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Class Changes Feedback: Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage Underperforms [5.3Buff]


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Hello Bioware, Hello Keith and Eric

Take a look at my parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300214/0 or a parse of the top Madness sorcerer worldwide http://parsely.io/parser/view/298755/0. Why when Bioware balance team are saying that we should be in the same category with sustained range dpsers like IO mercs and Engineering snipers, Madness sorc dps is far dealing -400 dps. Madness only pulls 9,6k if lucky enough but snipers and other dpsers pull around or even above 10k. Look at a virulence sniper's parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300031/0 and an engineering sniper's http://parsely.io/parser/view/299101/0. Both specs can deal around 10k.


These are Bioware's words on how class balance happens http://dulfy.net/2017/06/15/swtor-bioware-class-balance-happens/


Why Sorcerer Madness does only around 9,4k/ IO merc does 9,8/ Snipers do 10k. Please buff sorc dps in 5.3b cause it's underperforming. Stop treating Madness like u don't even care.


Thank you.

Edited by BraverDre
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I am agreed mate. Bioware have to do something with it cuz look at starparse leaderboards its still underperforming. Madness should be in same posstion with IO, engi, viru or around not five hundred below. and I know what i am saying. sorcs can only count on luck this days. yes its better when it was in 5.2 but still we need one more small buff. look at my parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300235/0 I wasted whole day to reach this numbers. I think maybe. mayybee madness can do little bit more but never never reach the same level as snipers and mercs do Edited by Darrahsrhaw
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Although I don't disagree that madness really should get buffed some more because the recent buffs were pretty pathetic, remember that sniper parses in virulence and engineering have inflated dps due to roll and are approximately 200 dps ahead for virulence. The top engi parses used a bug for extra energy regen, but the top parse that doesn't use that is about 50 dps ahead (not as much as virulence but still inflated and engi isn't even viable in lots of fights due to boss movement). Also they really need to fix deathmark consuming other player's dots asap because that really hurts them in actual ops.
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Players who main sorcs,

Please support us with ur feedback. Don't u see how overpowered operatives and other mDPS are compare to us? doing 9k on HM Revan while madness can barely keep up with snipers on a ** dummy just because the class is still underperforming.


Madness supposed to be in the same damage category as engi snipers and IO. Why DPS numbers are all over the place. WHERE IS BALANCE U PROMISED US? PEOPLE ARE LEAVING THE GAME ALREADY. 1 more months wasted and I am leaving as well.

Edited by BraverDre
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some additionnal damage buff should be nice.


- i would add lightning strike to lightning burns passive (50% chance). seems logic btw.


and/or put 100% chance to leeching strike.

Edited by Thaladan
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Players who main sorcs,

Please support us with ur feedback. Don't u see how overpowered operatives and other mDPS are compare to us? .



I think I'm done speaking out on Sorcs behalf when I don't even play one.


No good deed goes unpunished.


~ A Marauder

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I think I'm done speaking out on Sorcs behalf when I don't even play one.


No good deed goes unpunished.


~ A Marauder


Exactly - no point to talk when u don't play this class and know nothing about how bad it balanced right now.


this is my parse of one of the best madness sorc http://parsely.io/parser/view/298755/0

and this is a parse of an average mara http://parsely.io/parser/view/289414/0


Don't u see the difference? Madness sorc is underperforming by a lot. I want my favorite class to be great again.

So get ready for a mDPS nerf in 5.4 if they don't decide to balance rDPS properly.

Edited by BraverDre
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some additionnal damage buff should be nice.


- i would add lightning strike to lightning burns passive (50% chance). seems logic btw.


and/or put 100% chance to leeching strike.


Yeap. Any kind of buff would be nice since madness and arsenal are the worst dps specs at the moment.


Madness is still underperforming.

