to the return of a few memories correct?”


“Yes Great Grandfather,” Darth Chylon nodded, “he remembered pieces of his childhood.”


The Pureblood lifted his left hand up to stroke the tentacle hanging on the right side of his chin, “When you first woke up, you complained of pain, a white pain in your head?”


Adrik nodded, “Whenever I tried to think I experienced it.”


“Do you now?”


“No,” Adrik shook his head, “not anymore.”


“The white pain you were experiencing was actually a Force block or quite possibly Force blocks, that were put on you, most likely when you were ten. These blocks have apparently been fractured, which is what allowing you to use your little gift. I believe that you were subjected to additional blocks; one to sever your Force connection, the other to forget about it and your childhood.”


The Pureblood leaned forward again, holding his gaze with his own. “We,” he gestured to the Sith gathered at the table, “speculate the reason you were not imprisoned along with your Uncle is your political value, you are an heir to a Prince, a title and rank not given by political means within your species but granted by right of birth.”


“I believe it will be possible to lift these blocks, but it will not be … pleasant. Considering the remarkable grasp you have demonstrated in the past couple weeks, the attempt will be made to lift the block on your mind first. Then we will attempt to lift the block severing your connection to the Force itself.” The Pureblood leaned back into his chair his hands again clasped before him on the table.


“Nox is also under the belief that is why you have so few recollections about my child, you repressed all memories of her. She also believes that is why my child has no recollections of the two of you as younglings.”


“Well yeah,” Nox muttered. “Makes perfect damn sense.”


The Pureblood gestured to her, annoyed, “Go on.”


“He was being tortured, by what passes for Republic Intelligence, of course he buried thoughts of her, he was not going tell them...” she snorted. “The idiots where so sloppy they didn't realize that having a Jedi spelunking in his head was going to smash and rearrange the Force blocks.” She leaned back into the chair huffing, “Just need to finish breaking it. Won't feel good... never does.”


She leaned forward hands on the table playing with a small scratch in the surface, “It's the same reason she doesn’t remember him, she was upset, she buried it. The Force is good for all sorts of things, can do a lot. To much Force on one's mind will break it though,” she sighed picking up the holocron, “it is a bit harder putting a broken mind back together.”


“What?” Kit leaned forward staring at her cousin; Nox ignored her as she continued to toss the holocron into the air.


“Oh relax, he's not broken... he's not, I’d know.” She flashed Kit a grin. “Just need to clean up the blocks,” she waved dismissively, “once they are removed he should be back to normal... well as normal as one can be.”


“Bruised maybe.” Nox muttered as she leaned back into the chair, the holocron hovering in the palm of her hand. “Quite bruised,” she looked past the holocron, her amber eyes locked onto him but she looked through him. “Yes very bruised, fractured even. Should be possible to repair the damage, perhaps without any permanent... reminders.” Her eyes continue to stare through him, her tattooed face unreadable. He shuddered, what was she looking at? He felt a pressure building in his head, clenching his teeth he struggled to remain upright.


“I see walls of white, fractured, spider webs dancing through ice and snow. I see you, I see you lurking there. What secrets do you have?” The pressure shifted, growing into a deep-seated throbbing. He swallowed a strangled cry. Her eyes grew even more distant but they flickered, a vibrant orange shooting through the amber. “Such darkness, deliciously dark, don't want to share? That is understandable we just met.” The throbbing grew. It radiated through his jaw, making it so hard to focus on the Mirialan Sith but he was unable to look away.


He heard other voices, distant angry voices, distorted and muffled. They vied for his attention, but the soft-spoken murmuring of Nox held it. A voice louder than the others pulled at him demanding. His eyes shifted, trying to pull away from the Sith's gaze, but it was hard so hard, he was drowning in a vibrant sunset hued pool. The angry voice pulled at him again, he heard another respond. It was so soft, he wasn’t sure if it was real or imagined. It kept pulling at him; his ear flicked straining to hear.


Someone was demanding that it stop; she, it was a she demanding that it stop. There was another voice that answered, a man's, telling the angry person to stop, to be quiet to be still. Then Nox spoke, he forgot the arguing voices, his attention belong only to her once again. She murmured, “To tell him would be foolish, would make it harder.” He heard Nox giggle, “Don't want to make anything harder or do you?” Again the Mirialan giggled, “Though with him, it would be rather enjoyable.”


“Leave me to my work,” Nox murmured, “rather intricate. Aww, that was rather helpful, should come and play sometime.”


The pressure shifted, it decreased before suddenly returning. He cried out as the blinding pain erupted in his vision, he felt something give violently, it felt like someone was shoving a dislocated joint back into place. He staggered on his feet, wanting to drop to his knees. He couldn't look away. His eyes remained locked onto the Sith's.


“So many, oh so many, they were terrified of you. I'd take it as a compliment.” The pressure slowly returned, building, until he felt that violent shove. Whimpering he listed to the side. “So much to clean up...” Nox muttered as another wave of pressure began to build. He tried to grit his teeth, to brace against the inevitable pain but he was unable to move. He knew he should be concerned at the lack of control he possessed over his own body, but that concern floated away as he stared at the Sith.


“Ahh yes,” Nox murmured. The throbbing in his head grew. He staggered trying to bring his hands up, but they would not respond, they simply hung at his side, limp. His head was pounding in time to his pulse; he could hear it roaring in his ears. White flashes erupted in his vision. He struggled to close his eyes but he couldn't; he whimpered. He couldn't break free from her gaze.


The throbbing grew, he wanted to curl up and hide. He silently begged to be let go, to be able to give in to the pain, to sink into the blackness that he knew awaited him.


“Not yet, but soon, soon.” Nox murmured.


A strangled roar filtered through the haze to his ears, a hoarse roar, that barely had a voice. His body trembled. He struggled to break free, to fight against that memorizing hold. “Shhh, not yet, still picking up.” Nox muttered.


Without warning the built up pressure exploded, ricocheting through his head, shooting across his body. He felt his body lift up off the floor, jerking beyond his control. A louder roar ripped through the fog, it echoed building. Something then gave out; it broke, shattering.


“Interesting,” Nox's voice echoed to him, “there is more than one. Looks like three, one was horribly fractured, the other two are flawed, slowly being eroded away. Why were they so afraid of you? What was fractured is gone, cleaned away. Need time to see the results before we proceed with the removal of the others.”


He felt the floor beneath his feet, the cold floor so welcoming. His eyes were still locked onto Nox, her mere gaze the only thing holding him upright. Her hand moved, the floating pyramid shaped holocron dropping into her palm. She blinked, her tattooed brow rose as she winked at him. He staggered forward his body finally back under his control. His legs collapsed, knees landing painfully on the rug-covered stone. Closing his eyes he curled forward, arms across his legs, head cradled on his knees.


He heard rapid footsteps, they stopped next to him. His body continued to twitch. He felt hands touching him, she was frantically talking to him, demanding that he answer her, but he couldn't, he didn't have the energy. Her voice grew softer, her touch lighter.


He heard Nox's voice; somehow it was closer, easily penetrating his pain filled haze. “Go on,” the Mirialan murmured, “we are finished for now, sleep.” He slumped towards the fading hands, they wrapped around him before the darkness claimed him. Such sweet darkness, pain free, he willingly slipped into its embrace.




Prompt - Head of the class part 4



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I already told you I like how you portrayed Jaesa as being a part of the family and a valued teacher and friend.

Your Nox definitely belongs to the people I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley or a lit up one or at all.

I do wonder how much pain she inflicted on purpose during lifting Adrik's first block. Convenient for her there a two more left. Is anyone going to check whether what she claims is true?

I am looking forward to seeing how the complete removal of the first block will change Adrik.

