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Suggestion: Legacy Codex


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One of the funnest and most engaging parts of Star Wars: The Old Republic is the lore. The surface lore of the game is supported by our codex, which contains upwards of 1200 unlockable entries for each of our characters. While it is good to have that completionist status on your main character, grinding and getting all of those codex entries on your alts will likely take hundreds of hours most players simply don't have. With so many things being tied to our legacies now, especially datacrons, the developers of this game have a unique opportunity to make a fantastic quality of life improvement. By tying many of our codex entries to our legacy, we will be able to have all the information that it has to offer on all of our characters. Obviously, some limits should be in place. Codex entries for titles and those that are faction or class specific should not be included in this bundle. As such, only one's Imperial characters will have access to Imperial-specific codex entries. With that in mind, this is an addition to the game I hope the developers will consider in the future. I think this will be a welcome addition to many of the game's veteran players. :)
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Thats interesting points,but i made exception on Noble houses lore on Alderan,so every player,no matter the faction could get atleast basic information of all noble houses on alderan,even those that no longer exist,or they are too small to be worth of noticing. Edited by REVAN_cz
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Am I the only one who notices the conflict between "collecting Codex entries is one of the funnest parts of the game" and "please make it so I only have to do it once"?


In my defense I was tired when I wrote this :) And I think I mean that's it fun to do it once, but not multiple times.

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In my defense I was tired when I wrote this :) And I think I mean that's it fun to do it once, but not multiple times.

OK, that's fair. I have no strong opinion either way. I gather them if I happen to find them, but I don't normally go hunting them, except for one thing.


As it stands now, you gain a bit of XP each time you discover a codex entry. It isn't very much, and the amounts are occasionally weird(1), but it isn't zero either. (The same objection can be posed against legacy map-reveal: you gain XP for revealing sections of map. The number of times I've gained a level by crossing a bridge or riding along a road is NOT zero.) But it is enough that the codex entries attached to CM titles allows me to exit the initial new-character instance at level 3-5 (depending on whether there's an active XP multiplier event, and how strong the event is).


Legacy codex unlock would remove that source of XP. I suppose it depends on whether you think of the codex as information that the player has or information that the character has.


(1) I notice this particularly when running Depths of Manaan for the first time on a character. You get a codex entry for Jakarro and another for C2-D4. Jakarro's gives, for a level 60-small character, around 12,000 XP, while C2-D4's gives just over 100.

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I would give a special tool for example in the characters tree. There players could share codex entries among their toons (except these for certain character or faction). It could usable also for bugged entries for some characters. What do you think?
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I would give a special tool for example in the characters tree. There players could share codex entries among their toons (except these for certain character or faction). It could usable also for bugged entries for some characters. What do you think?
Let us sell them on GTN and BAM! A new industry arises: lore gatherers.
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I was about to point out the XP you get for codex entries, but SteveTheCynic beat me to it. XP amounts are interesting if you have the legacy XP unlocks, especially during a bonus XP event. Still, I'd be perfectly okay lose it providing some improvements to the codex UI.


I agree it'd be nice to have some "master codex" tied to your legacy, allowing you to dig into the lore. Current Legacy UI is not suitable for that, though. There are a lot of codex entries per section, so some reorganization would be required in order to have more space for the actual text in legacy UI. (See Reputation section for what I consider as too little space for text.)



What I miss most are two things:

  1. ability to click on acquired codex entries in chat (they tend to pop at start or during combat, making it difficult to locate them afterwards
  2. a simple search field on top of the codex UI (as the one Collections have, but a global one instead of a per-section one)


(Note that I don't want to derail the thread, I just wish the above to be included in the discussion regardless if a new UI is built or improvements are made to the existing one.)

Edited by MicE_sk
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