Edited by BraverDre
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I completely agreed with previous speakers. Make atleast something, that you said once before or don't try to make anything else then. You already broke the whole game, please, try not to break the rest things. Buff sorc, why should i break my fingers (not only fingers) while im kiting the oper on wz and he's even not trying hard? In 4.0 atleast you could 1v1 oper, merc, sniper, sin, so why it's mostly impossible to do right now? I will give an example: world of warcraft ( isn't it this game from where you actually took the main idea of mostly all gameplay in swtor?) there are some classes which can't compete with others in 1v1, BUT it's all compensated with the idea, that u need to make team gameplay, u need to build command structure. And even with that they do lot of fix in classes like every 1-2 months. For us its celebration

when we have a fix patch once in 6 months. There aren't any reasons, why ops leader would take sorc dps instead of sniper or merc or others dps. Make sorc great again \o Or don't make anything else in this game.

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I support you, sorcs are in the bottom now, they need some buffs. You BioWare even care?


They do care as long as we leave our feedback. They need to take a look at parsley and they will see that sorcs are underperforming compare to mDPS and Snipers. We, sorcs, want to feel comfortable in PVE content like HM Revan and NiM OPS.

Edited by BraverDre
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I realy grow tired of this dear sorcs brothers stupid devs only undestand when ppl unsub. I DONT WANT PLAY MARA, OR SNIPER OR OPERATIVE I AM SORC DPS I DONT ENJOY PLAY OTHER CLASSES. And I want to be in same postion as sniper viru and io merc. when raid leaders say I want sorc dps in my OPS. BIOWARE with this stupid Ben Irving worldfirst worst game producer and his command crates gearing systems and overpowered mercs u already lost a lot of sub and u will lose it again if u fail to balance classes and u already failed with sorcs. here my parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300235/0 here top sorc parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/298755/0 and top viru sniper http://parsely.io/parser/view/300031/0 WHY THE HELL WE ARE NOT IN FCKING SAME POSTION AS U WERE SAYING HERE


Melee Burst/Ranged Sustained Damage Dealers (at the target DPS)

Advanced Prototype Powertech / Tactics Vanguard

Carnage Marauder / Combat Sentinel

Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel

Deception Assassin / Infiltration Shadow

Engineering Sniper / Saboteur Gunslinger

Innovative Ordnance Mercenary / Assault Specialist Commando

Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage

Rage Juggernaut / Focus Guardian

Edited by Darrahsrhaw
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I COMPLETELY support this thread! We need to request a sticky post where people can easily and routinely check how Sorcs are doing via Parsely relative to where they are supposed to be according to the "How Class Balance Happens" post.


Most organizations these days are data driven, especially quantitative data. Let's make sure the dev's "How Class Balance Happens" post is never forgotten. Let's hold them utterly and completely accountable to the words written there. Yes, I know, Parsely doesn't reflect everything in the game, but it still gives us the best information we as players have.


As others have noted, the following disciplines are all supposed to be around the same DPS via the "How Class Balance Happens" post:


Melee Burst/Ranged Sustained Damage Dealers (at the target DPS)

  • Advanced Prototype Powertech / Tactics Vanguard
  • Carnage Marauder / Combat Sentinel
  • Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel
  • Deception Assassin / Infiltration Shadow
  • Engineering Sniper / Saboteur Gunslinger
  • Innovative Ordnance Mercenary / Assault Specialist Commando
  • Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage
  • Rage Juggernaut / Focus Guardian


It's important to note that madness/balance is currently NOT at the bottom of the "Melee Burst/Ranged Sustained Damage Dealers" grouping via Parsely. That designation currently belongs to Rage Juggernaut / Focus Guardian (9275.46). Second lowest is Innovative Ordnance / Assault Specialist at 9404.62. Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage is third at 9449.04. Engineering Sniper / Sabotuer Gunslinger is not too far off us at 9643.98.


If us players who main Sorcs are to be taken seriously by all players, we need to be consistent and promote ALL those classes not where the devs say they should be according to their "How Class Balance Happens" post. Thus, it's not just us who needs a buff, it's also Rage Juggernauts, Innovative Ordnance Mercs, and maybe Engineering Snipers.