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@ Frauzet

I have always liked the calm, rational, sweet Jaesa and have thought a great position for her would be to teach young children.

Awww you don't like Nox? She is a bit off, so I do not blame you. I wouldn't want to run into her either, she's the type when you see her you cross the street to avoid her.

Now that being said, would you believe me that there wasn't extra pain inflicted? As for her being double checked... well honestly no one has, it has been taken at face value what she said is true.

And you are in luck! Now you get to see what happens.



Evening everyone, have a new chapter. Hope everyone is still enjoying the story.





Year 3634 Month 3




With a bolt he sat up in the bed, his head violently reacted, spinning as his stomach lurched. Growling his put his hand to his head while his other slowly lowered his body back into the bed, head sinking into the deep pillows. Everything ached, his head throbbed and his body was so sore. Blinking he looked around the room; it was dark, everything was still. The gentle drum of rain fell upon the window, the booming roll of thunder echoed outside. Glancing up at the overhead window he watched lightning arc through the sky followed by another roll of thunder.


It was actually raining, a real storm. He rubbed his head watching the display arc through the thick storm laden clouds. He hadn’t heard a real thunderstorm the entire time he had been here. Been here. How long had he been here? He raised his hand up counting; it had almost been three weeks. Three weeks! He shot up in the bed again, his head spinning. Bloody hell why was he here, he had to get back, he was so overdue. Why was he still here? He should have been on Nar Shaddaa they had dinner reservations; he hadn't had a chance to send them to Elara. He was so looking forward to actually properly introducing everyone.


Dinner on Nar Shaddaa, wait something had happened on Nar Shaddaa, he brought his hands up to push his mane behind his ears when the lightning shot through the sky illuminating his arms. He stared at his wrists; the bare fur free patches of hide that encircled the joints. Nar Shaddaa. It hit him so hard his breath seized in his chest. Agonizing pain jumped through his body as he remembered Nar Shaddaa, scrambling he managed to free his legs from the blankets. His body protested being moved, his head spun as he fought to keep the contents of his stomach down. Running half hunched over, hands clasped over his mouth, he managed to make it into the 'fresher. He barely had the lid lifted and his head over the bowl before he launched the contents of his stomach.


Claws clicking on the side of the bowl he voided what remained of his distant lunch. Body shaking he tried to force the awful memory of Nar Shaddaa and that chair in the darkened warehouse room out of his mind. His body continued to retch until he was only depositing bile into the bowl. The SIS had tried to kill him.


Behind him he heard the door slowly swing open, the ancient hinges barely producing a sound. Soft quiet footsteps tread across the rug. Gripping the bowl he gathered lightning to his fingertips. When he saw the gold lightning sparking through his claws he swallowed a strangled cry, by the Void what the hell was going on. Then it rushed back at him, he had been learning it, here on the estate. He had been out of Republic space for weeks. He brought his hands up staring at his fingers; he had been in a kolto tank for almost four weeks, at this estate for three more. A month he had been gone a month, probably longer, it had to be longer, the passage of time was so fuzzy but he know it was at least a month, maybe even two.


He never reported back for duty. He never reported back. His fur flinched down his spine as his now empty stomach rolled. Garza was going to hunt him down; he knew it. Garza was going to hunt him down and his X.O. was going to put a blaster bolt in his head. Behind him a throat cleared, he spun around eyes locking onto the damn form in the doorway. The black robed form of Darth Nox.


He growled, claws extending as he turned his palms towards her. “You,” he hissed.


“Me?” she smiled. “What about me?”


He brought his hands up higher, “What are you doing here? I don't trust you.”


She shrugged, “That's probably for the best,” then she bent forward slightly. “I don't trust me either,” she whispered conspiratorially behind her left hand. “But why don't you trust me?” She continued to look at him, her hand raised to her mouth, grinning.


“You're her sister,” he hissed.


“Whose sister?” Her hand dropped and her smile disappeared in a heartbeat.




Nox growled, “How do you know that?” Her hand moved to her waist.


He shifted against the wall keeping his hands up summoning more lightning, the sharp smell of ozone cutting through the vile odors of stomach bile and vomit. “She is my Commanding Officer, and I am going to kill her.”


Nox's smile returned as her hand dropped to her side. “Oh good, we can be friends then, I am going to kill her too,” she giggled, “maybe we can make a party out of it. I have always loved a good party.” Nox leaned forward extending her left hand outward. He stared at her. She winked and looked at her hand, to him and back to her hand. “I remember what Kit'ar said, I am not going to do anything untoward.” He hesitantly took her extended hand, in his right; she tightly grasped his sparking palm and pulled him to his feet. “Your mate is horrible with sharing,” she shrugged, “always has been.”


“My Mate?” He stared at her.


“Oh bother, and things were going so well too...” Nox made a tsking noise deep in the back of her throat. “You know tall redhead, as white as Hoth, possessing more curves than anyone has a right to. The green eyed darling of the Council, and heiress to this estate, that woman.” Nox huffed, “Do you not remember that part?”


He stared at her shaking his head, “I...”


She frowned, “You remember though don't you? More than you did?”


He nodded, “I do, but I …”


“There are fuzzy spots, dark ones?” Nox interrupted.


“Yes.” He brought his left hand up to his head, “The pain it's gone as well.”


“Oh well that is a plus isn’t it, I wasn’t expecting that until after they were all removed.” Nox slowly placed her other hand on his shoulder guiding him towards the washbasin. He heard the toilet flush as they moved across the 'fresher. “Should get you a bit cleaned up, you can thank me later.”


The water turned on as they approached. Taking a deep breath he released the gathered charge dancing over his hands, in the time it took for him to exhale the sparking gold lightning was gone. He gripped the side of the stone basin, claws clicking as he let go of Nox and grasped it in both hands. His aching body beginning a renewed protest over being moved now that his adrenaline was fading. He felt so stupid to have to ask but he had to, taking a deep breath he prepared to ask Nox.


“Yes, yes,” the Sith muttered, “Kit'ar is your wife, people have been telling you the truth why do you doubt it?” Her hands touched the top of his head and he bent down, close to the running water. “Oh this stuff smells good, hope you like flowers.” Her hands starting pouring water over his head, the water warm as it ran in small rivulets down his face and neck. “I had hoped that would have been recovered, I managed to uncover some thoughts of her. I do have to say I am impressed though, taking all of that the way you did, would make anyone proud.” Her hands busied themselves in his hair, washing and rinsing it in the basin.


“Geeze you have a lot of hair, it normally like this? I think I like it. Should start doing something with it. Would be a liability in combat. Ohhh would you let me braid it?” He opened his mouth to answer when she suddenly changed topics. “She is such a good metalsmith, think you could talk her into making something for me?” She tapped the top of his head. “Okay all done, rinse out your mouth.” A toothbrush magically materialized before him held in a green hand. “No way I’m brushing those things, they hurt.”


He actually chuckled when he accepted the brush, propping one arm against the smooth stone he brushed his teeth. Nox moved behind him, he felt her fingers run through his mane. “Damn it's almost halfway down your back, I am so braiding it.” Before he could comment her hands were moving his mane, putting his damp locks into a simple braid. “Okay blue eyes I'm all finished.”


Blue eyes? What, he turned to look at Nox, she was grinning from ear to ear. What was she talking about? “Blue eyes?” he muttered.


“Yeap, what are they not supposed to be? Look for yourself.” She motioned to the mirror, the 'refresher's dim lighting grew.


He peered into the mirror; the thing that had nagged at him every time he looked at his reflection was finally apparent. His eyes had changed colour. No wait, that is the colour he was born with.


