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People that AFK in Warzones....


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I don't like them. This has been a problem for as long as warzones/battleground/whatever you call it have existed in MMOs. There are people that just sit around doing nothing.


In some cases they are actual bots that run in like suicidal lemmings the whole match. In some cases they are guys that are "defending" and then when the attack finally comes you see them sitting there afk staring forward blankly while everyone dies around because they are watching a show and eating lunch and talking on the phone while playing the Warzone. Whatever it is they are engaged with about 5% of the concentration and it shows in the scoreboard at the end.

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I don't like them. This has been a problem for as long as warzones/battleground/whatever you call it have existed in MMOs. There are people that just sit around doing nothing.


Given the horrid nature of Command Level XP grinding AND RNG Loot.

AFKing in Warzones is a sensible way of gearing for end-game.


It is possible to get the exact eng-game gear you want "off the peg" by AFKing and losing at PvP.


The ONLY way to fix this is to make PvP like PvE - you only get rewarded for Winning, if you lose you get nothing nut a repair bill.


All The Best

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You proposal would not really fix it, at best hinder it a bit. As long as there is enough afkers they would, over many enough rounds, spread evenly so portion of them would get carried and receive rewards for afking just like they do now.
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Or worse, it would destroy the pool of potential PvPers. The fact that all PvPers get rewarded for participation means more players are going to participate.


I think a positive fix would be not only does one have to keep moving but also has to be doing something. Yes guarding a capture point and never being challenged would have to be considered "doing something"; but hiding in a corner would no longer work. And if a capture point is challenged and you are guarding it and you do not do anything to defend it then you are considered no longer "doing something" and get kicked.

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I never heard about this before 4.0, but I just may not have been playing attention.

Was this ever a problem / thing before PVE companions got locked behind PVP and DvL tier requirements included PvP, or the disaster of a 5.0 loot system made PvP an easier and only way to pick specific PVE gear upgrades?


I don't ever recall this being the commonly mentioned problem it is now before any of that, but that may just be me not paying any attention at all to pvp.


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I never heard about this before 4.0, but I just may not have been playing attention.

Was this ever a problem / thing before PVE companions got locked behind PVP and DvL tier requirements included PvP, or the disaster of a 5.0 loot system made PvP an easier and only way to pick specific PVE gear upgrades?


I don't ever recall this being the commonly mentioned problem it is now before any of that, but that may just be me not paying any attention at all to pvp.



Before the CP grind ... it happened but was rare (at least for me) ... now ... pretty much 1/3 games has one or multiple afkers.


Had a guy the other day say he was going to get the eight medals reward limit then afk it, he apologised, went on about the CXP grind - then sat in the corner of Voidstar.

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Given the horrid nature of Command Level XP grinding AND RNG Loot.

AFKing in Warzones is a sensible way of gearing for end-game.


It is possible to get the exact eng-game gear you want "off the peg" by AFKing and losing at PvP.


The ONLY way to fix this is to make PvP like PvE - you only get rewarded for Winning, if you lose you get nothing nut a repair bill.


All The Best


I used to enjoy group content a lot more before they put all rewards in all group content with bonuses. It used to be people would run it because they enjoyed it. When those that don't enjoy it grind it, it takes away the fun for the others.


Honestly, I wish we had the ability to bring in a full 8 person team.

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The ONLY way to fix this is to make PvP like PvE - you only get rewarded for Winning, if you lose you get nothing nut a repair bill...


That's incredibly wrong. If my team has 2 afk or super new players and the other team doesn't, why should I get 0 rewards. I did nothing wrong but I have 0 chance of winning.

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That's incredibly wrong. If my team has 2 afk or super new players and the other team doesn't, why should I get 0 rewards. I did nothing wrong but I have 0 chance of winning.



Why punish the whole team (even more) just because one or two can't be bothered?

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That's incredibly wrong. If my team has 2 afk or super new players and the other team doesn't, why should I get 0 rewards. I did nothing wrong but I have 0 chance of winning.


You should get zero reward because you lost. The moment you agree to join a Team your victory or loss conditions are determined by The Team and not by the Individual.


If I'm running an OP and the Healer sucks and we fail why should I be "punished" I should get the OP reward anyway, it wasn't MY fault we failed?


THAT is what you just said, now do you realise how stupid it sounds?


Get rewarded for Winning, not whining.