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They do care as long as we leave our feedback. They need to take a look at parsley and they will see that sorcs are underperforming compare to mDPS and Snipers. We, sorcs, want to feel comfortable in PVE content like HM Revan and NiM OPS.


they just hate this class but as long as we have this poste from musco and keith

Damage Groupings for Damage Dealing Disciplines

Melee Sustained Damage Dealers (up to +5% of target DPS)


Annihilation Marauder / Watchman Sentinel

Hatred Assassin / Serenity Shadow

Lethality Operative / Ruffian Scoundrel

Pyrotech Powertech / Plasmatech Vanguard

Vengeance Juggernaut / Vigilance Guardian

Melee Quasi-Burst Damage Dealer (up to +2.5% of target DPS)


Fury Marauder / Concentration Sentinel

Melee Burst/Ranged Sustained Damage Dealers (at the target DPS)


Advanced Prototype Powertech / Tactics Vanguard

Carnage Marauder / Combat Sentinel

Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel

Deception Assassin / Infiltration Shadow

Engineering Sniper / Saboteur Gunslinger

Innovative Ordnance Mercenary / Assault Specialist Commando

Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage

Rage Juggernaut / Focus Guardian

Ranged Quasi-Sustained Damage Dealer (down to -2.5% of target DPS)


Virulence Sniper / Dirty Fighting Gunslinger

Ranged Burst Damage Dealers (down to -5% of target DPS)


Arsenal Mercenary / Gunnery Command

Lightning Sorcerer / Telekinetics Sage

Marksmanship Sniper / Sharpshooter Gunslinger

we have to take what is rightfuly ours

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indeed, according to that virulence is supposed to be target dps - 2.5%........ and it's atm #4 highest spec. at least based on the limited parsely data. which means they either need to nerf that again, or buff up the melee burst / ranged sustained to actually do more than viru LOL.

then again to begin with, dear Devs, can you please TELL us what hte target DPS is supposed to be????:D:D

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I am agreed mate. Bioware have to do something with it cuz look at starparse leaderboards its still underperforming. Madness should be in same posstion with IO, engi, viru or around not five hundred below. and I know what i am saying. sorcs can only count on luck this days. yes its better when it was in 5.2 but still we need one more small buff. look at my parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300235/0 I wasted whole day to reach this numbers. I think maybe. mayybee madness can do little bit more but never never reach the same level as snipers and mercs do


I appreciate your honesty. Most of the DPS sorcs who are getting 9500+ on a dummy aren't being forthcoming how long it's actually taking them to get outstanding RNG. Even 9300 as madness is a good parse and likely features good crits.


Arsenal, meanwhile, has been amazingly consistent, and so has IO. Average arsenal parse is 9100 and pretty much always between 9000-9200. Same with IO (9600-9800). Both sorc specs are varying wildly between 9100-9500 for me. I haven't parsed Sniper yet, but I feel there's way too much variance with sorc specs atm.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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I am agreed mate. Bioware have to do something with it cuz look at starparse leaderboards its still underperforming. Madness should be in same posstion with IO, engi, viru or around not five hundred below. and I know what i am saying. sorcs can only count on luck this days. yes its better when it was in 5.2 but still we need one more small buff. look at my parse http://parsely.io/parser/view/300235/0 I wasted whole day to reach this numbers. I think maybe. mayybee madness can do little bit more but never never reach the same level as snipers and mercs do


well, according to their post, viru is supposed to be target -2.5% lol, and if we look at the table on parsely it's like #4 highest parsing lol. so yeah something def. needs done and not just about sorc. might u it's still not totally accurate data, but much better than some dude yelling "no madness needs no buff cause i was luck in a w/z and my enemy stood in a pile so it was easy to dot-spread lol" :D:D

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well, according to their post, viru is supposed to be target -2.5% lol, and if we look at the table on parsely it's like #4 highest parsing lol. so yeah something def. needs done and not just about sorc. might u it's still not totally accurate data, but much better than some dude yelling "no madness needs no buff cause i was luck in a w/z and my enemy stood in a pile so it was easy to dot-spread lol" :D:D

They just taking us for a fools but every sorc have to deffend what is rightfuly ours

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I appreciate your honesty. Most of the DPS sorcs who are getting 9500+ on a dummy aren't being forthcoming how long it's actually taking them to get outstanding RNG. Even 9300 as madness is a good parse and likely features good crits.