“What's the matter?” Nox's head suddenly appeared right next to his in the mirror, her shoulder touching his as she stood beside him. “Yeap, blue and violet, though I should of called you violet eyes,” she reached up touching his reflection. “The irises are violet, really pretty actually. It just doesn't roll of the tongue as well. Blue eyes, violet eyes,” her head canted back and forth, “yeah I like blue eyes better.”


“No they... they were green and gold before, they were. But, when I was little they looked like this.”


Nox clapped cheering, “Oh good! I got the most important block! That means the other two should be relatively easy to get rid of.” She looked at his reflection beaming.


He stared at her confused.


“You know,” she said waving her hands, “the Force and eye colour; heavy Dark influence is orange and red, the usless Light causing them to go white on occasion.”


He continued to stare at her.


She sighed, “If you have back your natural eye colour we are closer to severing the remaining blocks. I bet in a few days you might actually get partial sight back.”


“When they are gone I will get my mind back?”


“Yeap all back, you will be who you were.” Nox grinned.


He moved turning to look at her, catching upon the air the scent of foreign herbs. He moved his hand grabbing the wet braid and bringing it to his nose, deeply he inhaled. “You used Kit's shampoo.”


“Did I now?” Nox shrugged.


He inhaled again, letting the earthy herbs fill his sinuses. He smiled, “You did.”


“So what else do ya remember about everyone's favorite redhead?”


“She is a Darth on the Council...”


“Not what you have been told, what do you remember?” Nox interrupted.


“She,” he felt his ears heat up, “she has these ridges on her lower back. Three of them. She loves to sleep on silk and she hates to be cold.”


“Anything else?”


He shook his head, “Nothing that I have not heard while on the grounds. Everything else about her is hazy.”


She patted him on the shoulder, “Come let's get you back to bed, as the remnants of the block fade completely you will remember a bit more, but you might of buried everything else. I love a challenge, we will break those Force blocks.”


He shook his head staring at her, “Why help me. What is in it for you?”


“The betterment of the family and cousinly love,” she replied the corner of her mouth twitching.


He shook his head; “I don't think so, not with you. Why?”


Her smile disappeared replaced by a firm line. “The weak have no right to try to suppress the strong.” He watched the air around her spark, with true violet Force lightning. “I despise Jedi, to aid you would anger them and the challenge of learning how they did it and how to remove it, so they can't do it to another Sith. Those damn Jedi like to block people's attachment to the Force.”


He stared at her, the lightning was building, the amber of her eyes darkening to an orange. He smiled at her, “I thought it was because you wanted to kill your sister with me, I’m sure I can find a few others who would want to join in.”


Nox laughed, the gathered lightning dissipating into the ozone charged air. Clapping him on the shoulder, she headed out of the refresher, “I like how you think.”


He followed her back into the room, slowly he moved to the bed, it had been straightened and turned down. She gestured to the bed, “It is barely two in the morning, get some more sleep, people are going to want to speak with you in the morning.” Nox walked to the bed. He followed her, slipping underneath the covers. “I do have one more question for you before I go. What are you calling yourself?”


He stared at her, mouth open. He hadn't thought about it, but what was his name? “Adrik,” he answered, “it is the name my Mother gave me.”


“Excellent,” Nox smiled, “sleep well Adrik, tomorrow is going to be... busy.” The Sith turned and slowly walked through the room, whistling a low and slow tune. When she walked through the doors they swung shut behind her. The unknown song floated down the hallway as he stared at the closed door. Overhead lightning flashed, followed by a distant roll of thunder. The storm was passing. Closing his eyes he pulled the blanket up to his chin. He probably should take the odd Sith's advise and get some sleep, somehow he knew that calling tomorrow busy was a massive understatement.




Prompt: Morning after.



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@ Taxidermis

Yes it is :), slowly but surely. They totally deserve a sweet reunion when he finally remembers Kit, I agree with you. They really do deserve something nice like that, going to have to wait and see how things actually unfold though, not going to spoil it for you.



@ Frauzet

Common goals are excellent! Are you referring to the party to kill the XO or to get his memory back or both? :D

Sorry Nox creeps you out, she simply can not help it. Imagine how you might turn out if you had that woman for your sister, she was a pretty horrible Commanding Officer, that is for sure.



Evening every one. I had every intention to post this tomorrow. I was called into work again tomorrow, so since I would rather post early rather than late, here y'all go :)





Year 3634 Month 3 in the morning hours after chapter




Groaning he shifted in the bed. Stiffly he pushed his mane off his face, then preceded to knuckle rub his eyes. Something felt off, it felt like he was being watched. Cracking open an eye he peered into the darkened bedchamber. Sitting before him, intently staring at him was Kyra and Aryn. The twins were sitting beside him in the middle of the bed, Kyra on his right, Aryn his left.


When the kits noticed his cracked open eye, they leaned forward.


“Is he awake?” Kyra whispered.


“Think so; his eye is open. It's all glowy,” Aryn whispered back. The twins leaned closer, their bright green eyes wide as they inspected his face.


Adrik kept his breathing even as those bright eyes drew even closer.


“Are you sure?” Kyra whispered, “He's not movin'. Maybe I should open this eye.” She reached out; he felt little hands touching his cheek and upper eyelid. His eye was slowly opened; the twins bent closer, their faces almost touching his. All he could see was green.


As quickly as he could he moved his arms free from the blankets, wrapping them around the twin's waists. Roaring he tightened his grip, sitting upright in the bed. Giggling erupted as he deposited the twins on the bed.


“See I told you he was awake,” Aryn giggled as he wiggled free from Adrik's arm, only to promptly crawl onto his stomach.


“Oouhhff,” Adrik huffed, letting go of Kyra to grab Aryn before the little boy could tickle him.


Kyra crawled into Adrik's lap next to her brother. “Morning Uncle Aric,” Kyra beamed at him.


“No it's Uncle Adrik now,” Aryn shook his head. “'Member Mommy n Daddy said his head has been sick. The bad guys hurt his head.”


“But Aunt Jor said his head was better, that she fixed it.” Kyra looked at Adrik her brow wrinkled in confusion.


He smiled, “You're both right. Your aunt did help my head, it's doing better, but it is still hurt. I do like Adrik better.”


“But,” Kyra's lips turned downward and her chin quivered, “you're my Uncle Aric.”


Adrik reached out wrapping his arm around her, “Hey, hey shhh don't cry. I am still your Uncle you can still call me Aric, you can. I used to be called Adrik when I was your age.”


“You were?” She looked at him rubbing her eyes.


“Yes I was,” Adrik smiled, “but you can call me what you wish, call me Aric if you like, it will be special, just for us.”


“Really?” She sniffed, “I like special.”


“Yes,” Adrik smiled.


Kyra rubbed her eye before smiling and wrapping her arms around him. Adrik returned her embrace, rubbing her back. “So why are the two of you in here?” Adrik looked out the window, the burgeoning sun just starting to send it's bright rays through the inky darkness. “It is very early.”


“We heard your head was better,” Aryn reached out grabbing his dogtags. “They said in the morning you would feel better.”


“Yeah,” Kyra chimed in, “and it's morning now and we missed you.”


Adrik looked again out the window. The barest threads of violet were weaving through the night sky. “It's morning?”


“Yes, we woke up so it is morning,” Aryn answered.


“Why do you miss me, I have seen you every morning.”


“Well,” Aryn looked at his twin, “you haven't been you. We missed you. You stopped playing with us.”


“You were so quiet,” Kyra shifted in his arms, “you didn't even smile. When Aunt Jor told us your head was better, we had to see.”


Adrik looked at the kits in his lap. They looked up at him, those green eyes the saddest he had ever seen them.


“I'm sorry,” he whispered, wrapping his left arm around Aryn and pulling the two closer to him, “I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry I didn’t play with you.”