All The Best

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You should get zero reward because you lost. The moment you agree to join a Team your victory or loss conditions are determined by The Team and not by the Individual.


If I'm running an OP and the Healer sucks and we fail why should I be "punished" I should get the OP reward anyway, it wasn't MY fault we failed?


THAT is what you just said, now do you realise how stupid it sounds?


Get rewarded for Winning, not whining.



All The Best


When you join an ops group, each member of the team can be chosen. In PvP, that's not the case. I would simply stop playing before random people I've never met determine my fate.

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Because the moment you agree to join a Team the Team performance is all that matters, not individual performances.


All The Best


Do you ever watch team sports? Take the NBA for instance. Their "most valuable player" Russel Westbrook played for the 10th place team. He put up some of the best individual statistics ever, but his team didn't do very well. Yet in the end, he won a huge award and is one of the highest paid players in the league.


In your scenario, he would have taken home no paycheck at all.


I can understand an argument that maybe he shouldn't win the best player award, but to say he gets nothing is just silly.

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Because the moment you agree to join a Team the Team performance is all that matters, not individual performances.


All The Best


So you want pvp to die?

That's the only conclusion I can draw from your obsession that only the winning team should get anything.

With the current gear gap and balance issues (side note, warzones and arenas should have different skills to the real game so that balancing one doesn't screw the other) punishing someone for being on a weaker team is just unfair and ridiculous.

Without enough incentives to keep trying (win or lose) pvp is unsustainable.

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The ONLY way to fix this is to make PvP like PvE - you only get rewarded for Winning, if you lose you get nothing nut a repair bill.


The problem with this approach is it would probably finish off warzones altogether. There are a lot of casuals that participate in warzones (and do their best to win) that would simply stop queuing. Then already weak WZ pops would become nonexistent. The participation rate for PVP is already so low, you can't afford to reduce it further.


It would also make it more like Ranked, which is full of cheating and win trading, since winning is the only thing that matters there.

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Before the CP grind ... it happened but was rare (at least for me) ... now ... pretty much 1/3 games has one or multiple afkers.


Had a guy the other day say he was going to get the eight medals reward limit then afk it, he apologised, went on about the CXP grind - then sat in the corner of Voidstar.


Why does no one vote kick?


On a couple of occasions Ive tried to get people to vote kick someone who I've seen not contributing (one recent example was a guy literally standing and do absolutely nothing as enemy players capped the node he was guarding...oh and apparently he was in the opposite faction "mirror" guild for the cappers), but always without success. Why do vote kicks work in PVE but not PVP? '


Another was an in an progress Ancient Hypergate match where the first text on screen that greets my character is someone complaining openly in chat that because we were losing in Ancient Hypergate, he was no longer going to try. Meanwhile it was still early enough to turn things around. I run to our node with my Sage at the beginning of a round when I see lots of Red heading that way, and there he is by himself...instead of sticking around to try and capture or node or at least prevent the steal, he goes stealth and leaves my healer to call for backup, because now Im the only one at said node and getting 4 vs 1d. Did he get vote kicked? Nope! (Though we did end up winning...the complainer decided to start playing again after I called him out to get vote kicked. But still. He should have gotten the boot)

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Given the horrid nature of Command Level XP grinding AND RNG Loot.

AFKing in Warzones is a sensible way of gearing for end-game.


It is possible to get the exact eng-game gear you want "off the peg" by AFKing and losing at PvP.


The ONLY way to fix this is to make PvP like PvE - you only get rewarded for Winning, if you lose you get nothing nut a repair bill.


All The Best


BW did this in 5.0 to make it look like people LOVE WZ, All they really did was forcing people in to WZ that dont want to WZ to get fast CXP and crates. which in turn made the people that actual did like and love WZ start to hate it cause now there might be more that do WZ but there is way more people that dont give **** about WZ objectives too


I use to love WZ , but 5.0 has made me hate it


Why does no one vote kick?