Arsenal, meanwhile, has been amazingly consistent, and so has IO. Average arsenal parse is 9100 and pretty much always between 9000-9200. Same with IO (9600-9800). Both sorc specs are varying wildly between 9100-9500 for me. I haven't parsed Sniper yet, but I feel there's way too much variance with sorc specs atm.


Yeap.. Sorcs dps is around 9,2k.. When I saw my 9,4k I was like "lol what a lucky crit"... I am just so tired of people who say that sorcs are fine. They don't understand that "fine" is not enough. We, Sorcs, want our class to be in the same category with Snipers. Madness sorc is a sustained dps class and its DPS is below rDPS Burst and even Virulence.

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Yeap.. Sorcs dps is around 9,2k.. When I saw my 9,4k I was like "lol what a lucky crit"... I am just so tired of people who say that sorcs are fine. They don't understand that "fine" is not enough. We, Sorcs, want our class to be in the same category with Snipers. Madness sorc is a sustained dps class and its DPS is below rDPS Burst and even Virulence.

my best so far is 8.9k lol. and i just can't figure out *** i'm doing wrong LOL.:D:D

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my best so far is 8.9k lol. and i just can't figure out *** i'm doing wrong LOL.:D:D


http://parsely.io/parser/compare/300214/0/299405/2/0 look at parsley comparison between you and me. Click on the link then click on Ability by ability comparison and you will see the difference between the opener, buffs timings and rotation. You also have to hope for the lucky crit... 9k-9,2k is a consistent dps of a madness sorc.


Remember: use polarity shift before dots in the opener and before demolish in the rotation. Use recklessness only before deathfield. I apply dots before the deathfield because it makes my opener be at 13k dps and its easier to maintain 9,2k with doing same rotation over and over again.


P.S. while sorcs can do 9,2k consistently, snipers and IO mercs can do 9,6 like no problem in the worst case scenario.

Edited by BraverDre
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Exactly - no point to talk when u don't play this class and know nothing about how bad it balanced right now.


this is my parse of one of the best madness sorc http://parsely.io/parser/view/298755/0

and this is a parse of an average mara http://parsely.io/parser/view/289414/0


Don't u see the difference? Madness sorc is underperforming by a lot. I want my favorite class to be great again.

So get ready for a mDPS nerf in 5.4 if they don't decide to balance rDPS properly.


Doesn't stop you does it?


I'll post wherever the hell I want. You got problem with that, do something.


I'll tell you what I, and many other people see. You calling for nerfs on everyone but yourself. That's what I see and that's why your *** O. I'm the guy who was speaking out in favor or Sorcs getting some love until you and some of your pals decided the best way to improve your lot was at the expense of everyone else whether or not they deserved it.


Not only, are you calling for everyone around you to get nerfed, not only are you asking for a buff, you are your cronies want a second buff already, and you want lightning spec to get nerfed, when they are in a worser position than you are. You have the balls to ask for burst damage while asking for nerfs from the burst spec.


Sustained specs shouldn't have high burst. Lightning should.


Your so selfish in your attempts, you wanna step on your own people to do it.


I hate to break it to you, but Sorcs are never going to be top tier DPS in this game.


But keep on trying to win support for your cause by trying to rip everyone else down. Lets see how good that works of for you.


They may very well rip melee apart, but even if they do, the same melee classes that have higher DPS than you do now, still will have higher DPS than you.