“It's because your head was sick? Why you acted funny?” Kyra reached up touching his head.


“Yes,” he whispered, “it is because of my head. I am so sorry.”


“It's okay,” Aryn hugged him, “you can't help it if you get sick.”


Kyra scooted closer resting her head on his chest, “You're getting better, you played with us.” Kyra stifled a yawn, “You played.”


Adrik smiled as he watched her brother stifle his own yawn. “Here,” Adrik whispered, slowly reclining back into the bed. He gently moved Kyra off his chest onto the bed. Adrik reached out grabbing the blankets, leaning backwards he settled into the pillows arranging the covers over the two kits. They curled up, snuggling against him.


The sky was beginning to lighten, dark oranges following closely on the heels of the violet tinged darkness. Adrik frowned, more sleep sounded so enticing. He looked at the kits curled up on either side of him. He wasn't going to be able to get up to close the curtain. Closing his eyes he licked his lips, he could do this.


He opened his right hand pointing it at the window, taking a deep breath he concentrated. Seconds later he was rewarded with sparking gold flowing through his fingers, in the back of his mind he felt the nearby Temple eager and willing. Reaching out he grabbed the edge of the curtain, with a flick of his wrist, the dark heavy material slid smoothly along its rod. It stopped gently rippling, whispering against the thick transpristeel window.


He stared at his hand; it was still sparking. He looked back to the slowly moving curtain. If he hadn't just moved it, he would of never believed it possible. He slowly exhaled and the spark blinked out of existence. He needed sleep; the kits stirred next to him. He would find time to work through this re-found ability, to work through everything. But not now. Now the bed was warm and the kits' presence comforting.


They had done this before, the kits liked to sneak in and nap with him, but not since he had stepped foot on this estate. He smiled, they thought he was soft and he indulged them, Adrik knew they were the closest thing he was ever going to have of kits of his own. It felt good to have them here. Adrik closed his eyes relaxing into his pillows, things almost felt normal.





Lots of prompts will fit with this one. Affection and Parenthood, are the two I have noted in my notes.


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@ Frauzet

You do need some cute parts every now and then. If I remember correctly I had written this after I finished up a couple rougher parts of the story. I needed some fluffy cuteness.



Hope everyone is enjoying their three day weekend :) I know I am.


I think this one is on the shorter side.







Year 3634, hours after proceeding prompt




Adrik sat arms crossed before him, leaning back against the chair. Before him Darth Nox paced, hands violently gesturing as her voice rose. Across from her stood Kit, her red lips turned downward, arms firmly crossed before her, hips canted to one side as she stared at her ranting cousin. They had been at it for what seemed like hours. Arguing the best course of action. Nox wanted to proceed immediately, to strap him to a table if need be, that they shouldn't wait. Kit refused to listen to her; she wanted to wait before another attempt was made. Silently he agreed with Kit, but no one had bothered to ask him.


Scowling harder he sank further into the chair. They hadn't even looked at him, just blindly gestured in his general direction. It was maddening. He wasn't some pet; he actually had thoughts on the matter. He wanted to wait; he still ached from Nox's unannounced attempt. By the damn ancestors it had not even been a day. He did want these other blocks lifted, things still felt off, but what was the damn urgency? He shook his head giving the arguing pair a scowling sideways glare.


A sharp yell actually drew his attention into the argument. “No! We are waiting!” Kit'ar shouted.


“Waiting! By the Force what is wrong with you?” Nox growled, “You want to take him to see a damn Jedi! Jedi are worthless, their only use is being used as a damn moving practice dummy! Why the hell do you want to take him there!”


Wait take me where? He wondered as he watched the two agitated women.


“Jedi are the ones who did this! What the hell is wrong with you? People insist I'm the crazy one and even I see how idiotic this idea is!” Nox threw her arms into the air. “What do you think they are going to do? Graciously assist you?” Nox dropped into a mocking curtsy, “Oh yes of course Wrath, we will be more than happy to lift that pesky Force block.” Nox spun on her heel stalking across the room before abruptly turning. She brought her hands back up. “What by the Void are you thinking?”


Kit scowled at the pacing Sith, “That is not what I am going to do! I have dealt with him before, he might have knowledge of what happened...”


“What happened!” Nox screamed cutting her off, “We know what happened, they Force blocked a little boy, a close friend of our family. A little babe and they did that to him! What the hell makes you think they are going to help us!”


“Nox,” Kit'ar hissed, “I am not going to be taking him to Tython.”


“No of course not...” Nox's voice dripped acid.


“He was a Master then, he is on shaky ground with the Council now!” Kit yelled. Nox's pacing stopped. “If he was there and be could be convinced to talk, we could learn the method they used.”


Nox slowly turned around, “Well why didn't you say so?”


An exasperated sigh blew through Kit'ar's lips, “That is what I have been trying to say. This Master might be able to tell us.”


Nox started to smile, “I could possibly learn how it was done, see it removed.”


“Exactly but we need to move carefully.”


Nox stared out into space murmuring to herself, Adrik stared at the women. They were going to haul him off to see some Jedi? He didn't want to see some damn Jedi; it was bad enough their great grandfather kept calling him a dark Jedi. The last thing he wanted was to actually meet one, especially one of the devout and dedicated ones, they would have a field day with him. Why in the hell hasn't anyone asked him what he wanted?


Kit moved closer to Nox, “We need to be careful. I will get a hold of the Master.”


Their voices dropped as they started discussing the little trip to this unknown Jedi. Adrik's scowl deepened, he didn't want to go see this person, he also didn't want Nox crawling around in his head right now. He watched the two women; their backs were to him. They were so engrossed in their conversation they acted like he wasn't even there. He might was well not be, he had no idea why he was even asked to be here, he hadn't uttered one word since they entered the room. Neither woman had actually asked him a single question.


There was no reason for him to be here; silently he pushed off the chair arms. Padding across the rugged floor on bare feet he slipped out of the room. He didn't want to hear anymore, he wanted quiet. Someplace to think, someplace where people were not fighting over him or trying to plan his life for him. He wanted to leave and he knew where he could go.


Glancing behind him he listened, the hushed voices of the two women still murmured on, unchanged. They had not even noticed his departure. He shook his head glancing down the hall; he wondered how long it would take before they even noticed. Quietly he moved down the hall, heading for the estate's hanger.




Prompt: Head of the Class, allies with a little Communication Breakdown.


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Okay, what are they all up to?

I can understand Adrik being annoyed with the way they talked about him without including him in their conversation. But sneaking off doesn't seem to be a good idea.

Looking forward to seeing what comes of it, and of course, who the master is. :D

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@ Frauzet

You will find out what they are up to in a couple chapters. You know about as much as Adrik does... which is why he is so irritated that he left. Sneaking off could cause problems, especially since he was headed to the Estate's hanger.

You can always guess who the master is, and I can tell you if you have guessed correctly :p




Actually going to give you fine people a spoiler alert. I'm not sure if info under the cut actually spoils anything but I'm keeping my bases covered.


References the Cathar war with the Mando's and that one person from KOTOR as well as the Sith Empire's exile a thousand years earlier.








Year 3634 Month 3 Hours after proceeding chapter, that evening.




He sat leaning against the neatly stacked crates. For a while he had contemplated their contents, had thought about opening them up but he didn’t really want to look, though he doubted anyone would care. Resting his head against the crate behind him he closed his eyes, overhead rain drummed on the large durasteel doors. The rhythmic fall soothing.


A quiet steady footfall filled the air competing with the rain. He kept his eyes closed, waiting. The footfalls carried a familiar musky, almost rugged, scent. He sighed shifting his weight as the Human continued into the darkened recesses of the hanger, his steady gait growing louder. The Human paused before his footfalls grew louder, coming to a stop by his little section of crates.