On a couple of occasions Ive tried to get people to vote kick someone who I've seen not contributing (one recent example was a guy literally standing and do absolutely nothing as enemy players capped the node he was guarding...oh and apparently he was in the opposite faction "mirror" guild for the cappers), but always without success. Why do vote kicks work in PVE but not PVP? '


Another was an in an progress Ancient Hypergate match where the first text on screen that greets my character is someone complaining openly in chat that because we were losing in Ancient Hypergate, he was no longer going to try. Meanwhile it was still early enough to turn things around. I run to our node with my Sage at the beginning of a round when I see lots of Red heading that way, and there he is by himself...instead of sticking around to try and capture or node or at least prevent the steal, he goes stealth and leaves my healer to call for backup, because now Im the only one at said node and getting 4 vs 1d. Did he get vote kicked? Nope! (Though we did end up winning...the complainer decided to start playing again after I called him out to get vote kicked. But still. He should have gotten the boot)


I dont think Vote to kick really work atlest not reliable I only seen it ever work in Arenas. I been WZ where multiple people ask the group to vote to kick person "A" yet never seen the vote pop up

Edited by Kyuuu
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Two solutions:


1. Make vote kick working not only against someone doing nothing, but against everyone. Just a simple majority of 5 other players in the group is necassary to vote kick any player out of the warzone. The problem indeed is, that camping at a node isn't afking for the game. Dying and running back into game is also no afking.

In GSF we also have the problem, that suiciders are just flying into asteroids and then respawn and then suicide again. The afk-checker resets after each death. Both vote kicks need a rework.


2. Make PvP rewarding only for players, who participate. The more medals we got, the more rewards. Increase the Cap (currently 8 Medals) up to 16. Also, make the reward owned by each medal lower. So, if 1 medal gives a reward of - lets simplify for the maths - 1000 CXp, 2 medals would just give 1800, 3 medals would give 2400 etc. Additionally, give a base reward for everyone getting 4 medals. No rewards for under 4 medals. That would force players to play actively. Also, it is possible getting a reward by just defending a node.

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The ONLY way to fix this is to make PvP like PvE - you only get rewarded for Winning, if you lose you get nothing nut a repair bill.


How would that work well for genuine PvP players trying to gear up then? Unless of course that means a win for a team gives players a chance to /roll on tokens? :rak_02:

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It is possible to get the exact eng-game gear you want "off the peg" by AFKing and losing at PvP.



Outted for not being a PvPer and being totally uninformed on the subject :D


To get full gear in PvP, assuming a 50% win/loss ratio takes ~+-3,500 matches.





AFKing in PvP to get gear is a myth propagated by non-PvPers, it is simply too slow to be a viable option



Edited by Foambreaker
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Why does no one vote kick?


Probably because it is harder to vote kick someone in pvp due to the way it works someone who simply hits the basic attack on a opponent is enough to cancel it, unfortunately I cannot think of a better system so that it is not abused by players kicking someone just because the team think they are a noob or simply not good enough for their team.

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Given the horrid nature of Command Level XP grinding AND RNG Loot.

AFKing in Warzones is a sensible way of gearing for end-game.


It is possible to get the exact eng-game gear you want "off the peg" by AFKing and losing at PvP.


The ONLY way to fix this is to make PvP like PvE - you only get rewarded for Winning, if you lose you get nothing nut a repair bill.


All The Best


You really can't compare pvp to pve since they are so very different. For starters, in ops all of the trash mobs give cxp even if you don't down a single boss. And every boss gives cxp packs even if you don't down the final boss. And story mode at least has a much higher completion rate than 50%.

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You really can't compare pvp to pve since they are so very different. For starters, in ops all of the trash mobs give cxp even if you don't down a single boss. And every boss gives cxp packs even if you don't down the final boss. And story mode at least has a much higher completion rate than 50%.


wz is still way faster means of cxp, the cxp packs give majority of all the cxp from them to begin with

Edited by Kyuuu
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That's incredibly wrong. If my team has 2 afk or super new players and the other team doesn't, why should I get 0 rewards. I did nothing wrong but I have 0 chance of winning.


if my raid has 2 afkers or 2 super new players, why should I get zero rewards?



note; I have no problem with the way things are now, but if equality is desired, this is a perfectly good argument.

parity between pvp and pve must be handled carefully, absolute parity(such as this) would be a disaster.

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if my raid has 2 afkers or 2 super new players, why should I get zero rewards?



note; I have no problem with the way things are now, but if equality is desired, this is a perfectly good argument.

parity between pvp and pve must be handled carefully, absolute parity(such as this) would be a disaster.


If my raid had 2 intentional afkers they'd be kicked from the guild. If they were 2 new players, we'd be fine in story mode and they wouldn't be in a harder mode before they had proven themselves.


and even if this happened, we'd remove them and get a replacement and still finish in a reasonable time.

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