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Tythian Lightsaber Pike Blade Length Bug


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TLDR: The Tythian Lightsaber Pike's Blade length changes on use of certain abilities.


To replicate bug: Equip the Tythian Lightsaber Pike. With the weapon drawn the blade length should be (and starts as) that of a shoto lightsaber. When an ability is used that causes the lightsaber to disappear/leave your hands for a time, (I.E. Overload, Voltaic slash, looting with weapon drawn) the blade length changes to that of a normal lightsaber. The length returns to that of a shoto when the weapon is put away and re-drawn.


Please fix this weapon's blade, as it is a platinum rarity item that a lot of people payed a lot of money to get out of crates, and others worked hard to loot.


(Similar bugs exist on other rare weapons with effects all the way back to the first cartel packs and gree weapons, and fixing those would be really appreciated too. You have something screwy with the code about weapon effects and spawning/spawning the weapon in the character's hands. You've also never officially acknowledged this issue.)

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