“Hey,” he sighed, cracking his eye and rolling his head towards Pierce.


“Hey,” the Human stood next to him staring out into the dimly lit interior.


The drumming rain again filled the air as a comfortable silence grew. Adrik closed his eyes listening to the rain.


Pierce chuckled, “You are hard to find.”


“Sorry,” Adrik muttered, “I needed to be alone.”


“You found a good place for it,” the Human shifted next to him. Adrik heard his boot scrape and a dull creak as the Human sat next to him on the crates. “So why are you hiding?”


“I am not hiding.”


“Really?” Pierce's flat voice carried.


Adrik scowled, eyes closed, at the massive overhead doors, set within the cavernous hanger's ceiling. “I needed quiet, this is the most quiet place I know of.”


“Aye, it's quiet. Was starting to think you might of run off.”


Adrik cracked open a blue eye, rolling his head to look at the massive Human. Pierce was sitting on an adjacent crate, arms propped up on the crate behind him, looking out over the dimly lit hanger. “Run off huh?”


“Aye, thought occurred to me,” the Human's eyes remained forward, scanning the ships.


“I do know how to fly those,” Adrik picked his head up, gesturing with his chin towards a slumbering Fury-class Interceptor.


“One of the aurodium nuggets you remembered?”


“Yes,” Adrik shuddered, his fur flinching as a chill ran down his spine. The word faded into the still hanger. Thankfully Pierce didn’t ask for elaboration. So far he was the only one. Adrik knew he was curious; it hung about him like a cloud.


“So why didn’t you?” Pierce grunted, eyes still straight ahead.


Why didn't I? Adrik mused as he ran clawed fingertips through his loose mane. It had gotten so long it brushed the middle of his back. He pulled a long lock through his fingers; it was fine and soft, almost like Human hair. It caught the dim light; the red and gold lock seemed to glow, reflecting the hanger's subdued auxiliary lighting. He twisted it between his fingers. He had started growing it months ago on a whim, a rebellious whim. He had continued to let it grow when his mate had whispered to him one evening how much she enjoyed it.


His mate, of all the revelations that painful session caused, details about her were not among them. What he knew about her was so damn sparse it was so damn frustrating. He rolled the lock fanning the end of it with his thumb against his middle finger. It was why he was here, sitting in the darkened hanger. He was trying to sort out the confusing jumble of regained memories. Most were complex flashes and glimpses into a past he was having a hard time processing.


He still had strong emotional attachments, urgings and impulses, that ran alongside his newly remembered past. And it was jarring; the childhood that had been a glossed over, distant memory, suddenly crisp and fresh. Growing up on Coruscant with his cold, angry and distant Grandfather... and no wonder the man was so distant, he probably had a heavy hand in what was done to him. But maybe he didn't, maybe that was why he was so angry, perhaps he had been against it. Though Adrik doubted it. The arguments were so clear it was as if they happened yesterday, the fighting between his Mother and his Grandfather. Nasty almost violent arguments that centered around him and his Mother's complete backing of his Uncle.


He was desperate to be reunited with his Uncle, but he had agreed he needed to wait until he had a better grip on things. He was so ashamed he had so little control; if he got the least bit upset, he started sparking. He had vague memories of being able to control it; he had been fighting to regain that control. Once he had it, he would be able to finally see his Uncle.


His anger bubbled to the surface at the thought of Prince Shange. Who could have betrayed him, the people loved him. He twisted the loose lock of hair, as he smelled the now familiar spark of metallic ozone. He knew, and the realization hurt. The Republic, the same one he had loyally served, had done this. It was so hard to swallow but it was the truth; the people who had tried to kill him were with the Republic.


The Republic, he had never been so confused before about his feelings for the Republic. When he was a kit, the Republic was something not to be trusted, an institution that looked good on the outside, but when the people of Cathar had needed them the most they had turned their back on them, the Jedi refusing to aid them during the war that devastated their homeworld. Then he lived in the heart of the Republic, went to their schools, enlisted in their army. He saw some good people, thought he was serving the better good, but he had seen the state of the Undercity on Coruscant, a place that rivaled Nar Shaddaa in crime and poverty. The condition of the lower levels plummeted to new depths after the invasion and the Sacking. He had hated the Empire when he had seen the devastation their return had brought.


Then he had encountered Kit and her crew. He could barely remember her, but the rest of her crew, it was as if he had never been tortured, he recalled them perfectly. They were his friends; he trusted them more than his own crew. Hell Kit and her crew were his family now. They had managed to find him and drag him out of death's grasp. If they had not gotten to him in time those bastards would of killed him. As far as he could recall he wasn’t even doing anything wrong, he simply wanted to live his life where he wanted to.


Maybe that was the problem; maybe because he no longer wanted to live within their borders, maybe that was why Agents in the Republic wanted him dead. It made sense; they only seemed to care about those who were members of their little club. Their refusal three hundred years ago to aid his ancestors because they were not members, just seemed to reinforce that thought. He knew the history; he knew that the people who finally came to their aid were led by a Jedi who eventually became Sith.


He had no idea what happened to that Jedi turned Sith, when he asked as a kit no one would tell him. He sighed, his thumbclaw slowly separating the individual hairs. The Jedi Masters wouldn’t even talk about the Sith, they only repeated how horrible the Empire was, talked about the selfish and self serving ways of the Sith. It was structured yes and militarized but you could go as far as your ambition and brains could take you. His Mother had told him that. The Sith Empire had brokered an alliance with an alien culture called the Chiss in the Unknown Regions and were wishing to do the same with Cathar.


The returned Empire was trying to reestablish itself in the galaxy, for better or for worse they had returned. After a thousand years in exile, rebuilding, focusing, they had returned, after being driven away from their homes. Maybe that fact is what opened negotiations with his Uncle, the other like-minded Elders and the Empire. The Republic had driven one away from their homes and refused to assist the other when it was so desperately needed, when his entire species hung on the brink of extinction.


A creek echoed through the hanger as Pierce shifted next to him, Adrik realized he had not actually answered the man. Instead he had let his mind continue to wander down yet another circular path, one that would yield no real answers until he could talk to his Uncle. He sighed as he prepared to answer Pierce.


Adrik continued to roll the lock of his mane, taking a quiet but deep breath through his nose he finally answered. “I don’t really have anywhere to go. Though I do think it would not be an issue to get past the Orbital Security. I have this distinct feeling that Republic space is not the safest place for me at the moment.”


Pierce barked a rough laugh, “Aye, got that right.”


“I do want to get out of here.”


Pierce looked at him out of the corner of his eye, “Do you?”


“Yes, I … I need to do something I can't handle anymore, I can't.”


“Need a' break, huh?”


“That is an understatement. I just want to feel normal for awhile.” Adrik shifted against the crates, closing his eyes and resting his head against the crate behind him. “Whatever that is...” he sighed. “I don't think I will ever feel that way again.”


Besides him Pierce grunted but didn't comment. The drumming rain again filled the hanger. The Human shifted, the dull creaking of the protesting crates echoed. The gentle cadence of the constant rainfall filled the air, gradually the soft overhead cadence stilled. Silence filled the darkness. The aggravated creaking of the wooden crates shattered the calm as Pierce moved next to him.


“Rain's stopped, need to go take care of the wildlife.” Pierce's voice echoed.


Adrik cracked open his eye and rolled his head to look at him; the Human had leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Wildlife,” he questioned.


“Aye, it's routine. Jungle encroaches; ya cut it back, need to thin out the critters too. The trees 'n plants have been cleared out, now to get rid of the gundarks and sleens.”


Adrik sat up fully, turning towards the Human, “What is a gundark?”


