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Any plans to change ultimate fate of Eleena Daru ?And way introduce Dantooine inSwtor


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I know,it might be too late for asking about this Eleena Daru,i would change the fact Sith Veradun did kill her,becoz he saw her as his weakness,so i would change it to he let her live and go away into hiding instead,he break up with her all ties,and she would take new identity.


Its one past npcs,we never had chance to meet,only see her,but we could,if there been some adjustment to the story.


Alternative open to more possibilities,and could be actualy told by T7 astromech,becoz he was there too,but this memory was locked out -


The Veradun could think he killed her with his lightsaber,but he did not know hers heart was atypical on other side of chest,so she survived,but with almost deadly wound,and Veradun could leave as his rage and mourning blind him that Eleena still live,but with bad wound,and someone come rescued her who was there near by Jedi Aryn Leneer,and felt something bad happend so she returned after fierce duel with Veradun, and called for help of ex-soldier and pilot Zeerid Korr,so they patch up Eleena best as they could in closest ruined pharmacy And Aryn was able use own force to tend the wound as best she could and later run of Corruscant as Eleena accepted help from strangers,even she was still in pain and angry to fact Veradun want kill her and Aryn initialy captured her to lure Veradun into duel, they did run together to Dantooine along with daughter of Zerith Korr named Arra


Own material under consideration - Eleena did recovering very long on Dantooine, as time go,she still felt something its not right,she discovered she is pregnat with hers former master even as she is Twilek [Twi'lek] and thinking there been mistake made,the repeated test confirm pregnancy,at first she was happy,but then she realised in fear,she must hide even better,becoz hers child will be very strong force sensitive,and so she asked for help of Aryn Leneer who was only one who could understand matter of force and actualy become hers ally,even if Aryn was disowned/exiled from jedi order still keeped hers lightsaber and remembered teachings of jedi .

And promissed teaching Eleena kid ways of the Jedi if it will be required,and search for some shielding technique,against be discovered as force sensitive.

Future was unclear,and new stories up to come ....


This story about this poeple could lay ground for introduce long missing planet on star map of swtor,and also we could try find some traces of one wookie friend,and maybe expand it to find traces suggesting we found way track him to his homeworld.;)


I find this wookiepedia as Awesome source material,specialy in this matter very inspiring,i hope the material wont go to total waste ...


Ps: Im aware of things around swtor should not become telenovela,but iam surprised stories about Aryn Leneer,Zerith Korr,Eleena Daru never been used for profit of the story of swtor. And also iam aware of fact that companion Vette is partialy based on Eleena Daru apearance and combat style.


PPs: Some of those mentioned person could become optional companions that actualy could have some backstory,except Veradun, he is either dead or lying somewhere in carbonite in some collection of captured people.People wanted him as companion,but this idea been suspended,unfortunately.


PPPs: Veradun is name one of well known Sith`s in swtor,i intentionaly bit masking it,even discovering who is,it is very simple ....


PPPPs: I hope you can apreaciate this effort making of suggestions,and even trying made better suggestions then before.




Server T.R.E.

Edited by REVAN_cz
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Veradun = Malgus.


And Daru is ancient history carved into the cinematic. she was killed in that jedi temple by Malgus, he didn't enjoy it, infact he didn't want to do it, but he did it anyway, he was there to see her pass on and the moments after where his emotions ran raw. It's exactly why he killed her, just because there are jedi who used Daru to get at Malgus and the dark council could see that he was weak because of her.


even if she hadn't of been killed by Malgus, there would be others who would kill her to get at Malgus. Daru was never destined to survive for very long with her warrior husband who could be easily manipulated to get to her.


but let's put that what if scenario to the test, he impaled her but it didn't kill her, the jedi rescued her, however Malgus was close to Daru for many years, he can sense her through the force, if he knew she was still alive he would of felt it in the force and even if he didn,t she would end up being captured by someone else before long and presented to Malgus as alive anyway.


Even if Daru had seperated from Malgus just because staying together is so dangerous for both of them, there will always be strong feelings there and what are the chances Malgus won't react the way the hostage taker is expecting?


fact is that Daru's time was up regardless.

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