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33 Months & Counting! $493 Paid in Subscription Fees - How about some assistance?


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My Conquest Log has been broken since December 2014, preventing me from gaining Conquest point for Crafting: Invasion Force. My "Repeatably" Mission is anything but repeatable. Clearly this leaves me at a sever disadvantage for Crafting Bonus's or Guild Contests. Since, my Conquest went broken, I have paid $493 in Subscriber Fees. I am a Founding Subscriber, not that that should make a difference. I'm not calling anyone out, I'm simply asking for help.


Link to screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvs4dxhf2kthbcg/raytal%20conquest%20log%20081417-0815_circled.png?dl=0


During crafting weeks where the ability to Craft: Invasion Force Supplies grants 2000 Conquest Points per, Plus Stronghold Bonus (I'm at 150%) gives you the ability to not only assist your guild to make the Leaderboard but even win if you have enough committed crafters - I simply have to make excuses to my Guildmates that my Conquest log is broken - that is getting very old.


For 33 months my Conquest Log has been broken can someone please help me to get this fixed?


And, Yes! I have logged a bug report on this matter multiple times and never hear back - frankly I never hear anything - except CS telling me its a known Bug (not listed anywhere I can find) and that it will be patched in a 'later fix' (MONTH 33) - then warning me if I ask for help again I'm in violation of the TOS? Really? For asking for help?


Come'on someone on the dev team can help me here - Please.



Edited by Raytal
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Hello Eric,


Hope the team is well.


Scanned the 5.4 patch notes and didn't see a "fix" for my broken Conquest Log and was wondering if that fix will take place in the patch on August 23, 2017.


Factually, CS stated that my broken Conquest Log is a "known bug" (I cannot find this stated anywhere), and that this 'bug' is scheduled to be fixed in a "later patch".


After 33 months paying Subscription Fees can I expect to continue waiting while paying for the "privilege" of playing with a "Known Bug"?



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