Pierce looked at him over his shoulder. “Huge beasties, can rip you in half. Not really something we want near the grounds.” Pierce moved turning towards him, it was the first time the Human had faced him, actually looked at him. Pierce's brown eyes searched his face.


Adrik silently reached out, trying to glean some sort of emotion off the man. He felt nothing; the Human was so well guarded Adrik might as well be sitting next to a rock. He stared at Pierce trying to collect any tiny bit of information.


Pierce held his gaze, his face unreadable as he spoke, “Normally we have to take a Sith with us.”


Adrik felt as though he had been sucker punched, his breath seized in his chest. He stared into the man's face. Pierce returned his stare waiting.


Sith, he thought, he wasn't a Sith was he? Adrik dropped his eyes staring at his hands. The twisted lock slipped out of his fingers, his hands dropped, settling into his grey clad lap. Curling forward he stared at his hands. Gold lightning flickered over his fur. Swallowing he fought to regain control. Taking a deep breath he tried to let go of the anger he was holding onto. The continued rage that he felt, the confusion. He had come here to try and sort out the puzzle that was his life, to fit the fuzzy pieces he knew together, not become unhinged. Another deep breath in, deep breath out. The golden sparking air diminished, another deep breath.


He was letting his emotions get the better of him, he controlled them, they didn't control him. They were there to be used at his discretion; they were a tool. A deep breath out. He closed his eyes, bowing his head. He was the one in control. A deep breath in. The sharp metallic scent on the air lessened. Adrik forced his shoulders to relax, with a heavy exhale he dismissed the remnants of the anger he had let build.


Opening his eyes he looked at his lap, his hands were resting on his thighs, fingers spread. The lightning was gone. He took another deep breath in through his nose, slowly releasing it through barely parted lips. He kept his eyes locked onto his lap; he didn't have any idea how to respond to Pierce. None. That single sentence had opened up an entire line of thought he was nowhere near ready to contemplate.


A sleek barrel slowly entered his line of sight. It was dark, black, matted, with a pitch-black patterned overlay. He reached out touching the blaster barrel, he ran his fingers along the black on black pattern, it looked to be some sort of striped camouflage. Pierce placed the weapon on his lap. Adrik continued to run his fingers along the barrel. A rather compact barrel, with a collapsed bipod; its clawed feet tucked snugly against the bottom. Cautiously he ran a claw over the dormant sight mounted along the top of the barrel. “Holoimage sighting?” He murmured.


“Aye,” Pierce grunted, “it's pretty slick, holoimage, infrared and the traditional ol' manual kind, for those moments anything shiny or a flash will blow ya cover.”


Adrik glanced over at Pierce, the Human was leaning close grinning. “Can I?”


Pierce snorted, “'course,” he tapped the blaster with a short neatly trimmed nail. “Wouldn't be showin' ya if I wasn't goin' to be letting ya use it.”


Adrik picked it up; the blaster was amazingly light. He ran his hand over the stock, the collapsible stock, he studied the weapon, it was too long to be your average blaster. It was roughly two thirds of a meter long; he extended the stock and brought the weapon up to his shoulder, peering through the sight. “It's a sniper rifle?” He looked over at Pierce, the Human's grin had grown.


“Aye it is, brand new.” Pierce's hand reached over tapping the bottom of the stock, “Aratech created it, the NX-8, this is one of the few prototypes out there, goin' through field-testing right now, its gotten the name the Nexu, supposed to be damn quiet, packs quite a punch and accurate up to thousand meters.”


“Plus it has stripes,” Adrik returned his eye to the sight, slowly scanning the interior of the hanger.


“So you want to go test it out? Help thin out the critters?”


“I, I thought you had to take a Sith with you... I don't know if I am supposed to use … I...” Adrik closed his eyes lowering the rifle.


Pierce's hand gently grabbed his shoulder. “Don't ya realize you can pretty much do whatever you want? Do you want to try it out?”


Adrik nodded.


“Then let's go try it out, let's get outta here, have some fun. Rain's stopped should take advantage of it while we can.”


Adrik looked over at him, the Human's grin had not diminished, then he glanced down at his clothes, “I don't think I’m dressed properly.” He ran clawed fingertips over his grey fatigues, he had ripped out the military emblem but he still wore them. “Shouldn't I be wearing robes? I don't have any robes.”


“For gundark hunting? Naw, your dressed just fine, the gundark don't care. Though we will need to get you some decent boots. Should have some around here somewhere.” The Human gently pulled on his shoulder. “Come on, I have Correlian Lager on ice for when we get back, plus I got my hands on these,” Pierce reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out two thick, dark brown cigarra's wrapped with a dark blue and gold wrapper. “Nothing better than a fine Naboo Cigarra and ice cold Correlian Lager to enjoy when watchin' a Huttball game, there is one on later.”


The thick musty sent of the cigarra's tickled Adrik's nose, he took a deep breath and the thick earthy aroma filled his sinuses, carrying with it the subtle notes of cocoa and roasted nuts, wrapped in a subtle current of sweetness. It smelled so good, and it had been months since he had enjoyed a cigarra. “Those are for us?”


“Yeap,” Pierce grinned, as he applied pressure against his shoulder.


Adrik let his body be pulled; slowly he stood up. He handed the weapon back to the massive Human. Pierce put his hand up, “Naw you keep it, you're the sniper. I'll be ya spotter.” His enthusiasm was contagious, the man was radiating with excitement. “You might have an ol' pair of boots on the ship,” Pierce turned to walk towards the Chimera.


Adrik laid his hand on his arm, Pierce looked back at him smiling. “Yeah?”


Adrik shook his head, “I don’t actually need shoes, we can just go.”


Pierce looked at him, slightly confused. “You sure, it won't be a problem to find ya a pair.”


“I am positive, let's get going. Besides it's easier for me to climb trees without shoes, can't use your claws when you have them covered.”


Pierce's grin returned with a vengeance; his eyes sparked. “Lets go then.” The massive Human quickly moved towards the hangers open doorway.


Adrik hurried to catch up, his bare feet silent upon the smoothly hewn stone floor. “You brought detonite with you didn’t you?”


Pierce looked back over his shoulder, attempting to look innocent and failing miserably. “Another one of dem nuggets?”


“Aye,” Adrik grinned, “another one of those nuggets.”


Pierce laughed, “Damn straight I brought some with, should always be prepared.”






This is one of the few others that actually had a working title. The prompt was Head of the Class, the working title was recess!

I do hope I surmised the history of Cathar properly, it has been ages since I have read up on it on Wookieepedia. I think I did, but if there is a glaring error, I am sorry.

And another note, did you know a lion's mane feel like hair? It does. I was at the Zoo one afternoon, and a zookeeper there was by the lions and I was able to pet a lion pelt, (from one that passed of natural causes at the zoo) and it was softer than my cat, it did remind me of Human hair. And since Cathar are supposed to be modeled after lions... (and not tigers, it irritates me so much that they have spots and stripes... but I digress) I thought a Cathar's hair/mane would feel the same way.


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As someone with long hair, I just loved how you described Adrik playing with his :D

He has definitely earned a little vacation. I can see him and Pierce sharing their love for weapons.

This sentence made me chuckle: >Naw, your dressed just fine, the gundark don't care.<


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@ Taxidermis

I honestly like their friendship too, I think the fact Aric had the balls to stand up to him when they first met, left an impression then they bonded over firearms, munitions and huttball. Otherwise I do not know if they would have gotten along.

I have watched Supernatural before, I liked it, but I was never able to get caught up on it. I do know that Jorgan's VA was on that series, He played Cain.

Now, though, I will be searching for the series to dvr it and watch when I have the time.



@ Frauzet

I play with my hair too, especially if there is some random curl that will not behave.

