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Koth post-KotET: Return to being an officer? Or staying a scoundrel?


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I love that we're finally starting to get to customize the KotFE companions, but with today's Update adding Koth to that list, I'm finding myself conflicted over what to do with him on my character that seized the Eternal Throne as the new Emperor.


This pic pretty much sums up the conundrum I'm trying to resolve.


Koth was an officer in Zakuul before going on the run, and was always very pro-Zakuul (and on my playthrough never abandoned the Alliance, but was not a romance I had the character pursue). So post-KotET, I'm just not sure whether I think it would make more sense to outfit him as if he's returned to his military roots now that he's on the same side as the Throne again, or if he'd stick to being a scoundrel.


What are other people's thoughts? Do you think it makes more sense for Koth to go back to a military role, or stick to the scoundrel approach?

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I'm not sure, and that's very much because the KotET story makes his role very unclear. On a character who alienated Koth to the point where Koth left, it makes sense that everyone's surprised when he shows up with the Gravestone early in the story. But even with a character who was Koth's best friend and did everything the way he wanted, everyone seemed to act surprised when he showed up... even though he was still part of the Alliance and in good standing as captain of the Gravestone. Who Koth is supposed to be in the Alliance when he has a good relationship with it?
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it's not going to happen, any new storyline won't involve him or Senya or Arcann or anyone else from ET with the exception of Gault Rennow, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan and T7-01 because they survived and the additional companions are just that, additional so they won't get promoted either and characters like Dorne and Quinn are subject to special conditions that means their roles won't go beyond Iokath either.


that leaves a small pool of current companions from the 8 sides left; corso, akavi, kira, scourge, khem, ashara, felix and so on, other characters like Jakarro, Rans, Numinn, Vowrawn, Jadus and so on. unless Keith and Charles get their heads together and come up with some new characters otherwise we might end up getting into those that survived and exhaust those before moving on in a completely new direction.

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it's not going to happen, any new storyline won't involve him or Senya or Arcann or anyone else from ET with the exception of Gault Rennow, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan and T7-01 because they survived and the additional companions are just that, additional so they won't get promoted either and characters like Dorne and Quinn are subject to special conditions that means their roles won't go beyond Iokath either.

Sorry, I should have been more clear - I was asking what people's "head!canons" are for which aesthetic fits best for a post-KotET Koth, not what future chapters are likely to bring in that regard.


Thanks for the replies all! :)

Edited by DarthDymond
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Sorry, I should have been more clear - I was asking what people's "head!canons" are for which aesthetic fits best for a post-KotET Koth, not what future chapters are likely to bring in that regard.


Thanks for the replies all! :)


i see. well in that case, my LS SW, Koth survives and it's fully forgiven of his actions with his quantum bomb incident and his infamous "3 minutes" :p.


Koth serves as the ships pilot and navigator for the most part, on occasion he likes to inspect and repair the gravestone if any harm comes to it. Despite his possessiveness, Tora is the main engineer and he has to accept to her requests to tone it down and let her work.


my DS SI didn't kill him because his ingenous idea to plant a bomb on the gravestone and showing spine by stealing the gravestone earned him enough of a repreve, however he is not apart of any functions because he left the alliance violuntarily. Tora is engineer of the ship while Theron pilots the gravestone.. for now.


my DS IA had Koth killed because he wouldn't abide a traitor at all.

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