The fact is, as bad a situation as sorc DPS legimately is in in some cases. I know a few Sorc DPS on the shadowlands who will out DPS every mara, assy, a merc that comes along. The potential is there. You're just not as good as they are. It isn't all about the class and numbers, it's just as much about the people that pay them. There is one of them that out DPSes everyone almost every single time, and great players at that.


But Keep dreaming you'll do more rDPS than Snipers specs will.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Doesn't stop you does it?


I'll post wherever the hell I want. You got problem with that, do something.


I'll tell you what I, and many other people see. You calling for nerfs on everyone but yourself. That's what I see and that's why your *** O. I'm the guy who was speaking out in favor or Sorcs getting some love until you and some of your pals decided the best way to improve your lot was at the expense of everyone else whether or not they deserved it.


Not only, are you calling for everyone around you to get nerfed, not only are you asking for a buff, you are your cronies want a second buff already, and you want lightning spec to get nerfed, when they are in a worser position than you are. You have the balls to ask for burst damage while asking for nerfs from the burst spec.


Sustained specs shouldn't have high burst. Lightning should.


Your so selfish in your attempts, you wanna step on your own people to do it.


I hate to break it to you, but Sorcs are never going to be top tier DPS in this game.


But keep on trying to win support for your cause by trying to rip everyone else down. Lets see how good that works of for you.


They may very well rip melee apart, but even if they do, the same melee classes that have higher DPS than you do now, still will have higher DPS than you.


The fact is, as bad a situation as sorc DPS legimately is in in some cases. I know a few Sorc DPS on the shadowlands who will out DPS every mara, assy, a merc that comes along. The potential is there. You're just not as good as they are. It isn't all about the class and numbers, it's just as much about the people that pay them. There is one of them that out DPSes everyone almost every single time, and great players at that.


But Keep dreaming you'll do more rDPS than Snipers specs will.



Chill honestly. are u trying to fistfight on forums lol? You shouldn't waste ur energy on nothing..


http://parsely.io/parser/view/287347/0 carnage doing 10,5k

http://parsely.io/parser/view/287348/0 deception doing 10,5k

http://parsely.io/parser/view/298755/0 sorc doing 9,6k + with broken deathmark.


carnage and deception are burst dps so they should be in the same category with madness sorc

range sustained/melee burst. They must buff sorcs or nerf burst melee dps classes.


http://dulfy.net/2017/06/15/swtor-bioware-class-balance-happens/ here take a look


http://parsely.io/parser/view/294641/0 operatives has to get a huge nerf. period.


I get support from people who actually play the class. This class was the most popular in a first place and nowadays it's a trash class because of 5.0 nerf. 5.3 didn't fix all the issues.


P.S. ur friends will not out dps maras on a Madness sorc. Stop lying. All good sorcs on shadowlands play lightning (some with the CL bug) and we are talking about madness here. I bet ur friends are not as good as u describe. Show me their parses on Madness sorc lol. ur are just trash talking

Edited by BraverDre
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I appreciate your honesty. Most of the DPS sorcs who are getting 9500+ on a dummy aren't being forthcoming how long it's actually taking them to get outstanding RNG. Even 9300 as madness is a good parse and likely features good crits.


Arsenal, meanwhile, has been amazingly consistent, and so has IO. Average arsenal parse is 9100 and pretty much always between 9000-9200. Same with IO (9600-9800). Both sorc specs are varying wildly between 9100-9500 for me. I haven't parsed Sniper yet, but I feel there's way too much variance with sorc specs atm.


Average parse for arsenal being 9100? I very much doubt you're getting that especially when you're top parse is barely breaking that when using ttk and there is only even 1 parse above that. I don't disagree that madness needs to be buffed more because it's sustained damage is still very bad (and deathmark still isn't fixed), but if you're going to argue, don't make outrageous claims that are easily fact checked (arsenal was also way overnerfed so there's that too).

Edited by shyroman
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