:p I love that sentence too, I do cringe when reading it. I had to tell myself that where Pierce is concerned your is more appropriate than you're.

I hope they have a fun and successful little gundark hunting trip...



I do not believe there are any game spoilers in this chapter.







Year 3634 Month 3 few hours after preceding prompt




The ground violently shook under his feet causing him to loose his balance, Pierce shifted to look behind him as his arms moved to break his fall. The trees were shaking, bending backwards, being pushed outward. “Oh karking hell,” he yelled.


An ear-deafening roar cut through the air, he grunted as he hit the moist sodden earth, moving to grab the bowcaster that was strapped to his back. Thick vegetation blew through the air, ripped and thrown by the unseen but rapidly advancing beast. Exploding out of the brush moving at him with an immeasurable velocity was a severed tree. He rolled to the side, barely dodging the leafy projectile. The ground quaked as another aggravated roar filled the air. A pair of massive dark brown furred, four digit hands reached for him. Scrambling to set his feet beneath him he lurched forward, willing his body to move out of the way.


He felt his body being picked up, the black claws sc.r.a.p.ing over his durasteel. Twisting Pierce tried to bring his caster to bear when he heard another roar in the distance. Looking towards the noise, he briefly saw a red flash of plasma before a huge brown palm covered his head. He felt a massive pressure squeezing him, durasteel cracked as each breath became harder and harder to draw. An earth shattering roar rolled through him, making his head ring. Another roar answered the beast. The muffled singing hum of a saber penetrated the air stealing darkness.


The pressure around his body lessened, gasping he inhaled a huge lungful of much needed air. It smelled of damp soil and filthy gundark. Grunting he moved his arm, fighting against the beast's hold. Moving his arm down his side, he managed to get his fingers behind his back to the vibroblade tucked into his belt. A small sigh of relief passed through his barely parted lips, the weapon was still there. Grabbing the blade’s hilt Pierce started to work it free from it’s sheath.


The beast howled, the sound reverberated through his body. Gritting his teeth he pulled tugging against the weapon. The pressure along his legs increased. Swallowing a yelp of pain Pierce yanked with all his strength and was rewarded with the damned weapon finally sliding free. Twisting he moved the blade in front of his stomach. Tightening his grip on his bowcaster he waited; waited for the answering roar.


Seconds later it cut through the air, a roar low and angry. The hair on the back of his neck and arms stood on end, as a slight metallic tang filled his senses. Grunting he shoved upward as hard as he could. Warmth exploded over his hand as blood spurted from the hand encapsulating his upper body. Suddenly he was being held only by his legs; hanging upside down. Pierce brought the bowcaster up, aiming roughly at the beast's center mass. As he swung wildly he shot, an orange plasma bolt collided with the beast's chest. Then he was flying. Twisting he tried to move his body as the jungle flew past him in a green blur.


He crashed into a thick gnarled tree, he heard it splinter and break as his body slammed into it. Then he was falling, he gripped his weapon in both hands praying he landed on something soft, praying he wasn’t falling into a ravine or on top of rocks. With a breath-stealing thump he landed. Pierce's vision swam; trying to focus on anything, fruitless, everything was in triplicate. In the distance he heard the sounds of fighting, the breaking of undergrowth, the ever-present hum of the saber, the crackle of lightning.


Silently Pierce cursed himself; it was just sloppy to be snuck up on by something of that size. Damn thing had been smart. And huge. He blinked, shifting, trying to catch a glimpse of the fighting. In the hazy distance he was able to make out a huge brown mass hovering over a smaller grey figure. Huge was an understatement; the blasted thing towered over the Cathar. A brilliant burst of gold lightning arced towards the beast, it howled in response sweeping a massive tree trunk at Adrik. He watched the Cathar leap backwards, landing on two feet and one hand, saber lit and lifted before him.


Damn it, Adrik wasn’t going to have all the fun. That freaking gundark was massive had to be at least two meters tall. As it moved its four arms continued to hurl random debris at the Cathar, howling as the Sith nimbly dodged out of the way, dancing beyond the creature’s reach.


Grunting Pierce rolled onto his side, his entire body ached, but that was to be expected. He did just sail through the air only to be stopped by not only a tree, but a rather long and abrupt stop when he hit the ground. Pushing his feet under his chest, he forced his body to stand. The world spun in protest. Gritting his teeth he ignored it, he wasn't about to sit and stop, the enemy still stood, he had a job to do. Maintaining his death grip on his weapon, Pierce started moving through the underbrush towards the still fighting pair.


The ground rolled as the beast jumped at Adrik, the Cathar leapt sideways loosing another volley of lightning. The air was becoming charged; Pierce could smell the ozone hanging heavy in the slowly growing clearing. Stopping to lean up against a tree Pierce tried to catch his breath, it was getting harder to breath. The distance to the fighting pair seemed to be growing instead of shrinking. Shaking his head he let go of the tree, stumbling against the rough bark he hooked durasteel clad fingers into the tree. He needed to get to Adrik, that beastie was a handful. Letting go of the security of the twisted tree he again moved towards the Cathar, although this time he was more careful.


Slowly he trudged through the thick brush, the distance refused to shrink. The sounds of the fighting grew, echoing around him, the multiple participants circling around each other as they snarled, roaring in frustration. Neither was able to get close enough to the other to inflict any serious damage. Blinking he tried to force the wavering forms before him to solidify, 'course they refused. He stared at the gundark; he might be close enough. Maybe. He leaned against a boulder, planting the bowcaster onto of the moss-encrusted stone. Closing one eye he stared along the barrel, trying to sight the weapon in. He managed to lock onto the chest of the tripodic monster, he picked the one in the middle and squeezed.


The orange blaster bolt flew through the air; it slammed into the beast. It howled in protest, swinging its massive heads towards him. He stared at the dark brown heads and the ridiculously huge brown ears that stuck out from the sides in triplicate. Damn thing reminded him of an overgrown shrubbery, with drool-covered dripping teeth and razor sharp claws. Shaking his head, he focused on the task at hand, he needed to stop staring at the beastie and kill the ornery gundark.


Leaning forward he slowly stared down the bowcaster's sight. The world violently shifted to the side, spinning. Growling Pierce grit his teeth, determined to get another shot off. The spinning, shrubbery-headed beast moved on clawed feet, its multitude of arms rapidly multiplying before his eyes. The hum of a saber blasted through the brush, a grey-sleeved arm wavered before him before it was gone. A grey splintering streak that flew through the air that exploded in a burst of gold lightning and red sparks.


He had to help, squeezing off another shot, he watched as it slammed into the constantly moving mass of the beast. It’s many heads roared as it was struck, another louder roar echoed through the air as he watched limbs scythed away. They fell to the churned up jungle floor. That's a bit better, he thought. Not as many arms to get past now.


He slumped against the boulder, fingers gripping the slick stone, digging into the vibrant green moss. His legs were suddenly refusing to hold him. Pierce struggled to remain upright, clawing pulling his body up along the stone. Another howling roar split the air. He looked up to see another cluster of arms fall from the beast, a flurry of red, slicing through the air. A bright shock of gold lightning blew threw the air and the shrubbery-headed beastie slumped to the ground. The saber plunged into the monster’s head and all movement ceased.


His fingers slid through the moss, gouging thick tracks as his body slipped. Pierce tried to tighten his grip as his strength faltered. He had to remain upright. A large crashing echoed through the brush by his boulder. A grey and red blur approached him. Hands grabbed him, stopping his sliding decent into the jungle floor. “I have you.” The words sounded so far away. Nodding he tried to look at the blurry image of the Cathar who was kneeling over him.


“Oh karking hell,” the Cathar muttered. His hands moved quickly unbuckling the black and red plating on his thigh. “Oh no...” the Cathar's fingers flew as he unbuttoned his grey shirt. Pulling it off of his body Adrik shoved it against Pierce's thigh. Pierce watched the blurred outline of the shirt start to blossom a dark angry red.


“What's the matter?” Pierce managed to mutter; he was so tired.


The Cathar shook his head. “It's bad, you're bleeding, it's really bad.”


“Little blood never hurt anyone.” Pierce shook his head, “It's just ta scratch.”


“No,” Adrik muttered shaking his head, he lifted up his hand. Slow rivulets of blood dripped off his palm. “It's more than a scratch.”


“What?” Pierce looked from his friend's blurry hand back to the shirt, it was already soaked.


“I shouldn't of taken the armor off... I shouldn't of.” Adrik shook his head. His voice sounded funny, and it wasn’t the accent the Cathar had picked up, he sounded scared.


Pierce coughed, blinking he tried to focus on his friend, “I have kolto...”


“No,” Adrik's voice wavered, “that is not going to be enough.” The Cathar looked up into the clear sky. “It is not going to be enough.”


Pierce watched as his friend placed his other hand on his thigh, before closing his glowing blue eyes and bowing his head. Gold began sparking over his arms, glowing as it coursed over the Cathar's body. The golden glow flowed over the blood-saturated shirt as it settled over Pierce's thigh. Warmth flooded his skin, a soothing warmth that enveloped his leg. The world slowly righted itself, the blurry edges solidified. Pierce heard a muttering sob. He looked up at Adrik, the Cathar was crying. Slowly Adrik sank back on his haunches.


Pierce cautiously moved, but nothing happened, absolutely nothing. The world did not spin; nothing grew a duplicate. Sitting upright with surprising ease he realized nothing hurt. It was as if he had not flown into the loving embrace of a tree. Reaching out he removed the dark red shirt tossing the blood-sodden material onto the ground. He slid his armored fingers along his thigh cautiously searching. The skin was flawless, perfect. Pierce moved his fingers again, slowly moving the blood smeared along his bare skin. Nothing, it was as if he was never hurt, the only evidence was the now drying blood pooled on his thigh.


Pierce looked at Adrik, the Cathar's eyes were glowing and they were staring through him. Adrik slowly rocked back and forth holding his blood soaked hands out in front of him. “Please,” Adrik muttered, “please don't tell. Don't tell.”


“Don't tell what?” Pierce was confused.


“Don't tell. I... I am not supposed to do that, it's not allowed... for me to do that.”


Pierce stared at the Cathar Sith, “Do what? Heal injuries?”


Adrik nodded, “Yes, oh please don't tell anyone. I don't want them to come take me away. They will; they always did. They would put me solitary confinement, sequester me away from everyone whenever I... I am not allowed.” Tears rolled down his fine furred cheeks, “They hate it. It scares them. Please don't tell anyone.”


Pierce stared at his friend, just what did those damn people do to him when he was a kid? Pierce moved towards him slowly, cautiously resting his hand on Adrik's bare shoulder. “It's alright, you won't get in trouble for that here. You saved me mate, you saved me. No one is going to punish you.”


Adrik blinked, as if seeing him finally. “You can't tell anyone.”


Pierce stared at those terrified blue eyes, the realization of just how traumatic all of this had been to his friend becoming very apparent. “You remembered more didn't you?”


Adrik nodded his voice a barely discernible whisper. “Yes I did, I remembered a lot,” he shivered under Pierce's hand, “I remember almost everything.”


“I won't say anything, won't say a word 'bout you remembering, or 'bout you healing my leg.”


Adrik looked up at him, his rocking ceased.


“You do need to tell though, when you are ready. You can't keep something like this a secret. I think we have had enough of secrets lately. You have to tell Kit.”


Adrik started shaking under his hand. “I don't, so much of her... it's still hidden.”


“It's alright mate, it is. That will come to you too. Have faith in ol' crazy Nox.” Pierce let his hand drop. He slowly moved to his knees, kneeling in front of Adrik. Pierce lowered his body so he was looking the Cathar in the eye. “Have faith in them, Kit 'n Nox, they will repair what those blasted Jedi did to you.” He reached out gently slapping him on the arm. “Adrik we are here to help you, we are not the enemy.” Pierce slowly stood, offering his hand to the Cathar.


Adrik looked up at him, the haunted expression had faded slightly but he was still spooked, Pierce could see the fur on his body flinching and rolling. Cautiously Adrik reached up grasping his outstretched hand. Pierce firmly but carefully pulled the Cathar to his feet, continuing to hold his hand until Adrik let go. “Hey,” Pierce rumbled.


Adrik looked up at him.


“Thank you.” Pierce gave him a half smile as he patted his bare thigh.


The Cathar shook his head, “I... I.” Adrik sighed, “Your welcome, I knew we wouldn't make... I couldn't...”


“Aye and that is why I’m thanking you.”


Adrik gave him a sad smile, “I couldn't, we are friends I couldn't lose you.”


Pierce grinned as he slung his bowcaster over his back. “Aye, we are. How about we get back and crack open a couple of those Ales, forget about all this 'till you are ready to talk 'bout it.”


Adrik looked at him, eyes briefly widening in surprise. “You sure, I mean shouldn't I tell...”


Pierce shook his head, “Talk when you are ready, just promise you will.”


Adrik nodded, “Yes, I... I promise when I am ready I will. I will tell them, tell them what I remember.”


“Which is pretty much everything isn't it?”


The haunted look returned to the Cathar's face, he looked away from Pierce as he answered. “Yes,” he whispered. “I remember almost everything, from being a kit in training on Tython, my time in the Republic military," his fur flinched beneath Pierce's fingers, "being captured and tortured...” the Cathar trailed off.


Pierce watched his once rock-solid, steadfast friend unconsciously flinch, his fur rolling down his bareback. Pierce bit back a growl of anger; he buried his rage. After all these years serving 'n being around Sith he had learned very well how to keep his emotions close to his chest, it didn't mean he didn't feel them though. Pierce also knew there was a time and a place for everything, now wasn’t neither for the anger he was feeling, nothing but getting mired down in the muck if he got all worked up over Adrik's current state. But later, later when he was able to act he would remember this, focus on it. Those damn worthless pubs were going to pay.


Slowly he reached out, grasping Adrik's shoulder. The Cathar jumped slightly under his armored touch. “How 'bout we get moving, those Ale's won’t drink themselves.”


Adrik looked up at him slowly nodding his head. He bent to retrieve Pierce's cast aside leg plating. “Probably shouldn't leave this here should we?”


“Naw,” Pierce smiled, watching Adrik as he slowly started walking through the battered clearing.


The Cathar looked up at Pierce, “Do you by any chance have the cigarras still?”


“Sure do,” Pierce tapped his chestpiece, “keep those in a safe place.”


“Good,” Adrik looked up at him smiling, “good, nothing better when you are watching a huttball game.”


“Add a couple ales and nothin' is better.”


“Naw, need about six...” Adrik muttered while looking up at him out of the corner of his blue eye.


Pierce barked out a rough laugh while patting him on the shoulder, it looked like things were going to be alright after all, he could just see a very long road in front of them. Patting Adrik on the shoulder, he grinned following the Cathar back through the jungle to the estate.






Prompt: Discoveries





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Good thing Adrik was able to save Pierce. Don't know with whom Kit would have been angrier otherwise. For that alone, it's probably best not to tell anyone for a while ;)

I like how in this case of dire need some hidden part of Adrik takes over and lets him access his abilities. It's consistent, that he discovers more of his memories in the process.

Looking forward to when he is able to talk about what he discovered, and to more Nox I guess :)

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